Chapter One
the girl next door
"I swear to god Stuart Macher if you don't hurry up out of this bathroom, I will kick the door open!" Kimberly didn't expect to find herself yelling early in the morning. It had to be scientific proven it was bad for you. She wouldn't be yelling if it wasn't for her brother who was currently taking all day in the family bathroom. "Give me a minute Kimmy!" she heard her brother say on the other side of the door, from the sound of it, it sounding like he was peeing, so Kimberly scoffed before she ran into her younger brother, she jolted almost dropping her clothes and toothbrush.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry, good morning Cody." she said to him, currently he looked drained, which let Kimberly know he spent all night watching Stephen King movies.
Kimberly sighed as he brushed his eyes out, wearing nothing but a white tank top and shorts. "Which movie was it this time Co?" she asked as he groaned in his sleepy voice, "Children of the Corn." as Kimberly said, "Haven't you watched that like five times."
"Yeah but it's a really good movie Kim." he replied, "But you wouldn't know." as Kimberly said, "What can I say not a big fan of scary movies." as Stu said, "Everyone knows Kimmy a scary cat!"
"Shut up Stu!" she said back with a pout, Cody to stop them both from bickering banged on the door, "Come on Stu I know it doesn't take that long. Trust me I know, all you gotta do is whip it out bro-"
"Gross! Both of you!" Stu opened the door which caused Cody to fall to the ground giving he was leaning on it. He smirked to Kimberly. Kimberly narrowed her eyes ready for whatever sarcasm was about to come out of it his mouth.
"What?" she hissed to him as Stu gave a shocked expression, "I didn't even say anything" as she said, "Doesn't mean I won't be ready." as Stu mocked her. "You really had to take all day in here, were gonna be late for school."
"You do know you're the only person who cares about school right?" as Kimberly said, "You should too, I know that C in English is going to rip you apart."
Cody laughed saying, "Burn." before Stu rolled his eyes and smacked him in the back of his head just for giggles.
"Now please move." as she walked inside, Cody lifting himself up from the floor, before she could even get into the bathroom, Stu pulled on her hair before running down the stairs.
Kimberly swatted him before he could be out of her field of reach. "Stu!" she yelled as he laughed going into the kitchen. She huffed rolling her eyes shutting the door.
Kimberly had put her hair down for the day and curled it, while putting a white headband overneat along with a grey zip up hoodie with a plaid skirt and some old black and white converses which had seen better days.
Stu was sitting at the kitchen table currently devouring her homemade chocolate chip banana bread, while Kimberly was making herself some coffee. "Did you study for Mrs. Tate test today?" as Kimberly answered back, "Yes, I made myself a answer key." as Stu asked, "Mind letting me see?"
Kimberly looked to him, "Seriously Stu. I asked you if you wanted to study and you told me you were busy." as Stu said swallowing his bite of bread, "I was busy."
"Doing what?" she asked pouring her and him some coffee, "I was with Tatum last night." as Stu rolled his eyes at her, "I think I love her Kimmy." as Kimberly said, "I'm glad you found yourself somebody Stu, I really am."
"So about those notes?" as Kimberly said, "I'll think about it." as Stu sipped his coffee when Cody came downstairs, "You guys saw the news, apparently Casey and Steven were murder."
"What?" Stu asked making eye contact with Kimberly as she asked, "Casey Becker and Steven Orth?" as Cody nodded to her.
"What happened?" she asked Cody as he went into the pantry before grabbing the box of Fruit Loops before also getting milk.
"Says Casey was stabbed multiple times and hung from a tree, while with Steven he was gutted with a hunting knife." as Kimberly said, "Oh my god." stunned at the reveal.
"Who would want Casey and Steven dead?" as Cody shrugged his shoulders as he poured his milk before pouring in his cereal.
"I'm telling you this town is freaking cursed." as Kimberly slid Stu some milk she had just poured as he gulped it down.
"This town isn't cursed it's just bad stuff happens to really good people here." as Cody said, "Again yet proving my point that this town is cursed." as he shoved the spoon in his mouth.
Kimberly sighed to herself before Stu went to the trash can throwing his plate away along with putting his glass in the sink.
He belched before swiping Kimberly's keys off of the table, "Ready to go." as Kimberly said "Sure let's get out of here." as she threw her bag over her shoulders.
"Come on Cody." Kimberly told him walking out the front door with Stu as Cody took one more spoonful of his cereal before getting his bag and following after his siblings.
"What's going on?" Cody wondered when Stu pulled up into the school's parking lot. Stu's car (well really it was both of there's) a birthday present from their father was a red MGF sports car, Kimberly of course kept the car cleaned but when Stu was in the car, and especially if he was with Tatum he would leave it a mess which would cause the two to bicker.
But as of right now it was spotless. "Don't know." she said, as Stu parked the car, Kimberly got out and saw who she believed was Gale Weathers telling the story on how both Casey and Steve were brutally murdered.
"Holy shit, this stuff is everywhere." Stu said locking the door, that's also when Kimberly's friend Sidney Prescott pulled up right beside them. "Sid, hey!" Kimberly said with a grin before side hugging her.
"Hi." she told her, "Hey Stu." she told her brother, "Hey Sidney." he responded, she then turned go her younger brother, "Hi Cody." with a gentle grin. Cody began to blush, his cheeks turning a crimson red.
"H-Hi Sid." he stuttered as Sidney chuckled to him, "Who knows, most likely talking about what happened last night." as Sidney said, "What happened?"
"Do you believe this shit." they all heard behind us causing Kimberly and Sid to jump and quickly look behind them.
Behind them was our friend Tatum and then her older sister Victoria aka Vicky, aka Kimberly's best friend.
"Jesus, Tatum." as soon as Stu saw Tatum he kissed her putting her arm around her shoulders. "Hey baby." he said as Tatum said, "Hey." pecking his lips again.
"Kim!" Victoria said hugging her tightly, "Hi." as she sipped a ice coffee, "I can't believe any of this that's happening right now, it's crazy." as Vicky said, "I was so worried once I hear the news K, I couldn't wait to call you." as Kimberly said, "Thanks for the concern Vicky."
"Good lord, get a room." Cody joked in reference to Stu and Tatum. Stu shoved him off, "Back off junior, don't you have stuff to do." as Kimberly said, "Stu!" as Cody rolled his eyes at his oldest brother before walking off to the campus past all the news crew.
"Have a good day Cody!" Kimberly yelled out.
"What's going on?" Kimberly turned her attention back to Gale the cheesy journalist. "You don't know, Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night." Tatum said to Sidney.
"What? No way." Sidney said. "Gosh, that's horrible." everyone on the campus was gossiping about recent events. "It's so crazy." Kimberly told putting a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah." Tatum replied quickly, "Came on our TV this morning." Victoria said, "And it wasn't like killed. We're talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped open from end to end." as Victoria gagged, "Jesus Tay, please god I'm drinking my coffee here." as Tatum rolled her eyes at her sister.
You could tell Tatum's words sent chills down all there spines, it was shocking that something like this could happen to them, to their school. Kimberly clenched her jaw, and kept a eye out for the person she was looking for.
If murders were happening she needed to make sure they were all ok, she guessed it was the mother bear in her, have to keep the group together and keep everyone safe.
"You hear that tall guy, don't get any idea if you're going out, you call me." as Stu joked, "Yes mother bear." as she nodded.
"I had a few conversations with her. She seemed nice, very sweet, wished me good luck on my running for prom queen, can't believe this is happening at our school."
Sidney looked scared, terrified really while Tatum did too, but she held herself together and Vicky just gave Kimberly a look off, "not surprised." "Yeah, it's weird. Casey Becker sits next to me in English." Vicky and her sister made eye contact.
"Not anymore. It's so sad. Her mom and dad, they found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside." as Tatum gave a gesture with her hands to further her point. "Ugh! You say one more thing about guts I'm gonna vomit!" Vicky whined whipping her hair in Tatum face as Tatum swatted her from behind.
"Oh my god!" Sidney said with a shock expression. "Hanging from a tree, seriously?" Kimberly asked. "Yup, a tree, Kim." as Kimberly blew her cheeks out. "That's it, I'm thinking about making us a curfew." as Stu chuckled, "Who's going follow it?" as Kimberly said, "Um you." pointing.
"Do they know who did it?" Kimberly asked walking to the side to keep from bumping into a girl she knew. "Fucking clueless. They're interrogating the entire school. Teachers, students, janitors." she listed off.
Interrogations. She hated interrogations they always got her nerves up, she didn't need anyone to dig up her secrets, especially when they concerned the ones she loved.
Not that her secrets were bad or anything, just ones she rather not put on display for the public.
"They think it's school-related?" Sidney asked her face frowning up, "What high schooler could do something like that." as Stu said, "Who knows."
"They don't know." Tatum said. "I mean Dewey's calling it worst crime they seen in years you know since you're mom's-" as Kimberly cut off Vicky, "She just means it's terrible." as Vicky looked confused, and offended by the sudden cut off before Kimberly gave her a look before Vicky got the hint clearing her throat, "Yeah."
The school bell rung, which ended what would have been a awkward conversation, They all split into groups, Kimberly waving goodbye to her brother, Tatum and Sidney.
Vicky walked towards the entrance, as Kimberly stopped at the entrance, "What's wrong?" she asked.
"Nothing I'm fine, I swear, but I'm gonna meet you in class in a minute." as Vicky gave a shocked expression, "You're gonna be late to class I'm flabbergasted." as Kimberly chuckled, "Clam down I'll be there, decides Ms. Tate forgets to take attendance anyway."
"True, ok I'll cover for you, but you better show." as Kimberly said, "I will." as she waved goodbye to her best friend who walked through the school doors.
Once Kimberly made sure she was gone, she skipped to the music room that was a entire separate building from the high school, there she came upon the staircase and noticed the door propped up with a giant brick.
Kimberly giggled to herself slightly before going inside, the room was dimly lit, and there were stacks of chairs off to the side, plus the whiteboard in the center and the instrument room which was currently locked
Along with that there were a couple of instruments lying out that some of the band kids must have left out, earlier.
"You here?" she called out, there was a tiny tussle and knock in the corner, Kimberly turned her attention to the side to see her.
Imogen Loomis. Standing there in the corner. She was currently holding a fallen light she had knocked into, giving her clumsily Kimberly wasn't surprised. Imogen was Billy's step sister, after his father decided to re marry.
Her skin was tan with her hair a bright ginger, it being cut below her shoulders with a cherry pin to the side, her eyes were also deep brown, that Kimberly would say was like looking into golden quartz, currently she was wearing some blue denim flared pants with some brown boots with a red button down crop shirt, on her wrist was all kind of charm bracelets with different quotes such as "be kind." and "save the earth." her messenger bag was on the floor next to her.
"Hi." she told her softly, fixing the lamp post, while Kimberly waited she stood playing with her fingers, "You had no idea how many times I've run into that thing, also you have no clue about this but, Janitor Summers was kind enough to give me left over jello, so while waiting for you've I've eaten off that."
"I also brought juice boxes!" she said cheerfully holding up two Capri Suns.
"Am I talking too much, I feel like I am, if I am, just tell me and I'll shut up so fast." as she shook her leg to stop herself from shaking. "No, you're perfect. Just perfect."
Imogen smiled, "Ok." Kimberly grinned before walking over towards her, Imogen chuckled softly, they hugged each other tightly not waiting to let go.
"God everything going around us is so scary." Imogen said to her as Kimberly said, "I know, I couldn't wait to see you." as Imogen told, "That makes two of us." with a small snort of laughter.
Kimberly let go to look once more at her. Imogen's hands moving to her waist, Kimberly's on her shoulders, Imogen putting a piece of her hair behind her face, before both girls lips touched the others.
Yeah that was her big secret.
She was secretly in love with her best friend's boyfriend step sister.
here we go folks first chapter of bloodline! i hope you guys enjoy it, i tried not t make it too long afraid you guys wouldn't read it if it was a thousand plus paragraphs.
it will get more interesting once the plot thickens and we start getting into the juicy things, also how do you guys feel about imogen and kimberly i hope you guys love them like i do, it took me so long to write this because i keep flipping between love interest for kim either it being a sapphic one or billy but i'm saving billy for another fic-
yes there is another scream fic coming, but we'll leave that for that
also try not to get attach to any relationships in this show because i will destroy them :)
kimberly, cody and stu are my favs and i can't wait to write more of them, along with kimberly and her relationship with imogen
anyways love you guys and i will see you babies in the next one, which hopefully fingers crossed will be soon!
scream meme of the day:
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