Tratiorous Troubles
It's currently 10:45 in London. Meanwhile, at the Earl of Morningtons castle. Richard Wellesley is sitting at the table watching the children who are playing with their toy soldiers. William Wellesley is calmly reading his newspaper. Then suddenly Corey Henderson enters the dining room and cheerfully smiles at them. Richard Wellesley notices him and he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Richard Wellesley: Corey why are you here? I haven't seen you in a while.
Corey: I have letters for both of you from the Duke of Wellington.
Richard Wellesley: Thats good news. I was worried about Arthur he hasn't sent a letter in a while.
Corey: I shall give you the letters My Lord.
Richard Wellesley: Thank you, Corey.
Corey takes the letters out of his pocket and gently places them on the table in front of Richard Wellesley. Corey then calmly exits the room. William Wellesley awkwardly puts his newspaper down and stares at Richard. William starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
William Wellesley: Well, I hope that Henry hasn't caused any trouble.
Richard Wellesley: I'm hoping the same, William. But we are not mentioning this conversation in front of the children. They do not need to know about it.
William Wellesley: I will read my letter later just hand it to me, please Richard.
Richard Wellesley: Alright William. Can you also look after the children for a while?
William Wellesley: Why me?
Richard Wellesley: Because I need to read this letter and send a reply.
William Wellesley: Fine but next time I need to do something you look after the children.
Richard Wellesley: Alright William.
William Wellesley gets up from his seat and starts speaking in a calm voice.
William Wellesley: come along children let's go outside.
Arthur: Alright uncle William.
Charles: Yes uncle William.
Arthur and Charles immediately get out of their seats and start excitedly following William Wellesley out of the room. Richard Wellesley carefully grabs his golden reading glasses out of his pocket and puts them on. Then he unfolds the letter and begins carefully reading it.
July 20th 1815
Hello, Richard, I have some bad news about Henry. You are probably not going to like this at all. Also, make sure William keeps this issue to himself we don't need the public knowing about this scandal.
Henry betrayed me a few days ago. He has betrayed me, the British Army, his country and our family. He also tried to kill me three times. He hates me now and I'm not sure if I can convince him to return to my side.
He has joined the French and is now fighting alongside them. I can't just kill Henry because he has joined the French. Because then you and William would be quite upset at me. But I'm unsure what to do about Henry he won't listen to me and he wants me dead.
I feel horrible about Henry betraying me because it feels like it's my fault that he has done this. I can't change Henry's decision which hurts me even more. I'm struggling to move on I still deeply love and care about Henry.
I hope that my two boys are doing well. I miss them a lot and so does my dear Kitty.
Your dear brother
Arthur Wellesley
Richard Wellesley gently folds the letter up and places it on the table out of shock and slight sadness. Richard quietly sighs to himself out of frustration.
*Richard Wellesley in thought*
Why must Henry always cause scandals everywhere he goes?
Now he has betrayed everyone!
He has also tried to kill Arthur three times!
Now he is with the French and the French Emperor.
I can't believe that Henry would do this! He must have gone crazy to do this!
I should tell William about this.
He needs to know what happened to Henry. I just hope that he doesn't tell his annoying friends in Parliament.
His friends would probably end up telling everyone in the public. But I need to tell William.
Richard Wellesley grabs the letter and gently puts it in his pocket. Then he gets out of his seat and exits the room. He begins calmly walking down the hallway. Eventually, he gets to the courtyard where Arthur and Charles are playing tag. While William Wellesley is calmly watching the two children play. Richard Wellesley walks up to William and he starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Richard Wellesley: William I have something very important to tell you.
William Wellesley: What is it, Richard?
Richard Wellesley: It's about Henry. I suggest we don't talk about this in front of the children.
William Wellesley: Alright Richard.
Richard Wellesley: Thank you, William.
William Wellesley: Children inside now, please.
Arthur: Fine uncle William.
Charles: Alright uncle William.
Arthur and Charles happily run inside the castle. Richard and William calmly walk inside and begin walking down a long hallway. William Wellesley starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
William Wellesley: So is it good news or bad news?
Richard Wellesley: Bad news, unfortunately. Henry has been causing trouble as usual.
William Wellesley: That troublesome bastard.
Richard Wellesley: Stop calling him that William! I know that you don't like Henry but he is not a bastard!
William Wellesley: He has caused so much trouble for our family.
Richard Wellesley: I understand that William. But he is not a bastard he is our brother.
William Wellesley: Where are you taking us anyway?
Richard Wellesley: To my study so we can talk in private. I don't want anyone else hearing about this news except you and me.
A few minutes later they reach Richard Wellesley's study. They both enter the study and Richard gently closes the door behind them. William Wellesley continues speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
William Wellesley: What news do you have from Arthur about Henry?
Richard Wellesley: Henry has betrayed Arthur, our family, the Army and the country.
William Wellesley: He's done what!?
Richard Wellesley: He has betrayed us all.
William Wellesley: That traitorous bastard!
Richard Wellesley: William I understand that you are angry. But you can't tell anyone else about this we can not let the public know about this!
William Wellesley: Who is this traitorous bastard with!?
Richard Wellesley: He has joined the French. He also has tried to kill Arthur three times.
William Wellesley: That bastard joined the French!?
Richard Wellesley: Yes he joined the French. There is unfortunately nothing we can do about it. He won't listen to Arthur and he probably won't listen to us.
William Wellesley sighs out of annoyance then he slams his fist onto the nearby desk. Then he starts speaking in a tone full of annoyance and slight anger.
William Wellesley: God damn that foolish bastard. He is going to get himself killed by being with the French!
Richard Wellesley: Henry always wanted to prove himself even if it meant getting himself killed.
William Wellesley: Why would he betray Arthur!?
Richard Wellesley: That I don't know the answer to William.
William Wellesley: We need to do something, Richard!
Richard Wellesley: We can't do anything William. We can't let the public find out about this massive scandal. We can't allow this to stain our family name!
William Wellesley: He is in the Government still people will be wondering where he is Richard!
Richard Wellesley: I know that William but has anyone been questioning where he is yet?
William Wellesley: No. No one has questioned where he is yet Richard. But they will start questioning it soon Richard.
Richard Wellesley: We will figure that issue out when it comes to it. But not right now William.
Richard gently puts his hand on William's shoulder and he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Richard Wellesley: Promise me that you won't tell anyone else about this.
William Wellesley: Fine. I won't tell anyone about this. You are right that no one else should know about this as it will stain our family name.
Richard Wellesley: I know that you are upset about this whole situation William. But no one else must know about this scandal.
William Wellesley: Yes, I understand that I don't need you repeating yourself Richard.
Richard Wellesley: I'm just making sure that you understand William. Because I know that sometimes you don't listen.
William Wellesley: When did I not listen to you?
Richard Wellesley: Many times. Too many times for me to even keep count of.
William Wellesley: Fine I understand what you said. Also, you are not the only one who doesn't want anyone to find out about this scandal.
Richard Wellesley: Let's just go and check on the children and make sure they are alright.
William Wellesley: Good idea Richard.
Richard Wellesley gently opens the door and they both exit the room. They begin calmly walking down the hallway. Meanwhile, at the London harbour, Josiah Nelson is staring at the Victory. Suddenly he hears a calm and slightly cheerful voice beside him.
Thomas Hardy: I see that you are home, Josiah. Your father was worried about you.
Josiah Nelson: Of course, he was worried about me. But look im here and I'm still alive and well.
Thomas Hardy: I'm guessing that you are waiting for your father?
Josiah Nelson: Yes have you seen him, Hardy?
Thomas Hardy: No but I'm sure he will be here soon. He likes coming to this spot.
Josiah Nelson: It is quite a peaceful place.
Thomas Hardy: Interested in the Victory are you?
Josiah Nelson: She seems to be quite an old ship. But she is still a beautiful ship.
Thomas Hardy: She is older than you and me. Your father is not the first man to have her as his flagship. There were two others before him. She has been in many battles and thankfully she hasn't been destroyed.
Josiah Nelson: I'm wondering what it's like to be in command.
Thomas Hardy: I think you should be asking your father that question. Not me also isn't it a bit early for you to be thinking about that?
Josiah Nelson quietly sighs to himself and out of slight frustration. Then he starts speaking in a slightly frustrated tone.
Josiah Nelson: I don't think it's too early for me to be thinking about that.
Josiah Nelson suddenly feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. Then he hears a calm and pleasant voice.
Horatio Nelson: My boy has returned I see.
Josiah Nelson: Yes, I have returned home and I am well.
Horatio Nelson: Yes but I can tell that you want to talk to me, Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: Yes father.
Horatio Nelson: Come along then.
Horatio Nelson and Josiah Nelson both board the Victory and begin calmly walking to the stern of the ship. As soon as they reach the stern of the ship they both begin calmly staring out at the ocean. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Horatio Nelson: I can tell that you want to talk to me about something. You know that you can tell me anything, Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: I want to know what it's like being in command of a fleet father.
Horatio Nelson: Josiah it's a bit too early for you to be thinking about that. You are just a Captain.
Josiah Nelson: But father I'm going to have to know eventually. I will be ready to command a fleet soon.
Horatio Nelson: You still have a lot to learn Josiah. I don't think that you are ready to command a fleet yet.
Josiah Nelson: When will I be ready father?
Horatio Nelson: When you have learnt some more. Also, you need to be patient Josiah. You can't rush into these things.
Josiah Nelson: I understand father.
Horatio Nelson: You need patience, Josiah.
Josiah Nelson sighs to himself out of slight irritation. Then he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Josiah Nelson: If I do ever end up commanding a fleet would you be proud of me father?
Horatio Nelson: Of course, I would be proud of you Josiah. But before any of that happens you have more to learn and you need to be patient.
Josiah Nelson: I understand that father. I guess I do need some patience.
Horatio Nelson: You remind me of myself when I was younger. I was a little impatient at times.
Josiah Nelson: I can't imagine you being impatient. But I did hear that you were worried about me.
Horatio Nelson: Yes, I was worried about you Josiah. What happened while you were gone?
Josiah Nelson: Well we helped protect the city of Königsberg from the French. One of the Prussian Admirals killed a French Admiral. But I don't know why the French fleet was going to attack Königsberg or who sent them.
Horatio Nelson: It was possibly Admiral Villeneuve who sent them. They were possibly going to try and capture the messengers again. But I'm glad that you are alright Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: Why wouldn't I be alright father?
Horatio Nelson quietly sighs to himself then he gently puts his hand on Josiah's shoulder. He then starts speaking in a calm yet slightly serious voice.
Horatio Nelson: You risk your life too much my dear boy.
Josiah Nelson: Yes but you use to as well father.
Horatio Nelson: Yes, I know I did. But I don't want you to end up like me. Almost being killed multiple times and ending up with permanent injuries.
Josiah Nelson: I understand that.
Horatio Nelson: I care about you and I don't want to lose my only son who I deeply care about.
Josiah Nelson: I understand that father.
Josiah Nelson gently hugs Horatio Nelson who awkwardly accepts the hug. Horatio Nelson then cheerfully smiles and he starts speaking in a pleasant tone.
Horatio Nelson: I love you a lot, my dear Josiah. I will always love you and care about you.
Josiah Nelson: I also will always love you too father. I promise you that I won't try and get myself killed again.
Horatio Nelson: I will also always be proud of you Josiah. I have always been proud of you ever since you joined the Navy.
Josiah Nelson: Really?
Horatio Nelson: Yes I have always been proud of you Josiah. Even though you have risked your life a lot during battles you still make me proud.
Josiah Nelson: Thank you, father.
Thomas Hardy who is happily watching this from afar smiles a little bit. Then he calmly walks off to do his duties. Josiah Nelson calmly lets go of Horatio Nelson and then he smiles a little bit and starts speaking in a calm voice.
Josiah Nelson: I'm assuming that you are still concerned about me going on missions on my own?
Horatio Nelson: Yes but not as much as I use to be. I can tell that you are getting better at doing missions on your own.
Josiah Nelson: Thank you, father.
Horatio Nelson: But you still need to stop being reckless. I know that you are my son and that you want to prove yourself and get a lot of glory. But that's not how you necessarily win a battle.
Josiah Nelson: I understand that father.
Horatio Nelson: I suggest you get home and go see your dear wife.
Josiah Nelson: Your right father I should go see Lillie. She's probably been missing me a lot. She's also possibly been worried about me because I've been gone for so long.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed.
Josiah Nelson calmly walks off and he eventually gets off the Victory. Then he notices Lillie waiting for him and he waves at her. She notices Josiah waving at him and then sprints over to him. Then she hugs Josiah and starts speaking in a very cheerful voice.
Lillie Nelson: Josiah I'm so glad to see that you have returned home!
Josiah Nelson: I'm glad to be home to Lillie my love.
Lillie Nelson: I was so worried about you Josiah you have been away for so long. Are you alright Josiah?
Josiah Nelson: I'm doing very well Lille.
Lillie Nelson: Im glad that nothing happened to you, Josiah.
Lillie Nelson gently kisses Josiah Nelson on the lips. A couple of minutes later Lillie Nelson gently breaks the kiss and starts speaking in a pleasant voice.
Lillie Nelson: Let's head home shall we Im sure that you are tired after your journey home.
Josiah Nelson: Yes let's head home my dear.
Josiah Nelson gently grabs Lillie Nelson's hand and they both begin happily walking down the street together. Meanwhile back on the Victory, Horatio Nelson is still calmly staring out at the calm and glistening ocean. A few minutes later Thomas Hardy walks up to Horatio Nelson and stands beside him. Thomas Hardy starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Thomas Hardy: Any news on what happened at Königsberg sir?
Horatio Nelson: Josiah told me what happened. The Prussian fleet managed to defend Königsberg along with the help of the British fleet. According to Josiah, a French Admiral was killed in the battle.
Thomas Hardy: Who do you think sent that French fleet to Königsberg sir?
Horatio Nelson: Admiral Villeneuve and he possibly wanted to capture the messengers again.
Thomas Hardy: That is indeed a possibility sir.
Horatio Nelson: I don't think that he will continue trying to threaten or attack our allies again. The French fleet probably doesn't have many ships left.
Thomas Hardy: You are right sir.
Horatio Nelson: It would be absolute madness if he sent the rest of the French fleet to attack anywhere else. Because the rest of the fleet would possibly end up being destroyed by the defenders.
Thomas Hardy: Indeed it would be madness, sir. Now I shall be getting back to my duties sir.
Horatio Nelson: Alright Hardy.
Thomas Hardy calmly walks off to go continue with his duties. A few hours later at the Earl of Morningtons castle, Richard Wellesley is in the dining hall watching the children play with their toys. Charles starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Charles: Uncle Richard?
Richard Wellesley: What is it, Charles?
Charles: When will dad be home?
Richard Wellesley: Im sure that he will be home soon Charles.
Arthur: But that feels like forever.
Charles: I'm sure it's not that long Arthur. It just feels like forever.
Arthur: But I'm bored of waiting for dad. I want him to just come home right now!
Richard Wellesley: Patience children your father will be home soon.
Charles: Uncle Richard is right Arthur we just need to wait a bit longer and dad will be home soon.
Arthur: Fine.
Richard Wellesley: I promise you that.
Charles: Alright uncle Richard.
Arthur: Alright.
*Richard Wellesley in thought*
They are really missing their parents.
I hope that Arthur and Kitty will be alright. I don't want their children to lose their parents in this war.
Even though Henry has betrayed our family I'm still concerned about him. I know that Arthur won't kill Henry. However, I'm still upset about the scandal he has caused. Also that he tried to kill Arthur.
I just want Henry to come home or possibly just survive this war and enjoy life somewhere else. I doubt that he would want to return home at this point.
I wish that there was a way to possibly for Arthur and Henry to reconcile with each other. They had such a nice friendship and now it's broken. I also doubt that Henry would want to try and repair it now because of what he has done to Arthur.
A few minutes later William Wellesley enters the dining hall. Then he walks over to Richard Wellesley and sits down next to him. William starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
William Wellesley: They seem happy Richard.
Richard Wellesley: Indeed they are quite happy William. But they miss their parents.
William Wellesley: That is understandable. They have been gone for a while.
Richard Wellesley: What is the time William?
William Wellesley grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket and gently opens it. He notices that the time reads 8:35. William then closes the pocket watch and carefully puts it back in his pocket. Then he starts speaking in a calm voice.
William Wellesley: It's 8:35, Richard.
Richard Wellesley: It's getting late I think the children should be going to bed.
William Wellesley: You are right Richard they should be going to bed.
Richard Wellesley: William I suggest that you take them to bed. I have some work to do.
William Wellesley: Fine. Children, it's time for you to go to bed.
Charles: Do we have to uncle William?
William Wellesley: Yes you do it's getting late and you two need to go to bed.
Charles: Fine uncle William.
Arthur: Fine.
William Wellesley: Come on you two.
William Wellesley gets out of his seat and calmly exits the dining hall. Charles and Arthur quickly get out of their seats and begin following William. A couple of minutes later Richard gets out of his seat and exits the dining hall and begins calmly walking down the hallway to his study. A few minutes later he gets to his study and gently opens the door. Calmly entering his study Richard then closes the door behind him.
Then he walks over to the light grey curtains which have a golden trim and gently opens them allowing the moonlight to shine in through the window. Richard then walks over to his desk and grabs a box of matches and lights a match and carefully lights a candle on his desk. Sitting down at his desk he then grabs a blank sheet of paper and starts calmly writing a letter.
July 22nd 1815
Hello Arthur I am deeply saddened by this news. But I did tell William about this and well he seems a bit annoyed at the news. He also has promised me that he will tell no one about this news. I'm hoping he keeps his promise as you know he sometimes can't keep his mouth shut.
Arthur, I'm also thinking if there is a way that you two can reconcile. But I doubt that Henry will want to do that as you have said he tried to kill you three times which shocked me. I know that you two use to have such an amazing friendship when you were younger. So I don't quite understand why he would want to betray you at all. I wouldn't mind an explanation of why he betrayed you if you feel comfortable doing that.
Also Arthur Im sure that his betrayal isn't your fault in any way. Don't be so hard on yourself Arthur. You blame yourself too much for things that aren't your fault. I also understand that you are struggling to move on from what happened with Henry. But it seems that you might have to just let go.
Your boys are well Arthur. But they are missing you a lot. They are hoping to see their mother and father again soon.
Your dear brother
Richard Wellesley
Richard Wellesley then gently folds the letter up and puts it into his pocket. Then he blows out the candle and quietly sighs to himself out of slight worry.
*Richard Wellesley in thought*
I hope that Arthur returns home safely.
I also hope that William manages to keep Henry's scandal a secret.
The whole situation with Henry and his wife already ended up hurting our family's reputation. We don't need this other scandal of him betraying this country getting out. It will end up putting a major stain on our family's name.
I just hope that William keeps his mouth shut about this scandal. Don't need his political friends who also can't keep their mouths shut knowing about what happened.
I still can't believe that Henry would betray our family and his own country even. I would never expect Henry to do something like this at all.
I guess I should get some rest. I have some political work to deal with tomorrow.
Richard Wellesley calmly gets up out of his seat and walks over to the door and quietly opens it. Exiting his study he then quietly and gently closes the door behind him. Then he starts calmly walking down the hallway to his bedroom.
To be Continued...
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