The Arrival of the British
It is currently 7:00 pm and Frederick is currently writing something at his desk. While Voltaire is happily writing something. Voltaire's quill suddenly snaps and he quietly sighs out of annoyance.
Frederick: What is it, Voltaire?
Voltaire: My quill broke again...
Frederick: You have been working for 6 hours. What are you writing exactly?
Voltaire: I'm working on something that I have been working on for a while. It's a story, Frederick.
Frederick: What is it called?
Voltaire: It's called Candide. So can I please have another quill, Frederick?
Frederick: Yes you may. But be gentle with it.
Voltaire: I will Frederick.
Frederick grabs a spare quill off his desk and gently hands it to Voltaire. Voltaire happily continues writing his story again. A few minutes later they suddenly hear some bagpipes nearby. Voltaire starts speaking in a confused tone.
Voltaire: Frederick what is that?
Frederick: I will go find out what that noise is. You wait here, Voltaire.
Voltaire: Yes Frederick.
Frederick gets up from his desk and calmly exits his tent. Calmly strolling over to the forest that is on the opposite side of the forest that leads to the lake. He notices the British setting up their camp. Wellington calmly strolls over to Frederick. Wellington starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.
Wellington: Evening Your Majesty.
Frederick: Evening Your Grace.
Wellington: It's good to see you again.
Frederick: Indeed it is.
Wellington: I hope that you don't mind that we are setting up so close by.
Frederick: I don't mind at all as long as your men don't cause too much trouble.
Wellington: I'm sure they won't.
Frederick: May I ask you something?
Wellington: Yes Your Majesty?
Frederick: Do you want to join me for dinner tonight?
Wellington: Yes, I accept your invitation.
Frederick: You may bring some guests.
Wellington: I will.
Frederick: I shall see you in an hour.
Wellington: Yes Your Majesty. I shall go keep an eye on my men to make sure no trouble is being caused.
Frederick: Alright.
Wellington quickly and calmly strolls off back to the British camp. Prince Henry suddenly walks over to Frederick and he starts speaking in a calm tone.
Prince Henry: I see that the British are here.
Frederick: Yes and I have invited the Duke to join us for dinner. Do you want to come Henry?
Prince Henry: Indeed I shall join you, Frederick. When is this dinner?
Frederick: It's at 8 o'clock Henry. I suggest you prepare yourself.
Prince Henry: Will do Frederick. I will see you then.
Frederick: Yes Henry.
Prince Henry calmly strolls off and Frederick calmly walks back to his tent. Entering his tent he smiles a little bit and starts speaking in a cheerful and pleasant tone.
Frederick: Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes Frederick?
Frederick: Do you want to come to dinner with me at 8 o'clock?
Voltaire: Yes mon ami. (my friend)
Frederick: The Duke of Wellington and his guests will be there. Along with Prince Henry who will also be there. Now I need to get as much work as I can done before dinner.
Voltaire: Frederick?
Frederick: Yes Voltaire?
Voltaire: Can I ask you something important after dinner...
Frederick: Unfortunately I will be busy I have a lot of work to do Voltaire...
Voltaire: I understand...
Frederick: We can talk tomorrow at some point perhaps...
Voltaire: I'm going to go for a walk. As you said I have been working on this for 6 hours and I need to walk around.
Frederick: Alright Voltaire.
Putting his work aside Voltaire grabs his crutches and carefully gets to his feet. Exiting the tent he notices Prince Henry sitting on a nearby log. Voltaire calmly walks over to Prince Henry and carefully sits down next to him. Prince Henry smiles a little bit and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Prince Henry: Evening Voltaire is Frederick inviting you to the dinner?
Voltaire: Yes he is...But I need to ask you something in private...
Prince Henry: Alright Voltaire where do you want to talk?
Voltaire: At the lake...
Prince Henry: Alright.
Voltaire carefully gets up and starts walking to the lake with Prince Henry following along beside him. Eventually, they get to the lake and stop and listen to the relaxing sounds of the leaves rustling in the wind. Along with the gentle waves of the lake crashing into the rocky shore. A few minutes later Voltaire starts speaking in a calm voice that has a slight hint of nervousness.
Voltaire: How would you feel if a man liked another man...
Prince Henry: What do you mean Voltaire?
Voltaire: How do you feel about a man loving another man in more than just a friend kind of way...
Prince Henry: Well, I find it a bit odd. But since I secretly knew that my dear brother Frederick was in love with Katte...I do accept it.
Voltaire: You knew about their relationship?
Prince Henry: Well, I did catch them kissing a couple of times...Frederick didn't notice me...
Voltaire: So you don't mind if a man loves another man...
Prince Henry: No I don't. Now, why did you ask me this Voltaire?
Voltaire starts blushing a lot and he starts speaking in a slightly nervous tone.
Voltaire: Your Highness...
Prince Henry: Yes Voltaire?
Voltaire: The truth is I love Frederick...As more than just a friend Your Highness.
Prince Henry: I promise you that I won't tell him, Voltaire.
Voltaire: You don't mind that I love Frederick?
Prince Henry: No of course not...It is odd but I don't mind that you love my brother. Because I know that he loves men and I'm sure he will accept your love.
Voltaire: Thank you for being so accepting Your Highness...
Prince Henry: Anytime Voltaire...So when do you plan to ask him?
Voltaire: Tomorrow perhaps...At night.
Prince Henry: I wish you good luck, Voltaire.
Voltaire: Thank you, Your Highness.
Prince Henry: Now I need to prepare for this dinner.
Voltaire: Yes Your Highness.
Prince Henry calmly wanders off back to the camp. Leaving Voltaire alone at the lake. Voltaire smiles a little bit out of pure joy and happiness.
*Voltaire in thought*
He accepts that I love Frederick...
I wasn't expecting him to be so understanding. Prince Henry seems so serious and I didn't expect such a serious man to be so understanding.
Especially since I love his brother in such a way that is indeed odd. But he is accepting of it.
I now just need to confess to Frederick tomorrow...
Why do I feel so nervous about confessing my love to Frederick?
I just need to tell him that I love him. But I'm really nervous!
I should just stay out here and relax before dinner. I don't want to show that I'm extremely nervous...
Meanwhile, in the Prussian camp, Lawrence gets up off the log he was sitting on and starts calmly walking over to the British camp. Once he enters the British camp Colonel Fraser suddenly walks up to him. Colonel Fraser starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Benedict Fraser: Evening Lieutenant.
Lawrence: Evening sir.
Benedict Fraser: It's good to see you, Lieutenant.
Lawrence: Same with you sir.
Benedict Fraser: Why do you have a different rifle Lieutenant?
Lawrence: Someone stole my rifle, sir.
Benedict Fraser: Stole it...Why would someone do that?
Lawrence: Just a family quarrel sir...
Benedict Fraser: Your brother causing you trouble again?
Lawrence: Yes sir.
Benedict Fraser: Should I report this theft to Lord Wellington?
Lawrence: I think I should tell him myself, sir.
Benedict Fraser: Very well Lieutenant you go tell him.
Lawrence starts calmly strolling through the camp. Then suddenly Ronnie Watson marches up to him and glares at him out of disgust. Lawrence starts speaking in an irritated tone.
Lawrence: Out of my way Ronnie.
Ronnie Watson: No I want to know why you are here.
Lawrence: I know what you have done and I'm going to report your theft of my rifle to Lord Wellington.
Ronnie Watson: You wouldn't dare do that to your brother you bastard!
Lawrence: This is why I left Britain to stay away from you. You treat me like I am filth.
Ronnie Watson: That's because you are filth to me! You are not even fully British! You dirty piece of scum!
Lawrence: Just get out of my way Ronnie.
Ronnie Watson suddenly shoves Lawrence backwards and he starts speaking in a tone full of hostility and resentment.
Ronnie Watson: Why would I let you report what I did to Lord Wellington!?
Lawrence: Because what you did is a crime! Theft is a crime Ronnie and I have the right to report such a thing!
Ronnie Watson: You really want to get your brother done for theft!
Lawrence: Yes. Because what you have done is wrong so let me pass.
Ronnie Watson suddenly shoves Lawrence onto the ground and continues yelling at him.
Ronnie Watson: I will not let you report what I have done you, bastard!
Lawrence: You realise that your punishment will be far worse if you keep hiding what you have done!
Ronnie Watson: I will not let you get me punished!
Lawrence: Do you really want to make the situation worse!? I bet you have already lied to Wellington about why you have my rifle!
Ronnie Watson: Just go back to that Prussian camp where you belong!
Lawrence: No not until I do what is right!
Suddenly they hear a familiar voice coming towards them and they both immediately stop yelling at each other.
Wellington: Captain what is going on here?
Ronnie Watson: Uh...
Wellington: Is something wrong Captain?
Ronnie Watson: No sir...
Wellington: Well, I suggest you get back to your duties Captain.
Ronnie Watson: Yes sir...
Ronnie Watson hastily walks off feeling slightly annoyed and defeated. Lawrence promptly gets back to his feet and Wellington calmly walks over to Lawrence. Wellington starts speaking to Lawrence in a calm and pleasant tone.
Wellington: Why are you here Lawrence?
Lawrence: I'm here to see you, sir.
Wellington: And why is that?
Lawrence: I'm here to report something.
Wellington: Shall we speak about it somewhere a bit more private Lieutenant.
Lawrence: Yes sir.
Wellington and Lawrence calmly walk through the camp which is still being set up. There is some friendly chatter between the soldiers along with higher ranking officers giving out orders. A few minutes later Wellington and Lawrence enter Wellington's tent. Wellington calmly sits down at his desk and starts speaking in a calm but serious voice.
Wellington: What do you have to report to me, Lieutenant?
Lawrence: A crime sir.
Wellington: What kind of crime Lieutenant?
Lawrence: Theft sir.
Wellington: What has been stolen?
Lawrence: My rifle sir. This rifle I have on me is not the one that was given to me when I joined the British Army. It was my fathers and he wished me to have it, sir.
Wellington: I see. Do you know who stole your rifle Lieutenant?
Lawrence: Ronnie Watson sir.
Wellington: Well it seems that Captain Watson also lied to me about something. I shall arrange a punishment for Captain Watson and have someone collect your rifle and return it to you, Lieutenant.
Lawrence: Yes sir.
Wellington: Anything else that you need to report to me, Lieutenant?
Lawrence: No sir.
Wellington: Well you are dismissed, Lieutenant.
Lawrence: Yes sir.
Lawrence calmly exits the tent and begins walking back to the Prussian camp. Lord Uxbridge suddenly enters Wellington's tent. Wellington immediately looks up from his work and gently puts his quill down. Lord Uxbridge starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Lord Uxbridge: What was that about sir?
Wellington: A report of a theft Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Well who is going to be punished then, sir?
Wellington: Captain Watson.
Lord Uxbridge: Bloody hell I'm surprised he is still Captain with the way he acts sometimes.
Wellington: Indeed...Well I'm trying to figure out his punishment. He also lied to me as well as the whole situation with him stealing Lieutenant Sundermann's rifle.
Lord Uxbridge: Jesus Christ...
Wellington: Uxbridge I have a question for you.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir?
Wellington: Will you come to a dinner that the Prussian King has invited me to tonight?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir, I shall come with you.
Wellington: It's at 8 o'clock so I suggest you prepare yourself.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir, I will see you then sir.
Lord Uxbridge calmly exits the tent and goes to prepare for the dinner. Wellington gently grabs his quill and continues writing out the report.
*Wellington in thought*
I knew that something seemed wrong with Captain Watson having that rifle.
Why would he steal it from his brother though that's what I don't understand...
Like I have noticed he indeed has a strong hatred towards Lieutenant Sundermann.
Captain Watson also lied to me...
I will have to think of a punishment for Captain Watson. I will finish the rest of this report later I have to prepare for this dinner.
I guess I will also have to try not to get too drunk as well...
Just get ready for the dinner Arthur!
Wellington gets up out of his seat and walks over to his wooden trunk and kneels down in front of it. Gently opening the wooden trunk he starts carefully searching through his things. Eventually, he grabs his scarlet red jacket which is neatly folded. Carefully closing the wooden trunk he then places his scarlet red coat on top of it.
Unbuttoning the golden shiny buttons on his blue coat. He then takes it off and gently hangs it up on the wooden seat at his desk. Wellington then carefully takes the Order of the Garter medal off his blue coat and places it on his desk. Grabbing his scarlet red coat he carefully unfolds it and puts it on. Carefully buttoning up the golden buttons on the scarlet red coat he then grabs his medal and puts it on his coat.
Calmly exiting his tent Wellington begins wandering around the camp making sure no trouble is being caused. Meanwhile, at the Prussian camp, Lawrence is sitting on a log in front of a fire that has recently been lit. Glaring into the burning hot flames he suddenly hears footsteps approaching him along with a calm and warm voice.
Voltaire: Lawrence are you alright?
Lawrence: No I'm not alright Voltaire...
Voltaire: What happened Lawrence?
Lawrence: I had a fight with my brother...
Voltaire: Do you want to talk about it, Lawrence?
Lawrence: No just leave me alone Voltaire I don't want to get angry and upset you.
Voltaire: I understand...I will leave you alone then.
Lawrence: Thank you for understanding Voltaire.
Voltaire calmly and cheerfully strolls off back to his tent. Once he enters his tent he notices that Frederick is still happily working away. Voltaire carefully walks over to his bed and carefully sits down on it putting his crutches aside. Frederick starts speaking in a calm and cheerful voice.
Frederick: What is the time mon ami? (My friend)
Voltaire gently grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket. Gently opening the pocket watch he notices that the time reads 7:45 pm. Closing the pocket watch back up Voltaire puts it back into his pocket.
Voltaire: It's 7:45 Frederick.
Frederick: Are you ready to go to the dinner, Voltaire?
Voltaire starts blushing a little bit.
Voltaire: Yes I'm ready Frederick.
Frederick: I understand if you are nervous Voltaire. Because the British are here now and you are worried about them hurting you. But I promise you that nothing bad will happen at this dinner alright.
Voltaire: Alright.
A few minutes later Frederick gets up out of his seat and smiles cheerfully at Voltaire. He then starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Frederick: Are you ready to go Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes Frederick.
Voltaire gently grabs his crutches and carefully gets to his feet. Carefully walking over to Frederick he suddenly almost falls over. But Frederick stops him from falling by tightly wrapping his arms around Voltaire's waist. Voltaire suddenly starts blushing a lot causing his cheeks to go bright red. Voltaire starts speaking in a slightly embarrassed tone.
Voltaire: Sorry...I didn't mean to do that.
Frederick: No it's fine I understand that those crutches are probably quite awkward to use.
Frederick gently lets go of Voltaire. Voltaire immediately tries to hide the fact that he is blushing a lot. Frederick smiles and starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Frederick: Come Voltaire let's head to the dinner shall we.
Voltaire: Yes.
Frederick and Voltaire exit the tent and begin cheerfully walking through the camp. They smell many different aromas such as the wood burning in the many campfires throughout the camp. Along with the mixture of freshly opened alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine and schnaps. They also hear the cheerful chatter and singing of the soldiers throughout the camp. Along with some flutes quietly playing.
Eventually, they get to a large tent which they enter. Prince Henry has already taken his seat on the left side of the table in the second closest seat to the entrance. Frederick sits down at the head of the table. While Voltaire sits down in the seat that is closest to Frederick on the left side of the table. Voltaire stares at Prince Henry who smiles cheerfully at him and gives him a little wink. Voltaire starts blushing a little bit.
A couple of minutes later Wellington and Lord Uxbridge enter the tent. They both take their seats on the right side of the table. Wellington starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.
Wellington: Thank you, Your Majesty, for inviting us to this dinner.
Frederick: It's my pleasure, Your Grace. So who is your friend?
Wellington: This is Lord Uxbridge he was at our meeting, Your Majesty.
Lord Uxbridge: Sorry that I didn't introduce myself earlier Your Majesty.
Frederick: No it's fine My Lord. Now let me introduce you to my guests. My brother Prince Henry was also at the meeting.
Prince Henry: It's been a pleasure working with you Your Grace and My Lord. I hope that we can continue working together in Prussia and Britains relationship.
Wellington: Yes Your Highness.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes Your Highness.
Frederick: And this is my dear friend Voltaire.
Voltaire: Pleasure to meet you, Your Grace and My Lord.
Wellington: Yes.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes.
Frederick: Now Prince Henry if you please can you go tell the men preparing our dinner to bring in the food and the wine.
Prince Henry: Yes Your Majesty.
Prince Henry calmly gets out of his seat and exits the tent. A couple of minutes later Prince Henry comes back with 6 servants who enter the tent and start placing the plates with venison on them and some who place down wine glasses and one who begins pouring the red wine into each glass. Prince Henry calmly sits back in his seat. The servants eventually leave except for the one with the bottle of wine. Frederick starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Frederick: Shall we have a toast, gentlemen?
Wellington: Yes Your Majesty.
Frederick carefully lifts his glass of wine up and the rest follow suit. Frederick starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Frederick: A toast to our future victory over the French and to the end of this war. Cheers gentlemen.
Wellington: Cheers.
Lord Uxbridge: Cheers.
Prince Henry: Cheers.
Voltaire: Cheers.
They all gently clink their glasses together. Then they drink some of the wine out of their glasses. Then they start eating the venison except for Wellington who awkwardly stares at it. Lord Uxbridge notices this and gently nudges him and then Wellington starts awkwardly eating it. A few minutes later they finish their meal. Wellington suddenly starts speaking in a pleasant tone.
Wellington: So Your Majesty how long have you and Voltaire been friends?
Frederick: 11 years Your Grace.
Voltaire: I don't feel comfortable talking about the day we met...It was not a good day for me.
Wellington: I understand Voltaire.
Voltaire: Thank you for being so understanding Your Grace.
They finish their wine and Frederick starts speaking in a calm and serious tone.
Frederick: More wine gentlemen?
Wellington: Unfortunately no I don't think I should have any more wine, Your Majesty. I have to be awake early tomorrow to sort out a problem.
Frederick: I understand Your Grace.
Wellington: Thank you for inviting us to this dinner Your Majesty. I think we should be going now.
Frederick: It's been a pleasure having you here Your Grace and My Lord. Yes, you may leave now.
Wellington and Lord Uxbridge get out of their seats and calmly exit the tent. Prince Henry starts speaking in a calm tone.
Prince Henry: I should be going, Frederick.
Frederick: Yes also, please tell someone to clean up the dishes Henry.
Prince Henry: Yes Frederick.
Prince Henry gets up out of his seat and calmly exits the tent. Frederick smiles at Voltaire and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Frederick: Time to go to bed Voltaire.
Voltaire: Yes mon ami. (my friend)
Frederick gets out of his seat and Voltaire carefully follows suit. They exit the tent and start walking back to their tent. Frederick starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Frederick: You need rest Voltaire you have been working on that story for a while.
Voltaire: Yes I know.
A few minutes later they get back to their tent and go inside. Frederick sits down at his desk and continues working on something. While Voltaire lies down and gently puts his crutches aside. Voltaire slowly closes his eyes and enters his fantasies. Voltaire slowly opens his eyes and he notices that he is lying on the ground in front of the entrance to the palace. Slowly getting to his feet he notices a cold white blanket of snow is covering the ground. Staring at his hands he notices that they are starting to turn purple.
Suddenly Frederick opens the door and he stares at Voltaire with shock and confusion. Frederick starts speaking in a confused tone which has a hint of concern to it.
Frederick: Voltaire what are you doing here?
Voltaire: I...
Voltaire suddenly collapses on Frederick. Frederick gently picks Voltaire up and holds him in his arms. He starts speaking in a concerned tone.
Frederick: Are you alright why are you here?
Voltaire: No...I'm not alright I fled France...The French Emperor ordered me to leave France.
Frederick: I'll allow you to stay here in Prussia you are safe here. Now let's go inside and get you warm.
Voltaire: Yes Frederick...Is it alright if I just call you Frederick?
Frederick: Yes that's fine by me we have been friends for a year.
Voltaire starts tearing up due to the empty feeling in his stomach.
Frederick: What's wrong Voltaire?
Voltaire: I feel like I'm dying...I feel hungry I haven't eaten in a week...I haven't had anything to drink in like a day...I'm cold. I honestly don't care if I die in the arms of my only friend...
Frederick: No...I'm not letting you die.
Frederick hastily walks inside the palace and begins making his way to the room that would eventually become Voltaire's room. Frederick gently puts Voltaire down and opens the door to the room. Frederick starts speaking in a calm and collected tone.
Frederick: Just get yourself situated in here I will go get you something to eat.
Voltaire: Alright...Thank you.
Voltaire enters the room and grabs the large scarlet red blanket off the bed and wraps it around himself. He then sits on the bed and stares at the open doorway. Voltaire feels his body starting to stop shivering. Eventually, Frederick comes back with a bowl of warm vegetable soup and hands it to Voltaire. Voltaire starts eating the soup and Frederick sits down next to Voltaire and gently wraps one arm around Voltaire. Frederick starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.
Frederick: Do you feel better?
Voltaire: I do feel warmer...I am starting to feel less hungry and thirsty. But my body still feels weak and tired.
Frederick: You can stay in Prussia for as long as you wish. You can stay in my palace.
Voltaire: Really you would let a civilian like me stay in your palace?
Frederick: Voltaire...your my friend and I will let you stay in my palace.
Voltaire: Alright...
Frederick: Eat you need to get your strength back...
Voltaire: Yes Frederick.
Voltaire slowly opens his eyes allowing them to adjust to the morning light. Glancing over at Frederick he notices that Frederick is gently holding his hand. Voltaire starts blushing a little bit. Gently grabbing his pocket watch out of his pocket he opens it and notices that the time is 4:30 am. Gently closing the pocket watch and putting it back in his pocket. Voltaire slowly closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.
To be Continued...
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