It's time to get a little political :0000
This will come into play a little later in the story, when the REBELS are introduced.
If you are one of the rulers of a Province, this page if VERY IMPORTANT so PLEASE pay attention.
It is important to note that each province has it's own way of running things, so to speak.
The North
The Northern Province can be defined as the most old-fashioned province. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is decided upon by the royal family, mainly King Maximus Martin. There is a royal council that advises the King in dire times, but overall, he gets the final say, reguardless of anyone else's opinions.
This way of ruling has made many people residing in the Northern Province unhappy. And thus, a movement was sparked. What started off as just a few people protesting the rights of the royal family soon turned into a huge uprising. These rebels against the throne call themselves . . .
Many uprisings and protests of the insurgers in the past have been peaceful but meaningful ones, but things have taken a turn for the worse more recently. Riots and demonstrations have quickly turned violent, and at this point the Northern Province is facing the inevitable fact of a civil war. If tensions do not fall between the royal family and these rebels, we could have a VERY big problem on our hands.
The South
The Southern province is facing a similar fate to the North, considering their government is the most alike out of the two other provinces. Although it is the royal family that makes all decisions, both Queen Juliette and Queen Regan have to agree on a solution. The South has been faced with a rebellion problem, although many of the riots have been peaceful.
The West
The Western province has come a long way in it's form of government. What used to be a monarchy has now become more equal and fair to the citizens who live in the west. Before King Jonah or Queen Samantha can make a big decision, they have to propose their concept to a royal council, whose members are selected by the King and Queen, who then will give permission to or veto the rule or regulation.
The East
The Eastern province is the most modern governed of all four provinces. The government changed after the death of King Nicolas's wife Queen Imani. The new regulations state that every five years, the royal family is evaluated by the public, who votes on whether or not a new family should be in charge. Before King Nicolas can make any sort of political decision, he must first address a court of individuals selected by the public. King Nicolas works very close with both the royal council and the people of the East, and has rightfully earned the title of the
"Golden Era King."
( Ughhhh I know this part was so boring but hopefully it gave you a better feel for what's going on in each province, and this will DEFINATELY help in the future, trust me ;D )
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