MONTAGUE HAD NO OTHER CHOICE. With word getting out about the quidditch challenge, other Slytherin students had gathered to see what the fuss was about. Soon enough, there were plenty of students in the stands that Graham didn't see any easy way out. If he merely declined the offer of only facing the Malfoy brothers in a match, surely the other Slytherins would look down on him as a captain. He was in no mood to look cowardly as he stuck his hand out and squeezed Saros' hands tightly, sealing the deal.
Meanwhile, Draco had certainly felt the rush of confidence earlier, especially standing beside Saros who didn't appear at all nervous. But before they were set to head out on the pitch, he could feel the confidence dwindling. Draco knew very often that he was very much all bark and no bite most days. Normally, he could talk or throw insults until his opponent backed down, but it didn't seem like the case anymore as he found himself actually gearing up.
"Saros," he called out as they stood outside the locker rooms, " do you really think this is a good idea? It's just going to be the two of us."
Saros hadn't said a word since he and Montague shook hands on the bet but he could easily hear the nerves in Draco's voice.
"I don't expect us to win, Draco," Saros told him, leaving Draco's mouth to drop open.
"What?! What do you mean you don't expect us to win? Then what the hell are we doing?"
Saros gave a shrug of his shoulders. "I've been waiting to play a match of Quidditch for as long as I can remember. I dreamed about it a lot when I was younger. After my accident, I thought I would never get the chance to play. But thanks to you, Luna, Angelina, Fred, and George, I don't even care if we win, I just wanted the opportunity to play with nothing holding me back."
He knocked his knuckles against his prosthetic. "I've been letting this hold me back for so long. And now that I feel the excitement of actually getting a chance to play, I don't understand why it took me so long to get over it. I don't care if we win, it'll just be an opportunity to say that I tried with nothing holding me back. And who better to experience that with than you?"
Draco fell silent for a few moments, completely caught off guard by Saros' small speech. He never thought he would see the day where Saros stopped caring about the stigma surrounding his leg. Even when Saros had tried to play it off in the past, it was quite obvious that it bothered him. There were times when they were younger and Draco was just learning all about Quidditch, everything he learned was from Saros.
And he remembered asking, why didn't Saros actually play since he knew so much?
The answer had always caused a troubling and awkward conversation. Saros had always doubted himself before anyone else could. But currently, as the two brothers remained close to one another, Draco didn't feel any doubt when it came down to anything Saros' had said.
"Well, we can at least try to win, right?" Draco asked him finally. "Even if we're severely limited."
"We wouldn't be in Slytherin if we didn't try to win, Draco," Saros chuckled softly, " I said I don't care if we win or not, I didn't say we weren't going to try."
Suddenly, nothing became more important in that moment than winning the match in Draco's mind. He could think back to all the times where he wanted to beat Potter in the school matches, desperately doing whatever he could for the victory. And yet, none of those times compared to how badly Draco wanted to win for his brother's sake.
"Alright, so you'll be Seeker and I'll take Chaser," Draco began, only to have Saros look up in confusion.
"Draco, I'm not sure if you've forgotten, but you've been Seeker since you started on the team-"
"And everything I ever learned about the position I learned from you," he replied, " I know you want to be Seeker. I only ever wanted to be Seeker so I could beat Potter and rub it in his face. I can handle being a Chaser."
There was a slight hesitation on Saros' behalf, simply because he knew Montague was going to play dirty with every opportunity he got. But Draco didn't seem frightened at all at the idea, instead, he looked quite determined.
"It's your job to get the Snitch," his little brother's bossy tone returned, " we'll take turns acting as Keeper. We avoid the bludgers, and we kick Montague's arse."
"Yes, Sir."
Despite what Draco had said earlier, Angelina couldn't resist staying behind and watching the tryout secretly. She didn't think she would learn too much that she hadn't learned about the Slytherin team from years of playing against them. It didn't feel like cheating, besides, she wasn't there as the Gryffindor Captain that day, she was there to be Saros' supportive girlfriend. She knew how much Quidditch meant to him and she hoped everything would run smoothly.
However, as she hid under the stands with Fred and George at her sides, she had watched the scene unfold where Montague had refused to let Saros tryout. Just as she was pushing up her sleeves, ready to fight if necessary, Saros stood up for himself, challenging Montague to let him play. And while she had faith in Saros and wanted him to do well, she found herself biting at her nails when Draco and Saros took to the pitch.
Above them, she could hear part of the Slytherin crowd booing as Saros and Draco walked passed. She could see Saros ignoring it, but she could see Draco flinching every so often.
"I hate to say this," she whispered to the twins, " but I'm actually feeling bad for Draco right now."
"What? Why?" Fred asked. "He's a git-"
"Because that was Saros last year," she interjected before Fred could rant any further. " I mean, let's be honest, none of us were fans of Saros at the beginning of last year. He changed without any of us supporting him in the beginning, all we did was question everything about him. Now...that's what Draco is going through."
During her time of knowing Draco through mostly Quidditch, Angelina always found herself irritated by him. He was pompous, rude, said horrible things about her and her teammates, and believed he was superior to all of them just because of his blood and who his family was. But watching Draco walk alongside Saros on the pitch, she realised how small Draco was.
Maybe not in stature but he was still a child, one that wore a hurt expression as he was booed on the pitch. One that walked closer to his older brother to try and drown out the sounds of stands and listen to whatever Saros was saying at the moment.
"Maybe was Saros was right," Angelina whispered, " maybe we should give Draco a chance."
"What?!" Fred screeched. " I thought you were on our side, Johnson!"
"I'm not on anyone's side! I was just thinking out loud and easy would it be for any of us to go against what our parents have told us over the years? If you woke up tomorrow and realised that everything your parents told you was wrong, what would even do? Maybe Draco didn't start off on the right path, but he's trying now."
"I think I get what Angelina's trying to say," George chimed in, " and she's right, Freddie. Remember how Mum and Dad were always saying that they wished the other side would just open their eyes, come to their senses and do what was right? Well, Saros was from the other side and he did come to his senses, and now Draco is trying to as well. But if we don't make it easier on him, he might go back to the other side....just because he feels like he belongs there."
"He should come to his senses because it's the right thing to do, not because it's easy!" Fred snapped.
"But making it harder on him doesn't help either!"
Back on the pitch, Saros mounted his broom after offering more words of encouragement to Draco. Even if they didn't win, it was going to be an honour playing on the same team as his brother. But they were going to make it worthwhile, the entire time they played, they promised each other that.
"First to a hundred points wins," Montague stated the simple rules, " unless one team catches the snitch."
During the time that Draco and Saros had stepped away, Montague had assembled a full Quidditch team, leaving it seven against two. However, they had no other choice but to agree as they nodded their heads.
"If we win," Montague continued, "you're banned from the team permanently. No tryouts, nothing."
"And if we win," Saros began, but Draco stepped forward.
"You step down as captain."
Montague looked as though he would take the opportunity to set Draco on fire with his mind if he could. Draco kept eye contact though, staring him down until Montague's thin lips curled into a cold sneer and he agreed to the terms.
Finally, each side mounted their brooms and at the sound of someone blowing the whistle from the ground, they were off.
As soon as Saros found himself in the air, he felt slightly off-balance shifting to the sides wobbly. He was just about to scold himself for being so stupid when he suddenly heard Angelina's voice talking in his ear.
"Saros, do me a favour. Just close your eyes for a minute and let your body relax completely. Fred, George, keep holding him steady please."
And while he knew they weren't up there with him, Saros could suddenly feel the security as if the Weasley twins were actually flanking his sides in the air. When he opened his eyes, he was steady, his broom waiting for his command on which direction to go.
He and Draco had discussed a plan long before they had left the ground. They didn't stand a chance with scoring. If Draco got a hold of the quaffle he had to hold onto it for as long as possible to keep the other side from scoring.
In the meantime, Saros had to find the Snitch as fast as possible.
"Look at him go!" Angelina grabbed Fred's and George's arms, squeezing them tight as she watched. "He's actually...he's flying and he's doing great! Look at him!"
"It's hard to focus when you keep shaking us!" Fred grumbled. He was still clearly upset over the idea of George and Angelina actually welcoming the idea of Draco coming into the group. But his frustration was pushed aside for the most part as the group watched Saros.
It was clear that the Malfoy brothers were outnumbered if anything it almost appeared like a suicide mission. But Draco had been lucky to steal the quaffle first and rather than approaching the hoops, he was flying around the pitch as much as possible, avoiding any of the opponents.
However, while Draco proved as a distraction, Saros was busy looking for the snitch. He would dart off in one direction before coming to a halt in the air, starting his search again.
"So, he speaks French, he's funny, he was a Triwizard Champion, and if we're being honest, was the winner, no offence to Harry," Fred shook his head, " and clearly, he plays Quidditch very well. Yep, I'm going to have to take him off of your hands, Johnson. He's perfect."
Angelina rolled her eyes. "How many times do we have to go over this, Fred? He's mine. You need to get your own. But if you're so wrapped up in having your own Malfoy...there's another one available now."
Her tone was teasing but Fred did not look amused at all. " I said he was the funny one, Johnson, not you. Leave the jokes to Saros."
In the beginning, Draco had bee fairing well with keeping the Quaffle out of play for the other team, however, Crabbe and Goyle finally caught up with him. Using their larger sizes against him, they bashed into Draco, leaving no need for bludgers. Draco had been so caught off guard initially, especially since Crabbe and Goyle had acted as his personal bodyguards for years and suddenly, they were attacking him. Suddenly, he was able to see just how big and strong they were.
Eventually, Draco lost the Quaffle and the other side had no problem picking it up, scoring one right after another.
Draco's body grew sore quickly from being bashed into repeatedly, each time he was able to get the Quaffle back, he didn't keep it for long.
It was 70-0.
It didn't go unnoticed by Saros either, noting that his brother was going to be able to take it much longer, he knew he needed to get his hands on the Snitch. Then Montague and the others scored two more times. Leaving the score to be 90-0. One more scoring and the match would be over.
Saros looked down to see Draco had retrieved the Quaffle again but Crabbe and Goyle were gaining up on him from behind, while the remaining team members were about to take on a frontal assault. Taking Draco's position on the team, the opposing Seeker had been watching Saros very closely instead of actively seeking out the Snitch for himself.
Draco had managed to call out his brother's name just before the collision. A sacrificial Chaser's and Draco's broom had collided, leaving the two to hit the ground. Montague had taken the Quaffle and was heading for the goals.
And that was when Saros finally saw it. The Golden Snitch.
The small golden-winged orb was fluttering in front of the highest goalpost, exactly where Montague was headed. With no other option in mind, Saros dove, not caring if the other Seeker dared to follow. He was aiming right for the Snitch with his arm outstretched, hoping to get it in time. He leaned forward, almost enough that he felt he was about to topple over the front of his broom at any given second. The wind was practically slapping his face as he hurried. He could hear Draco calling his name, whether it was cheering him on or a warning that Montague was closing in, Saros didn't care.
His fingers were stretched and he inched forward on his broom as he neared the goalpost. In seconds, he could feel the cool metal in his hands. The fluttery wings thrashed for a few seconds before becoming submissively still.
He had caught it.
Only, seconds later did Montague collide with him, knocking both boys through the goal hoop.
Angelina nearly broke through the wood of the stands as she watched Saros fall to the ground. As soon as he and Montague had collided, they became tangled up, hurling them to the ground faster than expected. When they hit the ground, the sound was enough to cause everyone to fall silent, after they had shared in a gasp. But running off pure adrenaline, Saros managed to pull away from Montague and push himself up.
He held his hand up in Draco's direction. "I caught it! I caught it!"
Draco appeared more than delighted and despite being in pain as well, he managed to cheer their victory. Saros was standing, ready to limp over to Draco to share the snitch, when there was a sudden smacking sound in the air.
"What was that?" Angelina asked.
But Fred and George didn't have time to answer, even if they knew the sound too well. They only had time to look up to see where a bludger had been struck by Goyle in Saros' direction. Too caught up in the celebration, slightly disoriented by the crash, Saros didn't even see it coming.
One moment, Saros was celebrating a major victory, the next it was dark. And seconds later, his father was standing before him, his wand directly aimed at Saros' face claiming he was sorry for what he was about to do.
A/N: WWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That was a fun chapter to write! Thank you, cendriia for the beautiful piece of Saros!
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