The Warriors Secret
It is currently 4:00 pm and Wellington is sitting on a log staring at a river. He suddenly hears an unfamiliar bird noise in the tree. Which is much different to the normal high pitched chirping. Suddenly the mysterious jet black bird lands next to Wellington. Wellington stares into the eyes of the raven. Wellington starts speaking in a calm voice.
Wellington: What do you want?
The raven hops closer to Wellington and squawks at him.
Wellington: I don't have food for you if that's what you want.
The raven hops closer and begins pecking the sheath for Wellington's sabre. Wellington tries to shoo the raven away. But the raven instead jumps on Wellington's knees and stares up at him.
Wellington: Curious little thing. Why are you not scared of me?
Suddenly there is a loud crack of thunder in the distance. The raven flies off to the other side of the river and continues watching Wellington.
*Wellington in thought*
What does it want?
Why is it watching me?
Does it want food?
Does it want me to follow it? I'm not just going to follow a bird. That's just weird.
I don't understand why it's just staring at me and it doesn't mind my company either...
Wellington quietly whistles to the raven. The raven continues to gaze at Wellington for a couple of minutes. Then suddenly the raven flies over and carefully lands on Wellington's shoulder. Wellington starts speaking in a calm yet slightly confused tone.
Wellington: Why are you being so friendly? You are a wild animal you aren't meant to be friends with people.
Wellington quietly sighs to himself and the raven suddenly jumps down onto the ground. Then the raven begins playing with Wellington's shoelaces.
Wellington: I don't understand what you want...Why did you decide to come to me? Is it because you think that I'm lonely or something?
*Wellington in thought*
Why am I talking to a bird?
Does it sense how I feel? Is it just trying to make me happy or something?
I don't know what to do...I'm still stressed about the whole situation.
Should I send the letter?
I'm nervous to send it...
Wellington calmly closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Upon opening his eyes he hears a loud clap of thunder. The raven then flies off into the darkening sky above almost blending into the darkness above. Wellington looks up at the darkness above him and suddenly a fork of lightning darts across the sky.
Wellington calmly gets up and prepares to head back to the camp. But he suddenly enters the dark part of his mind again.
He notices Kitty standing in front of him with a knife. Wellington starts backing away from Kitty out of slight fear. Kitty starts quickly approaching him. Wellington starts speaking in a very anxious tone.
Wellington: Kitty, please...Don't do this I love you.
Kitty: Why would I love anyone like you!?
Wellington: Kitty you do not want to do this you love me!
Kitty: I do not love you!
Kitty suddenly tackles Wellington to the ground. Wellington notices that where the river is meant to be there is just coarse sand as if the river has dried up. Kitty points the knife at Wellington's throat. She then starts speaking in a tone full of rage and hatred.
Kitty: Why should I love you!?
Wellington: We make each other happy Kitty!
Kitty: You do not make me happy! I don't love you!
Wellington: Kitty why...
Kitty: Because you only care about winning this war and not me!
Wellington: Kitty I do care about you! I think about you every day...I love you!
Kitty violently slaps Wellington across the face.
Kitty: I hate you! You stupid bastard!
Wellington: Kitty I'm sorry that I have to leave you!
Kitty: Sorry isn't enough Arthur!
Kitty puts the knife close to Wellington's throat. She glares into his sky blue eyes which are full of fear. Wellington starts speaking in a quiet and sad voice.
Wellington: If you kill me will that make you happy...
Kitty: Stop trying to make me feel guilty!
Wellington: Killing someone is never the right way out.
Kitty: Shut up!
Wellington suddenly hears an unfamiliar voice speaking to him. He also notices that his clothes feel cold and drenched.
???: Wake up...You silly Englishman.
Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he notices a man with long auburn braided hair that goes down past his shoulders. The man also has dark blue eyes along with some black markings around his eyes. He also has a short auburn beard which looks like it has been recently trimmed.
Wellington also notices that the man is wearing some sort of armour on his chest along with a helmet and a large fur cloak. He also notices that the man has a large double bladed weapon strapped to his back along with an axe. The man starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
???: Why were you trying to swim in a river when it seems you were incapable of swimming. Or you are possibly stupidly drunk. But seriously you almost killed yourself.
Wellington slowly sits up and he starts shivering a little bit. Wellington starts speaking in a slightly concerned tone.
Wellington: I don't remember doing that.
???: Did you hit your head or something?
Wellington: No I did not also who are you?
???: I'm Victor Nyland.
Wellington: I'm Arthur Wellesley.
Victor Nyland: I know about you. My cousin told me about you.
Wellington: Who is your cousin?
Victor Nyland: Lawrence Sundermann.
Wellington: I must be dreaming...
Victor Nyland: No you are not.
Victor Nyland calmly walks over to a small longship that has been docked on the river shore. Wellington carefully gets up and stares at the ship with slight confusion. Wellington starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Wellington: Where do you come from?
Victor Nyland: Norway.
Wellington: I see that is quite far from here...
Victor Nyland: I'm use to travelling far. I take the same journey that my ancestors took almost 1000 years ago. When they raided your precious England and slaughtered the Christians.
Wellington: That sounds pleasant...So why did you come here?
Victor Nyland: Well I heard about the war. I knew that my cousin would be involved so I decided to visit him.
Victor Nyland grabs a jet black fur cloak from the ship and calmly walks over to Wellington. Victor Nyland starts speaking in a calm tone.
Victor Nyland: Put this on unless you want to freeze to death.
Wellington: You sure you want me to wear that?
Victor Nyland: Yes. Just promise me that you will return it.
Wellington: I will.
Wellington gently grabs the jet black fur cloak and carefully puts it on. Victor Nyland stares into Wellington's sky blue eyes and he notices the slight fear in his eyes. Victor Nyland starts speaking in a calm but slightly confused tone.
Victor Nyland: What are you afraid of?
Wellington: Nothing...
Victor Nyland: I see it in your eyes you are scared of something.
Wellington: It's none of your business...
Victor Nyland: Alright I understand.
Suddenly a man with short blonde hair along with sky blue eyes who is wearing similar clothing to Victor sits up and stares at Wellington. He then starts speaking in a cheeky tone.
???: I see that the silly Englishman who tried to get himself killed is alive.
Wellington: Alright I'm not silly!
???: Says the man who practically almost drowned in a river. Like you just walked in there like someone who is drunk or blind as if the river doesn't exist.
Wellington: Enough!
???: It seems we have a feisty one.
Wellington draws his sabre and he glares at the other man.
???: Seriously you want to fight me with that flimsy looking sword. Honestly, it looks like something I could bend with my bare hands.
Wellington: You dare insult me!
Victor Nyland: Stefan enough quit being a bastard. We don't need you decapitating anyone.
Stefan: Sorry but seeing an angry Englishman is funny.
Victor Nyland: Sorry about my friend Stefan Anfinson he's a bit of a bastard sometimes. He also might be a bit crazy.
Wellington: I see...
Stefan Anfinson: Decapitation is fun...
Victor Nyland: You should really become an executioner Stefan...
Stefan Anfinson: But that means I won't get to enjoy a battle...
Victor Nyland: You only came along because I needed someone to bring me here. Also, someone to talk to. Even though you are slightly mad.
Stefan Anfinson: That's true. But how are you going to get back...
Victor Nyland: You could go to England and wait for me there. Besides, it's nice there. But don't kill anyone, please.
Stefan Anfinson: I won't...Well, I shall be off Victor I will probably see you whenever I see you.
Victor Nyland: Safe travels Stefan.
Stefan Anfinson: You go kill some of those Frenchmen and may the battlefield be drenched in the blood of the French.
Victor Nyland walks over to the ship and grabs his wooden trunk out of the ship and places it down on the river's edge. Then he pushes the ship back into the water and it starts drifting down the river. Wellington puts his sabre away and he starts speaking in a calm and polite tone.
Wellington: Need help carrying your things?
Victor Nyland: I think I can do it myself. But thank you for offering your assistance.
Wellington: Do you want a tent to stay in or something?
Victor Nyland: I bought my own tent to set up. But again thank you for offering.
Wellington: I see...
Victor Nyland: Do you know where my cousin is?
Wellington: He is in the Prussian camp. It's not too far from our camp. So where are you going to set up?
Victor Nyland: I will set up near your camp. Although I don't want your men to bother me. I sometimes prefer time to myself and my privacy to be respected.
Wellington: I see.
Victor Nyland: Now, please lead me to where your camp is.
Wellington begins leading Victor Nyland to the camp. After a few minutes of walking through a large forest, they eventually get to a clearing that opens up to a large plain. The plain is covered by many tents that are gently blowing in the wind. Victor Nyland starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Victor Nyland: I shall set up near this clearing. Then I will come to find my cousin.
Wellington: Alright...
Victor Nyland: I can tell something is bothering you...I understand that you don't want to tell me. But I can tell that you need help. Don't be afraid.
Wellington: I'm not afraid...
Victor Nyland: Everyone says that. Even though I've said that many times but during those times deep down I was afraid. I'm just good at concealing my fear. It seems you are too. If you need help it's alright to ask I'm just letting you know that.
Wellington: Alright...
Victor Nyland: If I don't see you again anytime soon I will definitely see you on the battlefield.
Wellington: Alright...
Wellington calmly walks off leaving Victor Nyland to set up his tent. Once he reaches the camp Lord Uxbridge calmly strolls over to him and stops and stares in confusion. Lord Uxbridge starts speaking in a slightly confused tone.
Lord Uxbridge: What are you wearing sir? Also, why are your clothes drenched?
Wellington: It seems we have a new ally Uxbridge. He is a Norwegian and is related to Lieutenant Sundermann. Also, my clothes are drenched because of that madness that happened to me again. According to the Norwegian, it caused me to almost drown in the river.
Lord Uxbridge: Well, I suggest that you get into dry and warm clothes, sir. It seems that it might be a cold day today.
Wellington: Yes Uxbridge...
Lord Uxbridge: So where is this Norwegian?
Wellington: In the nearby forest. But he doesn't want to be disturbed Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: I see.
Wellington: I shall go change myself and you my friend should go do your duties.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Wellington: Make sure no trouble is being caused. I don't want to anger the Prussian King again.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Wellington: Thank you Uxbridge. Also, don't worry about me I'm fine. I can tell that you are worried.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir...
Wellington calmly walks back to his tent. A couple of minutes later he enters his tent and walks over to his desk. Grabbing the letter that he is meant to send to Richard he gently unfolds it and reads it again.
*Wellington in thought*
I still don't know about sending this.
I just sound like I'm complaining about everything...
I also sound like I'm just crazy...
I feel like I need to send it...But at the same time, I want to burn it. Because it sounds awful.
But it wouldn't solve the problem...Destruction solves nothing. It causes more problems.
Why must you be so far away Richard?
If you were here I would be able to tell you the problem properly. Instead of trying to write it down and sound like I'm complaining about it.
Wellington quietly sighs to himself out of frustration. Folding the letter back up he then slams it down on the desk. He then sits down at his desk and puts his head in his hands and sits there in silence.
Meanwhile, in the Prussian camp, Lawrence is sitting on a log staring at the darkness above which is being lit up by occasional flashes of lightning. Grabbing the golden pocket watch out of his pocket he then gently opens it. Glancing down at the small picture of a man with blue eyes and short dark brown hair. He quietly sighs to himself.
*Lawrence in thought*
Why did you have to leave me?
I barely knew you father.
And now my brother hates me because I'm apparently not fully British. I have always considered myself to be British.
I just learnt to speak the Prussian language.
I wish I knew what my brother means by me not being fully British...
Does he hate me because I learnt how to speak Prussian?
I just want to know why...Why does he hate me?
A couple of minutes later Lawrence suddenly hears footsteps approaching him. He looks up and notices Victor Nyland smiling at him. Victor Nyland starts speaking in a calm and cheerful voice.
Victor Nyland: Long time no see kid.
Lawrence: I'm not a child anymore Victor. Also, why are you here?
Victor Nyland: To see you and also to slay some Frenchmen.
Lawrence: Why to see me?
Victor Nyland: I have heard about your troubles with your brother and you moving to Prussia. I can also tell you want to know about your father.
Lawrence: How do you know about him.
Victor Nyland: I knew him. I usually went to England to see him. He sent me letters about the war.
Lawrence: Could you possibly tell me more about him?
Victor Nyland: Yes but I want to take you somewhere. Where we can talk privately.
Lawrence: Alright...
Victor Nyland: Follow me.
Victor Nyland starts calmly walking off and Lawrence hastily puts his pocket watch in his pocket. Then he gets up and begins promptly following after Victor Nyland. After a few minutes of walking through the forest, they eventually reach the river. Which is flowing calmly and steadily. Lawrence starts speaking in a calm and peaceful tone.
Lawrence: What do you know about my father.
Victor Nyland: Well, I know that he was a smart and brave man. It seems you share the same qualities as him. Unlike your brother who seems to be a bit foolish and would probably be the kind of man to run away from a battle.
Lawrence: Well yes my brother is foolish and has gotten in a lot of trouble with Lord Wellington.
Victor Nyland: Your father was also an excellent swordsman. He definitely beat me a few times in our friendly duelling sessions.
Lawrence: I wish he taught me how to use a sword. But I had only known him for 5 years before he was killed.
Victor Nyland: I'm sure you are still a good swordsman Lawrence. Even though you didn't get the teaching and guidance from your father.
Lawrence: Was my father an Englishman?
Victor Nyland: No he wasn't. Why are you asking me that?
Lawrence: My brother has been telling me that I'm not fully British like him...I have been wondering if my father was not British.
Victor Nyland: He knew how to speak English but he wasn't British...I also understand why your brother is treating you in that way.
Lawrence: Why?
Victor Nyland: The British people have always considered themselves to be superior to the rest of us. Your brother sees himself to be fully British and superior to you.
Lawrence: How long has this been happening?
Victor Nyland: Probably ever since my ancestors raided England. They saw my ancestors as so called heathens and barbarians for not believing in the Christian God. The English always have seen themselves as superior...Especially to those who are non-European. They see those people as their slaves and servants. But they also see themselves as still superior to the rest of Europe.
Lawrence: So this is why my brother treats me like I am filth. Because I am not fully British.
Victor Nyland: Exactly. But to me, you will never be filth you are a great man like your father.
Lawrence stares at the forks of lightning flashing across the dark sky. In between the flashes, he notices a large dark bird flying across the sky. Victor Nyland starts speaking in a calm voice.
Victor Nyland: The storm is coming.
Lawrence: Indeed it is.
Victor Nyland: You should head back to your camp.
Lawrence: Do you not want to come?
Victor Nyland: I prefer to keep to myself. Besides, I don't want to deal with your brother. He is a fool but it seems he's that stupid he doesn't realise how foolish he is.
Lawrence: Well that's why I moved away from him along with the whole thing of him being a bastard to me.
Victor Nyland: Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Lawrence: Alright. I shall see you around.
Victor Nyland: Yes.
Lawrence calmly strolls through the forest until he eventually reaches the clearing to the vast open plain. Then he begins strolling back to the Prussian camp.
A couple of hours later it is now raining and thundering. Wellington is standing on a hill watching the flashes of lightning in the sky. Suddenly, the raven swoops down toward Wellington causing him to dodge out of the way. He accidentally slips on the wet grass and falls onto the ground. The raven then gently and gracefully lands on his chest. Wellington then starts speaking in a slightly irritated tone.
Wellington: Get off...
The raven gently hops off and Wellington gets up and sits there staring at the raven.
Wellington: You think that was funny?
The raven squawks at him and then it hops into his lap and stares up at him.
Wellington: I don't have food for you.
The raven suddenly starts trying to climb inside Wellington's coat.
Wellington: No get out of there!
Lord Uxbridge suddenly walks over and starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Lord Uxbridge: Do you want dinner, sir?
Wellington: Uxbridge help me.
Lord Uxbridge: Is something wrong sir?
Wellington: There is a bird in my coat!
Lord Uxbridge: A bird in your coat...
Wellington: Yes!
The raven pokes its head out and stares at Lord Uxbridge. Lord Uxbridge starts speaking in a calm tone.
Lord Uxbridge: It seems you have a friend sir...
Wellington: Uxbridge...
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir?
Wellington: Help me get this bird out of my coat...
Lord Uxbridge: It might just want warmth, sir...
Wellington: Uxbridge! I'm not walking around with a bird in my coat!
Lord Uxbridge: Alright...
Lord Uxbridge kneels down in front of Wellington. Gently unbuttoning the first golden buttons at the top of Wellington's coat. The raven then jumps out and gracefully flies off into the thundering darkness of the storm. Wellington awkwardly stares at Lord Uxbridge and then he starts speaking in a calm tone.
Wellington: Thank you Uxbridge...
Lord Uxbridge: Your welcome sir. Now let's go have dinner, shall we?
Wellington: Yes Uxbridge.
Wellington and Lord Uxbridge both get up off the wet grass and begin carefully walking down the hill towards the camp. A few hours later it is now 11:30 pm and Wellington is lying in bed listening to the storm outside which has calmed down. It's now just raining heavily.
*Wellington in thought*
I'm still unsure about sending that letter to Richard...
I feel like I should send it...But at the same time, I'm nervous to send it.
He might think I'm crazy...
But I need his help. I need his guidance.
I can't get through this situation myself...
Maybe getting some sleep might help...
I'll think about it tomorrow.
Also, that bird was quite mischievous. I have never met such a bird like that.
Sleep Arthur rest your mind.
Wellington gently closes his eyes and enters his fantasies. Opening his eyes he notices that he is sitting in a small wooden boat surrounded by a vast ocean. He also notices that it's unusually calm and the sun is shining brightly. Suddenly a raven flies over and gracefully lands in front of him.
Wellington stares calmly at the raven. Suddenly he hears a deep and unfamiliar voice that has a thick Norwegian accent.
???: You seem that you need guidance...
Wellington: Who said that?
???: It was me.
Wellington: Wait you are a raven that can talk?
???: This is a dream Arthur so anything is possible here including talking birds.
Wellington: Do you have a name?
???: Draumr.
Wellington: Interesting...But why are you here?
Draumr: As I said before you need guidance...
Wellington: What do you mean by guidance?
Draumr: Your mind is not at ease...Many thoughts are stressing you out. You need to rest your mind. I can tell that these thoughts are breaking you.
Wellington: I don't know what to do...
Draumr: You need help, Arthur. You know where to get the help from. But I can tell that you are scared. But it's alright to ask for help Arthur and you have done it before...
Wellington: I'm nervous to send that letter...I don't want to seem like I'm insane. Also, what is this place?
Draumr sighs calmly and he starts speaking in a calm and peaceful voice.
Draumr: This is a metaphor to describe your endless ocean of thoughts and memories.
Wellington: I see. But why is it so calm?
Draumr: It seems that your mind is currently in a relaxed state. Possibly because you are peacefully resting. But your mind is not always like this...
Wellington: I am dealing with a lot...
Draumr: It's causing your mind to be like a violent storm. You need to calm that storm...
Suddenly the sky begins to darken and lightning begins to violently strike the ocean. Causing the dark sky to light up. The ocean begins to get rougher and more violent. This causes large waves to form in the ocean disturbing the peacefulness. This also causes the small boat Wellington is in to violently rock about. Wellington notices what is happening and he feels this sense of panic forming inside him. Draumr starts speaking in a calm and peaceful tone.
Draumr: Calm yourself...
Wellington: I don't know how to control this storm...I'm nervous I have to prepare myself for a war!
Draumr: Arthur you do know what to do...But you are just too afraid to do it. You don't have to be so afraid it's alright to ask for help...
Wellington: I have to send the letter to Richard don't I...
Draumr: Yes he will give you the guidance you require.
Wellington: But I'm worried about sounding like I'm crazy...
Draumr: You aren't crazy. You are just stressed out and that is understandable.
Wellington takes a deep and calming breath. He suddenly notices that the sky is starting to clear and the sun is shining on the ocean. The waves have now shrunk in size and the ocean is now peaceful once again. The small boat that Wellington is also is now gently moving across the waves. Wellington smiles a little bit and Draumr starts speaking in a calm and peaceful voice.
Draumr: It's been good speaking to you. But it's time for you to wake up from this dream.
Wellington suddenly wakes up and slowly opens his eyes allowing them to adjust to the bright morning light. Gently grabbing his golden pocket watch out of his pocket. Then he gently opens it and notices that the time is 5:45 am. Carefully putting his pocket watch back in his pocket he peacefully stares at the top of his tent which is blowing in the gentle breeze.
*Wellington in thought*
What an odd and I guess helpful dream...
I guess I do need some guidance.
Richard will definitely be able to help me.
But I can't send it right now I have other things to do.
But I guess I should rest some more...I did stay up quite late again.
Wellington gently closes his eyes and enters a peaceful sleep.
To be Continued...
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