The Truth
It is currently 6:00 and the sun has just risen over the city of Potsdam. Voltaire is standing in front of a window gazing out at the palace gardens. He suddenly hears some footsteps behind him. Turning around he notices Frederick quickly walking towards him. Frederick then stops in front of Voltaire and cheerfully smiles. Voltaire starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.
Voltaire: Are you going to tell him, Frederick?
Frederick: Yes it's time for him to know the truth. He's been waiting 15 years. I won't let him wait any longer.
Voltaire: I'm glad that you are planning to tell him, Frederick. You are doing the right thing.
Frederick: I wish I could have made more good decisions in the past couple of months. Especially involving the whole situation with Fred.
Voltaire: Letting the Prince have his time to himself was a good decision, Frederick.
Frederick: I know but so many bad decisions lead to him leaving.
Voltaire: Frederick don't blame yourself. Just try to focus on the present.
Frederick: Your right my love I need to focus on the present right now.
Frederick slowly wraps his arms around Voltaire's waist and gently pulls Voltaire closer to him. Voltaire places both of his hands on Frederick's shoulders. Voltaire then begins passionately kissing Frederick on the lips. A couple of minutes later Prince Henry exits his room and notices Voltaire and Frederick passionately kissing each other. Prince Henry smiles a little bit. Frederick notices Henry staring at him and Voltaire and he gently breaks the kiss. Prince Henry starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Prince Henry: I see you two have been enjoying your time together since we got back.
Frederick: Henry you know that it's hard to enjoy intimate moments when you are at war.
Prince Henry: Yes I do know that.
Frederick: Also I feel like you were here to say something else.
Prince Henry: No I wasn't.
Frederick: I see.
Prince Henry: I'm assuming that you are planning something today. I noticed you giving a letter to the messenger earlier this morning.
Frederick: Yes.
Prince Henry smiles and gives a nod to Frederick. Then he walks off leaving Frederick and Voltaire to themselves. Voltaire awkwardly looks at Frederick and Frederick notices that Voltaire seems slightly uncomfortable. Frederick starts speaking in a calm and slightly concerned tone.
Frederick: Voltaire are you alright?
Voltaire: I just don't like people interrupting our moments together. Like I don't mind your brother knowing about our relationship. But I'm worried about others knowing it.
Frederick: I understand that you are worried, my love. But I am worried about that as well. Because it could become a problem.
Voltaire: Yes.
Frederick: We are possibly going to have to keep the relationship more private. Between us and the ones we trust.
Voltaire: Your right Frederick.
Frederick: I'm going to have to go do my duties now Voltaire.
Voltaire: I understand that my love.
Frederick promptly walks off to his bedroom leaving Voltaire to stare out the window at the palace gardens and the view of the city. Meanwhile at Lawrence's house in Berlin Lawrence is calmly sitting in an armchair. He then begins gazing at the shiny golden French Eagle leaning against the wall.
*Lawrence in thought*
Father if you are watching I hope that I have made you proud. We won the war against the French.
I am now wondering when the King will tell me the truth about my father. That's all I've been wanting to know for 15 years.
However, I need to respect that the King is busy. He rules this country and well that probably takes up a lot of his time. I need to be patient. He will tell me the truth when he can.
30 minutes later Lawrence hears a loud knock on the door. He gets up and walks over to the door and notices Felix Hoenigsberg standing there. Lawrence starts speaking in a calm voice.
Lawrence: What is it, messenger?
Felix: I have a letter for you.
Lawrence: From who?
Felix: From the King.
Felix grabs the letter out of his pocket and hands it to Lawrence. Lawrence opens the letter and starts calmly reading it while Felix patiently waits for him.
August 3rd, 1815
Lawrence, it's been a long while since we have last spoken to each other. But now I feel that it's time for us to meet and have a talk.
You have been waiting a while to learn the truth about your father. I think it's now time for you to finally learn the truth. Also for me to finally no longer burden myself with hiding this from you. It's been a hard burden to bear even though I didn't show it.
You must come to my palace at once and also bring the French Eagle with you. I know that you want to pay your respects to your father by placing the Eagle at his grave.
I hope to see you soon Lawrence.
King Frederick II
Lawrence folds the letter up and he gently puts it in his pocket. He then smiles at Felix who is still patiently waiting for him. Felix starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful voice.
Felix: I feel like it's time for you to go see the King.
Lawrence: Yes it is time.
Felix: You can come with me.
Lawrence: Yes I will. But I need to go get something.
Lawrence hastily walks inside and grabs the French Eagle. Then he walks outside closing the door behind him. Felix then leads Lawrence to the nearby carriage that is waiting for them. Felix opens the door to the carriage and allows Lawrence to enter first. Lawrence sits down and leans the Eagle up against the wall next to him. Felix then gets in and shuts the door behind him. The carriage then starts riding off down the street. Meanwhile, at the palace, Frederick is happily walking through the palace gardens smelling the calming scent of the roses and many other types of flowers. Then he notices Voltaire walking towards him with his hands behind his back. Frederick and Voltaire both eventually stop and stare at each other. Frederick starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful voice.
Frederick: What brings you here Voltaire?
Voltaire: I wanted to give you something Frederick.
Frederick: What is it, Voltaire?
Voltaire: I have given you one before. But that was only a friendly gesture. It wasn't a romantic one.
Frederick: I see. Very well my love show me your gift.
Voltaire pulls out a bouquet of red roses from behind his back. Frederick smiles and happily accepts the bouquet of roses. Voltaire starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Voltaire: Red is the color of love and passion. And well my love for you burns bright like the sun. It started as a small pile of embers and that first kiss we shared ignited that flame inside me.
Frederick: I felt something similar that night Voltaire. I felt like that kiss reignited my flame that had been extinguished when I lost my first love.
Voltaire: I'm glad we feel the same way and I hope that the future continues to be a happy one for both of us.
Frederick: I hope the same as well Voltaire.
Frederick then walks closer to Voltaire and gently kisses him on the lips. Voltaire smiles and then he cheerfully walks off back to the garden entrance. While Frederick continues walking through the garden enjoying the peacefulness of it. A couple of hours later Lawrence and Felix arrive at the palace. Felix politely opens the door of the carriage. Lawrence grabs the Eagle and carefully gets out of the carriage. Felix then gets out of the carriage and closes the door behind him. Lawrence and Felix then start walking up the palace steps. Upon reaching the door to the palace the guards open them allowing Felix and Lawrence to enter. Felix starts speaking in a calm voice.
Felix: I shall leave you to go talk to the King now.
Lawrence: Thank you, Felix.
Felix: You are welcome Lawrence.
Lawrence: I hope to see you around again sometime Felix.
Felix: Same with you Lawrence.
Felix calmly walks off down the hallway. While Lawrence walks up the nearby stairs. Upon reaching the top of the stairs Lawrence notices Frederick staring out the window. Lawrence calmly approaches Frederick and stops close beside him. Frederick turns to face Lawrence and smiles. Frederick starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful voice.
Frederick: It's good to see you again Lawrence. It's been a while.
Lawrence: Indeed it has been a while Your Majesty.
Frederick: I'm assuming that you got my letter.
Lawrence: Yes I did and I'm ready to learn the truth, Your Majesty.
Frederick: Let's go talk in private then Lawrence.
Lawrence: Yes Your Majesty.
Frederick calmly begins leading Lawrence to his room. Upon entering his room Frederick closes the door behind them. He then stares at Lawrence and takes a deep breath. Frederick then starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
Frederick: I have been waiting so long to tell you and it's been a bit of a burden for me.
Lawrence: I'm ready for you to tell me the truth, Your Majesty.
Frederick: I can tell that you are. But some of the things that I'm going to tell you might shock you a bit.
Lawrence: I understand that Your Majesty. But I've had to deal with a lot of shocking things. So I'm ready for you to tell me the truth.
Frederick nods and smiles then he starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful tone.
Frederick: You are possibly wondering about your father and why I know about him so well.
Lawrence: Yes but I remember Victor telling me that he wasn't British.
Frederick: That's true he wasn't British. That's why most of the things that are his don't look like they are from the British Army.
Lawrence: What are you trying to say, Your Majesty?
Frederick: Your father was a Prussian. Also a General in my army. He was also a dear friend to me.
Lawrence: That makes sense why you were close friends Your Majesty. But why were you hiding this from me?
Frederick: There are other things that I haven't told you about for important reasons. Involving your mother and your brother.
Lawrence: What about them?
Frederick: This might be hard for you to take in. But you want the truth.
Lawrence: Trust me, Your Majesty I'm ready to know the truth.
Frederick takes a deep breath trying to keep his composure. Then he gently places his hand on Lawrence's shoulder. Frederick starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
Frederick: The one you know as your mother isn't your true mother Lawrence.
Lawrence: What do you mean by that Your Majesty?
Frederick: Your father loved another woman Lawrence. That woman was one of the servants in my palace.
Lawrence: What was her name?
Frederick: Victoria Owen.
Lawrence: Can I meet her Your Majesty?
Frederick's eyes started filling with tears and Lawrence noticed this and he started speaking in a slightly concerned tone.
Lawrence: Are you alright Your Majesty? What's wrong?
Frederick: You can't see your mother Lawrence.
Lawrence: Why not Your Majesty?
Frederick: She's dead Lawrence.
Lawrence: When did she die Your Majesty?
Frederick: She died a couple of weeks after your father. She was not well Lawrence. But she knew that she couldn't leave you alone. So she sent you to the one who you would see as your mother.
Lawrence: Were you close with her?
Frederick: No just seeing your father with her made me happy that my friend found his true love. I knew that he wasn't close with his first wife. But he was really close with your mother. I felt bad for her when she lost him.
Frederick takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from his eyes. Lawrence starts speaking in a slightly calmer tone
Lawrence: So my brother wasn't actually my brother at all?
Frederick: He was still your brother. He was your half brother. You still shared similar blood.
Lawrence: I understand now Your Majesty.
Frederick: I still deeply apologize for hiding the truth from you Lawrence.
Lawrence: I accept your apology, Your Majesty.
Frederick: I was just trying to find the right moment to tell you. I was also worried about how you would react to the truth. Because the truth can be hard to accept at times. I didn't want you to be upset.
Lawrence: I understand that Your Majesty.
Frederick: I'm glad I have now told you the truth. And that I'm no longer burdening myself with such a secret. Now I want to take you somewhere Lawrence.
Lawrence: Alright Your Majesty.
Frederick opens the door and exits the room. Lawrence also exits the room and gently closes the door behind him. Frederick starts walking down the hallway and Lawrence begins following after him. They both carefully walk down the stairs and Frederick smiles a little bit at Lawrence. Eventually, they exit the palace and begin walking down the steps towards a golden carriage that is waiting for them. Upon reaching the carriage Lawrence politely opens the door and allows Frederick to get in first. Lawrence then gets in the carriage and shuts the door. He sits down opposite Frederick and leans the French Eagle against the wall next to him. The carriage then begins moving down the street. Lawrence starts speaking in a calm voice.
Lawrence: Where are we going, Your Majesty?
Frederick: We are going to where your father rests Lawrence.
Lawrence: I have been wondering where my father's resting place is.
Frederick: Well you won't have to wonder anymore Lawrence.
Lawrence: Thank you, Your Majesty.
An hour later the carriage stops outside a large cemetery. Lawrence carefully grabs the Eagle and gently opens the door of the carriage allowing Frederick to get out first. Lawrence then gets out and stands beside Frederick who is gazing out at the cemetery. Frederick starts speaking in a calm yet slightly serious voice.
Frederick: It's been 15 years since I came here to pay my respects to your father.
Lawrence: I see.
Frederick: It's time for you to pay your respects to your father.
Lawrence: Yes your right Your Majesty.
Frederick: Come I will lead you to him.
Lawrence: Thank you.
Frederick begins walking through the cemetery and Lawrence follows him. A few minutes later Frederick stops in front of a headstone and Lawrence stops beside him. The headstone reads "Alexander Sundermann. 1760-1800." Frederick looks and Lawrence and starts speaking in a calm voice.
Frederick: Do you have any words to say, Lawrence?
Lawrence: I do have some words to say.
Frederick: Very well I shall let you go first.
Lawrence: Father if you are watching me I hope that I have made you proud. I wish that you could have been there to see me capture this Eagle from the French. I know that you are probably up there smiling at how well I have done. I know that Ronnie is now up there with you. I tried to save him but I couldn't. I accept that not everything goes the way you want in life. Life can give you things but it also can take things away.
Frederick: Those were good words, Lawrence.
Lawrence: Thank you, Your Majesty.
Frederick: I now have something to say.
Lawrence: Alright.
Frederick: My dear friend. It's been 15 years. I still miss you at times. But you were a great friend and one of my most loyal soldiers. I will never forget the moments we had together. I hope that you are resting peacefully. I have told your son the truth as you promised me to do. You will never be forgotten.
Lawrence firmly pushes the end of the pole that the French Eagle rests on into the ground in front of his father's grave. Frederick smiles a little bit and Lawrence continues speaking in a calm voice.
Lawrence: I promise that I will return here again when I can. I don't want my father's memory to be forgotten.
Frederick: He would be proud of you Lawrence. He would be proud at how much you have grown as a man and as a soldier.
Lawrence: Indeed he would.
Frederick: Shall we go have some lunch, Lawrence?
Lawrence: Yes Your Majesty.
Lawrence and Frederick begin making their way back to the carriage. A few minutes later they reach the carriage and Lawrence politely opens the door allowing Frederick to get in. Lawrence then gets in and sits down opposite Frederick. He then gently closes the door and the carriage begins moving down the street. Lawrence starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful tone.
Lawrence: I thank you again for telling me the truth Your Majesty.
Frederick: Your welcome Lawrence.
To be Continued...
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