Safe Travels My Friend
Disclaimer: There is some violence in this chapter and you may skip this chapter if you are sensitive.
It is 10:00 am and Wellington is staring out into the vast ocean. He gently closes his eyes and starts thinking about Kitty. He suddenly hears footsteps approaching him along with a calm voice.
Horatio Nelson: Wellesley...
Wellington opens his eyes and he turns around and he stares at Nelson with a small smile on his face.
Wellington: Yes?
Horatio Nelson: Are you alright?
Wellington: Yes, I was just thinking about things.
Horatio Nelson: Like what?
Wellington: Kitty...I guess this is what happens when you love someone so much that you can't stop thinking about them.
Horatio Nelson: She's probably thinking about you as well.
Wellington quietly sighs to himself and he then starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Wellington: Nelson I'm still worried about this war. I know that I don't appear to be worried on the outside but on the inside I am quite anxious.
Horatio Nelson: What are you anxious about Wellesley?
Wellington: Losing the war...Getting captured...Possibly getting myself killed.
Horatio Nelson: You won't get yourself killed and the chance of you getting yourself captured is low. Also, you have the Prussians helping you in this conflict I know that there is still a chance of you losing the war. But it shouldn't be as bad as if only the British Army were fighting the French.
Wellington: That's true. But my mind is however full of anxious thoughts...
Horatio Nelson: I understand that. But that feeling is normal.
Wellington: I fear death mostly...
Horatio Nelson: Who doesn't Wellesley. Trust me, I have feared death so many times and look at me I'm still alive. Although I am blind in one eye and I did get my right arm cut off. But I'm still alive.
Wellington: How did you learn to write with your left hand?
Horatio Nelson: It took a while. It was quite difficult to use a quill in my left hand. Because it was just awkward to hold. I eventually got the hang of it. But I still do sometimes accidentally smudge the ink when I'm writing luckily it's not too often that I do that.
Wellington: How do you wield your sword?
Horatio Nelson: That's another story for another time.
Lord Uxbridge suddenly strolls over with a small smile on his face and he starts speaking in a pleasant tone.
Lord Uxbridge: When do we plan to leave this place and plan to start travelling to Brussels sir?
Wellington: In a few hours I still have some things to prepare for Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir.
Wellington: Uxbridge I need you to do something for me.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir?
Wellington: I need you to get me some paper some ink and a quill. I need to write a letter to the Prussian King.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Lord Uxbridge walks off and Wellington grabs his pocket watch out of his pocket. He gently opens it and stares at the picture of Kitty.
Horatio Nelson: Nothing will happen to her Wellesley...
Wellington: Please don't tell her that I've just been moping around...
Horatio Nelson: Fine...
Wellington: Just tell her that I'm well and I promise to return to her.
Horatio Nelson: Alright.
Wellington: I wish I could go back with you...But I can't I need to end this war.
Horatio Nelson: You're doing the duty for your country.
Wellington: Everyone says that...But many die under my command and I just can't help but blame myself...
Horatio Nelson: I understand.
Wellington: They call me a hero but I'm not.
Horatio Nelson: I understand that. I've also been called a hero many times. But I guess that's what happens when you end up with many victories. Speaking of you being a hero many people in England are saying that you should be Prime Minister.
Wellington: Are you joking Nelson?
Horatio Nelson: No it's not a joke.
Wellington: Jesus Christ...I can barely deal with the Army now people want me to make decisions for the whole country!
Lord Uxbridge suddenly walks over with a piece of paper some ink and a quill. He starts speaking in a calm tone.
Lord Uxbridge: I got what you asked for sir.
Wellington: Why me...
Lord Uxbridge: Are you alright sir?
Wellington: No I'm not alright Uxbridge!
Lord Uxbridge starts speaking to Nelson in a confused tone.
Lord Uxbridge: What is going on? What did I miss?
Horatio Nelson: Well I told him that many people in England may want him to be Prime Minister.
Lord Uxbridge: Is this true?
Horatio Nelson: Yes.
Lord Uxbridge: Well, I don't know what to say...
Wellington: Just don't say anything Uxbridge your just making me feel even more stressed than I already am! I thought it was a joke that people in England want me out of all people to be Prime Minister.
Wellington walks over to a nearby wooden table he sits down and puts his pocket watch away. He puts his head in his hands and he quietly sighs to himself out of slight frustration. Lord Uxbridge walks over and he gently places the piece of paper and the ink and quill in front of Wellington. Wellington starts speaking in a slightly anxious tone.
Wellington: I don't want to be Prime Minister. I don't want to have to deal with making decisions for all of England. I want a peaceful life. I just want to be with Kitty and my boys.
Lord Uxbridge: I understand sir...
Wellington: Uxbridge, please leave me alone I need to think about how to write this letter...
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Lord Uxbridge walks off and Nelson calmly approaches Wellington and he starts speaking in a calm tone.
Horatio Nelson: Wellesley are you alright?
Wellington: No...I need time to myself Nelson, please.
Horatio Nelson: I'm sorry if I upset you, Wellesley...
Wellington: No Nelson you didn't upset me...I think I already had known about this. I guess I didn't expect many people to know about it and I thought it was just a joke.
Horatio Nelson: I will leave you to write your letter and have some time to yourself. Just try to relax Wellesley.
Horatio Nelson walks away leaving Wellington alone. Wellington takes his hands off his face and he stares at the piece of paper. He gently picks up the quill and he starts fiddling with it and twirling it in his fingers trying to think of something to write. He starts gently tapping his fingertips on the wooden table still trying to think of something to write. He calmly sighs and he starts talking to himself.
Wellington: Why can't I think of something to write!?
Wellington: Think Arthur think!
Wellington: Use your brain, Arthur...
Wellington gets up and he starts pacing trying to think of something to write. He suddenly hears a calm voice behind him.
Thomas Hardy: You alright sir?
Wellington: I'm just thinking Hardy...Thinking of what to write...
Thomas Hardy: You seem anxious about something sir...
Wellington: I don't want to talk about it, Hardy...
Thomas Hardy: Alright sir...
Wellington: Why are you out here Hardy?
Thomas Hardy: Well, I heard you getting frustrated at yourself.
Wellington: I thought that no one would notice me getting annoyed at myself for not being able to write a letter.
Thomas Hardy: Well it's a bit quieter up here more than below deck. So it was a bit easier to hear you getting annoyed.
Wellington: I guess I should try to write this letter now. I have thought about it and I know what to do.
Thomas Hardy: I'll leave you to write the letter, sir.
Thomas Hardy walks off and Wellington sits back down he calmly breathes and relaxes his tensed up shoulders. He then starts writing the letter.
June 22nd 1815
Your Majesty
I have decided that the British Army will start the march to Brussels today.
I hope that our two armies will meet soon. We must stop Napoleon from invading Brussels. Otherwise, he will continue to attack other countries in Europe. I'm sure that you understand this as much as I do.
I thank you again for helping us in this war. I'm glad we can work together in these dark times ahead.
Duke of Wellington.
Wellington starts folding the letter up and he gently puts it in his pocket. He gets up out of his seat and starts strolling around the ship until he gets to Nelson's quarters. He gently knocks on the door.
Wellington: Nelson can I come in?
Horatio Nelson: Yes you may Wellesley.
Wellington gently opens the door and he notices Nelson is writing something. Wellington gently closes the door behind him. Nelson starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Horatio Nelson: What do you need Wellesley?
Wellington: I need a messenger to send this letter I have to the Prussian King.
Horatio Nelson: I'll ask Hardy to find a messenger for you.
Wellington: Thank you, Nelson.
Horatio Nelson: Do you need anything else?
Wellington: I don't think I do...
Horatio Nelson: You're still upset about the whole Prime Minister thing. I can hear it in your voice.
Wellington: I just don't want any more pressure on me...
Wellington walks over to the armchair and sits down and he starts making himself comfortable.
Horatio Nelson: I know that you don't want any more pressure put on you.
Wellington: I thought I would just stay as Commander of the British Army. I just want a peaceful life after this. I want to be with my wife and children. I don't need the added stress of being Prime Minister.
Horatio Nelson: I understand...
Wellington: I don't need that added stress...
Horatio Nelson: I know that...
Wellington: Nelson I don't know what to do about this...
Horatio Nelson: Wellesley unfortunately nor do I know what to do about this. You just have to accept that the people of England want you to be Prime Minister.
Wellington: I'm guessing that Kitty also probably knows that her dearest and loving husband might end up being Prime Minister.
Horatio Nelson: Well that is a possibility...The people in England do talk about you a lot because to them you are a hero.
Wellington: I'm not a hero...
Horatio Nelson: To them you are. You just have to accept that Wellesley.
Wellington: It's just hard for me to do that.
Horatio Nelson: I understand...
Wellington gets out his pocket watch and gently opens it and stares at it. Listening to the quiet ticking noise. He notices that the time is 10:45 am.
Horatio Nelson: Do you need anything else Wellesley other than a messenger and to chat to me?
Wellington: No...
Horatio Nelson: You still seem nervous and upset Wellesley.
Wellington: Look my clever mind needs time to comprehend this. I'm trying to think and comprehend many things at once.
Horatio Nelson: You're overwhelming yourself.
Wellington: I guess I am...
Horatio Nelson: That is not good for you Wellesley.
Wellington: I know...
Horatio Nelson: Even a clever mind like yours can only comprehend so much at a time.
Wellington: That's true...
Horatio Nelson: Indeed...Now you should go relax and clear your mind.
Wellington: Yes thank you for speaking to me Nelson...
Horatio Nelson: Anytime Wellesley.
Wellington puts his pocket watch back into his pocket and then he gets out of the armchair. He then calmly strolls over to the door and gently opens it and walks out onto the deck gently closing the door behind him. He starts walking to the front of the ship feeling the slightly cold breeze flowing through his hair.
Wellington: I guess I am overwhelming myself...
Wellington stares out at the ocean and he then gently closes his eyes taking a deep breath. He suddenly hears some footsteps behind him along with a calm voice.
Lord Uxbridge: Sir?
Wellington quickly opens his eyes and turns around and he stares at Lord Uxbridge with a small smile on his face.
Lord Uxbridge: Are you alright sir?
Wellington: I'm fine just clearing my mind...
Lord Uxbridge: Do you want to be left alone?
Wellington: No...But I need some tea. I'm quite tired I didn't get much sleep last night...
Lord Uxbridge: Bad dreams again?
Wellington: No...Just stress keeping me awake.
Lord Uxbridge: I understand. I'll get you some tea.
Lord Uxbridge walks off to go make some tea. Thomas Hardy suddenly walks over and he starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Thomas Hardy: Nelson told me that you need a message to be sent sir.
Wellington: Yes Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: I have found someone who can deliver your message, sir. I just need the location of where you need the message to be sent.
Wellington gently gets the letter out of his pocket and he hands it to Hardy. He starts speaking in a calm tone while also trying to suppress his tiredness.
Wellington: This message needs to be sent to the Prussian King's palace in Potsdam. Also, make sure the messenger doesn't get into any trouble I almost got myself killed while I was there.
Thomas Hardy: Alright...
Wellington: Thank you, Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: No problem sir.
Thomas Hardy carefully puts the letter in his pocket and he then walks off to go find the messenger. Wellington walks over to the nearby table and sits down. His eyes start to slowly close and he pulls his hat down over his eyes. He suddenly hears some footsteps approaching him. He suddenly hears the sound of a teacup being placed in front of him.
Lord Uxbridge: Wake up sir...
Lord Uxbridge gently grabs onto Wellington's hat and he pulls it up. Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he starts talking in a quiet and tired voice.
Wellington: Uxbridge let me sleep...
Lord Uxbridge: Drink the tea.
Wellington: Fine...
Wellington slowly grabs the cup of tea and he takes a sip of it. He feels the warm liquid on his lips which is warm enough to drink but not hot enough to burn him. He tastes the sweetness of the small amount of honey that has been mixed in. He gently puts the cup of tea back down on the table.
Lord Uxbridge: Do you like it, sir?
Wellington: Yes.
Lord Uxbridge: You should try to get more sleep, sir.
Wellington: I understand...
Lord Uxbridge: Have you done your final preparations?
Wellington: I still need to do some things. Also shouldn't you be preparing as well Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes...
Wellington: Well go do your preparations. I'll do mine soon. Besides, I feel like I have drunk a lot of Brandy and got no sleep.
Lord Uxbridge: Are you sure that you didn't do that?
Wellington: No Uxbridge I didn't...I told you that it's just the stress.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir. I shall go make my final preparations.
Wellington: Good Uxbridge...
Lord Uxbridge calmly strolls off to go make his final preparations. Leaving Wellington alone to drink his tea.
A couple of hours later.
Wellington is staring out at the ocean. He suddenly gets his sabre out of his sheath and holds it up and stares at his reflection. He starts speaking cheerfully to himself.
Wellington: You will return to her and you will get to hold her and kiss her as much as you like. Stop moping around Arthur. You are doing this for your country.
He suddenly hears some footsteps behind him along with a calm voice. Wellington puts his sword back into his sheath and he turns around and stares at Nelson with a smile.
Horatio Nelson: Talking to yourself Wellesley?
Wellington: Yes. I do it when I need to think sometimes when I'm alone...
Horatio Nelson: I understand...
Wellington: You don't think I'm crazy do you?
Horatio Nelson: No of course not.
Wellington: I'm guessing that you are looking forward to heading back to England?
Horatio Nelson: As long as the weather is pleasant. I don't want to be feeling extremely ill on the way back to England. Even though I have been going out to sea since I was a boy I still haven't gotten over my seasickness. It's quite unpleasant when I'm trying to work.
Wellington: I'm sure that the weather will be pleasant...
Horatio Nelson: I'm going to miss your company, Wellesley.
Wellington: Me too Nelson. I just sometimes have a hard time talking to Uxbridge about things...
Horatio Nelson: Just act like how you would talk to me. Like how we are talking right now.
Wellington: I understand.
Horatio Nelson: You should also try to get some more sleep, Wellesley. I can tell that you are tired.
Wellington: I know...
Horatio Nelson: When are you leaving Wellesley?
Wellington gets out his pocket watch and he gently opens it and looks at it. He notices that the time is 12:15 pm. He gently closes his pocket watch and puts it back in his pocket.
Wellington: In 45 minutes Nelson...
Horatio Nelson: Well then I'm going to miss having you on my ship Wellesley. I'm sure that you are fully prepared for the battle.
Wellington: I am but I'm still nervous...
Horatio Nelson: That is understandable. But please remember Wellesley that your wife is safe no harm will come to her or your children.
Wellington: Yes I know Nelson...But I'm still worried about them and myself.
Horatio Nelson: I understand that you're worried. But worrying too much is not good for you Wellesley...
Wellington: I understand...
Horatio Nelson: I'm sure that you will win this war and return to your wife and children...
Wellington: Yes.
Horatio Nelson: Your letter will also get to her. I promise you that I won't lose it.
Wellington: Can you please also tell her that I want her to write to me as soon as she can.
Horatio Nelson: Alright.
Wellington: I just want to know if she is alright and how my boys are doing.
Horatio Nelson: That is understandable. Now, do you know when you will be back?
Wellington: No I don't...I guess it depends on how long it takes for us to get to Brussels and how long the battle goes for and how long it takes for us to return here.
Horatio Nelson: I guess I'll know when you win the battle because it will be in the papers.
Wellington: Well, I guess it's time for me to go, Nelson...
Horatio Nelson: Remember what I have told you, Wellesley.
Wellington: Yes I will.
Horatio Nelson: Safe travels my friend...
Wellington: You too.
Wellington starts walking off the ship but he stops when he hears a calm voice behind him.
Josiah Nelson: Good luck and safe travels sir.
Wellington: Safe travels to you as well Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: We will meet again soon sir.
Wellington: Yes Josiah...
Josiah Nelson: I bid you, farewell sir.
Wellington: farewell Josiah until we meet again soon.
Wellington walks off the ship and onto the docks. He notices Lord Uxbridge sitting on his dark brown horse. Wellington notices his horse standing next to Uxbridges horse. Wellington promptly walks over to his horse and he carefully gets on.
Wellington: Be nice to me alright...
Lord Uxbridge: I'm sure that he has settled down...
Wellington: You're right.
Lord Uxbridge: Are you ready sir?
Wellington: I guess...
Lord Uxbridge: It's alright to be nervous this is war after all.
Wellington: Your right...
Lord Uxbridge: Let's start heading to Brussels shall we.
Wellington: Yes Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: The men are already waiting outside the city sir.
Wellington: They better not be causing trouble Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: They won't be now let's go, sir.
Lord Uxbridge and Wellington start trotting off to the outside of the city.
Wellington: Steady boy...
Lord Uxbridge: He won't kick you off sir.
Wellington: He just gets a bit playful around other horses.
Lord Uxbridge: I see.
Wellington: I don't mind his playfulness as long as he doesn't throw me off.
Lord Uxbridge: I see.
Wellington: He's mischievous.
Lord Uxbridge: I know he threw you off into the ocean.
Wellington: And you decided to laugh at me.
Lord Uxbridge: Well it was unexpected and funny.
Wellington: No it most definitely wasn't. I looked ridiculous.
A few minutes later they reach the outskirts of the city. They notice the many thousands of soldiers ready to march onwards to Brussels. They also notice the British standards flying in the slight breeze. They eventually get to the front of the army and Lord Uxbridge suddenly gives the signal.
Lord Uxbridge: Onwards!
The entire army starts moving forwards to the sound of beating drums.
A few hours later.
Wellington is lying on his camp bed which is not as comfortable as he would like. He stares up at the top of his tent which he notices that it's blowing a little bit due to the small amount of wind. He hears some quiet chatter of some soldiers nearby. Suddenly Lord Uxbridge enters the tent. Wellington slowly sits up and he notices that Lord Uxbridge seems slightly tired.
Wellington: You alright Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: I...Well, We might have just killed a deer and it was not my idea sir.
Wellington: We?
Lieutenant Colonel Fraser and Colonel Fraser suddenly enter the tent.
Lennox Fraser: It was Ben's idea.
Benedict Fraser: My idea!? It was most definitely your idea Lennox.
Wellington: Jesus Christ...
Lord Uxbridge: Hungry sir?
Wellington: No you have it Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: I insist.
Wellington: Fine...
Lord Uxbridge: Besides it's almost time for dinner anyway. Come on my friend.
Wellington gets up and they all exit the tent and start strolling around the camp. They eventually get to a campfire and Wellington and Lord Uxbridge sit around it.
Lennox Fraser: We will go, cook the deer.
Benedict Fraser: We?
Lennox Fraser: Yes we. You are just good at accidentally burning things or setting things on fire.
Benedict Fraser: Fine...
They both walk away and Wellington awkwardly stares at the orange flames. Lord Uxbridge notices this and he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Lord Uxbridge: What's wrong sir?
Wellington: Nothing just thinking...
Lord Uxbridge: You are still nervous aren't you?
Wellington: Not as nervous as I was while we were travelling here...
Lord Uxbridge: Travelling through a place away from any civilisation can be relaxing at times. There is always some sort of beauty in a time as dark as this.
Wellington: You're right Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Nature is beautiful and peaceful but yet it can also be destructive.
Wellington smiles a little bit and Lord Uxbridge notices this and he suddenly puts his hand on Wellington's shoulder.
Lord Uxbridge: Why are you smiling like that sir?
Wellington: Some of the things you say remind me of Kitty. Kitty would say similar things.
Lennox and Benedict Fraser suddenly walk over with four plates of cooked venison. Wellington and Lord Uxbridge both grab a plate. They all start eating their dinner except for Wellington who awkwardly stares into the fire. Lord Uxbridge notices this and he stops eating and he starts speaking in a calm tone
Lord Uxbridge: Is something wrong sir?
Wellington: No I just prefer to eat alone or with my family.
Lord Uxbridge: I understand sir.
Wellington: I shall go and eat alone.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir.
Wellington gets up and starts walking back to his tent with his plate of food. A few minutes later he gets to his tent and walks inside gently placing the plate of food down on the small wooden desk. He sits down on the bed and gets out his pocket watch and he gently opens it. He listens to the soft ticking noise noticing that it's 6:30 pm. He gently puts his pocket watch back into his pocket and he gets up from the bed.
He sits down at the wooden desk and he stares at the meat. He starts eating it noticing that it's cold now but he doesn't mind it. A few minutes later he has finished eating the meat and is still sitting at his desk reading a newspaper.
Wellington: They still want me to be Prime Minister...Jesus.
Wellington suddenly hears someone enter his tent and he puts down the newspaper onto the desk.
Lord Uxbridge: Reading the news?
Wellington: Uxbridge they still want me to be Prime Minister...
Lord Uxbridge: Well that kind of news stays around for a while.
Wellington: Why on earth would they want me to be Prime Minister?
Lord Uxbridge: Isn't it obvious?
Wellington: Look I know that I have gained many great victories for England. But I have already been given many titles for those victories. I don't need to be Prime Minister.
Lord Uxbridge: I understand but don't stress yourself out about it. I also suggest you go to sleep earlier tonight it might help you get more sleep.
Wellington: Fine.
Lord Uxbridge leaves the tent and Wellington continues reading the newspaper.
A few hours later it is now 11:30 pm.
Wellington is lying on his bed and he starts slowly falling asleep. He closes his eyes and goes to sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and notices that he is standing in a dark misty forest. He suddenly hears something rustling nearby. He puts his hand near his sword and he starts looking around trying to find out where the rustling noise came from. He suddenly notices Kitty walking towards him. But he also notices something is wrong with her. Her skin is ghostly white as if she just recently died or something. Kitty suddenly runs up to Wellington and tackles him to the ground and she holds him down. She starts speaking in an angry voice which also sounds slightly demonic.
Kitty: You shouldn't have left us, Arthur!
Wellington: Kitty, please I'm sorry...
Kitty: You let me die by the hands of that tyrant!
Wellington: Kitty, please I was doing all I can for my country...
Kitty suddenly starts digging her nails into the skin on Wellington's wrists causing them to start bleeding. Wellington starts crying and Kitty notices this and she starts smiling a little bit.
Kitty: Yes cry Arthur cry.
Wellington: Kitty stop I'm your husband the one you love.
Kitty: You allowed me to die at the hands of a tyrant why should I still love you!?
Wellington: You should still love me for the sake of our children...please let me go.
Kitty lets go of Wellington's left hand and she violently slaps him causing his cheek to go red also leaving some of the blood from her nails smeared on his face. Wellington starts trying to get away but he can't.
Wellington: Kitty, please!
Kitty: You stupid bastard! You left me and our children alone to go to war!
Wellington: Kitty I'm sorry!
Kitty: No! I don't care I still died by the tyrant's hands! Now you should die too!
Wellington: Wait Kitty no! Please do not do this I love you!
Kitty grabs Wellington's sabre and she prepares to stab Wellington in the chest.
Kitty: I don't care that you love me! You left me to die alone! You stupid bastard! I should have never married you!
Wellington: Kitty please think about what you're doing...
Kitty: No!
Kitty suddenly thrusts Wellington's sabre into his chest. Wellington immediately wakes up and accidentally falls off the uncomfortable bed onto the ground. Wellington quietly groans out of pain from falling off the bed. He slowly sits up and he notices that his heart is pounding hard in his chest. He also starts sweating a lot out of fear. He slowly gets up and lies back down on his bed he starts taking deep breaths trying to regain his composure. He also notices that it's still early in the morning the sun hasn't risen yet.
Wellington: Why...why must I have these dreams. I just want to sleep...I guess I should go back to sleep I need to rest after all.
Wellington slowly closes his eyes eventually going back to sleep.
To be Continued...
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