Brothers With Shattered Bonds
It is currently 8:30 am and Kitty Wellesley is standing near the river's edge. Calmly listening to the peaceful steady flowing river she suddenly hears leaves rustling on the other side.
Joseph Ney comes out of the forest and he stops and awkwardly stares at Kitty. Kitty Wellesley starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Who are you and why are you here?
Joseph Ney: I should be asking you the same question ma'am.
Kitty Wellesley: You are a Frenchman aren't you. So why are you here so far from your camp?
Joseph Ney: Just to get water...Nothing else.
Kitty Wellesley: Why should I trust you?
Joseph Ney: I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm just here to get water. That's all I'm here to do.
Kitty Wellesley: I suggest you go somewhere else before someone sees you. Because I know that they would definitely kill you.
Joseph Ney: I'm not frightened of the British.
Joseph carefully kneels down on the edge of the river bank and begins filling his canteen. Suddenly Henry Wellesley calmly approaches Joseph and he stops and awkwardly stares at Kitty Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly mocking voice.
Henry Wellesley: How is my stupid brother Kitty?
Kitty Wellesley: How dare you hurt Arthur! How dare you betray him to join the French!
Henry Wellesley: Oh dear Kitty you don't understand how much I suffered serving under Arthur...That bastard sidelined me.
Kitty Wellesley: That doesn't give you the right to try to kill him! What is wrong with you Henry!?
Suddenly Wellington hastily walks over to Kitty and puts himself in front of her. Preparing to defend her at any cost. Wellington starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Wellington: Henry you will stay away from my wife. Also, you will most definitely stay away from my wife you Frenchman.
Joseph Ney: I wasn't going to do anything to your wife at all sir. I promise you that!
Henry Wellesley: Arthur why would I hurt your dear wife?..
Wellington: I can't trust you anymore Henry so I'm not letting you anywhere near my wife.
Henry Wellesley: What you think I'm going to kill her!?
Wellington: Yes because you are clearly being threatening.
Henry Wellesley: I am not being threatening Arthur. I would never kill your dear Kitty...
Wellington: I suggest you leave Henry...
Kitty Wellesley nervously backs off and Wellington starts speaking in a serious voice.
Wellington: Henry I suggest you leave before someone gets hurt.
Henry Wellesley: What are you seriously going to fight me again!?
Wellington: I don't want to fight you, Henry.
Henry Wellesley: Of course, you don't because you are a coward! You are too scared to fight me let alone kill me!
Wellington: The reason why I don't want to fight you is that I love you, Henry!
Henry Wellesley: Just forget about me Arthur like you always did! I was always forgotten by you.
Wellington: Henry...
Henry Wellesley: Stop trying to repair our relationship!
Wellington begins holding back tears of guilt and sadness. Wellington begins speaking in a slightly upset voice.
Wellington: Henry I don't want to let go of this relationship...I didn't know that I was hurting you.
Henry Wellesley: Well that's too bad because you are going to have to let this relationship go! Besides you were the one who shattered our bond!
Wellington: I didn't mean for this to happen Henry...
Henry Wellesley: Stop trying to act that you care now, Arthur! Because you don't and you didn't in the past!
Wellington: Henry I did care about you...I still care.
Henry Wellesley: Well, I don't so just forget about me!
Wellington: I refuse to forget about you we are family!
Henry Wellesley: You forgot about me when you became the Armies leader.
Wellington: I did not forget about you Henry I was just busy!
Meanwhile, a couple of meters away Victor Nyland is standing behind a tree listening in on the conversation. He also has a bow and a quiver full of arrows with him.
Suddenly he notices Lawrence quickly and cautiously approaching him. Lawrence stops and stands beside Victor. Lawrence starts speaking in a calm, quiet and serious voice.
Lawrence: What's going on Victor?
Victor Nyland: There's a Frenchman on the other side of the river along with the traitor.
Lawrence: Really are you sure?
Victor Nyland: Go ahead and take a look. Just make sure they don't see you.
Lawrence carefully peeks around the corner of the tree. Then he starts speaking in a shocked but still quiet voice.
Lawrence: There is a French General there and General Henry Wellesley is the traitor.
Victor Nyland: I was planning to kill the French General. But since you are here and are possibly a better shot I could be the distraction.
Lawrence: I don't think we should kill him. The French would come looking for their General. I could possibly wound him instead.
Victor Nyland: Possibly. But it seems that the traitor could still try to do something to your commander. He doesn't seem too happy and could kill the commander at any time. We need to scare the traitor off somehow. Without killing him...
Lawrence: How would we scare him off.
Victor Nyland: No one probably likes having a lot of people shooting at them. Also, it seems we have company.
Lawrence notices Damian Barker and Sherkov Danilovich quickly approaching them. They both stop in front of Lawrence and Victor.
Damian starts speaking in a calm yet slightly confused voice.
Damian Barker: Why are you two hiding behind a tree?
Lawrence: There is a French General on the other side of the river.
Damian Barker: That same Frenchie we had to deal with last time?
Lawrence: Yes and that traitor General Henry Wellesley is also there.
Damian Barker: So why are you hiding behind the tree?
Lawrence: Well, I'm planning to injure the French General. To possibly scare him off.
Sherkov Danilovich: I would just kill him.
Lawrence: No because then the French will come looking for him.
Victor Nyland: I will be the distraction and you two scare that traitor and the French General off. Lawrence, you injure the French General.
Lawrence prepares to fire his rifle while Damian and Sherkov prepare to fire their pistols. Victor grabs an arrow out of his quiver and prepares to fire it.
Meanwhile down near the river, Henry Wellesley is still yelling out of frustration.
Henry Wellesley: I thought you would care about me, Arthur! I really thought you would!
Wellington: Henry I do care about you!
Henry Wellesley: You are such a liar! You don't care about me at all!
Wellington: I'm not lying Henry I do care about you!
Henry Wellesley: Since when did you actually care about me!?
Wellington: I've always cared about you...
Henry Wellesley: Well why didn't you stay with me when my wife left me!? Why didn't you stay Arthur!?
Wellington: You know why Henry.
Suddenly there is a loud whistling noise. Then an arrow lands and gets stuck in the side of a tree. Joseph Ney stares at the arrow with slight confusion. Then he starts yelling in a serious tone.
Joseph Ney: Who's there!? Come out, you cowards!
Suddenly the sound of a rifle being fired is heard. The bullet hits Joseph Ney in the left shoulder. Joseph Ney starts speaking in a slightly irritated tone.
Joseph Ney: We need to leave Henry before more of the British Army notices that we are here.
Henry Wellesley: Are you alright Joseph?
Joseph Ney: Don't worry about me we need to get out of here!
Suddenly more bullets are fired at them by Damian and Sherkov. The bullets hit the trees beside Henry and Joseph causing pieces of bark to fly off the trees.
Suddenly one of the bullets hits Joseph Ney in his right knee. This causes Joseph to fall onto one knee. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a concerned voice.
Henry Wellesley: Joseph we need to go!
Joseph Ney: Fine. Besides we are outnumbered. We also don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves.
Henry Wellesley: I'll help you.
Joseph Ney: No I'm fine.
Joseph Ney carefully gets up and Henry Wellesley helps him and Joseph reluctantly accepts. They both begin walking through the forest as quickly as they can.
Meanwhile, over near the tree, Victor starts speaking in a calm voice.
Victor Nyland: Well at least we scared them off, boys.
Lawrence: But won't they attack again?
Victor Nyland: That would be very foolish. Because if they did attack again they would probably be killed.
Lawrence: I can't believe that General Henry Wellesley has betrayed the British Army.
Victor Nyland: Well it seems something went down between the General and Wellington. The General wasn't too happy with his brother before you got here.
Lawrence: I can't believe that the General would join up with the French.
Victor Nyland: There are always reasons for betrayal Lawrence.
Meanwhile near the river's rocky edge Kitty calmy walks over to Wellington. She gently hugs him and starts speaking in a calm but slightly nervous voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Thank you for protecting me, Arthur. I was worried that Frenchman was going to do something to me...
Wellington: I would never let anyone hurt you, Kitty. You know that.
Kitty Wellesley: I was worried he would have done something if you weren't here.
Wellington: Kitty. It's alright I'm not going to let anyone hurt you...
Wellington begins passionately kissing Kitty Wellesley on the lips. A couple of minutes later Wellington gently breaks the kiss. Then they both start speaking in a romantic voice.
Wellington: My dear Kitty I would never let anything happen to you. I will always protect you.
Kitty Wellesley: Thank you, my love...
Wellington: You are very dear to me Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley: You are also very dear to me Arthur. I will also always support you and love you till we part.
Wellington: I will do the same for you, my dear.
Meanwhile a few minutes later at the French camp, Joseph is limping back to his tent. With Henry still supporting him.
Suddenly they hear a serious yet slightly concerned voice behind them. Which causes them to stop walking.
Marshal Ney: Joseph...Are you alright?
Joseph Ney: No the English and their stupid mercenaries shot me. They were trying to kill me!
Marshal Ney: What did you do Joseph?
Joseph Ney: I did nothing I was just getting water father. But it seems that the English have claimed that part of the river as their source of water.
Marshal Ney: I'm glad that they didn't kill you, Joseph...Now, do you want me to get the doctor for you?
Joseph Ney: Yes father...
Marshal Ney calmly walks off and Henry and Joseph continue walking to their tent. A couple of minutes later, they eventually get to their tent.
As soon as they enter the tent Joseph lies down on his bed. Joseph Ney smirks and he starts speaking in a calm tone.
Joseph Ney: Is your brother really such a coward?..
Henry Wellesley: Yes he is too scared to hurt me. He doesn't even want to fight me.
Joseph Ney: Then why is he even fighting this war then if he is such a coward?
Henry Wellesley: He probably just wants to do it for his King and country like the rest of them.
Joseph Ney: I thought he would be fighting for a much more important purpose. Rather than England's King and Kingdom.
Henry Wellesley: I thought he cared about me and his family. But it seems he puts his duties first.
Joseph Ney: My father still cares about me and he puts his duties first.
Henry Wellesley: Well of course he would care about you. Because you are his son. Unlike you when I was younger I had to seek attention from my parents. Due to me being the youngest. I just didn't want to be forgotten about.
Henry Wellesley sits down on a nearby wooden chair. Joseph Ney starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Joseph Ney: You won't be forgotten about Henry.
Henry Wellesley: Why would I be remembered for something? My own brother forgot about me.
Joseph Ney: I know that you still want to kill him. I see it in you. If you manage to do that. You will be remembered for that. You will be remembered as the one who killed Wellington.
Henry Wellesley: Will you remember me after this war?
Joseph Ney: Of course, I will remember you, Henry. You are my friend. My only friend who hasn't been killed in this bloody and destructive war.
Henry Wellesley: I don't know where in France I'm going to go after this.
Joseph Ney: You can follow me to the town where I live. I will find you a place to stay.
Henry Wellesley: Would you really do that for me, Joseph?
Joseph Ney: Of course. You are my friend Henry.
Henry Wellesley calmy sighs to himself and then he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Henry Wellesley: Do you have any siblings Joseph?
Joseph Ney: I have 3 younger brothers. Michel, Eugène and Edgar. They all see me as a hero just like my father.
Henry Wellesley: Well at least your siblings care about you. I just feel like my family didn't care about me much at all.
Joseph Ney: I care about you Henry even though you are an Englishman and we are meant to be enemies.
Henry Wellesley: I also care about you, Joseph...Even though I thought you were going to kill me when we first met.
Joseph Ney: I won't be killing you anytime soon Henry.
Henry Wellesley: I also won't be killing you, Joseph. You are currently the only true friend I have.
Joseph Ney: Same with you Henry and I hope that I won't lose you as I did with many of my other friends.
Henry Wellesley: You won't lose me, Joseph.
Joseph Ney carefully gets up and walks over to Henry. Then he gently puts his arms around Henry. Henry awkwardly looks at Joseph but then he smiles. Joseph Ney starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Joseph Ney: Your a great friend Henry for an Englishman.
Henry Wellesley: Thank you, Joseph.
Joseph Ney awkwardly let's go and he smiles at Henry. Joseph Ney calmly and carefully walks over to his bed and lies down. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a concerned voice.
Henry Wellesley: Are you sure you are alright Joseph?
Joseph Ney: I'm fine Henry. I've had worse.
Henry Wellesley: I don't want to lose you, Joseph. You are now the only person who cares about me.
Joseph Ney: I understand Henry. But I'm fine it's not the worst injury I've had during this war.
A few hours later Wellington is standing on the rocky river's edge staring at the river. He listens to the calming sounds of the steady flow of the river. Along with birds singing in the nearby branches and the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.
*Wellington in thought*
I didn't mean to make him feel forgotten...
I was just busy...
He could have told me himself!
I didn't mean for this relationship to break apart...
This whole situation is my fault.
Maybe I should have stayed with him instead of going to Spain...
He was there for me after all...
I wasn't there for him...
Wellington quietly sighs to himself out of slight frustration. Suddenly he feels two hands firmly grab his shoulders which causes him to tense up a little bit.
He then hears someone speak into his ear.
Henry Wellesley: You never cared about me Arthur...
*Wellington in thought*
What is wrong with me!?
Why is this happening to me?
I want this to stop...
I thought this madness was over...
I don't want this to keep happening.
I don't know what to do...
I don't know how to make this stop.
Wellington turns around and notices that Henry isn't there. But instead, he notices that Kitty is cheerfully walking over to him.
Kitty stops and stands in front of Wellington and she gently puts her hand on his shoulder. Then she starts speaking in a calm but slightly concerned voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur are you alright you seem a bit tense...
Wellington: I'm fine I just needed a break from working. I didn't want to worry you because I'm working too hard...
Kitty Wellesley: I don't think it's just work that's making you tense. Is it Arthur?
Wellington: I'm just worried about Henry...He really is out for me. It also seems his new friend might be out for me as well.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...Your not just worried about yourself, are you? You are also worried about me, aren't you?
Wellington: Yes I'm just worried about them hurting you when I'm not around. I don't want them hurting you.
Kitty Wellesley: I understand that Arthur. But I'm also worried about them hurting you. As you said they are after you and Henry wants to kill you.
Wellington: I won't let them kill me, Kitty I promise that you won't lose me.
Kitty Wellesley gently embraces Wellington and then she starts passionately kissing him on the lips. A couple of minutes later Kitty gently breaks the kiss and they both continue holding each other in the embrace.
A couple of minutes later they both let go of each other. They then start happily walking back to the British camp. While gently holding each other's hands.
A few minutes later, they reach their tent and happily walk inside. Wellington calmy walks over to his desk and sits down. Wellington starts speaking in a calm voice.
Wellington: I will try not to work too hard Kitty as well I know it's not too great for me.
Kitty Wellesley: I also want you to get enough sleep, Arthur. I can tell that you work very late. I care about your health Arthur.
Wellington: I understand Kitty. I will try to go to sleep earlier tonight.
Kitty Wellesley: I'm glad that you understand Arthur.
Wellington smiles cheerfully then he begins carefully reading something. Meanwhile, a few hours later in the Prussian camp, Lawrence is sitting on a log in front of a fire.
Then he gently grabs the end of his necklace and holds it up to the light. He calmly stares at the two initials on the tiny silver sword.
Suddenly Lawrence hears footsteps behind him and he gently lets go of the necklace. Then he puts the end of the necklace under his green jacket.
Then he looks up and notices Frederick staring at him with a small smile on his face. Frederick starts speaking in a calm voice.
Frederick: Why are you hiding it?
Lawrence: Hiding what Your Majesty?
Frederick: The necklace Lieutenant.
Lawrence: I don't want anyone to steal it, Your Majesty.
Frederick: Are you going to wear it during the battle?
Lawrence: Maybe but I'm currently unsure Your Majesty.
Frederick: If you do decide to wear it. Don't lose it.
Lawrence: I won't Your Majesty.
Frederick: Good.
Lawrence calmly and quietly sighs to himself then he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Lawrence: Are you still concerned about me going to capture a French Eagle, Your Majesty?
Frederick: Yes because not many soldiers have managed to successfully capture a French Eagle. Not many of them were Lieutenants.
Lawrence: I want to improve my reputation with the British Army Your Majesty.
Frederick: At least you are not being a glory seeker. But I feel that there is now another reason for you to capture the Eagle.
Lawrence: I wish to bring the Eagle home and take it to where my father is buried.
Frederick: That's a good thing to do Lawrence.
Lawrence: I just feel that it's the right thing to do.
Frederick: If you do manage to do it. Your father would be proud of you if he was here. I shall be going now, Lieutenant. Good night Lieutenant.
Lawrence: Good night Your Majesty.
Frederick gets up and calmly walks off into the darkness. Meanwhile, in the British camp, Wellington is still working at his desk calmly writing something.
Kitty Wellesley who is lying in bed stares at Wellington and she starts speaking in a calm voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...It's getting late. I think that you have done plenty of work for today.
Wellington: I'm almost finished, Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley: Alright Arthur...
A few minutes later, Wellington finishes his work and begins getting ready to go to sleep. A couple of minutes later he gets into bed and lies down next to Kitty.
Kitty gently kisses him on the cheek. Then she starts speaking in a calm yet slightly concerned voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Are you sure that you are alright Arthur?
Wellington: Yes, I'm alright.
Kitty Wellesley: I just noticed that you seemed quite bothered by something today. I'm just making sure that you are alright Arthur. I do care about you and you know that.
Wellington: I know. But I'm fine nothing is wrong...
Kitty Wellesley: Alright. Good night my love.
Wellington: Good night Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley goes to sleep but Wellington stays awake.
*Wellington in thought*
I can't tell her that there is actually something wrong with me.
I don't want her to think I'm crazy and possibly leave me because of it.
I don't know what I should do...
I don't want to lose her because of this.
I love her and she means a lot to me. Losing her would make it worse.
But telling her could also be bad...
Is there actually a good outcome in this situation?
Stop thinking about it Arthur and go to sleep...
Wellington gently closes his eyes and enters his fantasies. Upon opening his eyes he notices that he is standing on London Bridge. Gazing out at the steadily flowing river and the fiery sunrise.
Suddenly he hears some footsteps approaching him. He glances over and notices his father standing next to him. Garret Wellesley starts speaking in a calm voice.
Garret Wellesley: What's wrong Arthur my dear boy?
Wellington: Everything is not going the way I want it to. I just want Henry to come back to me. I don't want to have to hurt him or possibly kill him. Because he isn't coming back to me.
Garret Wellesley: Life never goes in everyone's favour. Life is not just one straight path. It is many paths and you just have to choose the right one.
Wellington: I didn't mean for Henry to leave me. I just didn't know what I did wrong in the situation. Now it's breaking me apart.
Garret Wellesley: Arthur Wellesley. Stop blaming yourself for things that are possibly not even your fault.
Wellington: But this situation is my fault. It's my fault that Henry has betrayed me and wants to kill me!
Garret Wellesley: Is it really your fault?
Wellington: What do you mean of course it's my fault...
Garret Wellesley: Ask yourself that question when you can. Is it really your fault?
Wellington sighs out of slight frustration and he starts speaking in a calm yet slightly frustrated voice.
Wellington: Why are you being so cryptic?
Garret Wellesley: I can't just give you all the answers Arthur. It's best if you figure them out for yourself.
Wellington: Fine...
Garret Wellesley: You also need to stop blaming yourself, Arthur.
Wellington: But so many things seem like they are my fault...
Garret Wellesley: Not everything is your fault, Arthur. We all make mistakes and that helps us learn.
Wellington: I know...
Garret Wellesley: How do you think you got where you are now Arthur? How do you think you became this leader?
Wellington: By learning from my mistakes?
Garret Wellesley: Exactly Arthur.
Wellington smiles a little bit and he starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Wellington: Thank you for talking to me father.
Garret Wellesley: It's fine Arthur. Remember what I told you alright.
Wellington: Yes I will father.
Garret Wellesley: Good. We shall talk some other time perhaps.
Wellington: Yes father.
Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he notices that it's light outside. But the sun hasn't risen yet. He also notices that Kitty Wellesley is still peacefully sleeping.
Wellington slowly closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.
To be Continued...
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