Trouble at Sea
Disclaimer: There will be a lot of violence in this chapter. There will also be mentions of rape. If you are sensitive to this you may skip this chapter.
It is early in the morning in London and Horatio Nelson is standing at the stern of the Victory. He is calmly gazing out at the harbour which has many Royal Navy ships in it. Nelson grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket and gently opens it.
The pocket watch reads 9:30. Gently closing the pocket watch Horatio Nelson then puts it back into his pocket. A couple of minutes later he hears footsteps approaching him along with a calm voice.
Thomas Hardy: Good morning sir.
Horatio Nelson: Good morning Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Why are you here sir?
Horatio Nelson: I'm just thinking Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Are you worried about Josiah sir?
Horatio Nelson: A little. He has been gone for a while.
Thomas Hardy: I'm sure that he is fine sir. I'm sure that Commodore Hawkins is making sure that he doesn't do anything stupid.
Horatio Nelson: Your right Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: He and Captain Thompson are probably just enjoying their time in Königsberg. I've also heard that the Prussians make some good beer.
Horatio Nelson smiles and stares at Thomas Hardy who is now standing beside him. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm yet slightly serious voice.
Horatio Nelson: Speaking of Commodore Hawkins. His brother Admiral Jarvis Hawkins sent me a report yesterday.
Thomas Hardy: What did it say, sir?
Horatio Nelson: Well as you know Hardy Admiral Jarvis Hawkins has been patrolling the ocean near Prussia. He told me in his report that he spotted a small French fleet. Just like the one that tried to attack London.
Thomas Hardy: Thats not good they might try and attack Königsberg.
Horatio Nelson: Admiral Hawkins told me that he is going to try and prevent that from happening. If he can't stop the French he hopes that the Prussians will.
Thomas Hardy: Do the Prussians even have that strong of a navy?
Horatio Nelson: That I am unsure of Hardy. We will just have to hope that the French don't destroy the Prussian fleet. Also, that Admiral Hawkins manages to stop the French. Otherwise, Wellington might have a problem with the French reinforcing their Army.
Thomas Hardy: Im sure that Admiral Hawkins will manage to stop the French sir.
Horatio Nelson: Im sure of that as well Hardy.
Meanwhile, in the Baltic Sea near Prussia on the Eclipse. A man with emerald green eyes, short blonde hair and a moustache. Who is wearing his naval uniform which has 4 shiny medals on it. He is standing at the bow of the ship looking out a the calm and vast sea.
Suddenly he hears footsteps behind him along with a calm voice.
???: No sign of the French fleet sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: How far are we from Königsberg Captain Alistair Ward?
Alistair Ward: About maybe 3 or 4 hours away sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: Let's hope that those French bastards don't get there first.
Alistair Ward: Well if they do I wouldn't mind a fight, sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: Neither would I. I've also heard that my brother is in Königsberg.
Alistair Ward: I hope that the Prussians can deal with the French if we don't get there in time.
Jarvis Hawkins: I don't know how powerful the Prussian fleet is. But I'm hoping the same Captain Ward.
Meanwhile, in the city of Königsberg Admiral Hans Lanterman is standing on the docks calmly staring out at the ocean. Suddenly he hears a cheerful voice behind him.
Garrick Kolberg: Good morning sir.
Hans Lanterman: Good morning Captain.
Garrick Kolberg: Why are you here sir?
Hans Lanterman: Thinking about what is going to happen after this war.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm wondering the same, sir.
Hans Lanterman: So much blood has been shed in this war. I'm hoping it ends soon and that the tyrant goes down along with his empire.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm hoping the same sir this tyranny needs to end.
Hans Lanterman: Long live our fatherland.
Garrick Kolberg: Indeed sir. Long live our glorious fatherland.
Garrick Kolberg gently grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket. Then he gently opens it and notices that it's 9:50. Closing the pocket watch and putting it back in his pocket Garrick Kolberg then smiles.
Garrick Kolberg starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Garrick Kolberg: Are you free at 3 o'clock sir?
Hans Lanterman: Why are you asking me that Captain?
Garrick Kolberg: Well there is a game of cricket on at 3 o'clock sir. These boys from Berlin are coming to play against the boys in Königsberg.
Hans Lanterman: I see. I will see if I can come with you.
Garrick Kolberg: Alright sir.
Meanwhile on the Noble Edison Hawkins is standing at the stern of the ship. Gazing out at the harbour at the small Prussian fleet that's in the harbour.
Suddenly he hears someone promptly approaching him. Commodore Hawkins turns around and smiles cheerfully at Josiah Nelson. Edison Hawkins starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Edison Hawkins: How are you, Captain?
Josiah Nelson: I'm doing well sir.
Edison Hawkins: Enjoying your time in Prussia?
Josiah Nelson: Yes sir. Although I do miss being at home with my wife.
Edison Hawkins: I know what you mean Captain. I understand how you feel. I also miss being with my wife.
Josiah Nelson: I hope that I don't have to leave her again. I want to spend a lot of time with her.
Edison Hawkins: Well the war is almost over Captain. You will be able to spend a lot of time with your dear wife during the time of peace.
Josiah Nelson: You are right sir.
Josiah Nelson quietly sighs to himself and Edison Hawkins starts speaking in a calm voice.
Edison Hawkins: What's wrong Josiah?
Josiah Nelson: Who knows how long peace will last.
Edison Hawkins: You are not wondering about how long peace will last are you?
Josiah Nelson: I know that my father is probably concerned about me.
Edison Hawkins: Well that is understandable you did almost get yourself killed.
Josiah Nelson: He is probably hoping I haven't done anything stupid.
Edison Hawkins: Well, it seems that you haven't yet.
A couple of minutes later Marcel Thompson calmly walks over. Then he gently puts his hand on Josiah's shoulder.
Marcel Thompson starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Marcel Thompson: I can tell that you just want to kill some French bastards. Don't you Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: I wouldn't mind killing some more of them. Those French bastards will pay for trying to attack London.
Marcel Thompson: Just don't get yourself killed Josiah. If we do end up in another battle.
Josiah Nelson: I won't Marcel.
Marcel Thompson: I've heard from the Prussians that there is a cricket match at 3.
Josiah Nelson: I didn't know that they play cricket in Prussia.
Marcel Thompson: Do you want to go see the match, Josiah?
Josiah Nelson: Alright then we shall go see the match.
Edison Hawkins happily smiles and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Edison Hawkins: I shall allow you two to go have your fun. While I stay with the ship.
Marcel Thompson: Do you not want to go with us, sir?
Edison Hawkins: It's not that I want to go with you. It's that someone will have to stay with the ship.
Marcel Thompson: I understand that sir.
Edison Hawkins: Im glad that you are both enjoying your time here.
Meanwhile, on the docks, Hans Lanterman and Garrick Kolberg are calmly gazing out at the steady sea. Garrick Kolberg starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful voice.
Garrick Kolberg: What do you want to do before this war is over sir?
Hans Lanterman: I'm not sure Captain. Other than living through it I'm not sure what I want to do.
Garrick Kolberg: Don't you have a rival on the French side?
Hans Lanterman: Admiral Jean-Charles Blondeau. That sly bastard. He's always managed to escape the battle.
Garrick Kolberg: So he's a coward?
Hans Laternman: No he's not a coward he's taken out many ships and he's rarely been defeated. I wouldn't mind dealing with him myself.
Garrick Kolberg: What are you going to kill him, sir?
Hans Laternman: Depends on how I'm feeling and depends if he surrenders during the battle. If there is a battle.
Garrick Kolberg: Do you think that there will be a battle sir?
Hans Laternman: Thats a possibility Captain.
Meanwhile, in the Baltic sea on the Lynx. A man with light brown hair that goes down to his shoulders, dark brown eyes and a short beard. Who is wearing a very tidy French naval uniform which has three recently polished medals on it. He is standing at the bow of the ship gazing out at the endless ocean.
The man suddenly hears some footsteps behind him along with a calm yet serious voice.
???: Admiral there is no sign of the British or the Prussians yet.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Well we need to find where they are hiding Captain Carrel.
Francis Carrel: Yes sir. We shall find them don't worry sir.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Good Captain Carrel.
A few hours later on the Eclipse Jarvis Hawkins grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket. Gently opening the pocket watch which reads 12:10. Closing the pocket watch and putting it back in his pocket Jarvis Hawkins then grabs his spyglass.
Glancing out over the ocean he notices the city of Königsberg in the distance. Suddenly he hears a slightly nervous voice behind him.
Alistair Ward: Sir something has been spotted on the right.
Jarvis Hawkins glances over to the right and he notices a small fleet of French ships. Jarvis Hawkins starts speaking in a commanding tone.
Jarvis Hawkins: It's the French. Prepare the men for battle Captain Ward.
Alistair Ward: Yes sir.
Alistair Ward hastily runs off to go start preparing the men for battle. Meanwhile on the Lynx Jean-Charles Blondeau notices the much larger British fleet. He then starts speaking in a commanding voice.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Captain Carrel is the ship in range to fire at those British ships?
Francis Carrel: Yes sir we are in range to fire.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Tell the men to prepare to fire the cannons Captain.
Francis Carrel: Yes sir.
Meanwhile, a few minutes later at the Königsberg harbour. Hans Lanterman starts speaking in a serious tone that has a hint of rage to it.
Hans Lanterman: If I see that bastard I will deal with him myself.
Garrick Kolberg: Do you have a history with this Frenchman?
Hans Lanterman: Yes, I do and I want him to pay for it.
Garrick Kolberg: What did he do sir?
Hans Lanterman: The bastard killed my younger brother. He also did something unforgivable to my sister and he murdered my sister's husband. He made her watch him murder her love. Then he did the most unforgivable thing.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm sorry sir.
Hans Lanterman: Don't be sorry Captain Kolberg. It's the bastard that will be sorry for what he did.
Garrick Kolberg: I would have the same reaction as you, sir, if that happened to my family.
Suddenly they hear a loud thunderous boom in the distance. Hans Lanterman grabs his spyglass off his belt and looks through it. Glancing out close to the harbour entrance he notices the battle happening between the French and the British.
Hans Lanterman starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Hans Lanterman: Captain prepare the men for a battle and signal the rest of the fleet.
Garrick Kolberg: What's going on sir?
Hans Lanterman: The French are here and they are probably going to attack Königsberg. The British are also out there and they probably need our help. Now go alert the men Captain.
Garrick Kolberg: Yes sir!
Garrick Kolberg begins running to the Prussian ship. Hans Lanterman puts his spyglass back on his belt. Then he begins calmly but quickly following Garrick Kolberg. Meanwhile on the Noble Edison Hawkins is gazing out at the harbour entrance at the battle.
Josiah Nelson starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
Josiah Nelson: What's going on sir?
Edison Hawkins: The French are here and they are possibly attempting to attack Königsberg. I think my brother is also out there trying to hold off the French.
Josiah Nelson: Can we do anything, sir?
Edison Hawkins: Yes we should go out there and help my brother.
Suddenly they hear someone behind them calmly walking up to them. They also hear a calm yet serious voice behind them.
Marcel Thompson: The Prussian fleet is preparing for battle and I suggest we do the same, sir. It would possibly be good for them to have an extra ship out there.
Edison Hawkins: You are right Captain Thompson. We shall prepare for battle.
Marcel Thompson: Yes sir.
Edison Hawkins: You and Captain Nelson go prepare the men for battle.
Marcel Thompson: Yes sir.
Josiah Nelson: Yes sir.
Marcel Thompson and Josiah Nelson quickly walk off to go prepare the men for battle. Edison Hawkins puts his spyglass on his belt and he stares out at the harbour listening to the sound of the cannon fire in the distance. Meanwhile on the Amethyst Hans Lanterman is staring out at the harbour listening to the roar of cannon fire in the distance.
Suddenly he draws his sabre and looks at his reflection in the sabre.
*Hans Lanterman in thought*
This blade will spill the blood of that bastard.
The last thing he will see is the fire in my eyes.
He will not escape this time.
He will accept his fate.
I will kill that bastard today.
Hans Lanterman suddenly hears footsteps behind him. Then he feels a strong hand grip his shoulder. Garrick Kolberg starts speaking in a calm voice.
Garrick Kolberg: Are you alright sir?
Hans Lanterman: Just remembering what I was told about what that bastard did.
Garrick Kolberg: It's hurting you isn't it sir?
Hans Lanterman: Yes but it's also making that rage burn inside me. I want to kill that bastard for what he did.
Garrick Kolberg: I understand that you are hurting sir. No one should have to be told that something like that happened to people close to you.
Hans Lanterman: I saw him kill my brother. I couldn't do anything to stop the bastard from killing him. Then he did something horrible to my dear sister.
Garrick Kolberg: I would also probably kill that French bastard as well if he did the same thing to my brother and sister.
Hans Lanterman: I'm not afraid to kill him. I've never been afraid to fight anyone either. He will pay for what he has done.
Hans Lanterman puts his sabre back into his sheath. Then he starts speaking in a serious voice.
Hans Lanterman: Captain are we ready to go along with the rest of the fleet?
Garrick Kolberg: We will be ready to go in approximately five minutes, sir. The rest of the fleet should also be ready to go around the same time.
Hans Lanterman: Thats excellent Captain.
Meanwhile, near the harbour entrance, the battle is still raging on. The Lynx and the Eclipse are now in a range where the soldiers can start firing at each other. Suddenly there is a large volley of gunfire from the Lynx and Alistair Ward quickly takes cover on the starboard side of the ship.
A couple of minutes later Alistair Ward grabs his two pistols off his belt. Then he promptly gets up and shoots at two of the French soldiers and he ends up killing them both. He then immediately takes cover again as some French soldiers try and shoot him.
A few minutes later Jarvis Hawkins walks over to Alistair Ward and kneels down beside him. Alistair Ward starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Alistair Ward: Any sign of the Prussian fleet yet sir?
Jarvis Hawkins: Not yet Captain but I'm sure that they will be here soon.
Alistair Ward: I hope that we can stop these bastards from reaching the city.
Jarvis Hawkins: I'm sure that we will Captain. But for now, we have to continue fighting.
Jarvis Hawkins grabs his pistol off his belt and he immediately gets up. Then he fires at one of the French soldiers and the bullet hits the soldier in the head immediately killing him. Jarvis Hawkins then takes cover once again.
Meanwhile, in the middle of the harbour. The small fleet of five Prussian ships along with the Noble is quickly sailing towards the battle. Back on the Eclipse Jarvis Hawkins grabs his spyglass off his belt. He then looks through it gazing out to the harbour. Noticing the Prussian fleet approaching along with another British ship he smiles. Then he starts speaking in a calm and cheerful voice.
Jarvis Hawkins: The Prussians are coming Captain. I also think that I see my brother's ship.
Alistair Ward: Thats excellent news sir. But how long until they get here?
Jarvis Hawkins: I estimate about 30 minutes Captain. We just have to hold these bastards off for 30 more minutes.
Alistair Ward: That seems easy enough sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: Indeed Captain and I hope that it is as easy as it seems.
Alistair Ward: I hope the same, sir.
Meanwhile on the Lynx Jean-Charles Blondeau is standing at the bow of the ship. Grabbing the spyglass off his belt he looks through it and gazes at the oncoming Prussian fleet with slight concern. Putting his spyglass back on his belt he then begins walking over to his men.
Suddenly a bullet whistles over his head and knocks his hat off. This causes him to dive for cover on the port side. Francis Carrel quickly walks over to Jean-Charles Blondeau and ducks down beside him. Francis Carrel starts speaking in a calm yet slightly nervous voice.
Francis Carrel: What's going on sir?
Jean-Charles Blondeau: The Prussians have noticed our attack and are coming. They aren't far away.
Francis Carrel: Thats not good sir.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: No it's not Captain we are going to be vastly outnumbered and vastly outgunned.
Francis Carrel: We need to take out this British fleet before the Prussians arrive.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Indeed Captain now I suggest you continue giving the men orders.
Francis Carrel: Yes sir!
Francis Carrel quickly gets up and rushes over to the men. 30 minutes later the Amethyst starts attacking the Lynx from the starboard side. The Prussians also start preparing to board the Lynx. Hans Lanterman draws his sabre and prepares to board. Garrick Kolberg does the same.
Garrick Kolberg starts speaking in a calm voice.
Garrick Kolberg: Are you ready for this battle sir?
Hans Lanterman: I'm always ready to fight Captain.
Garrick Kolberg: Let's hope that we come out of this battle alive sir.
Hans Lanterman: Yes let's hope that we will Captain.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm ready to spill some French blood.
Hans Lanterman: Jean-Charles Blondeau will be dealt with by me and me only Captain.
Garrick Kolberg: I understand that sir.
Hans Lanterman: Good Captain.
A couple of minutes later the Prussians start quickly boarding the Lynx. Bullets begin flying in all directions killing many French or Prussian soldiers. Hans Lanterman notices Jean-Charles Blondeau near the stern of the ship. He begins running to the stern of the ship while violently stabbing and slicing four French soldiers along the way. Causing blood to stain his uniform.
Eventually, Hans Lanterman reaches Jean-Charles Blondeau who draws his sabre. Jean-Charles Blondeau smirks and he starts speaking in a mocking tone.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Let's dance shall we?
Hans Lanterman: This will be your final dance Admiral Blondeau.
Hans Lanterman violently swings his sabre and Jean-Charles Blondeau dodges out of the way of the sabre. Jean-Charles Blondeau then swings his sabre and Hans Lanterman blocks the attack. Jean-Charles Blondeau continues speaking in a mocking tone.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: You came for revenge for your failure of a brother didn't you?
Hans Lanterman: Your a filthy murdering bastard!
Jean-Charles Blondeau: Killing is a part of the war, you stupid pathetic Prussian bastard!
Hans Lanterman: My brother wasn't a failure!
Hans Lanterman suddenly kicks Jean-Charles Blondeau in the stomach. Jean-Charles Blondeau slams into the side of the ship. Hans Lanterman then immediately goes for the killing blow. But Jean-Charles Blondeau quickly dodges out of the way. Hans Lanterman then goes for another strike and Jean-Charles Blondeau blocks it. Hans Lanterman starts speaking in a voice full of rage and hatred.
Hans Lanterman: I know what you did to my sister you filthy bastard!
Jean-Charles Blondeau: I liked hearing her scream.
Hans Lanterman: You disgust me! My sister had a husband and you murdered him and then did the unthinkable to her!
Jean-Charles Blondeau: I don't care if I disgust you!
Hans Lanterman: You will pay for what you have done!
Hans Lanterman suddenly knocks Jean-Charles Blondeau's sabre out of his hand. Then he kicks Jean-Charles Blondeau in the stomach causing him to lose his balance and fall onto the deck. Hans Lanterman points his sabre at Jean-Charles Blondeau's throat. Hans Lanterman starts speaking in a commanding tone.
Hans Lanterman: If you surrender I will spare you. I suggest you surrender Admiral Blondeau.
Jean-Charles Blondeau: I will never surrender to a pathetic Prussian bastard like you.
Hans Lanterman: Fine I shall finish you then.
Hans Lanterman violently slices Jean-Charles Blondeau across the chest. Then he violently stabs him in the heart. Hans Lanterman stares at the dead body of Jean-Charles Blondeau. Looking over to his left he notices Francis Carrel staring at him with pure terror. Francis Carrel starts speaking in a terrified voice.
Francis Carrel: Please don't kill me.
Hans Lanterman: Are you the Captain of this ship?
Francis Carrel: Yes sir.
Hans Lanterman: Tell the rest of the fleet to surrender.
Francis Carrel: Yes sir.
Francis Carrel hastily runs off out of fear of Hans Lanterman. A few minutes later the battle has quietened down and the Prussian and British soldiers have started tying up the French soldiers. Hans Lanterman is now back on the Amethyst and is staring out at the city of Königsberg.
Garrick Kolberg approaches Hans Lanterman and he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Garrick Kolberg: You killed him didn't you?
Hans Lanterman: Yes. I killed that filthy bastard.
Garrick Kolberg: Let's start heading back to Königsberg shall we?
Hans Lanterman: Yes go tell the men to start preparing to head back to Königsberg.
Garrick Kolberg: Yes sir.
Garrick Kolberg promptly walks off to go give orders. A couple of hours later Hans Lanterman is standing at the docks staring out at the harbour which has Prussian, British and French ships in it.
Suddenly he hears someone approaching him and then he feels a strong hand grip his shoulder. Then he hears a calm voice behind him.
Garrick Kolberg: Do you still want to go to the game, sir?
Hans Lanterman: Sorry Captain but I need time to think over things.
Garrick Kolberg: Alright sir I understand that you need time to think.
Meanwhile on the Noble Edison Hawkins is standing at the stern of the ship staring out at the harbour. Suddenly he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder and he hears a cheerful voice behind him.
Jarvis Hawkins: It's good to see you brother.
Edison Hawkins: You too brother. How long are you staying in Königsberg?
Jarvis Hawkins: About three days then I will be heading back to England.
Edison Hawkins: I wonder why the French tried to attack Königsberg.
Jarvis Hawkins: Possibly the same reason why they tried to attack London.
Edison Hawkins: Should we possibly tell Lord Wellington about this attack?
Jarvis Hawkins: That sounds like a good idea. I shall go prepare a letter.
Edison Hawkins: Alright brother.
Jarvis Hawkins: We shall talk later brother.
Jarvis Hawkins calmly walks off. Leaving Edison Hawkins alone gazing out at the British, Prussian and French ships in the harbour.
To be Continued...
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