I placed my hand on quoted words that were pinned against a bulletin board by nurses and doctors. "Just survive please". I sighed as I traced my finger to another quote.
I miss you so much, dad. I sometimes wish you were still with me. The life of a fellow member of your team matters to me more than anything right now. I pray that he makes it.
It didn't pass another minute when the double doors were plunged open, the nurses stepping out. One held a tray of operating utensils, the other a bag with bloody bandages, gloves, and scrubs. My heart sank, and I weaved my way through them and the two doctors who stepped out. I bumped into my mother at the door.
"Is he okay?!", I asked her.
"Ena calm down, he is fine".
The air I was holding in, I let it out. Finally, I was able to relax. "Can-can I go see him?"
"Not right now sweety, he is resting. In an hour or so I'll let you check in on him". She raised an eyebrow, giving me a quizzical look. I looked over her shoulder. He indeed was in a deep sleep. I nodded as my mother place a hand on my shoulder, leading us out of the room.
Come on come on, I said in my mind. There was a minute left before the hand struck noon. My heart hammered with every second that passed. My mother looked up from her computer. "Calm down Sienna". Once it struck the hour I dashed out of my mother's office.
I was now in front of the patient's room. What do I say? He doesn't even know me.
"Hey, I'm Sienna, the daughter of the doctor who operated on you, eh no".
"Hi I'm Sienna I helped control your bleeding. Oh gosh no, that sounds terrible".
I took a deep breath in, "here goes nothing". I stepped into the room. The young man was sitting forward, the remote control in his hand. He was switching between channels.
"Hello", I said approaching his bed, but keeping a distance away. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
His gaze shifted to my face, giving me a half-smile. "Hey". He was quite handsome. I didn't notice it before when we brought him in. His eyes were a dark shade of brown. From them seemed to come an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness. His bone structure was fine and perfectly symmetrical.
"I am-".
"Ena", he said.
Did he mention my name? It took me by surprise. "How did you-".
"I heard doctor Vivian mention your name. You were there weren't you? You told me everything was going to be okay".
I gave him a blissful grin. "Yes, it was me".
"There are all these moments you think you won't survive. And then you do".
I nodded at him. "Life wasn't giving up on you just yet".
The soldier straightens himself up. He groaned, placing his hand on his wound.
"You okay?!" I asked uneased.
He lightly chuckled. "I'm fine, don't worry about it".
"You have great courage. And I don't mean by enduring the pain you are feeling now but by being a soldier, by serving the country".
"Being a soldier is more than courage. It's sacrificing yourself for something greater than yourself", he replied.
"Ekon! My boy".
I stepped back, turning around. About four men in uniform entered holding balloons and a teddy bear with a camo uniform.
"Hey, guys".
"How are you doing man?" One gave Ekon a soft slap on his shoulder.
"I'm doing good. Have you guys checked on the other five guys who came in with me?"
"Yeah, we just came from seeing Jake. He lost his limb", one answered.
I watched as another tied the balloons to his bed.
"Um, well I hope you get better" I uttered.
"Thank you Ena", Ekon replied.
I stepped away from the crowd of guys. They all watched me until I made it to the door. I took a glance to see them all jump in his bed, each guy took a turn making a joke to cheer their buddy up. Down the hall, I heard them laugh their hearts out. Despite, I assume, the trauma he went through, I believe laughter overcomes all pain, and worries even for just a moment.
I checked out the last person on my list. "Finally". I set the clipboard on top of the counter. I was drained. During my shift, time went by so slowly. It seemed that my shift was never going to be over. There were fifteen minutes left before seven o'clock. We yet had to pick up Kaden from the bookshop. I leaned back against a wall, roaming my hand through my untamed red hair. From a short distance, I see mother walking towards me. "You done, right? Cuz I'm exhausted".
She gave me a grin. "Yes, we can go and pick up Kaden now".
We went out the exit. Walking side by side. My eyes, steady on the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars. My skin was cooled by the breeze. "So should we take the shortcut to reach the bookshop?" mother asked.
I took a glance at my mother before looking at the horizon once again. "Yeah, we should".
The sun was sinking fast now. People ran to their homes. Many did not dare walk the streets after the sun has set. We reached the alley, the shortcut we take to reach the shop. After crossing through it, it will leave us with two blocks to walk. As if we took the long route it will be about five blocks.
The alleyway was straight like a drinking straw and almost as narrow. The walls were too high for us to bother seeking the almost black sky.
We stopped when we reached the middle of the alley. Something didn't feel right. My mom knew it too. I could feel my heartbeat, every single pound in my chest. I dare not move, I dare not speak. The hairs on my arms stood to attention, as chills marched down my spine. Something wasn't right and I couldn't understand what. There was no one, nothing around to make me feel what I was feeling. Fear. Fear of what?
It swooped in and skirted around the buildings. The fog wrapped around us like a blanket. Suddenly laughter echoed throughout the alley. A group of what seemed to be young adults emerged from the end corner of the alley. They were laughing, pushing each other, and whispering. They did not notice us yet, as well as we were not able to see their facial features due to the fog. But just their presence did not portray something good. It was the opposite of all good. My heartbeat had rapidly increased.
I felt someone grab my wrist. I gasped, looking at my side. My mother had a finger on her lips, gesturing me to follow her. We hid behind large garbage cans. The whispering had now been heard clearly. They were just feet away from where we had hidden. We peeked between the cans. We were able to view what they looked like. Especially their sense of fashion, which was not so ordinary. I believe there were two girls in between the boys, with a style of what seemed to be a mix of rock and boho. One with a rock etiquette wild tail dress, the other with a grey shredded back dress. Their hair was wild and free. I thought they didn't care to maintain it or maybe that was the style. The guys had a similar style as well. Leather jackets, plaid shirts. Untamed hairstyles. One did not wear a shirt at all, only black ripped jeans and combat boots.
They passed by us. We went unnoticed which gave us relief. "Come on", mom whispered. She tugged at my arm before quickly running toward the end of the alley. But something kept me behind. I stared in the direction the group had taken. I was so curious as to who may they be that I couldn't follow my mother. I stepped out of hiding. The fog started to clear a bit that I noticed a shadow figure appear from the direction I was staring at. A handsome young man was staring back at me. His hair was thick, brown, and wavy, framing a broad face of bold bone structure. His hair made him more manly, more intense.
When I met his gaze, I felt I was drawn into him. His eyes were the color of milk chocolate edged with a deep forest green. With an instant blink of my eyes, he was right in front of me. I gasped, taking a step back. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in. I was frozen in place. My mind went blank, and all had been forgotten for a second. His face inched closer to mine. He licked his lips, scanning down to my neck. He tilted my face to the side, I dare not move. Not that I didn't want to, I couldn't somehow. Suddenly I feel sharp fangs burry into my neck. I groaned in pain. He pulled back, and a bit of blood was on his lips. I placed my hand on my neck. Removing it, I looked down at my hand to reveal blood. I started to panic. He cuffed my face to look up at him. I was dazzled by him, the panic vanishing instantly. He took two steps back and extended his hand for me to take. I had the desire to be with him. A force was pulling me towards him. I took his hand without thinking twice. Suddenly I felt drained, and powerless. I felt unsteady, like a leaf in a storm. My legs failed me and I went crashing into his arms.
My mind was screaming for help, I couldn't get the word out of my mouth. Mom! Kaden! I searched the eyes of the man who held me in his arms. Who are you? I gripped the collar of his shirt. Abruptly everything went pitch black. I had fainted in the mysterious stranger's arms.
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