The Demon Savior (part 6)
The arrow Lilanthium just shot, dissapered, it burst into blue flames. The two angel looked forward to see Urzrodok ingulfed in the blue fire. Four shining trowing knifes wizzed passed Anaphiel and straight into Lilanthium, two went ino his chest, one in his forehed and the fourth punctured his throat. Anaphiel only relized what happend as soon as her partner hit the ground, she turned back to the enraged demon. She noticed all his wounds were healed, he had stood up and started running at Anaphiel. She knew that her bow would be useless in this situation, rapier appered at her hip it glowed with the yellow light just as the arrown did.
Urzrodok drew a two-handed bastard sword and it burst into the blue flames. Anaphiel knew she was no match for the demon in his berserk state. She sheethed her sword and flew off, as soon as she was only a meter off the ground she was shot back down by the demon's knives. Two had peired each of her wings, causing so much pain she lost her ability to fly. The angle knew her fate, she would die at the hands of a demon over such a trivial matter of one dead soul.
Anaphiel had always belived in what some people said, that right before you die your life flashes before your eyes. But in this case she didnt remember the time when she was alive, but it was partilly true. She rememberd her time spent as an angel, the good times and bad. She rememberd how she would stalk live souls just to be able to bring them to Heaven. She enjoyed her life, she new that she would have her final death at some point. And knew that time was now.
But she didnt want it to happen this way, she hopped for someone to come find her and save her. All of the angels she knew would be no match for this demon he was slipping into blooblust, and once he does he'll kill everything even his own comrads. She only knew one person who could possibly help, his power was strong enough to stop Urzrodok. But he would never come.
Urzrodok swung his sword down on the angel who was laying on the ground. His attacks were wild, he swung at everything in his path, but what he hit was sure to perish.
"Urzrodok that's enough!!!" A deep voice shouted clearly enraged.
Urzrodok was flung back aginsed a tree, his sword flew out of his hand. Urzrodok looked over to see Aznonan ingulfed in blue fire, holdig Urzrodok's two-handed bastard sword in one hand.
"I know you're angry, and want to kill everything even me. I know your angry and just want to please Master Lucifer. Thats the only thing running hrough your mind. But i'm sorry I can't let that happen." Aznonan said calmy walking toward Urzrodok.
Anaphiel recognized who that was and tried to get up but was pushed back down on the ground. This power was Lilanhuim's. She knew he was also reading Urzrodok's mind, which is Tialha's ability.
"You're right Anaphiel, that is my ability. And if need be, I will posses you too. You should know I can also do that." Aznonan said smirking.
Hey i hope ya'll are liking it so far
Srry for any spelling and gramatical mistakes
This one is kinda short sorry
Thanks for reading
Omg i thought i published this
I guess not XD
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