Unexpected Attack (Part 1)
Disclaimer: There is some violence in this chapter you may skip if you are sensitive.
It is currently 7:30 am and Horatio Nelson is looking out at the many ships in the harbour. He suddenly hears some footsteps behind him along with a cheerful and familiar voice.
Thomas Hardy: Good morning sir.
Horatio Nelson: Good morning Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: What are you doing here sir?
Horatio Nelson: Waiting...
Thomas Hardy: Waiting for what sir?
Horatio Nelson: A certain messenger. Corey Henderson. Did you know that man is great with a violin?
Thomas Hardy: No sir, I did not.
Horatio Nelson: Let's just say that my boys would love him.
Thomas Hardy: Well yes they do enjoy some music, sir.
A few minutes later they suddenly hear footsteps behind them so they turn around and notice a young man. The man has short curly jet black hair and green eyes he is also wearing his navy uniform.
Horatio Nelson: Captain Thompson nice to see you again.
Marcel Thompson: Indeed it is sir.
Horatio Nelson: Why are you here?
Marcel Thompson: I'm just waiting for a letter from a friend who is serving under Wellington sir.
Horatio Nelson: I see. Well, I'm sure that it will arrive soon, Captain.
Marcel Thompson: You are right sir.
Meanwhile, a bit further down the street Richard Wellesley awkwardly stares at Henry Wellesley who has his umbrella. He also stares at William Wellesley who is trying to read the newspaper while walking.
Richard Wellesley: Jesus Christ...
Henry Wellesley: Yes Richard?
Richard Wellesley: Why do you need your umbrella, Henry? And William why must you take that newspaper everywhere!?
William Wellesley: I'm trying to read Richard!
Henry Wellesley: It might rain Richard...
Richard Wellesley: Found anything interesting William?
William Wellesley: Not yet just things about us going to war with the bloody French.
Henry Wellesley: Are you sure that you didn't grab an old newspaper?
William Wellesley suddenly whacks Henry Wellesley with his newspaper.
Henry Wellesley: Stop it.
Richard Wellesley: Why can't you two act properly in public...
Henry Wellesley: Probably because you are the Earl of Mornington and you are use to acting properly in public unlike us My Lord.
William Wellesley quietly laughs to himself. Richard Wellesley rolls his eyes.
Richard Wellesley: You are both politicians and you should know some decency.
William Wellesley: Richard.
Richard Wellesley: Yes William?
William Wellesley: It seems that somebody outranks you now...
Richard Wellesley: I highly doubt that I am the only one in our family who holds a noble title and well you two are politicians. Also, I don't know what Arthur is the last time I heard from him he was a Major General.
William Wellesley: Well I have something that you two should read especially you Richard.
Richard Wellesley: Fine hand it over.
William Wellesley hands over the newspaper to Richard who starts reading it.
Richard Wellesley: Jesus why must the writing be so small.
Richard Wellesley carefully gets out his golden reading glasses and puts them on.
Richard Wellesley: What part am I looking for William?
William Wellesley: You will see it. It's a headline so it's very obvious.
Richard Wellesley: Well it's sometimes not that obvious to me because I don't read the newspaper every day unlike you.
Richard Wellesley continues reading until he notices a certain headline "His Grace the Duke of Wellington should be the next Prime Minister of England."
Richard Wellesley: Who is this Duke of Wellington?
William Wellesley: Keep reading Richard...
Richard Wellesley continues reading and after a couple of minutes he stops reading and he smiles.
William Wellesley: Figured it out yet or am I going to have to help you?
Richard Wellesley: No I have figured it out!
Henry Wellesley: Tell me, Richard!
Richard Wellesley: Our dear brother Arthur is the Duke of Wellington.
William Wellesley: And he outranks you now.
Richard Wellesley: Oh shut up William. Have your bloody newspaper back.
Richard Wellesley hands William the newspaper back. William Wellesley quietly laughs to himself and Richard Wellesley rolls his eyes and folds his arms.
Henry Wellesley: pouting are we?
Richard Wellesley: No I'm not pouting Henry...
Henry Wellesley: Then what are you doing?
Richard Wellesley: Look I'm not pouting I'm just disappointed that Arthur didn't tell us that he earned such a title!
Henry Wellesley: And why are you disappointed?
Richard Wellesley: I wanted to have a party for him and give a toast to him to congratulate him.
Henry Wellesley: You can still give a toast to him just maybe not the party part...He will be coming back from the war after all.
William Wellesley smiles cheekily.
William Wellesley: Richard's definition of pouting is just pure and utter disappointment.
Richard Wellesley: Shut up William...
Henry Wellesley: I've never seen someone be so serious while pouting it's honestly amusing.
Richard Wellesley: I swear to the Lord both of you shut up...
Meanwhile, closer to the harbour Horatio Nelson notices Marcel Thompson staring at the Victory.
Horatio Nelson: She's a beautiful ship. Been through many battles. But still, she's beautiful.
Marcel Thompson: Your son tells me that she is your favourite ship sir.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed she is. I don't know what would happen if she were to be destroyed.
Thomas Hardy: Well, I would be upset sir...Because I love her too sir.
Horatio Nelson: I know Hardy...
Marcel Thompson: It's sad to see a ship be destroyed. You do become attached to them after a while.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed.
A few minutes later, Marcel Thompson looks down the street and he notices something.
Marcel Thompson: Good morning Lillie and Josiah!
Lillie Nelson: Good morning!
Josiah Nelson: Good morning.
Lillie and Josiah Nelson promptly and cheerfully walk over. Horatio Nelson smiles cheerfully at them and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Horatio Nelson: Out for a morning walk you two?
Lillie Nelson: Yes we like taking a walk near the harbour. It can be a beautiful and peaceful place.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed. It can be quite a beautiful place.
Josiah Nelson: So why are you here father?
Horatio Nelson: Waiting for a messenger...
Marcel Thompson: I'm here for the same reason.
Thomas Hardy: I'm here to keep these two company.
Horatio Nelson quietly sighs to himself.
Josiah Nelson: Is somebody getting impatient?
Horatio Nelson: No I'm not. Look I'm just worried about that messenger. He's only young and I don't understand why he would choose such a dangerous job. When he still has a long life ahead of him.
Thomas Hardy: Well when people are young they sometimes make decisions like that. Some people like living a dangerous and exciting life.
Horatio Nelson: That's true.
Josiah Nelson: Your worried about him getting captured by the French?
Horatio Nelson: I doubt that he will he is good at avoiding the French.
Josiah Nelson: Well it seems you chose a smart messenger.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed.
A bit further down the street Richard, Henry and William Wellesley are still cheerfully talking to each other.
Henry Wellesley: Stop being so disappointed Richard. Arthur sometimes has his reasons for not telling us things.
William Wellesley: Richard stop pouting. Jesus Christ, you're a man Richard not a child.
Richard Wellesley: Fine...
William Wellesley: I never thought that someone like you would act so childishly.
Richard Wellesley: Says the man who enjoys smacking Henry with his newspaper.
Henry Wellesley quietly laughs to himself. William Wellesley tries to whack Henry with his newspaper but it flies out of his hand and blows away.
Richard Wellesley: That was well deserved.
William Wellesley: Shut up Richard.
Henry Wellesley: Indeed it was well deserved.
Richard Wellesley: You can just buy another one later.
William Wellesley: Fine...
Richard Wellesley: Also you don't tell me to shut up...
Henry Wellesley quietly laughs to himself and William Wellesley sighs out of annoyance.
William Wellesley: Shut up Henry...
Henry Wellesley starts laughing even more and William Wellesley silently glares at Henry.
Richard Wellesley: Alright settle down Henry.
Henry Wellesley: Fine...
They continue walking down the street when Richard suddenly notices something.
Richard Wellesley: Hang on who is that?
William Wellesley: Isn't that one of Arthur's friends?
Henry Wellesley: Yes I think that's Lord Nelson.
Richard Wellesley: I have heard about his victories. Well, let's go introduce ourselves.
They walk over to the small group near the harbour. Richard Wellesley starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Richard Wellesley: Good morning Lord Nelson.
Horatio Nelson: Good morning Lord Mornington.
Richard Wellesley: We haven't met before but my brother Arthur has told me about you.
Horatio Nelson: Well it's a pleasure to meet you, My Lord.
Richard Wellesley: These are my two brothers Henry and William.
Henry Wellesley: Nice to meet you, sir.
William Wellesley: Nice to meet you, sir.
Horatio Nelson: Pleasure to meet you both. These two are my son Josiah and his wife Lillie.
Josiah Nelson: Pleasure to meet you, My Lord.
Richard Wellesley: Pleasure to meet you too. Have you had to fight the French yet?
Josiah Nelson: Not yet My Lord. But hopefully, I will someday. But I also want to be safe for my wife's sake.
Lillie Nelson: Yes. Also nice to meet you, My Lord.
Richard Wellesley: Nice to meet you. I see you have found a very kind young man to be your husband.
Lillie Nelson: Yes My Lord.
Marcel Thompson: Pleasure to meet you, My Lord. I'm Captain Marcel Thompson I'm Lillies brother.
Richard Wellesley: Pleasure to meet you, Captain. Have you had to fight any Frenchmen?
Marcel Thompson: Not yet My Lord I haven't been in the Navy that long. But I do hope to fight in a battle.
Horatio Nelson: This is one of my dear friends Captain Thomas Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Pleasure to meet you, My Lord.
Richard Wellesley: Pleasure to meet you too Captain. I'm sure that you have been in many battles with the French.
Thomas Hardy: Yes My Lord.
Horatio Nelson: Hardy?
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir?
Horatio Nelson: Go bring us some refreshments if you please.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Thomas Hardy promptly walks off to go get some refreshments. A few minutes later Thomas Hardy is standing on the starboard side of the Victory. He starts speaking in a concerned and serious tone.
Thomas Hardy: Sir...You might want to come and look at this...
Horatio Nelson: Is it serious Hardy?
Thomas Hardy: I would say it's extremely serious sir.
Horatio Nelson: Alright, I'm coming up Hardy.
Horatio Nelson promptly gets onto the Victory and immediately walks over to the port side of the ship. Quickly grabbing his spyglass off his belt he starts looking out at the harbour.
Horatio Nelson: I see nothing wrong, Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: There is nothing wrong in the harbour sir. It's that there is a problem at the harbour entrance.
Horatio Nelson: Oh.
Horatio Nelson looks over at the harbour entrance and he notices a small ship flying a singular signal flag and the British flag. Looking further out into the harbour entrance he notices three French ships.
Horatio Nelson: Well, it seems that the messenger requires some assistance. He is clearly flying the Victor signal flag.
Thomas Hardy: What were those bloody French thinking!?
Horatio Nelson: Well there is madness in war Hardy. Now I suggest that I go tell Marcel and Josiah to get on the ship. Hardy signal to the messenger that we are coming to help. Raise the Charlie.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Horatio Nelson quickly walks off the ship and he starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Horatio Nelson: Captain Thompson and Josiah you two need to come with me.
Josiah Nelson: Why father?
Horatio Nelson: We need to go save the messenger. Also, we have a larger problem we need to protect the harbour.
Josiah Nelson: What's the problem father?
Horatio Nelson: The French tried to possibly attack the messenger. But since he escaped it seems that now they might possibly attack the harbour.
Josiah Nelson: Shit...
Horatio Nelson: Come on you two.
Marcel Thompson: Yes sir.
Marcel Thompson quickly gets on the ship. Josiah goes to get on the ship but Lilie gently grabs his hand. She starts speaking in an anxious tone.
Lillie Nelson: You better not get yourself killed Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: I won't...
Lillie Nelson: Promise me that you will return to me unharmed.
Josiah Nelson: I promise Lillie.
Lillie Nelson: I love you, Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: I love you too Lillie. But I must go now alright.
Josiah gently lets go of Lillie's hand and he hastily gets on the ship. Horatio Nelson quickly follows suit.
Horatio Nelson: Hardy we need to go rescue the messenger and then go deal with the French. Signal to the rest of the Navy to follow us. Also, tell the men to prepare for battle.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Marcel Thompson: What do I do sir?
Horatio Nelson: You may help Hardy.
Marcel Thompson: Yes sir.
Josiah Nelson: What do I do father?
Horatio Nelson: You can also help Hardy Josiah. But please during the battle don't try to get yourself killed!
Josiah Nelson: Yes father.
Horatio Nelson: Go on go do your duties.
They all quickly march off to do their duties.
*Horatio Nelson in thought*
Those French must be crazy to dare to attack London with three ships.
Now my son is going to be in his first battle with the French.
He has had to deal with the Spanish and the Americans. But not the French.
I hope he doesn't try to get himself killed. He is my boy and I love him.
But he is just like me when I was younger. Always trying to be a hero. Even if it means risking your life.
I also don't want to see Lillie upset...She loves him dearly.
Why must he always get himself into some sort of danger?
Thomas Hardy suddenly strolls over and he starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Thomas Hardy: We are ready to go, sir. It also seems that the rest of the Navy will follow us, sir.
Horatio Nelson: Excellent. Now let's go save the messenger and stop the French.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Thomas Hardy hastily walks off and Marcel Thompson calmly wanders over. He starts speaking in a calm but slightly pleasant and warm tone.
Marcel Thompson: Time to give the French a good thrashing.
Horatio Nelson: Yes Captain.
Marcel Thompson: I wish my father was here to see this sir...
Horatio Nelson: How is Admiral Hudson Thompson?
Marcel Thompson: He is well sir. I think he is spending some time in Edinburgh. He was planning on going to Portugal but he thought it was best not to. Mostly because he doesn't want to have a run in with the Spanish or the French.
Horatio Nelson: Well, I'm sure he will be proud of you once we succeed in getting the French away from the harbour.
Marcel Thompson: May I suggest something, sir?
Horatio Nelson: Yes what is it?
Marcel Thompson: We could possibly capture one of the French Captains to try and find out what they were planning.
Horatio Nelson: That's an excellent idea. But If there is going to be a battle...I have a feeling that there will be a battle. We will have to try and make the French surrender. Trust me it's not that easy to make them surrender. But they are outnumbered, outgunned and possibly their plan hasn't worked out. So there is a high chance that they might surrender.
Marcel Thompson: I wonder who sent them...
Horatio Nelson: Who knows or maybe they were just patrolling the ocean and no one sent them. That does happen.
Marcel Thompson: That's true sir.
Horatio Nelson grabs his spyglass and he looks out at the small ship near the harbour entrance. Carefully looking at the ship he notices that there are only three people on board.
Horatio Nelson: Only three are on board the ship.
Marcel Thompson: I thought that there would be more...
Horatio Nelson: Yes I thought that there would be some protection or at least an escort. It seems that we are getting closer.
Marcel Thompson: Well the wind is picking up sir.
Horatio Nelson: It shouldn't be long until we get close enough to get them onto the ship. We are going to have to throw down a rope for them. It seems they chose quite a small ship to come back in. I'm surprised that it survived the journey.
Marcel Thompson: Do you want me to go get a rope, sir?
Horatio Nelson: Yes.
A few minutes later they hear a voice calling from below.
Corey: Thank you for coming to save us, sir!
Marcel Thompson: I hope you boys can climb!
Corey: Yes we can sir!
Marcel Thompson tosses down to them. Corey leaps across and firmly grabs onto the rope. He then starts carefully climbing up and eventually makes it onto the deck.
Corey: Come on Stanley it's your turn!
Stanley: Yes I'm coming. I'm just nervous to jump.
Corey: Just jump!
Stanley carefully leaps across and grabs onto the rope. After carefully climbing up he gets onto the deck and gently hugs Corey.
Marcel Thompson: Who's your friend boys?
Corey: He's not much of a talker sir...The thing is he is a deserter.
Marcel Thompson: A deserter from where?
Corey: I believe that he is French sir. But please don't kill him. He also told us that he is also part English. His father was a Frenchman and was a General sir. His father was killed and he wanted to come back to England to be with his mother.
Horatio Nelson: He does realise that if he returns to France he would be shot he realises that doesn't he?
Corey: Yes sir.
Horatio Nelson: He doesn't look that old he is almost a boy.
Corey: He said that he is a young conscript. About 16 or 17 sir.
Horatio Nelson: What's his name?
Corey: His name is Josselin sir.
Horatio Nelson: Does he understand any English?
Corey: Yes.
Horatio Nelson: Alright. Tell him to come up Corey.
Corey: Josselin come up it's safe they aren't going to hurt you.
Josselin cautiously leaps over and tightly grips the rope and starts climbing up. He climbs onto the deck and nervously stares at Horatio Nelson.
Horatio Nelson: I'm not going to hurt you kid. But you do realise that if you return to France they will most definitely kill you for desertion.
Josselin: I do realise that sir...But there is nothing left for me in France. My father is dead and the only family I have left is my mother.
Horatio Nelson: Alright you three I suggest you go find somewhere safe there is going to be a battle soon. You may ask Hardy for help if you get lost.
Corey: Yes sir.
Corey and Stanley calmly stroll off with Josselin nervously following them. Horatio Nelson quietly sighs to himself.
Horatio Nelson: Using kids in an army...
Marcel Thompson: Do you feel bad for him sir?
Horatio Nelson: A little...He's only young and shouldn't have to be fighting in a war.
Marcel Thompson gently pulls up the rope and calmly strolls off to go and put it away. Thomas Hardy suddenly walks over and he starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Thomas Hardy: Well at least we rescued them. But we now have a larger problem to deal with.
Horatio Nelson: Let's deal with it then Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Give the French a good thrashing.
Horatio Nelson: Yes Hardy. But please don't get yourself killed to save me.
Thomas Hardy: But sir...
Horatio Nelson: No Hardy. I'm not going to lose you. You are a dear friend to me.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir...
Horatio Nelson: Look I just can't imagine losing you, Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: I feel the same about you, sir...
Horatio Nelson: How long until we get into range to be able to fire the cannons, Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Still quite a while sir.
Horatio Nelson: Make sure the men are fully prepared.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Thomas Hardy quickly marches off to go check on the men. Meanwhile, on the shore close to the port Richard Wellesley awkwardly stares at Henry.
Henry Wellesley: What are you staring at Richard?
Richard Wellesley: Nothing...Its nothing.
Henry Wellesley: You want tea don't you?
Richard Wellesley: Maybe...
William Wellesley: I want some whiskey.
Richard Wellesley: No absolutely not you are not drinking in public William. Henry just go get us both some tea.
Henry Wellesley: Fine but you owe me.
Henry Wellesley calmly walks off. William Wellesley silently glares at Richard. Richard Wellesley quietly sighs to himself and rolls his eyes. William Wellesley gently elbows Richard out of slight annoyance.
Richard Wellesley: Stop it. Stop pestering me.
William Wellesley: You owe me a whiskey.
Richard Wellesley: No I do not owe you a bloody whiskey. Since when do you drink whiskey. I find that mixing my wine with gin is better.
William Wellesley: You disgust me.
Richard Wellesley: I disgust you. Really I bet you have never tried it.
William Wellesley: Then there is Arthur who just drinks brandy. Honestly, he needs to try something different.
Richard Wellesley: I do have a stash of Vodka at home. I wonder if he would like that?
William Wellesley: I have tried vodka before and it's some strong stuff. Also, I'm not sure if Arthur would like vodka.
A couple of minutes later Henry Wellesley comes back with two cups of tea. He then starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Henry Wellesley: You two are lucky that there is a tea shop just down the street.
Henry Wellesley gently hands them their tea.
Henry Wellesley: Don't forget you owe me.
Richard Wellesley: How much do we owe you?
Henry Wellesley: 10 pounds each.
Richard Wellesley: 10 pounds for tea! Bloody hell.
Richard Wellesley grabs 5 £2 notes out of his pocket and hands them to Henry.
Richard Wellesley: That's just absurd. 10 pounds for tea.
Henry Wellesley: Pay up William.
William Wellesley: Fine...fine.
William Wellesley grabs 10 £1 coins out of his pocket and hands them to Henry.
William Wellesley: For once I actually agree with Richard that the price of tea is ridiculous.
Richard Wellesley: Now I wonder when the battle will start. I want the French to know that you do not mess with the British Royal Navy.
Henry Wellesley: I'm questioning if we should be near the harbour.
Richard Wellesley: Are you scared, Henry?
William Wellesley: Is somebody a wimp?
Henry Wellesley: I am not a wimp. I have been to war whereas you two have just stayed in England.
Suddenly the sound of cannon fire is heard throughout the harbour. Richard Wellesley accidentally drops his cane and Henry notices a shiny material glint in the sunlight. Henry carefully picks it up and pulls out the sword hidden inside the cane.
Henry Wellesley: Why do you have this Richard?
Richard Wellesley: It was our fathers. Plus it's handy.
William Wellesley: Did the cannon fire scare you?
Richard Wellesley: Doubt it...Stop pestering me, William.
Henry Wellesley carefully puts the sword back inside the cane. Gently handing the cane back to Richard Henry smiles.
Henry Wellesley: Maybe I will get one of those when I need one.
Richard Wellesley: What are you trying to say?
William Wellesley: I think he means when he is old.
Richard Wellesley: I'm not that old. Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile out in the harbour, Josiah Nelson runs over to Horatio Nelson. But he almost loses his balance and nearly falls over.
Horatio Nelson: You alright?
Josiah Nelson: Yes I'm fine. Just forgot how hard it is to run on a ship when the cannons are firing.
Horatio Nelson: So why did you run to me?
Josiah Nelson: When will be in range to fire the muskets? I have gotten the men ready and made sure the muskets are in good condition.
Horatio Nelson: It will be a while yet.
Josiah Nelson: Alright father.
Horatio Nelson: I can tell you are excited about this battle. I see it in your eyes. It's like a small fiery spark that will turn into a small flame then eventually a fire.
Josiah Nelson: Well it is my first battle with the French.
Josselin suddenly runs over but he accidentally stumbles over. Horatio Nelson calmly walks over and holds his out to Josselin. Josselin cautiously grabs Horatio Nelson's hand and carefully gets up. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Horatio Nelson: Easy kid what are you doing up here?
Josselin: Sir I want to help.
Horatio Nelson: What do you mean by that?
Josselin: I can shoot sir.
Horatio Nelson: You do realise that you would be killing your countrymen...
Josselin: I understand that sir...But the British are also my countrymen. Besides, I have nothing left in France.
Horatio Nelson: Fine you can shoot kid. Just go get a musket and prepare yourself. Josiah go help the kid find a musket and make sure he knows the basics of using the weapon.
Josiah Nelson: Yes father. Come on kid follow me.
Josselin: Yes sir.
Josiah Nelson promptly marches off and Josselin quickly follows suit. A couple of minutes later Nelson suddenly hears a loud crack above him. He suddenly feels someone tackle him out of the way of the falling wood.
Horatio Nelson: Jesus Christ Hardy...
Thomas Hardy: Sorry sir. Just saving your life again. Hope I didn't hurt you too much.
Horatio Nelson: I'm alright. Just let me get up.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir sorry sir.
Thomas Hardy and Horatio Nelson carefully get up. Nelson quickly brushes off his uniform and awkwardly stares at Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: You alright sir?
Horatio Nelson: Look at me Hardy I've had worse. So yes, I'm fine probably just a couple of bruises but I'm fine.
Thomas Hardy: Again, I'm sorry sir.
Horatio Nelson: No Hardy no need to apologise you were saving my life.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Horatio Nelson: Now how long until we can get the men up to start firing at the French?
Thomas Hardy: I would say about 10 to 15 minutes sir.
Horatio Nelson: Then after that, we will have to prepare to board them. Go make sure Josiah has prepared the men well.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Thomas Hardy hastily marches off and Marcel Thompson walks over and stares at Nelson with slight concern. He then starts speaking in a concerned tone.
Marcel Thompson: You alright sir?
Horatio Nelson: Thanks to Hardy yes.
Marcel Thompson: They are putting up a bloody fight those French. Even though they are vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
Horatio Nelson: It's expected. They are probably desperate and don't want to give up. I hope you are ready we probably will be boarding soon.
Marcel Thompson: Of course, I'm ready!
Horatio Nelson: Excellent.
15 minutes later Josiah Nelson walks over with a few soldiers who line up and prepare to shoot their muskets. Josselin nervously walks up to Horatio Nelson and awkwardly stares at him. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm but confused tone.
Horatio Nelson: Nervous are you kid?
Josselin: I haven't been in an actual battle before sir...
Horatio Nelson: Kid you don't have to do this if you don't want to. I know that you said that you would help. But you are only a child who hasn't been in a battle. You may go back down below where it's safe with the two who rescued you.
Josselin: No I shall fight sir!
Horatio Nelson: Alright go line up with the rest of them.
Josselin bravely walks over and lines up with the rest of the men. Josiah Nelson calmly strolls over and he starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Josiah Nelson: It seems that he is quite brave enough to be doing this.
Horatio Nelson: Just make sure he doesn't get himself killed. I'm sure that his mother would prefer it if her boy was alive.
Josiah Nelson: Yes father.
Horatio Nelson: Don't forget that I wish the same for you, Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: Yes, I know.
Horatio Nelson: Go prepare to give the orders.
Josiah Nelson: Yes father.
Josiah Nelson walks back over to the men and he starts speaking in a commanding tone.
Josiah Nelson: You will fire on my orders men.
Thomas Hardy suddenly calmly strolls over and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone. That also has a slight hint of seriousness.
Thomas Hardy: Letting Josiah give the orders sir.
Horatio Nelson: Yes. He will have to learn somehow. Besides he is my boy and I have taught him a lot. Are you jealous Hardy?
Thomas Hardy: No sir. Also, I don't think you should be standing where the French could kill you, sir.
Horatio Nelson: You have said that before Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Yes because you almost got yourself killed!
Horatio Nelson: I am supervising Hardy. I will be alright.
Thomas Hardy: Fine...
A few minutes later the French start firing their muskets. But most of the shots miss and only a couple of them kill. Josiah Nelson quickly orders the men to fire.
Josiah Nelson: Fire!
A small few of the Frenchmen on the French ship are killed. Marcel Thompson suddenly rushes over and he starts speaking in a calm tone. Which has a slight hint of nervousness.
Marcel Thompson: Sir when should we prepare to board?
Horatio Nelson: Soon Captain. Just prepare the boarders Captain.
Marcel Thompson: Yes sir!
Marcel Thompson quickly rushes off again. A few minutes later a bullet suddenly sends Nelson's hat flying off. Hardy quickly catches the hat. He quickly hands it back to Nelson who puts it back on. Hardy stares at Nelson with slight concern.
Horatio Nelson: Hardy go tell Marcel to bring up the boarders.
Thomas Hardy: Yes sir.
Thomas Hardy quickly rushes off. Horatio Nelson starts calmly speaking to Josiah.
Horatio Nelson: Josiah keep the men firing at those French until we can board.
Josiah Nelson: Yes father!
Horatio Nelson: Josselin. Come here if you please.
Josselin: Yes sir.
Josselin calmly wanders over to Horatio Nelson and he looks up at him. Nelson starts speaking in a calm and warm voice.
Horatio Nelson: Kid we are about to board the ship...I don't want you to be in this battle. I don't want you to get killed I want you to go home to your mother. I suggest you go back down below where the others are. Don't come back up until the battle is over.
Josselin: How will I know when the battle is over sir?
Horatio Nelson: Hardy will come and tell you to come up when the battle is over. Now I suggest you go be with the ones who saved you.
Josselin: Yes sir.
Josselin hastily sprints off and Marcel Thompson and the team of boarders quickly march over. Marcel Thompson starts speaking in a commanding tone.
Marcel Thompson: Prepare to board men!
Horatio Nelson draws his sabre and prepares himself.
*Horatio Nelson in thought*
It's going to be a bloody battle...
But most battles are bloody.
I'm use to it by now. I'm use to killing.
But I don't want my son to get himself killed in this battle.
Then there is Hardy who is worried about me. And I'm worried about him.
Focus Horatio...You need to focus on this fight...
Marcel Thompson: Throw the grappling hooks and prepare to charge.
The grappling hooks are thrown out onto the French ship. They then prepare to board the ship. A couple of minutes later everyone quickly starts boarding the ship. Horatio Nelson quickly starts looking around for the French Captain. While cutting down a couple of French soldiers along the way. Causing his uniform to be stained with the blood of the Frenchmen. Along with his sabre glistening with the crimson red liquid.
He eventually notices the French Captain staring at him with slight fear. Nelson calmly walks over to the French Captain who tries to strike Nelson with his sabre but Nelson blocks it.
Horatio Nelson: I suggest you surrender Captain you are outnumbered and vastly outgunned.
???: Why should I surrender to an Englishman like you...
The French Captain and Nelson suddenly start fighting each other with their sabres. Until suddenly Nelson knocks the French Captain's sabre out of his hand and sends it flying. Nelson points his sabre at the French Captain.
Horatio Nelson: I suggest you surrender Captain...
To be Continued...In Part 2
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