Sleepless Night.
Voltaire lies in bed quietly sleeping. He suddenly wakes up in a panic. He starts trying to calm down but he ends up quietly whimpering instead. He carefully gets out of bed and he grabs his robe off the hook and puts it on. He carefully walks over to the door trying to find the handle. He quietly opens the door and he quietly walks into the hallway closing the door behind him. He quietly walks over to the door of Fredericks room.
Voltaire: Frederick...
Voltaire starts quietly knocking on the door.
Voltaire: Frederick, please...let me in.
Voltaire stands there for a couple of minutes gently wiping his tears away. Frederick suddenly opens the door and he glances at Voltaire who is still wiping tears from his eyes.
Frederick: Voltaire what's wrong?
Voltaire: I can't sleep, Frederick...I'm worried about you.
Frederick: Voltaire I'm fine...go back to bed. It's late my friend.
Voltaire suddenly hugs Frederick feeling his warmth.
Frederick: It's alright I'm here I'm fine. Don't cry, Voltaire. You're going to be alright.
Voltaire: I'm afraid of losing you, Frederick.
Frederick: What do you mean by that.
Voltaire: I saw him kill you, Frederick...
Frederick: Voltaire it was just a dream...go back to sleep.
Voltaire: No I can't I'm too frightened...
Frederick: I understand.
Frederick starts trying to comfort Voltaire. But Voltaire continues quietly crying and whimpering.
Frederick: Voltaire what will calm you down?
Voltaire: Your music...
Frederick: Alright come in I don't want to wake anyone.
Frederick walks into his room and Voltaire follows him and quietly closes the door. He walks over to the bed and sits down. Frederick walks over to the window and he gently opens the curtains allowing the moonlight in. Frederick then gently grabs his flute off a nearby shelf. He then walks into the moonlight and Voltaire gazes at him. Frederick then starts playing a soft and soothing tune. Voltaire smiles and he starts calming down. He suddenly closes his eyes and goes to sleep. Frederick notices this and he stops playing and he puts his flute down on his desk. He then walks over to Voltaire and he notices that Voltaire seems relaxed and he is sleeping peacefully. Frederick sits down next to Voltaire. Voltaire suddenly opens his eyes and he stares at Frederick.
Frederick: Sleep you need it.
Voltaire: Are you sure I can sleep here...
Frederick: Just for tonight...I'll let you. I know you're afraid to sleep alone tonight.
Voltaire: Frederick...I thank you.
Frederick: Get some rest.
Voltaire gets up off the bed and starts slowly taking off his robe. He then puts it on a nearby hook. He then gets into the bed and slowly closes his eyes. Frederick gets off the end of the bed and he takes off his black robe. He then starts putting on a white shirt and black pants. He then walks over to the door and he quietly locks it. He then quietly walks over to the bed and he then gets into bed and slowly closes his eyes and goes to sleep.
A Few Hours Later it is now early in the morning the sun has just risen.
Frederick is at his desk working and Voltaire is still sleeping peacefully. There is suddenly a knock at the door.
Frederick: Who's there?
Lawrence: It's me, Lieutenant Sundermann, Your Majesty may I enter?
Frederick: Yes just a moment.
Frederick gets up out of his desk and walks over to the door. He starts unlocking the door. He then opens the door and gazes at Lawrence.
Lawrence: I was just coming to see if you are alright after yesterday Your Majesty.
Frederick: I'm fine.
Lawrence: Hows Voltaire he seemed quite worried about you yesterday.
Frederick: He could be better. He woke me up last night because he was worried about if the Prince killed me...
Lawrence: I see. May I come in?
Frederick: Yes you may.
Frederick walks back over to his desk and he sits down and continues working. Lawrence enters the room and notices Voltaire sleeping in the bed.
Frederick: Don't mind him he needs rest.
Lawrence: I understand.
Frederick: I have just received a letter from this English Commander. It seems that his French is also good. He is planning to land his army in Denmark. I recognise this Commander. I have heard about how he fought in Spain and Portugal against the French.
Lawrence: Sir Arthur Wellesley the first Duke of Wellington.
Frederick: He sounds like a great man.
Lawrence: He is Your Majesty.
Frederick: Why would he want to land his army in Denmark though?
Lawrence: Possibly so it would be easier for the Prussian army and the British Army to meet up.
Frederick: True. It is a smart plan. He also won't have to deal with the French.
Voltaire slowly opened his eyes and allowed his vision to adjust to the morning sunshine. He suddenly notices Lawrence is in the room and he starts blushing a little bit.
Frederick: Good Morning Voltaire.
Voltaire: Morning Frederick...
Lawrence: Are you alright Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes Lawrence. I just didn't notice you were in here.
Lawrence: I heard about last night. I know you're worried about his Majesty. Because of what happened yesterday. Don't worry I'm sure that the Prince won't hurt his Majesty again.
Voltaire: Lawrence I know but I still don't want to lose Frederick...he is my only friend now. I lost all my friends when I had to flee France.
Frederick: Voltaire you won't lose me. You're also my only friend now after what happened in the past...I won't die without at least spending time with you before dying. But I promise that I won't die in this war.
Voltaire starts blushing even more but he tries to hide it.
Voltaire: I need some air.
Frederick: Alright Voltaire.
Voltaire gets out of bed and he quickly grabs his robe and puts it on. He promptly walks over to the door and opens it then walks out into the hallway closing the door behind him.
Frederick: Lieutenant Sundermann may you check on him for me. He seems to be acting strange. I worry for Voltaire sometimes.
Lawrence: Yes Your Majesty.
Lawrence promptly walks over to the door. He opens it and walks out into the hallway closing the door behind him. He notices Voltaire staring out the window. He walks over and stands beside Voltaire.
Lawrence: Voltaire are you alright?
Voltaire: No I feel awkward and embarrassed. I...He let me sleep in the same bed as him...
Lawrence: I see...
Voltaire: I just needed air and I felt those feelings again...those strong romantic feelings I have for him. That strong desire to kiss him came back as well. I had to leave the room because I might have accidentally kissed him...He was flattering me.
Lawrence: I understand. But you are going to have to tell him that you love him eventually.
Voltaire: I don't know when the moment will come for me to tell him that I love him...
Lawrence: You will know when it's the right moment.
Voltaire: I'm nervous that I might get the moment wrong and it's awkward.
Lawrence: Voltaire you won' your yourself.
Voltaire: I will try. But don't tell Frederick what I said just tell him that I was feeling awkward that you saw me in his bed...
Lawrence: Voltaire I will tell him. But I can't keep lying to His Majesty.
Voltaire: I know...But I still don't know how he would feel about me loving him and I don't want to tell him immediately. As you said there is always that one moment to tell someone that you love them. That moment for me hasn't come yet.
Lawrence: I understand.
Voltaire: At the same time I'm scared to tell him...What if he rejects me. I would just feel so awkward around him...
Lawrence: I understand.
Prince Henry suddenly walks over.
Prince Henry: Are you alright Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes I'm fine Your Highness.
Lawrence: Where is Prince Frederick?
Prince Henry: He's in his room.
Lawrence: Do you know why he did what he did yesterday?
Prince Henry: No I don't...But I know that he won't be doing that again. Otherwise, his punishment will be much harsher.
Lawrence: I see.
Prince Henry: I can also tell that someone is worried about my dear brother.
Voltaire: Look he is my only friend...I also thought that the Prince was a nice person but now that I have seen and heard what he has done. I don't know if I want to be around him he hurt Frederick. I'm now worried that he might hurt other people including me.
Prince Henry: I understand Voltaire. Now I must go see my brother. Just to make sure he is alright and to also see what he is planning to do in this war.
Lawrence: Alright Your Highness.
Prince Henry walks down the hallway opens the door to Fredericks room and then enters and closes the door behind him.
Lawrence: Voltaire.
Voltaire: Yes?
Lawrence: I know what it's like to leave people behind. As you said you had to flee France and left all your friends behind.
Voltaire: How do you know how I feel?
Lawrence: I left Britain. I left many friends behind. But I also left my brother behind but I'm glad that I came to Prussia away from my brother.
Voltaire: Why are you glad that you did that?
Lawrence: My brother is an awful person he verbally abuses me. He made some of my friends in the British Army turn on me.
Voltaire: I see...
Lawrence: I suggest that you stay away from him.
Voltaire: Why?
Lawrence: He might not take a liking to you. Because you're a Frenchman and well he enjoys killing the French.
Voltaire: I thought the British would only kill French soldiers...Not civilians...
Lawrence: Unfortunately some British soldiers do kill French civilians. My brother is one of them.
Voltaire: I...What do I do if he comes near me?
Lawrence: I doubt he would come into the Prussian camp. Just stay in the Prussian camp.
Voltaire: I'm scared that he might hurt me, Lawrence...I could never shoot someone to save my life...I just can't kill.
Lawrence: I know...But as long as you stay away from him he won't hurt you.
Voltaire: Alright...
A door nearby suddenly opens and Prince Henry walks out and closes the door behind him. Prince Henry walks over to Lawrence and Voltaire.
Prince Henry: Lieutenant Sundermann.
Lawrence: Yes Your Highness?
Prince Henry: I have heard that the British Commander the first Duke of Wellington. Is planning to land in Denmark with his army. He is also planning to come to Potsdam to see his Majesty. He is travelling a couple of days ahead of his Army so he can have enough time to come to Potsdam and then get back to Denmark. I'm sure he would be glad to see you here Lawrence.
Voltaire: What should I do around this Englishman?
Prince Henry: It seems he can speak French. But just tell him that you are a friend of the King.
Voltaire: Alright.
Lawrence: So what would be the estimated time that he would be here your Highness?
Prince Henry: Well the letter is dated June the 10th and today is June the 12th. So I would say he would be in Denmark by now. He might arrive tomorrow.
Lawrence: I'm worried about how Prince Frederick will react towards him. He didn't react well towards me he might think that Wellington might also be what he assumes I am. Trust me, I have seen General Wellesley get mad before and it's not pretty.
Prince Henry: I'm use to angry Generals. My brother has a bit of a temper and I try to stay out of his way. But sometimes I have to intervene. But I understand your concerns about the Prince.
Voltaire: He never gets angry at me...
Prince Henry: That's because you're his friend Voltaire and his only friend, unfortunately. I always thought that my dear brother would make more friends. But then again he would have to deal with more visitors and Frederick prefers to work in peace and he's not keen on parties. So he doesn't want to lose you as his friend.
Voltaire: I see...
Lawrence: I'm more worried about Wellington being attacked by Prince Frederick.
Prince Henry: Don't worry Lieutenant Sundermann. I'm sure he won't attack Wellington.
Voltaire: How do I greet the Duke?
Prince Henry: Good question Voltaire. You greet him as 'your grace'.
Voltaire: I understand. I'm still nervous about meeting the Duke.
Prince Henry: I understand Voltaire.
Lawrence puts his hand on Voltaire's shoulder. Voltaire glances at Lawrence.
Lawrence: I understand why you're nervous Voltaire. The Duke is quite a serious man. He also has a temper as I said. But don't worry as long as you don't anger him and get on his bad side you will be fine.
Voltaire: Alright...
Prince Henry: I'm going to get some practice in with my pistols. Since we were interrupted yesterday. You may join me if you want Voltaire.
Voltaire: I...I need to continue with some poetry. But thanks for the offer, Your Highness.
Prince Henry: Alright Voltaire. But remember don't worry too much about Frederick. He is fine and the Prince won't attack him again.
Voltaire: Alright Your Highness.
Prince Henry walks off down the hallway.
Voltaire: What are you going to do Lawrence?
Lawrence: I might also get some more practice in with the Prince.
Voltaire: Alright.
Lawrence: I can tell you are still nervous about what happened yesterday. But as Prince Henry said, Frederick is fine and that Prince Frederick won't attack him again. At least without being punished.
Voltaire: Alright...
Lawrence quickly walks down the hallway after Prince Henry. Voltaire stops staring out the window and walks over to the door to his room. He gently opens the door. Before he entered the room he stared at the door to Fredericks room. He calmly and quietly sighed to himself. He then enters the room and gently closes the door.
To be Continued...
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