Breaking Point
It is now 1:00 pm and Voltaire is still lying in Fredericks bed. He carefully sits up trying to not hurt himself even more. The door to Fredericks room suddenly opens and Frederick enters the room he stares at Voltaire. Frederick gently closes the door behind him and he walks over to Voltaire.
Frederick: Still too injured to move mon ami? (my friend)
Voltaire: It's not that bad...I just need rest.
Frederick slowly sits down on the bed and he gently grabs Voltaire's left hand being careful not to hurt his wrist. Voltaire stares into Fredericks blue eyes. He also starts blushing a little bit but he tries to hide it.
Frederick: Who hurt you mon ami? (my friend)
Voltaire: I...I'm scared to tell you. He might hurt me again.
Frederick: Voltaire I want you to be safe. If someone is hurting you I must know.
Voltaire: Frederick...
Frederick: Yes?
Voltaire: The Prince hurt me...
Frederick: Fred hurt you?
Voltaire: Yes...
Frederick: Why did he hurt you, Voltaire?
Voltaire notices the concern and subtle amount of anger in Frederick's voice. Voltaire starts speaking in a calm tone even though he is slightly frightened but he hides it.
Voltaire: Frederick...he hurt me because I was trying to protect you.
Frederick gently lets go of Voltaire's hand and he walks over to his desk. He suddenly tosses his papers onto the ground out of growing rage. He tightly clenches his fists causing his nails to dig into his palms. He suddenly slams his fist onto his desk.
Voltaire: Frederick...
Frederick storms over to the door and he violently swings the door open. He then storms out of the room slamming the door behind him.
Voltaire: Frederick no...
Frederick is storming down the hallway trying to find Prince Frederick. He feels his heart pounding in his chest along with his adrenaline starting to spike. Tears start forming in Frederick's eyes and they start gradually streaming down his face.
Frederick: He hurt Voltaire...He hurt my only friend!
Prince Henry suddenly exits his room and Frederick stops and he stares at Henry. Prince Henry notices that Frederick is crying but he also notices that Frederick seems angry. Prince Henry starts talking in a calm tone.
Prince Henry: What's wrong Frederick?
Frederick: He...He hurt Voltaire!
Prince Henry: Who hurt Voltaire?
Frederick: Fred!
Prince Henry: Fred hurt Voltaire?
Frederick: Yes he did now do you know where he is!?
Prince Henry: I...
Frederick: Tell me, Henry...
Prince Henry: Frederick...Calm down
Frederick puts his hands on Prince Henry's shoulders and he gently squeezes them. He sternly stares into Prince Henry's eyes. He then starts speaking in a serious tone which has some fiery rage behind it.
Frederick: Where is he...Henry tell me.
Prince Henry: Frederick calm yourself...
Frederick: Where is Fred...
Prince Henry: Frederick calm down before you do something you regret.
Frederick: Just tell me, Henry!
Prince Henry: Frederick I swear to you I don't know where he is.
Frederick: You're not lying to me are you, dear brother.
Prince Henry: No...No I would never lie to you, Frederick. I swear to you that I will never lie to you.
Frederick stares deeply into Prince Henry's eyes. Making sure that he is telling the truth. Frederick loosens his grip on Prince Henry's shoulders.
Frederick: I see the truth in your eyes. Good.
Prince Henry: Why would I lie to you Frederick you're my brother.
Frederick: Some people have many reasons to lie. But I see no reason for you to lie to me.
Prince Henry: What are you going to do about Fred?
Frederick: He will be punished for his actions against Voltaire! He promised me that he would never hurt Voltaire!
Prince Henry: Just don't do something that you will regret...Please Frederick for your sake I don't want you doing something you regret.
Frederick: Henry he hurt Voltaire, my only friend...Just don't follow me.
Frederick lets go of Prince Henry and he storms off down the hallway to find Prince Frederick.
Frederick: He will pay for what he did to Voltaire...
Frederick hastily walks down the stairs and he continues walking down the hallway. He eventually gets to the throne room and he notices Prince Frederick staring at the throne. Frederick slowly steps onto the marble flooring and he looks up at the Prussian flag that is flying above the dark wooden throne.
Frederick: You hurt Voltaire...
Prince Frederick: He wanted to kill me...Why do you care about him more than me? He's just a poet. He has no business in our family quarrels.
Frederick: He is my dearest friend. My only friend.
Prince Frederick: Yet you care about him more than me...I have similar blood to you we are family!
Prince Frederick turns around and he glares at Frederick and he clenches his fists slightly.
Prince Frederick: He could have killed me but he couldn't. He's too afraid to kill anyone. Why is he coming to battle with us when he would probably get himself killed!
Frederick: It was his choice!
Prince Frederick: Voltaire is just a poet who can't kill anyone. Because he is too scared he is like a defenceless puppy who ran away from his home. Whereas everyone else who can fight are like wolves who can defend themselves and kill.
Frederick suddenly walks up to the Prince and he shoves him up against the throne roughly gripping onto his shoulders. Frederick glares into the Prince's eyes and he starts speaking in an irritated tone.
Frederick: Do not compare my friend to some sort of animal...
Prince Frederick: I'm just saying that he can't kill anyone and he can barely defend himself.
Frederick: He should feel safe here but you decide to hurt him! He's been bedridden for almost a whole day!
Prince Frederick: I only roughed him up a bit if he plans to go to war with you he needs to get use to needing to defend himself.
Frederick: That was not roughing someone up Fred! The doctor told me that his wrist is badly sprained and it was almost broken...
Prince Frederick: I've had worse than that.
Frederick: You hurt him!
Frederick clenches his fists tightly.
Prince Frederick: You want to hurt me don't you...
Frederick: You hurt Voltaire...
Frederick suddenly slaps Prince Frederick. Prince Frederick stares at Frederick with shock. He then shoves Frederick backwards.
Prince Frederick: You care about your friend more than someone who has similar blood to you!
Frederick: Fred...I'm sorry I do care about you!
Prince Frederick: You don't seem that way...
Frederick: Fred please I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!
Tears start streaming down Frederick's face and he starts sobbing quietly. Frederick starts talking through his sobs.
Frederick: Fred...I love you as a son I never had! I'm sorry. I just want you to love me and accept me as your father. But you just hate me! I don't know what I've done wrong! I don't understand why you don't love me like you use to!
Prince Frederick: You're right I don't accept you as my father that's because you aren't my father!
Frederick: Please Fred...I want your forgiveness. I didn't mean to hurt you I'm so foolish!
Prince Frederick sighs out of frustration. Then he walks out of the room and starts walking down the hallway. Leaving Frederick alone in the throne room. Frederick gets on his knees and he starts crying even more.
Frederick: Why...why must this happen to me?
Frederick suddenly hears footsteps approaching him along with a concerned but familiar voice.
Felix: Your Majesty?
Frederick: Leave me alone...
Felix stops at the entrance to the throne room and he notices that Frederick is quietly sobbing. Felix starts speaking in a calm voice.
Felix: What's wrong Your Majesty?
Frederick: It's none of your business messenger...
Felix: Are you hurt?
Frederick: Physically no...Mentally yes.
Felix: I saw that the Prince was also in here with you. I also might have overheard the end of your conversation...
Frederick: I need you to do something for me messenger.
Felix: Yes Your Majesty?
Frederick: Get Voltaire for me...he's in my room. Don't question it, please. I have already had to deal with Henry and his awkwardness.
Felix: As you wish Your Majesty.
Felix walks off to go see Voltaire. Meanwhile, in Fredericks room, Voltaire is carefully picking up Fredericks work and he is trying to reorganise it. Voltaire starts quietly talking to himself out of slight annoyance.
Voltaire: Why did you have to do this Frederick.
There is suddenly a gentle knock on the door. Voltaire hastily puts the pile of papers onto the desk. But some of the papers fall onto the floor again. The door suddenly opens and Voltaire awkwardly stares at Felix.
Voltaire: Why are you here?
Felix: The King wants you, Voltaire.
Voltaire: Is he alright?
Felix: Just come with me, Voltaire...
Voltaire: Promise me that you won't tell anyone else that I was in here.
Felix: I promise...
Voltaire walks over to Felix and Felix notices the bandage wrapped around Voltaire's left wrist. He stares at Voltaire with slight concern.
Felix: What happened?
Voltaire: I don't want to talk about it.
Felix: I understand. But are you alright?
Voltaire: I'm fine...I just try not to move my wrist too much...
Felix: Just making sure. Now I must take you to see the King.
Voltaire and Felix leave the room and Felix gently closes the door behind them. They then continue walking down the hallway and Voltaire starts talking with slight concern in his voice.
Voltaire: Is he alright...Why did he ask for me instead of coming to see me?
Felix: I overheard the conversation between him and the Prince...
Voltaire: What happened?
Felix: It seems that the Prince was upset because the King cares about you more than the Prince. The King ended up getting quite upset and he tried to ask the Prince to forgive him for not caring about him enough. The Prince eventually left the King alone in his throne room. He didn't forgive him and the King seems quite upset about it and he requested me to get you...
Voltaire: Why me? Why not his brother?
Felix: He just told me that he doesn't want to deal with his brother's awkwardness.
Voltaire and Felix carefully walk down the stairs and they then continue walking down the hallway until they get to the throne room. Voltaire stops and he notices Frederick kneeling on the floor and he hears his quiet sobs. Felix suddenly says something quietly to Voltaire.
Felix: I will leave now he only wants to see you not me.
Felix walks off and Voltaire slowly walks into the throne room. Frederick suddenly looks up after hearing Voltaire's footsteps. Voltaire suddenly starts talking in a soft and soothing voice.
Voltaire: Frederick...Im here.
Frederick: Mon ami? (My friend)
Voltaire: Yes?
Voltaire approaches Frederick and he stops in front of him and kneels on the cold and smooth marble floor. He notices that Frederick's face is stained with tears and more tears are still streaming down his face. Voltaire gently puts his hands on Frederick's shoulders and he stares into Fredericks sky blue eyes which are swelling up with tears.
Voltaire: Frederick...Im here for you.
Frederick: I hurt him...I hurt Fred. He doesn't want my forgiveness...
Voltaire slowly wraps his arms around Frederick gently hugging him. Frederick quietly cries on Voltaire's shoulder.
Voltaire: Frederick it's alright...
Frederick: I love him as if he were my son...But I hurt him.
Voltaire: Frederick it was an accident you didn't mean to harm him...
Frederick: I was upset that he hurt you I wanted to punish him!
Voltaire: I know...I know you were upset...
Frederick: All I want is forgiveness...
Voltaire suddenly starts gently stroking Frederick's hair trying to soothe him. Frederick starts trying to calm himself. But he can't due to the guilt he feels for hurting Prince Frederick.
Voltaire: Deep breaths Frederick...
Frederick: Voltaire I don't know what to do...I'm hurting...
Voltaire: I understand Frederick...
Frederick: I want to just weep until I fall asleep...
Voltaire: Frederick, please I don't want you to punish yourself like that...Take a deep breath and calm yourself.
Frederick: I can't!
Frederick closes his eyes trying to hold back his tears.
Voltaire: It's alright you will be alright Frederick...
Frederick: I hurt him...I hurt the one that I call my son...
Voltaire: You are not like your father...Your actions will be forgiven.
Frederick: He will never forgive me!
Voltaire: Frederick...
Frederick: Voltaire can you stay with me...
Voltaire: Yes, I can...
Frederick: I just want you to comfort me, Voltaire...
Voltaire: Alright...
A few hours later it is now 5:30 pm and Frederick is sitting on his throne. His eyes are closed out of exhaustion from crying. Voltaire is looking out the window at the palace gardens. He gets his golden pocket watch out of his pocket and he gently opens it. He notices that it's 5:30 pm. He walks over to Frederick and gently shakes his shoulder. Frederick makes a quiet hum noise and he slowly opens his eyes and he stares at Voltaire.
Frederick: What is it mon ami? (My friend)
Voltaire: It's 5:30 Frederick. Are you hungry?
Frederick: A little bit I guess...
Voltaire: Frederick you need to eat...
Frederick: Fine...
Frederick gets up off his throne and he and Voltaire start walking down the hallway together. Voltaire smiles cheerfully and he gently puts his hand on Frederick's shoulder.
Frederick: Mon ami? (My friend)
Voltaire: You have been upset for a while I want you to smile...
Frederick: How can I smile Voltaire? When I have hurt Fred...
Voltaire: You didn't mean to harm him...Remember Frederick you are not like your father...
Frederick: I'm still suffering on the inside due to what I did...
Voltaire: It was an accident, Frederick...
They eventually get to the dining hall and Frederick notices that Prince Henry is sitting in his seat with a small smirk on his face.
Frederick: Why are you smiling like that Henry?
Prince Henry: No reason.
Voltaire gently takes his hand off Frederick's shoulder. They then start walking over to the dining table together. Frederick takes his seat at the head of the table and Voltaire takes his seat closest to Frederick's left. Frederick looks at the empty seat closest to his right then he stares at Henry.
Frederick: Wheres Fred?
Prince Henry: He decided to have his dinner earlier. He won't be joining us.
Frederick: I understand...
Prince Henry: Is something wrong Frederick?
Frederick: No...
Prince Henry: Alright.
Prince Henry stares at Voltaire who is still smiling cheerfully.
Prince Henry: You seem to be better Voltaire.
Voltaire: Yes Your Highness.
Prince Henry: I'm sorry that Fred hurt you, Voltaire.
Voltaire: It's fine Your Highness.
Prince Henry: It's not fine Voltaire...Fred hurt you. A friend of Frederick should not be harmed by the Prince. Let alone by anyone else's hands.
Voltaire: Your Highness I'm use to being hurt by people.
Prince Henry: Voltaire you were welcomed here by my brother and you were promised safety. It is not alright that Fred hurt you.
Voltaire: I understand...Your Highness.
Prince Henry: The Prince will not hurt you again Voltaire.
Voltaire: Yes Your Highness.
Frederick awkwardly stares down at the table. He quietly replays the moment when he hurt Prince Frederick in his head. He gently closes his eyes trying to dismiss this moment. Prince Henry notices what Frederick is doing and he asks in a confused tone.
Prince Henry: Frederick are you alright are you tired?
Frederick suddenly opens his eyes and averts his gaze and he says in a calm tone with some guilt hidden behind it.
Frederick: I'm not tired...I just need to go for a walk besides I have lost my appetite...
Frederick gets up out of his seat and walks past Voltaire who stares at Frederick with slight concern as Frederick leaves the room. Frederick continues walking through the palace reflecting on what happened between him and Prince Frederick. He eventually gets to the stairs and he carefully walks down them listening to his footsteps. He then continues walking until he gets to the entrance to the shooting range. He carefully opens the door and he notices Lawrence walking towards him with his rifle in hand. He stares at the rifle examining it and recognises the slightly torn leather strap.
Lawrence: Are you alright Your Majesty?
Frederick: I just thought the Prince would be out here with you.
Lawrence: No he hasn't been out here Your Majesty. Besides, I think he prefers to practice alone.
Frederick: I see.
Lawrence: Are you sure your alright?
Frederick: I'm just wondering where you got that rifle.
Lawrence: My uncle gave it to me Your Majesty.
Frederick: I see...
Lawrence: I hope you have a good rest of your night Your Majesty.
Frederick: Thank You.
Lawrence walks back inside gently closing the door behind him. Frederick walks over to the centre target and he notices five bullet holes near the centre of the target. He stares at them and he starts thinking about something trying to remember it.
Frederick: That rifle seems familiar to me...Why does it seem familiar? I guess I just need to clear my mind for a bit.
A few hours later it is now midnight and Frederick is in his room in bed trying to fall asleep. But he can't due to him still thinking about Lawrence's rifle and also what he did to Prince Frederick. He starts quietly talking to himself.
Frederick: Why did I hurt Fred...Why did I hurt him? What is wrong with me?
Frederick's eyes start to slowly close as he starts falling asleep eventually entering his fantasies. Frederick slowly opens his eyes and he notices that there is an enormous medieval style door in front of him. He grabs onto the circular metal handle and he starts gently knocking on the door with the handle. The door unexpectedly opens by itself and Frederick hesitantly enters the room.
He notices that the room is quite substantial in size. He notices that most of the floor is made out of smooth marble tiles except for the centre part which has a strip of red carpet leading up to a golden throne. Frederick looks up above the throne and he notices an enormous Prussian flag flying above it. Frederick awkwardly whispers to himself.
Frederick: Is this all in my head...
King Frederick suddenly enters the room through a side door near his throne. He stares at Frederick as he gently closes the door behind him. He then walks over to his throne and sits down and starts making himself comfortable. He smiles cheerfully at Frederick then he starts speaking in a warm and comforting voice.
King Frederick I: Are you alright you seem troubled again.
Frederick awkwardly stares in silence averting his gaze away from King Frederick. King Frederick calmly motions for Frederick to come closer.
King Frederick I: Come...You don't need to stand over there.
Frederick awkwardly walks closer and then he stops and stares at the floor. King Frederick sighs and gets up and walks over to Frederick and gently puts his hand on his shoulder.
King Frederick I: Why are you like this. What happened?
Frederick: I hurt Fred...
King Frederick I: Why did you do that?
Frederick: I don't know...
King Frederick I: Did you apologise?
Frederick suddenly starts crying and quietly sobbing to himself. King Frederick gently hugs Frederick. King Frederick starts speaking in a soft and soothing voice.
King Frederick I: Did you apologise to him?
Frederick: I tried to ask for his forgiveness but he just left and didn't forgive me...
King Frederick I: Try to apologise...
Frederick: I don't think I will be able to. We are on the verge of war...I don't think I will have the time to apologise...
King Frederick I: I understand that you are under a lot of stress. It can be stressful being King.
Frederick: This just made it worse...I feel hurt...I feel broken.
King Frederick starts gently stroking Frederick's hair.
King Frederick I: I know...I know that your hurt and you feel broken.
Frederick: I haven't felt this broken since my father ordered the execution of my first friend...He also tried to get me executed...
King Frederick I: Is that true that my son wanted you dead?
Frederick: Yes...
King Frederick I: Why did he want you dead?
Frederick: Desertion...
King Frederick I: I understand why you would want to run away...Your father was too cruel to you.
Frederick: I don't know how to make Fred forgive me...
King Frederick I: You're a smart man you will figure it out. Now come here you.
King Frederick suddenly picks up Frederick and holds him in his arms and he walks over to his throne. He sits down with Frederick sitting on his lap.
King Frederick I: When you were younger I would always allow you to sit on my lap. Or when you were just a baby my son allowed me to look after you sometimes.
Frederick: I just wished he loved me more...Now I'm wishing Fred would love me like he use to even though I'm not his father. I'm also not just wanting Fred's love I want someone else to love.
King Frederick I: Found any women you like?
Frederick: No...Although I have been in a marriage with a woman it was an arranged one though. Also, I don't love her like I thought I would...I don't feel any attraction towards women...
King Frederick I: What do you mean by that?
Frederick: I know to you this might seem wrong but I feel some attraction towards men...But I doubt that any man would accept my feelings of attraction towards them. It would just seem wrong to them.
King Frederick I: I don't see that as wrong Frederick...I just see it as a bit unusual. I never thought that a man could like another man. It's also possibly the same with women liking other women. But I don't see it as wrong its just unusual.
Frederick: I'm just not sure if there is a man out there who would love me in such a manner.
King Frederick I: I'm sure you will find someone who will love you in that way. I'm also sure that Fred will forgive you in time but he might just need some time to himself.
Frederick: You're probably right he just needs some time to himself.
King Frederick I: It's almost time for you to wake up and start a new day.
Frederick: I wish I didn't have to...
King Frederick I: Unfortunately you do have to wake up...
Frederick gradually opens his eyes allowing them to adjust to the bright morning sunlight. He looks over at the window and he notices that the curtains are open. He then notices Voltaire staring out the window. Frederick also feels a lot of pain in his stomach due to not eating for so long. Frederick's stomach suddenly quietly growls and Frederick quietly sighs. Voltaire turns around and smiles cheerfully at Frederick and he starts talking in a joyful tone.
Voltaire: Good Morning Frederick.
Frederick: Morning Voltaire.
Voltaire: You slept well.
Frederick: What is the time?
Voltaire looks at the clock on the wall and it reads 8:45 am.
Voltaire: It's 8:45 Frederick.
Frederick: I wish I could have slept longer...I just want to get more sleep because I know that once we start travelling to Brussels I probably won't get much sleep. Although I rarely sleep well anyway...
Voltaire: When we are travelling to Brussels can I sleep in the same tent as you. I just don't think I would be comfortable sleeping in a tent by myself...
Frederick: Yes you may Voltaire...Since I know that it will make you feel comfortable.
Voltaire suddenly starts blushing a lot but he tries to hide it.
Voltaire: When do we leave?
Frederick: I just have to wait for the responses to my orders. If there are any difficulties with my orders being followed I will possibly have to have a meeting. But if it goes well we should be leaving in a couple of days. I'm sure that the British will be leaving today or tomorrow because they have to travel further. We don't want to be separated too much otherwise we won't be able to win the battle because we will be outnumbered.
Voltaire: I still don't want to have to kill someone...
Frederick: I understand Voltaire...Now I must sort out those papers I messed up and do my other duties.
Voltaire: Do you want me to get you breakfast Frederick?
Frederick: Yes that would be nice Voltaire...
Voltaire walks over to the door and gently opens it and he exits the room gently closing it behind him. Frederick slowly gets out of bed and grabs his jet black robe and puts it on. He then walks over to his desk and sits down and stares at the unorganised piles of papers along with the semi-organised piles of papers. He starts trying to organise them.
To be Continued...
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