His Lady
It is currently 1:45 pm and Wellington is sitting at his desk calmly reading some important papers. Lord Uxbridge calmly enters the tent.
Wellington looks up from his work and stares at Lord Uxbridge. He then starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Wellington: What is it Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: The scouts have told me that the messengers are 15 minutes away from the camp sir.
Wellington: Well that's some good news. I will be able to look forward to reading the letters, especially the one from my dearest Kitty.
Lord Uxbridge: There is another thing that the scouts told me, sir.
Wellington: What?
Lord Uxbridge: It seems that there is a woman with the messengers sir.
Wellington: A woman?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Wellington: Why would a woman come here out of all places?
Lord Uxbridge: Maybe to see someone perhaps. Many of the men do have wives, sir.
Wellington: War is no place for a woman.
Lord Uxbridge: I know sir. But we will have to possibly find a place for the lady to stay sir.
Wellington: The lady will stay with who she loves. A woman should not be left alone. Especially in a camp full of drunkards and scoundrels. You may leave Uxbridge if that's all you have to tell me.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Lord Uxbridge calmly leaves the tent and Wellington continues with his work. Meanwhile a few minutes later near the lone tree on the hill outside of the camp.
Kitty carefully gets off the horse and Corey stares at her with slight confusion. Corey starts speaking in a calm but slightly confused tone.
Corey: Don't you want to come into the camp, Catherine?
Kitty Wellesley: I want you to give a note to my husband.
Corey: So you are planning to surprise him?
Stanley: It's obvious that she is Corey. Also, I like surprises. Well, maybe not the one where we could have been killed. But I like other surprises other than that one.
Kitty Wellesley: Yes, I am planning to surprise him. Don't tell him that I'm here.
Corey: We won't Catherine.
Kitty Wellesley grabs a small folded note out of her pocket. She gently hands it to Corey who puts it in his pocket. Corey and Stanley then ride off into the camp.
Meanwhile in Wellington's tent. Wellington is still calmly reading some important papers when Corey suddenly enters the tent.
Corey stares at Wellington with concern due to noticing one of his injuries. Wellington looks up at Corey and he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Wellington: What is it, Corey?
Corey: Are you alright sir? What happened to you?
Wellington: I'm fine Corey. Also, I don't really want to talk about what happened. I just don't feel comfortable about it.
Corey: I understand sir.
Wellington: I'm assuming that you have some letters for me?
Corey: Yes, I have two letters from your brothers. Along with an important note from someone who really wants to see you.
Wellington: I wasn't expecting a note.
Corey: I suggest you read it sir it's important.
Wellington: Alright.
Corey grabs the two letters and the note out of his pocket. Then he places the two letters on the desk and hands the note to Wellington.
Wellington opens the note and begins carefully reading it.
Meet me at the nearest hill.
The one with the only oak tree.
Wellington gently folds the note back up and places it on his desk. He smiles at Corey and starts speaking in a joyful tone.
Wellington: Thank you, Corey.
Corey: Your welcome sir.
Corey calmly exits the tent and Wellington stares at the note.
*Wellington in thought*
How odd I don't really receive notes often.
Who is K?
Why didn't I get a letter from Kitty?
Wait a minute is Kitty here?
Maybe I should go investigate this.
Wellington calmly gets up from his desk and exits the tent. He begins happily walking to the hill with the lone oak tree.
He suddenly hears a serious conversation nearby. Glancing over at a nearby campfire he notices Benedict and Lennox Fraser trying to cook some venison.
Lennox Fraser: I don't trust you with this.
Benedict Fraser: I can handle it I promise.
Lennox Fraser: You always set something on fire or burn the food.
Benedict Fraser: Setting things on fire could be helpful. Especially if it involves burning the French camp.
Lennox Fraser: I don't want you burning the food! I hate burnt food!
Wellington awkwardly walks away from the conversation. A couple of minutes later he notices Winston Carrington polishing his medals.
Winston Carrington notices Wellington and stops polishing his medals. He then starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.
Winston Carrington: I'm glad you are alright sir.
Wellington: I've had worse Lieutenant General Carrington.
Winston Carrington: I'm sorry about your brother sir...
Wellington: You tried your best to find him, Lieutenant General Carrington. I thank you for that.
Winston Carrington: What do you think happened to him, sir?
Wellington: I don't want to think about that right now.
Winston Carrington: I understand that sir.
Wellington: Well, I best be off I have to go see someone.
Winston Carrington: Yes sir.
Wellington continues cheerfully walking through the camp. Then he suddenly hears a gunshot. He notices General Linn Ashworth doing some target practice with his pistol.
Wellington calmly walks over to the General. He then starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Wellington: Preparing yourself for battle General Ashworth.
Linn Ashworth: Yes sir. I want to be able to kill many of those French bastards.
Wellington: I'm sure that you will be able to do that General.
Linn Ashworth: Want to do some target practice, sir?
Wellington: Not right now General Ashworth I need to go see someone.
Linn Ashworth: I see.
Wellington: I shall be off. Good luck with the target practice.
Wellington continues happily walking through the camp. A few minutes later he reaches the hill with the lone tree. Kitty comes out from behind the tree and she smiles a little bit.
But then she stops when she notices Wellington's injuries. Wellington stands there not knowing what to feel or say. Kitty calmly approaches him and she gently wraps her arms around him.
Wellington gently puts his right arm behind her back and gently pulls her closer to him. Kitty starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Kitty Wellesley: You don't know what to say do you, Arthur?
Wellington gently kisses Kitty on the lips. He then starts speaking in a warm and soft voice.
Wellington: My beloved Kitty. I missed you. I wasn't expecting you to come here.
Kitty Wellesley: I have missed you too my dear Arthur.
Wellington: Did you come all this way to see me, Kitty?
Kitty Wellesley: Yes. Because I love you, Arthur. I want to be here with you...
Wellington: How are the boys?
Kitty Wellesley: They are well. I left them with William and Richard. But I noticed that Henry wasn't there. Where is he?
Wellington starts speaking in a slightly awkward tone. While staring deeply into Kitty's eyes.
Wellington: I don't feel like talking about that right now. But I'm glad that the boys are well and with someone who can take care of them while you are here.
Kitty Wellesley: I was going to allow my brother Thomas to look after the boys. But he is currently in Dublin and my other brothers are in Belfast.
Wellington: I see. That sounds like a pleasant holiday.
Kitty Wellesley: What happened to you, Arthur?
Wellington: I don't feel comfortable talking about that...
Kitty Wellesley: Are you alright?
Wellington: I could be better. But I'm still glad to see you. I will allow you to be with me tonight. I'm not going to let you sleep alone Kitty.
Wellington begins passionately kissing Kitty. A couple of minutes later they gently break the kiss and cheerfully smile at each other.
Wellington then gently grabs Kitty's hand and they both begin happily walking through the camp together. A few minutes later they reach Wellington's tent.
Suddenly Wellington gently picks Kitty up and carefully holds her in his arms. Then he carries her inside the tent and kisses her on the cheek before putting her down again.
Kitty cheerfully smiles and gently embraces him once again. She also kisses him on the cheek. Wellington begins gently stroking her hair while they both speak in a romantic voice to each other.
Wellington: Once this war is over my dear Kitty. I shall spend as much time with you and our boys as I want. I will hopefully not have to leave you again.
Kitty Wellesley: I will always care for you Arthur and I will always be there for you. I will also always support you.
Wellington: I will do the same for you, my dear Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley: Im sure that once the war is won we will never be separated from each other again.
Wellington: No we won't. I promise that.
Wellington gently grabs Kitty's right hand and he gently moves it close to his lips. Then he gently kisses her hand and then gently lets go of it.
Wellington: I again thank you for coming to see me, Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley: As I said I will always be there for you my dear Arthur.
Wellington: I will do the same for you, my love.
Kitty Wellesley walks over to Wellington's bed and happily sits down. Wellington walks over to her and sits down next to her. Then he gently wraps his arm around her.
Kitty starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Shouldn't you be resting Arthur. You need to allow yourself to heal.
Wellington: Uxbridge is doing most of my work. But there are still reports and other work I need to do.
Kitty Wellesley: I don't want you to be working too hard. You still need to rest Arthur.
Wellington: I know and I will my dear.
Kitty Wellesley: I care a lot about you, Arthur.
Wellington: I also care about you, Kitty.
Wellington gently lets go of Kitty and gets up and goes and sits at his desk. He begins calmly reading some important papers.
Lord Uxbridge suddenly enters and he stares at Kitty Wellesley with a look of surprise. Wellington looks up from his work and stares calmly at Lord Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge starts speaking in a calm voice that has a hint of awe to it.
Lord Uxbridge: I see that your wife is here sir.
Wellington: Yes and?
Lord Uxbridge: Are you sure she will be safe during the journey sir?
Wellington: Yes Uxbridge I will make sure that Kitty will be safe. Do you have anything else to tell me Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: No the reason I came here is that I noticed you with your wife.
Wellington: I see.
Lord Uxbridge: I shall be going, sir.
Lord Uxbridge calmly exits the tent and Wellington continues reading his important papers once again.
A few hours later Kitty Wellesley enters the tent with two bowls of warm soup. She gently places one down in front of Wellington is still working.
Kitty Wellesley calmly sits down on Wellington's bed. Glancing at Wellington she starts speaking in a calm voice.
Kitty Wellesley: You have been working a lot today Arthur. Please have something to eat Arthur you need to take a break for a while.
Wellington: Your right my dear Kitty.
Wellington gently grabs the warm bowl of soup. Then he gets up and walks over to Kitty and sits down next to her. They both begin happily eating their soups.
A few minutes later Wellington is back at his desk calmly reading some important papers. Kitty Wellesley starts speaking in a calm voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur do you know where Henry is? Your other brothers are probably worried about him.
Wellington: I don't know where he is. But he was here a couple of days ago. He then just left.
Kitty Wellesley: I doubt that he would just leave you, Arthur. He is your brother and he probably cares about you a lot.
Wellington feels tears starting to form in his eyes. But he holds them back and starts speaking in a calm and slightly uncomfortable tone.
Wellington: Your right he probably does still care about me and he might come back.
*Wellington in thought*
You're going to have to tell her what happened later, Arthur.
You can't just lie to Kitty you need to tell her the truth.
Although how will she react knowing that he hurt you.
Arthur focus on your work...
Wellington smiles at Kitty and he starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.
Wellington: May I speak to you about something a bit later before we go to sleep Kitty?
Kitty Wellesley: Yes you can talk to me about anything Arthur.
Wellington: Thank you, my dear.
Wellington stops reading his important papers and he gently grabs one of the letters and gently unfolds it. Then he starts cheerfully reading it.
July 8th 1815
My dear brother
Hello, Arthur, I will gladly give you some advice about your situation. Don't worry I haven't told William and I didn't tell Henry before he left. Also, I have already disposed of the letter.
Arthur, you aren't crazy. It's normal to have nightmares we all have them. This could be happening because you are extremely worried about your wife and children. You worry too much Arthur and it's not good for you.
I promise you that your wife and children are safe Arthur. No harm will come to them.
Also the whole situation with you seeing these things that aren't there. Are possibly due to you not taking care of yourself properly. You should take care of yourself Arthur and stop worrying so much.
I'm glad that you accept my invitation to the dinner party. Also, of course, you can bring your wife and children. I would love to see your boys. I also want you to meet some of my children. I'm sure that they would love to see their aunt and uncle along with their two younger cousins.
Also, why wouldn't I be proud of you Arthur? You have come a long way from being that silly and foolish young man to being a proper gentleman.
Also please tell me what is going on with Henry I am concerned about him. He lied to me about not causing trouble and I'm worried that he has caused another scandal.
Your dear brother
Richard Wellesley
Wellington feels more tears starting to form in his eyes. Due to Henry being mentioned in the letter. A single tear slowly streams down Wellington's face. But he holds back the rest. He puts the letter aside.
Gently grabbing a blank piece of paper he starts calmly writing while holding back more tears.
July 9th 1815
My dear brother
Hello, Richard thank you for not telling anyone about what was happening to me. It seems that the hallucinations have faded away. But my nightmares remain.
Also, you are probably right about me worrying too much. I guess I do need to stop worrying and probably calm my mind. You are also right that I do need to take good care of myself.
My wife is with me at the camp now and I will protect her and be there for her when she needs it. She will also do the same for me. I also hope that you and William are taking good care of my two boys.
I would love to meet your children. I'm sure that my two boys would also love to meet their older cousins. I'm sure that Kitty would also love to meet her nieces or nephews.
I just thought that you wouldn't be proud of me due to my foolish behaviour as a young man. Like you were so kind to me even though I was so foolish. You helped me get out of debt. If it weren't for you helping me get out of debt I probably would have never married my dearest, Kitty.
Henry betrayed me. He hurt me and attempted to kill me. He has betrayed the British Army and his country along with our family. I'm feeling a lot of regret and sadness right now. Due to what has transpired. I feel broken. I currently don't know where he is right now. Or if he is dead or alive.
Your dear brother
Arthur Wellesley
Wellington gently folds the letter up and puts it to the side. He feels tears starting to form in his eyes. Gently wiping them away he holds back the rest. Kitty Wellesley notices this and she starts speaking in a calm and slightly concerned voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Are you alright Arthur?
Wellington: Just tired Kitty I have been working hard after all. I also didn't sleep well last night.
Kitty Wellesley: Maybe you should go to sleep a bit earlier tonight. Also maybe me being here might help you sleep a bit better Arthur.
Wellington: I guess that might help. I do need to get more sleep. Also resting more will help me recover from my injuries. I guess I better continue with reading and writing my letters.
Kitty Wellesley: Alright Arthur.
Wellington gently grabs the final letter and unfolds it and starts calmly reading it.
July 7th 1815
My dear brother
Hello Arthur I understand if you are still currently unsure if you do want to be Prime Minister. Well yes, the news of people wanting you to be the next Prime Minister is in every newspaper I have seen.
Also, I did tell Richard to keep the dinner party small. I know how you feel about large parties I can tell that it makes you uncomfortable. He is only planning to bring his children and his wife. I'll bring my wife. I'm assuming that you are bringing your wife and children.
Of course, we are proud of you Arthur. Why wouldn't we be proud of you? I did know about Henry going to your camp. I hope he is well and isn't causing too much trouble for you Arthur. Also, I know that you don't react the same way I do when Henry is causing trouble. Im sure that you will sort out the problem.
Remember I will always be here to give you some political advice if you do become Prime Minister.
Your dear brother
William Wellesley
Wellington feels some tears forming in his eyes and gently streaming down his face. He gently and quickly wipes them away and holds back the rest.
Putting the letter aside he gently grabs a blank piece of paper and starts writing.
July 9th 1815
My dear brother
Im still currently unsure about being Prime Minister. I just know that it would be quite a stressful job. I will be making decisions for the whole country and Im not sure yet if I want to be in such a powerful position.
Thank you for doing that William. Im glad that you understand that large parties make me quite uncomfortable. Im not like you or Richard and enjoy large parties. Of course, I will be bringing my wife. I also hope that you and Richard are taking good care of my two boys. My wife is safe with me. I won't let anything happen to her.
I thought that you and Richard wouldn't be proud of me. Because of my problems with being in debt when I was younger. But Im glad that you are proud of me even though I had those problems in the past.
I have bad news about Henry. Henry left the camp and betrayed me. He tried to kill me and he hurt me quite badly. He has betrayed the British Army and his country as well as his family. I currently don't know where he is or if he is dead or alive. Im feeling a lot of guilt over this situation.
I thank you again, William, for being ready to give me political advice if I do become Prime Minister.
Your dear brother
Arthur Wellesley
Wellington gently folds the letter up and puts it aside with the other letter he has just written. He then begins reading more important papers.
A few hours later Kitty Wellesley is lying down on one side of the bed with the warm blanket covering her. Glancing over at Wellington she notices that he has finished doing his work.
He has taken off his coat and has put it on the back of his seat. Wellington begins untying his boots and then gently takes them off and places them under his desk.
Wellington happily walks over to the bed and gets in. He gently grabs Kitty's hand and holds it. Kitty starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Kitty Wellesley: What do want to talk to me about Arthur?
Wellington: Henry won't be coming back...
Kitty Wellesley: What do you mean Arthur?
Wellington starts tearing up and tears begin streaming down his face. Wellington starts speaking in a voice full of sadness and regret.
Wellington: Henry betrayed me. He is probably not coming back due to what he has done.
Kitty Wellesley: Did he hurt you, Arthur?
Wellington: Yes he hurt me...He also tried to kill me, Kitty!
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...
Wellington: I still love him even though he has betrayed me and tried to take my life.
Kitty Wellesley: I understand that Arthur. I would probably feel the same way if I was in your position.
Wellington: I don't know where he is or if he is alive or dead. I'm worried about him even though he is a traitor. He is still my brother no matter what.
Kitty Wellesley: Don't lose your hope, Arthur. I'm sure that he is still alive.
Kitty Wellesley gentle wipes Wellington's tears away. She then gently kisses him on the cheek. Wellington smiles a little bit and he then gently kisses Kitty on the cheek.
Kitty Wellesley starts speaking in a warm and comforting voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Don't worry so much Arthur. I'm sure that Henry is still alive and well.
Wellington: Your right he is probably still alive. Henry is quite strong and brave.
Kitty Wellesley: I suggest we get some rest, Arthur. I can tell that you are tired. I'm also tired from the journey here.
Wellington: Your right we need to get some rest.
Kitty Wellesley: Good night Arthur.
Wellington: Good night Kitty.
Wellington gently kisses Kitty on the cheek. Kitty Wellesley also gives Wellington a gentle kiss on the cheek.
They both gently close their eyes and go to sleep while still holding each other's hands.
To be Continue...
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