Training Session (Part 5)
Aznonan decided to go back to the Soul Land, because he had nohing to do in Hell. He thought that since Master Lucifer thretend to make himself Urzrodok's boss why not take hold of this situation and try and impress Master Lucifer more.
*In the Soul Land*
Urzrodok took Tialha to a funeral of a man who's soul has not been collected. He showed the girl how to collect it and when. It was like any training session.
"The thing about collecting living souls is that Master Lucifer will not collect their power, because they will be turned into a demon. But with a dead soul like the one we have here, will be turned into power for Master Lucifer." Urzrodok explained to the newbie demon.
Tialha nodded in understandment but theree was one thing bothering her. "What does Master Lucifer do with all the power we bring to master Lucifer?"
"Oh right, the thing is we aren't really certin. We know he uses it to turn the live souls into demon, thats part of the reason we all have a specil ability. But other then that Master Lucifer won't tell us." Urzrodok responded. "But we sould go back to Hell to give Master Lucifer this soul."
The two started flying off to go back to Hell when a bright light flashed in front of Tialha and Urzrodok's eyes. Urzrodok felt a piercing pain in his leg, when he looked down he saw a bright glowing arrow stuck in his leg.
"Who gave you two the right to leave here without giving me hat soul?" The two demons heard a beautiful voice say from behind them.
They both turned around and both saw a bright arrow aimed at their foreheads. Before them were two angels Tialha recognized the one wiith
the arrow at her head, it was Anaphiel. The other angel neither of them recognized. He was a few inches taller then Urzrodok and had messy platnium white hair, although he didnt look more then twenty years old.
The two angels droped their bows and the male said in a soft but menacing voice, "Give me that soul you have collected before we have to get violent."
"Oh Lilanthium, don't be so rude to them" Anaphiel said. She pointed at Tialha, "The girl there is new, she only started a few days ago. You can easily handle her."
Tialha started to float up without her wanting to. She was then slamed to the ground and she hit the ground in one second flat. Which from being twenty meters in the air was outrageous. If she wasn't a demon she would be dead. Then without seeing Lilanthium nor Anaphiel move a muscle, four glowing arrows stuck into her. Pinning Tialha to the ground. Urzrodok and the two angels flew back down, the demon sat down next to his pinned companion. Urzrodok without warning was flung aginsed a tree at ninty miles per hour. Urzrodok fell down and slumped forward in pain.
"Gosh Lilanthium you didn't need to go that far we do need them both alive, so I can find out Where the put the soul." Anaphiel said stading with her hand on her hip.
"Well then find out where it is so I an kill them." Lilanthium said eggerly.
Anaphiel walked over to Urzrodok, put her hand aginsed his fore head, and he begain to speak.
"Tialha has the soul it is in the small bag by her side." Urzrodok had no control over himself saying that. But he knew why he did. Anaphial had used her possesion ability to make Urzrook speak.
"Go ahed and kill them, make it quick we have no need to stay her any longer." Anaphiel said as she walked over to the pinned down girl to take th soul. She reached into the demons bag and pulled out the soul. She went and stood back by her partner. "Now"
An arrow shot straght at Tialha and it pirced her heart, one more shot straight through her skull. Lilanthuim pointed one at at Urzrodok's heart "It's truly a shame, he was a good demon"
"He truly was, but go on and kill him alrady. We don't need to hold a funeral before he's dead." Anaphiel said back to Lilanthuim's remark.
"Alright, i was just being nice" Lilanthuim shot the arrow straight at Urzrodoks head.
Hey guys, yes this is sopossed to be kinda a love story im getting there.
Thanks for reading
And as always sorry for the gramatical and spelling mistakes (No I will not stap saying that even if it is perfect)
Bye :)
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