Dreams and Letters
It is now 1:00 pm and Voltaire has calmed down. He is lying on his bed staring at the poetry that is still on the floor. He feels exhausted from crying and he also feels hungry due to not eating breakfast or lunch. He ignores this feeling and slowly closes his eyes and goes to sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and notices that he's lying in a bed in a familiar room.
Voltaire: Where am I?
Frederick suddenly enters the room and he smiles at Voltaire.
Frederick: Good Morning my love.
Voltaire: Good Morning Frederick my love.
Voltaire slowly gets out of bed and puts his white robe on. Voltaire walks over to Frederick. Frederick slowly and gently grabs Voltaire's hands.
Frederick: I love you, Voltaire.
Voltaire: Frederick I love you too.
Frederick puts his hands on Voltaire's shoulders. He slowly leans in for a kiss. Voltaire notices how delicate and warm Fredericks lips are. Voltaire suddenly feels Fredericks tongue inside his mouth playing with his. Voltaire starts blushing a lot. Frederick stops kissing Voltaire and he smiles at him.
Frederick: You're cute you know that.
Voltaire starts blushing even more. Frederick walks over to the bed and he sits down at the end of the bed. Voltaire walks over and sits down beside him. Frederick slowly and gently grabs Voltaire's hand. Voltaire stares at Frederick and smiles. Frederick leans in for another kiss. Voltaire lies down and Frederick gets on top of him and starts passionately kissing him. Frederick stops and Voltaire stares into Fredericks eyes.
Frederick: I will always protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you, my love.
Voltaire: Yes my King.
Frederick: No need to call me King.
Voltaire: Sorry my love.
Frederick: It's alright. But I need to go do some work now alright.
Frederick gently grabs Voltaire's right hand and he gently kisses it.
Voltaire: Alright my love.
Frederick: I will see you later.
Frederick gets up off Voltaire and walks over to the door and he opens it and walks out of the room. Voltaire suddenly wakes up and he grabs the pocket watch out of his pocket. He gently opens it and notices that it is 2:00 pm.
Voltaire: Why does it feel so warm in here? Jesus Christ, I need some air.
Voltaire quickly gets off his bed and walks over to the door and opens it. He walks out into the hallway and he notices Frederick walking towards him. He gently closes his door and he awkwardly stares at Frederick.
Frederick: Voltaire are you alright?
Voltaire: Yes...I just had to let my emotions out.
Frederick: I understand. I sometimes have to do that as well.
Voltaire: Yes.
Frederick: I will try to get Fred to apologise for his actions because I know he upset you.
Voltaire: Thank You, Frederick.
Frederick: I promise he won't upset you again mon ami. (my friend)
Voltaire: Well I guess I better clean up my poetry Frederick.
Frederick: Alright Voltaire.
Voltaire awkwardly opens the door and he walks back inside his room closing the door behind him. He walks over to his bed and sits down on it.
Voltaire: That dream...he was kissing me I enjoyed it. But it was only a dream.
Voltaire's stomach starts growling loudly. He quietly sighs to himself.
Voltaire: I need to eat...But I also need to clean up this enormous mess. I don't know what to do.
Voltaire starts thinking about what to do. His stomach starts growling again snapping him out of his thoughts.
Voltaire: I guess I should eat. I'll clean this up later.
Voltaire gets up off his bed and strolls over to the door. He gently opens it and walks out into the hallway. He gently closes the door behind him. He suddenly notices Prince Frederick walking towards him. He feels his heartbeat quickening due to feeling nervous. Prince Frederick stops in front of Voltaire and he stares at him.
Voltaire: Stay away from me...I don't want to talk you have upset me enough. So leave me alone Your Highness.
Prince Frederick: I wasn't going to talk to you anyway.
Voltaire: You better not harm His Majesty again...
Prince Frederick: I won't I'm just going to talk to him.
Voltaire: I don't trust you...Your Highness.
Prince Frederick: I won't hurt you, Voltaire...
Voltaire: You said that yesterday and you scared me...
Prince Frederick: Alright I'm sorry Voltaire.
Voltaire: You're Sorry! You hurt His Majesty and you scared me! You were also acting threatening towards me and Lieutenant Sundermann. Why should I forgive you!?
Prince Frederick: Fine...I understand that you don't forgive me for now...
Voltaire: Please just leave me alone! I just want to go have my lunch...
Prince Frederick: Fine go have your lunch then.
Voltaire hastily walks off down the hallway. Prince Frederick starts walking towards Fredericks room. Prince Frederick stops in front of the door and he knocks on it.
Prince Frederick: May I come in?
Frederick: Not right now Fred I'm busy. We can talk later.
Prince Frederick: But you said we would talk after the meeting.
Frederick: Yes but I didn't mean straight away. I will talk later I will come to see you when I'm ready to talk.
Prince Frederick: Fine...
Frederick: Also what was that yelling about?
Prince Frederick: It was nothing...
Frederick: Alright...
Prince Frederick: I will see you later.
Prince Frederick walks off down the hallway feeling slightly frustrated. Meanwhile, inside Fredericks room, Frederick is sitting at his desk writing up more battle plans. His quill tip suddenly snaps. Frederick sighs and puts the broken quill down beside his battle plans. He gently opens one of the draws on his desk and he notices a few quills and some old letters. Frederick stares at the old letters he suddenly gently grabs one. He moves his battle plans aside and he places the old letter on his desk. He stares at it and starts reading it.
September 26th 1800
Greetings Frederick my dear brother.
I hope you are well I know it's probably stressful being King.
My son celebrated his tenth birthday yesterday. He's ready to go to a new school soon and make new friends.
He also asked me if you would be able to teach him how to play the flute. If you're ever free from doing your duties as King of this wonderful country.
I also hope you can come to see my son sometime if you are not busy or if there isn't a war going on.
Im assuming you have heard what's going on in France. It's madness the King and Queen we're overthrown and murdered. And now there is this First Consul in charge. He is waging war across Europe. He's a tyrant.
I hope to see you soon Frederick.
Your Dear Brother Augustus.
Frederick: I should have gone to see him. I was too busy and I didn't get to see Fred that often...
Frederick notices another old letter and he gently grabs it. He notices that it's stained with blood and slightly torn in a couple of places. But it's still readable. He gently places it on top of the other letter and he starts reading it.
May 16th 1803
Greetings Frederick my dear brother.
We have been fighting the Russians for a while now.
I almost got myself killed today. I guess I am reckless just like you. No offence Frederick.
A Russian Dragoon got me but I managed to kill him. I did need to get around 30 stitches on my arm.
Don't worry about me so much you have sent me many letters telling me that you're worried about me.
Frederick, you are the King of Prussia and I'm sure you have a lot of things to do other than constantly worrying about me.
Also, please take care of yourself I know what you are like when you're worried.
Your Dear Brother Augustus.
Frederick: Do I worry that much? Did I send that many letters to him? Did he really have to remind me that I'm the King of Prussia all the time?
Frederick quietly sighs to himself with many questions rushing through his mind.
Frederick: Augustus was reckless but am I as reckless as he was?...
Frederick notices a third letter. He gently grabs it noticing that the paper is stained with mud and is also torn in places. But still readable. He gently places the letter on the desk and starts reading it.
June 19th 1803
Greetings Frederick my dear brother.
It's almost been six months since we started fighting the Russians.
Six months...since I left my boy. Little Fred is almost 13 years old. He's growing a lot he's a little bit taller than you last saw him.
I would also think he would make a great general. He's quite an intelligent boy. He also likes trying to pretend he's a soldier.
You should come to visit again if you are not busy of course. I know that the duties of a King are important.
I might try and bring back one of those Russian hats for you.
I don't know how many Russians I've killed. I've stopped counting now they will soon all be dead.
Long live our Almighty Fatherland.
Your Dear Brother Augustus.
Frederick: Allmächtiges Vaterland...(Almighty Fatherland) We are truly an almighty nation...I rule this powerful nation. But I wanted a peaceful rule, not a rule full of war and unrest.
Frederick quietly sighs to himself.
Frederick: That's all I wished for. A peaceful rule...
He notices a final letter. He gently grabs it and notices that it's stained with blood and mud and is also ripped in places but is still readable. He gently places it on his desk and starts reading it.
August 15th 1803
Greetings Frederick my dear brother.
If you are seeing this letter I have been killed in battle.
I am now with the Lord.
Don't blame yourself for my death.
I have one wish for you. Please look after Fred I don't think my wife can look after him alone. I wish for you to be a father figure for him.
He lost me too early. I wanted to die when he was a man. Not a boy. I wished to see my boy grow up.
Promise me, Frederick you will take good care of my boy. I know this is probably going to be a burden for you at first. But once he gets older he will be able to take care of himself.
Your Dear Brother Augustus.
Frederick: I have tried to take care of him but he hates me...What have I done wrong?
There is suddenly a knock on the door.
Prince Henry: Frederick can I come in?
Frederick: Yes Henry. Come in.
Prince Henry opens the door and he enters the room gently closing the door behind him. He notices the many pieces of paper on Fredericks desk along with the quill with a broken tip.
Prince Henry: You need to be more gentle with your quill you know that.
Frederick: Yes I know you don't need to remind me. Why are you here anyway Henry?
Prince Henry: Just wondering how your plans are going.
Frederick: They are going well.
Prince Henry: I can tell you have been working a lot you have paper all over your desk.
Frederick gently picks up the small stack of letters and puts them back in the draw.
Prince Henry: Were they letters?
Frederick: Yes old ones that I haven't read in a while.
Prince Henry: Who were they from?
Frederick: They were the last few letters I kept before Augustus died...
Prince Henry: It's been almost twelve years...
Frederick: They made me question a lot of things. I still feel like im not being a good enough father for Fred. He still probably hates me. I don't know what I have done wrong.
Prince Henry: Frederick...You're being hard on yourself.
Frederick: I guess I am...But I don't know if I've done anything wrong...
Frederick stares at the scar on his hand that is slowly healing. He quietly sighs and then stares at Prince Henry.
Prince Henry: You need to get those stitches out.
Frederick: I know...but he hurt me I must have done something wrong for him to do that.
Prince Henry: Possibly...But you should continue with your plans for the upcoming battle.
Frederick: Fine...Your right I need to get my plans done...
Prince Henry: Also, please don't forget to eat something I know what you're like Frederick. When you get upset you forget to eat and it's not good for you. Look your my brother and I want you to take care of yourself.
Frederick: I know...
Prince Henry: I shall leave you to continue with your work Frederick.
Frederick: I'll see you at dinner Henry.
Prince Henry walks over to the door and he stops and stares at Frederick.
Frederick: Henry I promise I will come to dinner...you may leave.
Prince Henry gently opens the door and he walks out into the hallway gently closing the door behind him. He then starts promptly walking down the hallway.
A few hours later the sun is setting causing the sky to be a fiery mixture of reds, yellows and oranges. Voltaire is gazing out the window at the city of Potsdam. He suddenly hears footsteps approaching him.
Wellington: On s'est jamais rencontrés. Mais vous êtes célèbre. (We haven't met yet. But I have heard of you.)
Voltaire stares at Wellington.
Voltaire: Je comprends l'anglais. (I understand English.)
Wellington: Oh, I see.
Voltaire: How have you heard of me, your grace?
Wellington: I heard of your escape from France.
Voltaire: The French Emperor didn't want me in France anymore he preferred that I left.
Wellington: What were his reasons for wanting you to leave?
Voltaire: I don't want to talk about it, sir...
Wellington: Understandable.
Voltaire: I luckily found safety here in Prussia.
Wellington: You must be friends with the King?
Voltaire: Yes we have known each other for a long time.
Wellington: You seem nervous.
Voltaire: It's just that I've heard what some Englishmen do to Frenchmen like me.
Wellington: I'm not going to hurt you. If that's what you were thinking.
Voltaire: I know that you wouldn't hurt me. I'm more worried about your men hurting me, your grace. I've heard some of them just murder innocent civilians.
Wellington: They get punished for murdering the innocent. Don't worry they won't hurt you. If they do threaten you in any way come see me.
Voltaire: Alright, your grace.
Wellington: I will see you later.
Wellington walks off. Voltaire suddenly hears someone else coming closer to him. He stares down the hallway and he notices that it's Prince Frederick. Voltaire starts staring out the window again ignoring Prince Frederick. Prince Frederick stops behind Voltaire.
Prince Frederick: Look im truly sorry.
Voltaire turns around and glares coldly into Prince Fredericks eyes.
Prince Frederick: Fine...I understand that you are still mad at me.
Prince Frederick awkwardly walks off feeling regretful about his actions. He continues walking until he gets to Fredericks room. He gently knocks on the door.
Prince Frederick: Can we please talk now?
Frederick: Yes come in Fred.
Prince Frederick gently opens the door and he enters the room closing the door behind him. He notices that Frederick is sitting at his desk and has just finished writing his plans.
Frederick: Fred...I heard what you did to Voltaire and I want you to apologise.
Prince Frederick: I have tried to apologise but he's still upset at me.
Frederick: Maybe wait a while perhaps. He might need some time to calm down.
Prince Frederick: You also want me to apologise to the Duke of Wellington?
Frederick: Yes.
Prince Frederick: You also wanted to talk to me about something other than wanting me to apologise to people.
Frederick: I know that I'm not your father. But your father made me your godfather. I understand that you probably won't love me as much as you loved your father. But you must understand that I want you to be a good ruler for this country your father would have wanted that and so do I. So you need to learn to be respectful and less violent.
Prince Frederick: I am respectful...
Frederick sighs and he stares at Prince Frederick.
Frederick: Fred...I just want you to be a good King for Prussia. But you need to be respectful and not violent towards people.
Prince Frederick: Your father was violent towards people and he was still a good King.
Frederick: That doesn't mean that the kingdom liked him. They probably liked him out of fear of being hurt. Also, we have talked about speaking about this topic. You do not mention it around me.
Prince Frederick: Sorry...
Frederick: You're a man Fred. You should know to be respectful. You will also be King someday and you will need to be respectful to your guests.
Prince Frederick: I understand...
Frederick: Look I also apologise for getting angry at you yesterday...I just didn't want you hurting my guests and you also broke my promise.
Prince Frederick: I forgive you...But I should be the one apologising because I broke your promise.
Frederick: Just don't break my promise again.
Prince Frederick: Alright.
Frederick: You may go Fred.
Prince Frederick: Yes.
Frederick: Just don't forget to apologise to Voltaire and the Duke of Wellington.
Prince Frederick: I won't.
Prince Frederick walks over to the door and he gently opens the door. He walks out into the hallway and he notices that Voltaire has gone. He gently closes the door behind him and he starts walking down the hallway.
A few hours later it is now close to midnight and Frederick is lying in bed.
Frederick: Am I being a good father? Does he still hate me? Will, he ever love me the way he use to as a child?
Frederick's eyes start slowly closing out of exhaustion. He allowed sleep to take over and entered his dreams. Frederick slowly opens his eyes and he notices that he is lying down in the snow. He looks around noticing that it's snowing and misty. Frederick slowly gets up and starts brushing the snow off his clothes. He looks around in confusion noticing that there is no sign of civilisation just a desolate snowy wasteland. He starts walking forward with caution listening to the snow crunching beneath his feet. He suddenly notices a silhouette in the distance approaching him he stops and stares. Frederick notices that the figure is his younger brother Augustus. Frederick promptly walks over to Augustus and he suddenly hugs him.
Augustus: Fritz...
Frederick: Why were you so reckless...
Augustus: I'm sorry that I had to leave.
Frederick: You foolish idiot!
Augustus: Frederick!
Augustus suddenly gently slaps Frederick.
Frederick: What was that for?
Augustus: For calling me an idiot.
Frederick: Do you hate me as well then?
Augustus notices the sad tone in Frederick's voice. He sighs and stares into Fredericks eyes which are starting to well up with tears. Augustus puts his hand on Fredericks shoulder.
Augustus: I don't hate you...why would you say that?
Frederick: Your son hates me...I'm a bad father.
Augustus: Fritz...
Frederick: He hurt me! I have done something wrong and now I don't know how to fix it!
Augustus: Frederick listen to me. I made you his godfather because I knew that you would care for him as much as I did.
Augustus hugs Frederick and he starts gently stroking his hair.
Augustus: It's alright you can cry on me.
Frederick: I can't do this...
Augustus: Frederick...you can do this. You just need to believe in yourself.
Frederick: You should have chosen someone else, not me...You should have asked if Wilhelmine could take care of him.
Augustus: Frederick...she was going to be my second choice if you didn't accept to look after him. But I knew that if I died he would need a new father. He also looked up to you as a child. I knew you would be the best choice for him.
Frederick: I feel like I have failed to be a father for him. He no longer loves me as he use to as a child.
Augustus: What happened Frederick?
Frederick: He tried to harm two of my guests he threatened to murder one of them. He harmed another one of my guests an ally in this war. He also hurt me and upset Voltaire! I got angry at him twice but that's because he broke my promise and reminded me of what my father did to me. I apologised for my anger but I feel like he still hates me...
Augustus: He will get over it he sometimes needs time to himself.
Frederick: He wanted me to harm him. I won't hurt him. I refuse to act like my father.
Augustus: That's why I chose you to take care of my boy because you love and care for him. He is also now the heir to the Prussian throne and you can help teach him.
Frederick: I don't think I was ready to look after him, Augustus...
Augustus: I know...I knew it would be a burden because you're the King.
Frederick: The country is at war again...I want Fred to learn to be a respectful leader. But I don't know how to do it if he hates me.
Augustus: Believe in yourself, Frederick. I can tell that you don't do that enough. You have little faith in yourself. You are a strong man who has accomplished a lot for your kingdom. You are also very clever Fritz.
Frederick: You're sounding just like Wilhelmine...
Augustus: She might have told me your nickname.
Frederick: Of course she did...
Augustus: It wasn't a secret Fritz.
Frederick: I know...
Augustus: I just want you to know that you need to believe in yourself. You can look after Fred and im sure he will love you again.
Frederick: I have one question...
Augustus: What is it, Frederick?
Frederick: What is this place?
Augustus: This is where I died...I guess this is how you imagine it in your mind. But the truth is it's not all a barren wasteland of ice and snow. There are forests, lakes and rivers. The cities are beautiful I've seen them in pictures. Too bad, I didn't get to see it for myself.
Frederick: I wish I could have seen you one last time...
Augustus: I know. But don't blame yourself for my death. Remember that Frederick.
Frederick: I miss you, brother...
Augustus: We will see each other again when your time comes Frederick.
Frederick: I understand...
Augustus: You should go now...you need to wake up dear brother.
Frederick slowly opens his eyes allowing his eyes to adjust to the dim morning light shining in. He stares at the clock on the wall noticing that it's only 6:00 am. He feels slightly less sleepy but he still feels like he needs more rest. He also feels a slight feeling of hunger in his stomach urging him to eat. But he ignores this feeling because it's too early to eat and he doesn't want to disturb anyone. Frederick tries to go back to sleep but he suddenly hears a gentle knock on his door. He throws the blankets over himself trying to go back to sleep. He suddenly hears the door gently open and someone quietly enters the room. The door suddenly quietly closes.
Prince Henry: Frederick...
Frederick: Henry...let me sleep.
Prince Henry: I just wanted to tell you that the Duke of Wellington is leaving Potsdam today and heading back to Denmark.
Frederick: What time is he leaving?
Prince Henry: Before noon.
Frederick: Alright...let me rest for a while Henry.
Prince Henry: Still tired Frederick...You work too hard sometimes.
Frederick: I know. But please let me sleep Henry I want to rest for a couple of hours.
Prince Henry: Alright I'll let you rest.
Frederick: Thank you, Henry...You may leave.
Prince Henry: I'll see you soon. Sleep well Frederick.
Frederick slowly closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. Prince Henry quietly walks over to the door and he gently opens it. He quietly walks out into the hallway gently closing the door behind him. He starts quietly walking down the hallway trying to not disturb anyone else.
A few hours later Prince Frederick is awkwardly standing outside of Voltaire's room.
Prince Frederick: Voltaire?
Voltaire: What do you want your Highness...
Prince Frederick: May I enter?
Voltaire: Fine...
Prince Frederick gently opens the door and he enters the room closing the door behind him. Prince Frederick stares at the neat piles of poetry on the desk. He notices Voltaire writing his poetry at his desk.
Prince Frederick: Voltaire...
Voltaire stops writing and he stares at Prince Frederick. Prince Frederick notices the serious look in Voltaire's eyes.
Voltaire: What do you want your Highness?
Prince Frederick: Please...
Voltaire: Please what?
Prince Frederick: Please I want forgiveness...Voltaire, I want your forgiveness. I'm sorry for my foolish actions against you. I shouldn't have lashed out against you...I was a fool.
Voltaire: Do I trust you...Can I forgive you?
Prince Frederick: Please...I'm sorry and yes you can trust me, Voltaire...
Voltaire: Do you promise not to harm his Majesty?
Prince Frederick: Yes I promise...
Voltaire: If you're done here please leave my room I need to finish my work.
Prince Frederick: Fine...
Prince Frederick gently opens the door and exits the room closing the door behind him. Prince Frederick starts walking down the hallway again.
Prince Frederick: Where is Wellington I wonder...Maybe he's in his room packing up his things...
Prince Frederick stops in front of the room Wellington is staying in. He gently knocks on the door and awkwardly waits for a response.
Wellington: Who's there?
Prince Frederick: It's me...I want to tell you something.
Wellington: Fine. Come in your Highness.
Prince Frederick gently opens the door and he enters the room closing the door behind him. He awkwardly stares at Wellington. Lord Uxbridge who is also in the room glares at Prince Frederick and keeps his hand near his pistol. Wellington stares at Lord Uxbridge with a look of seriousness.
Wellington: Easy Uxbridge no need to shoot him.
Lord Uxbridge: But sir he hurt you.
Wellington: We want to keep a good relationship with our allies so no shooting him.
Lord Uxbridge puts his hand away from his pistol and he continues to glare at Prince Frederick who is still awkwardly standing there feeling uncomfortable about the situation.
Wellington: Now what do you want Your Highness?
Prince Frederick: I want to apologise for harming you, sir. I was ordered by the King to apologise to you, sir.
Wellington: I accept your apology. I hope we can stay on good terms, your Highness. We shall see each other on the battlefield.
Prince Frederick: Yes sir. Also safe travels back to Denmark.
Wellington: I'm sure the journey back will be safe thank you, Your Highness.
Prince Frederick: Thank You for accepting my apology. I shall leave you to finish up your business.
Prince Frederick gently opens the door and exits the room closing the door behind him. Wellington stares at Lord Uxbridge who seems calmer now.
Wellington: Jesus Christ...I thought you were going to do something stupid.
Lord Uxbridge: I was just preparing to protect you, sir.
Wellington: I understand but if you did shoot him we would lose our ally.
Lord Uxbridge: I suggest that we travel to Denmark without stopping. The army will be wondering where you are sir. If we leave before noon we should get there after sunset tomorrow.
Wellington: Fine but at least let me sleep during the journey. I don't want to feel completely exhausted when we arrive.
There is suddenly another knock on the door.
Wellington: Who's there?
Lawrence: It's me, Lieutenant Sundermann sir. I want to see you, sir.
Wellington: Come in Lieutenant.
Lawrence opens the door and enters the room with a letter in hand.
Lawrence: Sir.
Wellington: Yes Lieutenant?
Lawrence: I have written the letter for Colonel Fraser. I just need it delivered to him.
Wellington awkwardly stares at Lord Uxbridge. Lord Uxbridge stares back in confusion.
Lord Uxbridge: You do it, sir.
Wellington: me?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes you want Colonel Fraser to know that Lieutenant Sundermann is travelling with the Prussian Army.
Wellington: Fine...I'll deliver it to him.
Lawrence walks over to Wellington and he hands the letter to him. Wellington carefully puts the letter in his pocket.
Lawrence: Are you alright sir?
Wellington: I'm fine I've had worse than being shot.
Lawrence: Alright...I guess I will see you on the battlefield, sir.
Wellington: Indeed you will.
Lawrence: Be safe sir.
Wellington: I will...
Lawrence walks out the door into the hallway gently closing the door behind him. Lawrence walks over to the window and stares out at the city of Potsdam.
A couple of hours later outside the front of the palace, Wellington and Lord Uxbridge are preparing to leave.
Wellington looks back at the palace and he notices that Prince Henry and Frederick are walking down the steps towards them. The carriage suddenly pulls up in front of them. Prince Henry and Frederick promptly walk over to them.
Wellington: Well I guess this is farewell for now Your Majesty and Your Highness.
Frederick: Indeed your grace. I'm sure we will see each other on the battlefield.
Wellington: Yes I'm sure we will Your Majesty.
Frederick: Safe travels your grace.
Wellington: Thank you, Your Majesty. And thank you, Your Highness, for protecting me and Lord Uxbridge.
Prince Henry: It's fine I'm use to having to protect people.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes thank you for protecting us.
Prince Henry: Again I'm use to protecting people.
Frederick: Well I guess you two better get going we don't want to delay you any further.
Wellington: Yes.
Wellington and Lord Uxbridge carefully get into the carriage. Wellington closes the carriage door and the carriage starts riding down the hill. Frederick and Prince Henry start walking up the steps to the palace.
To Be Continued...
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