Damitria Kennedy was sitting alone in the living room of her apartment. She had finished her homework a while ago and sat on the couch watching t.v.
Her blonde hair was streaked with purple highlights and fell to the middle of her back. Her grassy green, intelligent eyes complemented her milky white skin. She was pretty and didn't have many friends.
Most of the people at school were fake and or conceited. She hated those type of people.
Damitria sighed. She wished her older brother was here. She was feeling lonely. Sadly he had to leave on a business trip to Florida. He was leaving a lot lately.
Damitria's brother, Dominic had been taking care of her for as long as she could remember. Their mother died in a car crash and their father was in and out of rehab. As soon as Dominic turned 18 he took Damitria into his custody and took care of her.
Damitria was lost in thought about the good times her brother and her had when, she heard the door to the house unlocked. Here we go. She thought to herself.
In came a man in his late forties. His stubby beard was brown with coffee stains and his face, like his body was round and fat.
He stared at Damitria and said, "What are you doing, you little shit?" He then gestured to the kitchen and added, "Get your ass in there and fix me a sandwich."
Damitria stared at the man that was her uncle. She hated this man with a passion. He would always treat her like crap for no reason. But Damitria long since stop taking his bullshit.
She stood up and pushed past her uncle. She made her way to the kitchen and fixed up a turkey sandwich. She brought it to her uncle who was now sitting on the couch and as he reached for it she threw the sandwich at his face.The man looked like he was going to explode.
Damitria smirked. She knew he wouldn't hit her. He was scared of her brother. He was a coward and only mistreated her when Dominic wasn't around. He wouldn't dare hit her, because that could leave a mark that Dominic could spot.
"Get the fuck out, little bitch." He said between gritted teeth.
"Gladly." Damitria said, heading out the door. She slammed the door behind her, and heard something shatter from inside the house.
The girl pulled the hood of her purple hoodie over her head. She decided she'd grab something to eat, so she headed to McDonald's.
Damitria sat inside McDonald's, listening to music when she noticed a boy staring at her from afar. The boy quickly looked away once she looked at him. The boy sat across a table from a little girl who probably was his sister.
Damitria thought he was pretty cute, with his black curly and messy hair. He looked around her age which was seventeen. Damitria sighed to herself as she checked the time.
She figured she'd head home. She wanted to sleep for a bit. She had a funny feeling in her gut. The feeling you get when something was about to go horribly wrong.
She looked over at the light skinned boy, laughing with the little girl. She greatly missed her brother.
Damitria headed for the door when she heard yells and screams before hearing a loud crash. Everyone crowded the Windows and some went outside to see what happened.
Damitria had went outside and what she saw both shocked and horrified her. What the hell happened?! She thought to herself.
It looked like some sort of accident had happened. Their was a bus that was laying on its side, and a car a few feet away that was really banged up.
The girl could see people banging against the Windows of the bus. They looked all bloody and beat up. The person in the car was bleeding from about six different areas and wasn't moving. At all.
Poeple rushed over to the bus, and to the car. It seemed as though they couldn't get the the people out of the bus and the person in the car was stuck between the wheel and the driver's seat. She heard someone say the person was dead.
Damitria noticed a man walking sluggishly towards those near the car. This man had very pail skin and looked as though he was missing an ear.
As he approached, he stumbled and fell onto someone who was helping. The person started yelling for the man to get up until, the pail man did something that made everyone who saw it scream.
He bit the person underneath him in the throat and ripped off the flesh. The others near the car stumbled back yelling, but then the person inside the car grabbed a woman, and once she was close enough, the person bit into the side of her flesh.
By this time people were running and screaming as the cops arrived on the scene.
Damitria figured what ever was going on, the police would gain control over it. She was wrong.
As the officers got out of the car and pointed their guns, Damitria could she they were totally confused.
Now yells could be heard from inside the overturned bus. The people standing on the windows, peered inside. Then the Windows broke, sending a few people who had tried to shatter them earlier falling inside the bus.
Damitria could hear more screams and started to back away. She was ready to run if needed.
Then someone climbed threw the window of the bus. A pail skinned, bloody woman who's nose was broken.
An officer rushed over to her, asking her what had happened.
The woman sank her teeth into the officer's face, ripping off skin and letting blood splatter everywhere.
People screamed in fear as they started running from the scene. Damitria could she the fear on their faces as they shoved each other to get away.
By this time, more of those pail skinned people who had body parts missing or bent at an odd angle, climb through the windows. They started randomly grabbing people and sinking their teeth into them.
Damitria turned and and ran. She didn't know what was happening but she didn't want to stay and find out.
She happened to look behind her and saw the light skinned boy with his little sister in his arms, doing the same. Damitria had the feeling that they would meet again.
Damitria opened the door to her home which strangely wasn't locked and walked inside, closing the door behind her and locking it.
She leaned against the door breathing heavily. She couldn't believe what she just saw. Poeple eating people. What the hell? She felt like she would vomit any minute. The gruesome images kept replaying themselves in her head.
She took a deep breath and with a shaky voice, called her uncle's name, "Oscar."
Nothing. Not a sound.
She tried again, But louder. "Uncle Oscar!"
She heard a loud thump, then a groan coming from the living room. She walked down the long hallway and turned into the living room to see her uncle sitting on the floor, leaning on the t.v.
Her eyes widened in horror. Her uncle's throat looked as though it had been ripped out, and dried blood caked his shirt.
He was pail just like those at the accident.
Damitria backed up out of the living room quietly. She had a good guess of what would happen if she got too close or made any noise and she wasn't going to take any chances.
Damitria turned out of the living room and came face to face with a pail skinned man whose left arm was missing.
She jumped back and shrieked in terror. The man quickly reacted, leaning his face forward to bite into Damitria's face.
The girl, already having jumped back, caused the man to fall on his face. Regrettably, she moved too fast and fell on her butt.
The pail man tried to grab her ankle, but the girl scrambled back out of reach.
What the fuck was going on? She couldn't believe this was happening. This was like something for a zombie movie.
Zombies! She thought.
They were zombies. Damitria heart felt as if it would burst.
Hearing a loud thump, Damitria looked over to the direction it came from.
She yelled fear. Her uncle, who she thought was dead, had somehow fallen over, and was now getting back up.
The girl quickly scrambled to her feet and ran into the kitchen. Grabbing a big stainless steel knife she turned to the too men and said with a trembling voice, "S-stay back. Don't c-come any c-closer!"
Groaning, both men came closer. The only thing separating them from her was the kitchen counter. Damitria knew it was pointless to talk to them. They were mindless and only wanted to eat her flesh.
But still, it was hard to believe. Tears started to stream down her face, as the two flesh eaters inched closer. Why was this happening? Was she really going to die here?
"No." she said out loud through gritted teeth. She was not going to die. Not yet. Not until she was reunited with her brother.
The thought of that gave her courage. With a defiant yell, the girl hopped onto the counter. Just as one of the men launched himself at her, she jumped over him, tucking in her legs for more hang time.
The zombie crashed over the counter as the girl came down to the floor.
As she was about to bolt out of the kitchen, she felt hands grab her shirt. She screamed and with strength that surprised even herself, she turned around and push her uncle over.
The zombie fell, and still clutching her shirt, Damitria fell on him, bringing them face to face. The zombie tried to bite her face but she pulled pulled back at the last second, causing him to miss.
Damitria struggled against the zombies impossibly tight grip, but she couldn't get free.
With a hiss, the zombie tried to take a bite out of Damitria's face but she moved her head, and completely running on instinct, she clutch the knife she was still holding and drove it into her uncle's head, with a roar.
The zombie groaned softly, before turning completely still and motionless.
Damitria was shocked at what she had done. She had just killed someone. She'd killed her own uncle....the same uncle that mistreated her. The same uncle that always cursed her out for no reason.
Damitria pulled the knife from her uncle's head and drove it in again, and again, and again.
Blood splattered over her face and clothes but she didn't care. She was lost in how good it felt. The rush of killing someone she hated. It felt good. She kept on stabbing her dead uncle in the head, until she heard a loud snarl and looked up to see the one armed zombie coming towards her.
The blood covered girl pulled her knife out of the corpse and rushed out of the living room and out off her house, closing the door behind her.
She paused when she saw the chaos outside. Houses were ablaze. Car crashes. And more zombies eating people.
Damitria couldn't believe what she was seeing. It felt like a nightmare. But this was real. And right now she needed to get somewhere safe.
She pushed her fear aside and ran in a random direction. She made sure to stay clear of zombies but unfortunately a couple zombies must've saw her because they started following her with frightening speed.
Damitria picked up speed. Her head was pounding and it was becoming harder to think. She needed to find somewhere she could catch her breath.
She spotted an empty parking lot surrounded by a tall gate. It looked safe enough. She headed for it and started climbing. As she was climbing, something caught her leg. She looked down and saw one of the zombies from earlier had its hand around her ankle and was trying to pull her down.
She cried out in fear and struggled against it's grip. Finally she was able to get free and continued over the gate, dropping down and landing on her butt.
She cried out in pain and quickly picked herself up, and looked around the parking lot frantically. She saw a building a ways away. She was in the parking lot of her school.
She looked back at the zombies on the other side of the gate, still trying to reach her. The gate looked as if it would hold, but she wasn't going back over it. Not yet anyway.
Staying on her guard as she made her way towards the school. Hopefully she'll be safe here. She needed to rest. Then she would find a way to contact her brother.
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