All that we have
The shadows offered nothing to them, but protection from what they could not see. But what couldn't be brought into the Fenris pack was what was already inside. The beast caged in the realms of the dungeons down below the woodland flooring they all stood upon.
"What's after him?" Alexene's question broke the numbing silence the wood was engulfing them with.
Lycus didn't want to know. That was all he knew from being in the pit of lies and hell. He wanted to know nothing.
For minutes, no one uttered a single thing, too warped in their minds from Vaela's words.
Vaela trembled against the vampire's question and Alexene looked ready to throttle her, her patience wearing thin.
The oracle straightened up, her face becoming cool and collected even as her silver eyes wilted with an emotion Lycus couldn't detect.
"A vampire," Vaela confessed.
Lycus felt the shadows descend on him, around him, demanding to swallow him whole. All this time, all the prophecies, all the extents Lycus took, it was because of an immortal being. A vampire was after Rexton this entire time.
It was plaguing regret charging into him like a punch through the chest. The only demand was that Lycus wished someone would rip his heart out.
"The very vampire Cole has been in contact with this entire time," Vaela added shortly after everyone managed to swallow that pill of information.
Lycus found his eyes on Rexton who stood by a tree trunk, looking as doe-eyed and innocent as ever, as if no harm could ever come to a boy like him.
"Son of a bitch!" Lycus roared and his lethal gaze drew back to the stairway to the dungeon.
Accalia was at his side, faintly brushing her hand down his arm that offered only an inkling of comfort, the rest had him simmering beneath her touch.
"Lycus," Vaela stepped toward him and her eyes gleamed with worry.
The oracle captured his attention, looking desperately into her eyes as if she could hold the key to something higher than them, a being close to the heavens.
"This explains why I couldn't access all of his memories through his claws. She manipulated him to her liking, making him shift when she wanted him to and compelling him whenever she desired. This vampire is dangerous, Lycus, she's been playing at this war since the beginning. She wants all of you to die, and she wants Rexton all for herself." Vaela said breathlessly, each word falling from her lips like a desperate plea.
"Then let her come." Lycus seethed thoughtlessly.
Vaela shook her head fiercely and pointed at Rexton, trying to force Lycus to see reason. "No, no, you misunderstand me, Alpha Lycus. You took Rexton from her, you took her trophy by making everyone believe Rexton died. She wants revenge, and she has manipulated Canus and Thrax to her liking. She wants to kill you and everyone around you."
Lycus would've preferred denial to downright belief. It would've been easier that way, just as it was when he locked Rexton up.
"What's her name?" Alexene demanded, her speed whisking her in front of Lycus and Vaela.
Alexene's thin strands of hair curtained the madness drilling into her blood eyes. "Her name!"
"Cole calls her Adriana," Vaela answered.
The name rang no bell of familiarity to Lycus nor everyone around him.
But the vampire took a step back, her pale hands finding the roots of her black hair and she tugged desperately.
"I must go," Alexene muttered and Lycus dashed in front of her before she had the chance.
"You know this vampire?" Lycus snapped in question.
Alexene shook her head from side to side, her mouth falling open as she tried to find the right words. "I—I have only heard of her in the underworld of my people. Only the name Adriana, only that she is incredibly old."
Lycus didn't have to hear for a heartbeat to recognise Alexene was speaking the whole truth.
Alexene came in front of Rexton and cupped his shoulders affectionately. "Do not follow me, stay here with your brother and Cadence, they will protect you."
"Why are you leaving?" Rexton croaked out.
"Someone will know more than just the name Adriana and I am going to find out who," Alexene responded thickly and faded into the darkness of the woods, no essence of her to be traced.
Before silence could fall, before anyone could accept the oracle's mutterings, Cadence stepped up to the middle of the ground, with no room for muteness and glowered at everyone around her like their heads deserved to be on sticks.
"What do you mean something is after Rexton?" Cadence demanded, but Lycus could hear her inner plea, her internal worries about what was to come.
It hit a nerve for Lycus, puncturing at the inner rings of his humanity and before he could think he spat, "Why do you care, Cadence? Why would you fucking care about the true reason I locked Rexton away was it not because of his hybridity but because something was after him? You don't care about Rexton, so why are you asking?"
Lycus felt the touch of his mate brandish against his shoulder and Accalia wasn't pleased by him.
Lycus didn't care, he had no time to, not with Cole steadily coming back into consciousness and an immortal being still alive and well, out to get Rexton.
Cadence's eyes narrowed at Lycus, that hunter bitterness scorning through her jet-black gaze and Lycus jutted his hands out at her, goading her.
"Say what you want to say, kid." Lycus bit out spitefully to her. "We all might as well have our final words."
"Fuck you." Cadence spat. "You—you should've told me about the hybrid."
Lycus cocked his head to the side, not believing his ears as a toothy grin plastered his mouth. "Why? Why should I have told you?"
Cadence's features hardened into stone, harsh as steel as she battled not only with her thoughts but her inner turmoil, all that threatened her to break.
But Cadence fought through it just like she did with every other threat in her path. "Because—because he's my mate, goddammit!"
It was as if a revelation dawned upon Cadence, her words too late to take back even as she stammered to retrace what had been undone. She shook her head, wanting to take those words back, but she knew it couldn't be done.
She had to accept what fate had handed to her, but she wasn't there yet. She had to meet the bitter acceptance.
Cadence fixated on Lycus. "What do we do?"
Everybody looked to the Alpha, the firstborn, the destroyer in wars and bloodshed. And he had no explanation to give. He was as lost as them.
"Vaela," Lycus exclaimed and the oracle faced the Alpha, her eyes telling more than what she gave. "What now?"
"Cole's mind is warped and twisted, Alpha Lycus, a lot of that is handed to the vampire that has been in contact with him for years. From what I saw in his memories, she approached him in passing at a bar. Cole was rather curious about... Adriana. Like he knew her. She appealed to his interests very quickly, it was as if she already invaded his mind. She knew he wanted to grow in power, be better than his father, and be something the lycans had not yet reached. She appealed to his every desire and he took the bait.
"Alpha Lycus, Adriana has known of you for many, many years. She knows your bloodline, your history. She was never able to get to you though — through the sunlight, the knowledge you have and the strength of your pack, she didn't have that type of power you have. Now she does, from getting Cole on her side. Over time, in confidence, Adriana told Cole about Rexton — believing all she said to him about you taking Rexton from her. Once Zenith and Melina visited your pack a few months ago and they discovered you were mated with a hunter. Zenith told Cole and he told Adriana. Their plan had been set. You had a weakness, something to lose ... and Adriana had Cole and Zenith align together as one to take you out. This is revenge and she has every intention of succeeding."
"Does Adriana know Rexton still lives?" After all that was revealed, that was the only damning thought Lycus could come up with and it was the only answer he craved to know.
"A recent discovery," Vaela muttered wistfully, blinking continuously as her mind fought with her soul. This had taken a lot out of the oracle. "From what I could get from his memories, she went to visit him as she did now and again for updates, she smelt Rexton in his cabin when you trespassed into his pack. She nearly killed Cole in the memories I could divulge. Cole had no explanation, but Adriana could smell Rexton days after you all took the risk of going to the Canus pack."
It was too much, Lycus didn't want to hear anymore. Every weight of doubt consuming him was lifted only by the brief touch of Accalia, but it didn't fix anything. It wasn't enough. How could it be when he was the catalyst of all of this?
He locked Rexton away, igniting Adriana's anger.
He made Accalia stay, denying her refusal and a target was on her back for it. Scars as a constant reminder.
He forced Alexene's hand by recruiting Cadence as a spy, freeing Rexton and freeing all the lies and deceit he made.
He was the maker of all that had come undone.
The shock nearly came over him, a graceful and faultless shock that made his knees crumble.
But a figure fell upon him and set him straight, catching him from the fall.
"Brother, it's not your fault," Rexton murmured softly, soundly.
Lycus shook his head in refusal, unable to see the face of someone he destroyed inside and out.
Rexton gripped him harder and shook the Alpha's gaze to look at him, see the damage he caused.
"It isn't!" Rexton said harshly. "You have always protected me, ever since I was little, I know that I always have. You were protecting me from myself and all that wanted to hurt me."
"But look at what it cost you, cost all of us!" Lycus countered angrily.
"But what has it brought you?" Rexton questioned and the faint grip of Accalia's skin brushed against Lycus, reminding him. Rexton centred his attention on Cadence, his eyes falling from grace. "Look what fate gave me? Hellish, she is, but apparently, that is what I am too. I would not want it any other way."
Lycus clutched Rexton's face, staring at a mirror that reflected his younger self and bored those mirroring his eyes into his. "I'll keep you safe," Lycus swore to him. "With everything that I have."
If Rexton didn't believe Lycus's promises, he didn't show it but he nodded, placing an ounce of trust in his brother.
That was all Lycus wanted.
"Alpha," Tala's voice crooned through the woods and Lycus jerked his head to the Beta, noticing the nervousness in her harsh face. "He's awake."
Lycus sprung into action. "Accalia and Erisa take Vaela back to her cabin, her energy would be drained and could weaken her for some time."
Accalia's face contorted into refusal, but Lycus wouldn't have it, not now.
"Accalia, do what I'm telling you, if Cole sees you right now, his only goal will be to torment you," Lycus explained thickly.
With Cole confined, there was no telling of what extent he would take for others to know his wrath and if he sees Accalia, she could very well be at the centre of his frustration.
Accalia nodded and claimed Lycus's mouth with hers for a brief second before releasing him and walking to the oracle.
Erisa uttered no hint of protest, her pale face showing a hint of appreciation for not seeing Cole again.
"Rexton and Cadence you're coming with me to see Cole," Lycus murmured, ignoring the hunter's eerie smirk of agreement.
"Why us?" Cadence taunted.
Lycus sighed raggedly. "I'm sure Cole will want to meet the hybrid Adriana wants and Cole will want to meet the hunter that created the plan to kidnap him."
Cadence laughed, clapping her hands enthusiastically and that was the exact reason Lycus brought her along.
"Tala, send a call out to all allies," Lycus ordered, risking nothing as his command shattered through the woods. "And prepare our wolves."
Those grey eyes swam with crazed lunacy, the bottomless pit of the pupil swallowing in the flecks of storms.
Cole was coming to, drowsily with a slanted mouth and heavy-lidded eyes.
A drawn-out and mangled groan that reaped into a growl slipped between his lips and he rolled his head back against the chair. The sedative he was shot with was wearing off, and the side effects that would come along with it weren't certain but Lycus stood positive they wouldn't be letting the beast from its clutches.
A laugh cracked through the dungeon and into the stuffy air with a lingering thrill in its sound.
"I don't even have to look to know I'm inhaling the pungent smell of the Fenris pack." Cole's head snapped up and his sole intent focused on the Alpha of Alphas. "Hello, Lycus."
Lycus's mouth tipped into a smirk as he analysed the Alpha. He looked ill, with sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks that made him striking as ever. Cole was shrugging the aftermath of the sedative off like it was nothing.
"Cole," Lycus greeted solemnly. "It's been a while."
"Ooo," Cole whistled with pursed lips, shaking his head from side to side in disagreement. "Not that long, Lycus. You just haven't seen this side in a while."
A wave of anger spiked at Lycus's pulse and Cole smirked menacingly, knowing he hit a nerve.
"Now," Cole's voice grew serious and his eyes blackened, fearsome flecks of grey spearing through. "I was knocked out when I was with someone, where is that particular someone?"
Lycus's gaze met Cadence and Cole did the same movement, his teeth baring like an animal at them.
"Pipe down, mutt." Cadence seethed and strolled closer to the bars, stepping in front of Lycus as she took the Alpha in. "You don't need to worry about Erin anymore."
Cole thrashed in his chair, the metal clanging together but he could hardly move, his restraints proving its intent.
"What did you do with her?" Cole snarled, spit flying for his mouth as his canines ripped from his teeth, probing against his lips.
Cadence remained neutral and unfazed by Cole's tantrum. "Maybe you should be asking yourself what she did to you."
Cole nestled back and fierce disbelief scorned through his eyes.
"You're the cousin, aren't you?" Cole questioned, flickering his heated gaze to Lycus before they fell back on Cadence. A laugh burst out of his chest. "You're Accalia's cousin, Cadence Larren. Katerina's daughter."
Cadence had no response, but writhing hate to show.
Cole's smile widened from ear to ear. "Yes, I can tell. It's that face you got on. So much hate. You're not as pretty as Accalia, though, but you're more deadly."
Lycus sensed Rexton move away from the walls where the darkness shielded him and came to Lycus's side, where the torches' dancing flames ignited their similarities.
Cadence stood straighter and stalked over to Rexton and Lycus. "I know an animal like you doesn't have much of a thought process, Cole, but think. For your own sake. How did you get here? What led you here? Ask if you want a hint."
Lycus marvelled at Cadence's antics, finding amusement in the torment she placed upon Cole and remained even more satisfied Accalia wasn't here to see it.
"Where is Erin?" Cole demanded and his head snapped to Lycus. "You hurt her, didn't you? Because of what I did to your pathetic bitch of a mate, you're lucky that's all I did to the Larren hunter!"
Cole glared at everyone and wiggled against the restraints, marks of death flying from his mouth. "I should have killed Accalia Larren that night, ripped her skin apart with my very claws. Or, perhaps, my pack members could have slayed their claws into her skin. One scratch by one claw. Sharing is caring, after all."
Lycus was at the cell within a second, prying it open by snapping the locks and just as the door flew open with a bang, Rexton threw him to the ground.
"Brother, don't," Rexton yelled, barricading himself between the door that had Cole laughing manically and Lycus prowling with his claws etched out.
"So it's true?" Cole beamed with another cackle of laughter. "You do have a brother."
"Yeah," Lycus spat, not liking how Cole was looking at Rexton — like he was an animal worth taking skin and teeth from.
Grabbing Rexton by the collar, Lycus tugged him away from Cole and slammed the cellar door back in place. "I do have another brother — Adriana told you?"
Cole's face fell in question. "How do you—"
Lycus tapped his temple with a smirk and Cole's expression changed, his teeth grounding together.
"An oracle." Cole crooned, his lip curling in wrath. "You accessed my memories while I was unconscious."
Lycus looped his arms through the gaps of the cellars, taunting Cole further. "All the itty gritty details, Cole. You know it wasn't enough putting Erin in as our eyes and ears and wasn't nearly enough when Cadence over here decided to sneak into your pack those weeks ago."
"So we resorted to kidnapping," Cadence added and folded her arms. "We kind of got sick of your little games."
This didn't sway Cole, with the cards on the table and brought to light, he offered no evidence of care to the people in front of him.
Was this loyalty to Adriana? The faceless and soulless vampire that had it out for Lycus and wanted Rexton?
"Oh, darling girl," Cole murmured resigned, his tone doused in smoky contentment. "The games have only begun."
"What do you mean by that?" Cadence pried.
Cole gave a loose and unbothered shrug. "Do you have Erin?"
Cadence looked to Lycus and he tilted his head at her in regard. Cole wanted this to work in his favour, he wanted Erin, and he wanted freedom.
Cadence looked back at Cole and nodded in confirmation. "We got Erin, but we also got you and that's all that matters to us right now."
If he wasn't tied down, Cole would have launched out of his seat and ripped Cadence up in the air.
"Give her to me," Cole commanded darkly.
Cadence shook her head with feigning downturn lips. "You're not getting her."
Cole smirked, his concentration falling away from Cadence and slipping to the person behind her.
"But Adriana will get him."
Cadence got in front of Cole's line of vision and sneered. "Don't look at him. Adriana can try all she wants —"
"Adriana always gets what she wants, darling, that's the thing about her." Cole mused brightly and looked over Cadence's shoulder, his eyes locking on Rexton once again. "And she will get him. Rexton, is it?"
Before Cadence could do anything, Rexton rounded past her and swept in front of Cole, the bar bridging them apart.
"Yes, I am Rexton Fenris."
"So polite." Cole laughed and rocked back and forth. "Not like your brother over there."
Rexton ignored Cole's motives. "What does Adriana want with me?"
Cole observed Rexton with a slick smile and relaxed in his seat, his form going limp. "You will have to ask her that."
"I could always compel you."
Rexton was a hybrid, otherworldly powerful and untouchable, but he wasn't at his full strength. He was never at his full strength without a droplet of human blood in his mouth to hit his system.
Glamouring someone was a task a vampire couldn't just pick up overnight, it had to be taught, practised and enforced into one's senses before inflicting on another's mind.
Rexton could do it, but it could take time and effort. They couldn't afford it.
But it was enough to alert Cole. "Do your worst, hybrid. I don't mind being stalled, after all, I was going to be with Erin later tonight when I was supposed to be meeting Adriana. I'll tell you one thing though: she won't be very fucking pleased to find out I can't meet up with her. Hell, she might even get a manhunt out to find me."
Lycus didn't need an oracle to tell him this. Any other person, Lycus would have questioned if they were bluffing, but not Cole. Not with his cocky and self-assured grin that spoke volumes of truth.
They didn't cover his tracks, they didn't consider who Cole had behind him, and they resulted in the shoot-to-kill, no questions asked. Lycus couldn't take any chances, allow wolves to cross his lands, bite marks within humans to rise and have the heinous acts of Alphas go unpunished. That was why he called for his Fenris wolves.
Lycus crossed his fingers and wished blood would fall upon his lands, as long as Cole went down with him.
"Or I can tell you everything," Cole announced, his throat levelling with a semblance of rationality for someone as unhinged as him. What is it because he had something to lose? "All you want to know is everything about Adriana, I might even be kind enough to put an end to this war, but on one condition."
"What condition?" Lycus taunted, firing back the same toxin medicine Cole dealt.
Cole had someone to lose, someone who wanted him left with nothing but death to claim him. He couldn't see it, too blinded by lust and recalling his humane past.
"I speak to Erin."
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