Awkward Encounter
Disclaimer there may be a lot of violence in this chapter so you may skip this chapter if you are sensitive.
It is currently 6:00 am. Voltaire slowly opens his eyes allowing them to adjust to the morning sunshine. Looking over to his left he notices that Frederick is not in bed. Voltaire carefully sits up and notices that Frederick is not in the tent.
*Voltaire in thought*
Frederick where could you be...
He must be at the lake perhaps.
I should go see him.
Grabbing his crutches he carefully stands up. He looks down at his well bandaged foot and quietly sighs.
*Voltaire in thought*
I know that I should be resting. But I don't want to leave Frederick alone.
I guess I should try to put some weight on it. Although I don't want to hurt myself even more.
Just try Voltaire...
Voltaire gently puts his foot down. Quietly whimpering as he feels the pain rush through him Voltaire lifts his foot off the ground.
*Voltaire in thought*
It still hurts too much...
I could try again tomorrow perhaps. Maybe it would have healed a bit more.
I should go find Frederick...
Voltaire exits the tent and he glances over at a nearby campfire that has recently finished burning. He notices Lawrence and Lukas Buchman sitting together. Lawrence looks over at Voltaire and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Lawrence: Good Morning Voltaire.
Voltaire: Good Morning Lawrence.
Lawrence: Are you alright?
Voltaire: Well, I could be better. But yes, I'm alright.
Lawrence: I'm guessing that you are looking for the King?
Voltaire: Yes.
Lawrence: He's at the lake.
Voltaire: Thank you, Lawrence, I shall go see him.
Voltaire carefully walks in the direction of the forest. Entering the forest he hears the various types of bird songs along with the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. Once he gets to the clearing he notices something that causes him to start blushing a lot. He notices that Frederick is not wearing his shirt and coat. Staring at Frederick Voltaire notices how muscular he is. Suddenly Voltaire hides behind the tree out of pure embarrassment.
Voltaire feels his face heating up due to blushing a lot. He also feels his heart pounding hard in his chest.
*Voltaire in thought*
Merde (Shit) I saw him without his shirt on!
And I was staring! Why the hell was I staring!?
I was told that staring is rude and staring at someone who has no shirt on is probably even worse!
I think I should leave because honestly, I feel extremely embarrassed.
Voltaire goes to leave but he accidentally trips and softly lands in a small pile of leaves.
*Voltaire in thought* he would have noticed that!
Why am I like this!?
Why am I being clumsy!?
I'm never this clumsy!
Struggling to get back to his feet Voltaire quietly sighs out of frustration and just lies there. Suddenly he hears some footsteps coming towards him along with a confused and slightly concerned voice.
Frederick: Voltaire are you alright?
Voltaire: No...
Frederick: I'll help you.
Frederick grabs Voltaire's crutches and then he gently grabs Voltaire's hand and helps him up. Handing Voltaire's crutches back to him he stares at him and notices that there are some leaves in his hair. Gently grabbing the leaves out of Voltaire's hair he notices that Voltaire is smiling a little bit.
Frederick: You came to find me didn't you?
Voltaire: I...
Frederick: Something wrong?
Voltaire: No. I just came here to find you.
Frederick: Alright...I will be with you soon Voltaire I just need to bathe myself. I will see you back at camp.
Voltaire: Yes Frederick.
Frederick wanders back to the edge of the lake while Voltaire starts heading back to the camp.
*Voltaire in thought*
Jesus Christ that was embarrassing...
Well, it could have been much worse he could have seen me staring at him when he had no shirt on.
Also, he could have had no clothes on and seen me staring...
It was still awkward though because I had to stop myself from staring at him.
Like I know when he is sleeping it seems he prefers to wear clothes to bed. So I just haven't had to deal with seeing him with no clothes...
But how did he not notice me staring at him I swear I was staring for way too long.
What if he did notice and he just didn't say anything...
I don't know what to do...
Voltaire gets back to the camp and he starts heading back to his tent. He suddenly hears footsteps and a calm voice behind him.
Lawrence: Voltaire are you alright?
Voltaire: No Lawrence I'm not. I'm extremely embarrassed right now...
Lawrence: Did you do what I think you did?
Voltaire: No...It was something more awkward than that...
Lawrence: If you need someone to talk to other than Frederick you can talk to me. I can tell that when Frederick is busy you are either in the tent by yourself or just somewhere far from the camp but not too far of course. I'm worried that you are isolating yourself.
Voltaire: Unfortunately I'm sometimes use to my own company...When I was escaping France to go to Prussia I was use to that. But then I met Frederick and being in his presence makes me happy.
Lawrence: I can make you happy as well Voltaire. Even though I'm obviously not Frederick. Do you want to tell me what happened or is that just going to make you feel worse?
Voltaire: Fine...But let's talk about it in the tent and not out here.
Voltaire and Lawrence both enter the tent. Voltaire sits down on his bed and makes himself as comfortable as possible. Quietly sighing he awkwardly stares at Lawrence.
Lawrence: So what happened?
Voltaire: I...I had probably the most awkward encounter in my life so far with Frederick...
Lawrence: What do you mean by that?
Voltaire: Well, I was going to the lake and when I got there...I noticed that Frederick...he had no shirt on. I had to force myself to stop staring because I was so embarrassed!
Lawrence: Oh, I see.
Voltaire: Lawrence I don't know what to do! He didn't notice me staring...Well, at least I think he didn't. But what if he did and he just hasn't told me because he's possibly embarrassed himself. Because I invaded his privacy.
Lawrence: Well all I can say is to apologise if he did notice that you were staring.
Voltaire: I just feel so embarrassed...
Lawrence: Do you want me to leave you alone now?
Voltaire: Yes that will help Lawrence. I just need to calm myself.
Lawrence leaves the tent and Voltaire decides to lie down on his bed. Staring at the top of the tent he notices that it's moving slightly due to the gentle breeze. A few minutes later Frederick enters the tent Voltaire smiles a little bit and he speaks in a cheerful tone.
Voltaire: Frederick...
Frederick: Yes mon ami? (My friend)
Voltaire: I...need to tell you something important.
Frederick: Could you possibly tell me later I have to go do something with Prince Henry.
Voltaire: Fine...
Frederick notices the small amount of sadness in Voltaire's voice. Walking over to Voltaire he kneels down beside him and gently hugs him. Frederick starts speaking in a warm and pleasant voice.
Frederick: Mon ami. (My friend)
Voltaire: I just want to talk...
Frederick: I know...I know but I'm busy. I'm sorry that we don't get to talk as much as we do at the palace. But we will talk later.
Voltaire: Alright...
Frederick: I want you to be happy alright. Remember even though I'm busy I still care about you, Voltaire.
Voltaire: I understand...
Frederick: Now I need to go and get some work done. I promise we will talk later.
Voltaire: Yes Frederick...
Frederick exits the tent and Voltaire lies there staring at the top of the tent.
*Voltaire in thought*
When will I be able to tell him that I love him?
I just can't say it when someone else is around because they would probably think it's weird.
Because I'm just a poet and well he's the King. They might think it's wrong that I'm in love with him.
Although Lawrence doesn't mind that I love Frederick...He seems quite understanding about it.
But I'm not sure about Prince Henry...I'm worried about telling him that I love his brother. He seems like quite a serious person who might not be as understanding as Lawrence.
Why am I scared of telling Frederick that I love him?
Maybe I should just go on a walk and calm myself...
Voltaire carefully gets up and walks outside. He starts walking to the lake when he notices that someone is following him. Voltaire immediately stops and he turns around and notices Ferdinand May staring at him. Ferdinand May starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Ferdinand May: It seems that you like wandering off alone.
Voltaire: I'm not a soldier you know that. I don't need you telling me off for wandering around. I am a friend of the King I can do as I please.
Ferdinand May: I wasn't going to tell you off. I was just wondering why you are here by yourself. You are normally with the King.
Voltaire: He is busy...
Ferdinand May: You seem upset about something.
Voltaire: It's nothing...I was going to go on a walk.
Ferdinand May: May I join you?
Voltaire: Yes but I thought that you would have duties to attend to you are a high ranking soldier after all.
Ferdinand May: I have luckily finished the duties that I needed to attend to right now. So I can join you.
Voltaire: Alright then...
Voltaire and Ferdinand May start walking to the lake. A couple of minutes later they eventually reach the lake and start walking around it.
Ferdinand May: You seem quiet.
Voltaire: Well, I don't know what to talk about. Whenever I go on walks I'm either by myself or with the King.
Ferdinand May: I see. Well just ask me a question.
Voltaire: What was your father like you did mention him.
Ferdinand May: My father General Valentine May was a great man he was a hussar just like me. He had won many battles. I wish to be like him although it will probably be a while until I'm a General like him.
Voltaire: What happened to him?
Ferdinand May: He was killed in battle by a French lancer. I saw it happen. I had to write to my mother about what happened...
Voltaire: I'm sorry that you had to witness that.
Ferdinand May: It's all a part of the war. You see many die. Including friends and family. Sometimes people wonder if they will be the next ones to be killed.
Voltaire: Do you have any siblings?
Ferdinand May: I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. Andreas May will be joining the Prussian Army next year. He told me that he doesn't mind serving under me. Vincent May will have to wait for 2 years before he joins the Prussian Army. Then there is my sister Bernadette May who enjoys helping our mother. She also really likes flowers.
Voltaire: I have two older siblings. My sister Catherine who I think hates me now...Then there is my brother Robert who I haven't spoken to in a while. But he is a busy man he is a lawyer.
Ferdinand May: I'm sorry that your sister hates you. I know that some families aren't so caring and loving towards each other.
Voltaire: My father wanted me to be like my brother. He didn't want me to write poetry. He did send me away to learn how to be a lawyer in Normandy. But I refused because I preferred to write poetry. My father didn't like me much after that. He didn't hurt me though he just ignored me. My mother still spoke to me though I was her favourite child. She didn't care what I did as long as I earned something.
Suddenly there is a rustling in the bushes behind them along with a calm but serious voice.
???: Sir you are needed at the camp.
Ferdinand May: At who's request Lieutenant?
???: The Generals request sir.
Ferdinand May: Tell him that I will be there soon Lieutenant.
???: Yes sir.
The Lieutenant quickly walks off and Voltaire awkwardly stares at Ferdinand May.
Voltaire: I guess that our time together is up...
Ferdinand May: Unfortunately yes. But we will spend some more time together soon perhaps.
Voltaire: Yes...
Ferdinand May: I have to go now. Don't wander too far.
Voltaire: I won't...
Ferdinand May calmly walks off into the forest. While Voltaire continues walking near the edge of the lake. A few minutes later a large male wolf comes out from the forest and walks over to the lake. Voltaire stops and stares nervously at the wolf. The wolf suddenly notices him and starts growling and snarling at him.
Voltaire: Look I'm not going to hurt you...Unless you hurt me.
The wolf starts slowly approaching him and Voltaire starts nervously backing off.
Voltaire: Alright...I understand that I was probably too close to you.
Voltaire accidentally stumbles backwards and lands on his back.
Voltaire: Please don't hurt me.
*Voltaire in thought*
I can't run away from this beast...
What else can I do? I don't want to kill it. It hasn't hurt me yet. It's just trying to get me to back off.
I'm scared...But I can't run away...I can't kill it.
Voltaire suddenly hears a horse galloping towards him. He also notices the wolf quickly sprinting away. The horse stops beside him and he hears a calm but serious voice.
Jonathan Frankenburg: You almost got yourself killed. What were you doing?
Voltaire: I was just taking a walk, sir.
Jonathan Frankenburg: Don't wander so far from the camp.
Voltaire: I am not a soldier sir, I am a poet and a friend of the King.
Jonathan Frankenburg: Yes but the King wouldn't want you wandering so far from the camp. I suggest that you head back to the camp.
Voltaire: Fine sir...
Voltaire carefully gets back to his feet and Jonathan Frankenburg starts quickly trotting off on his horse. Voltaire starts carefully walking back to the camp still feeling slightly terrified.
*Voltaire in thought*
This day has not gone so well.
I saw Frederick with no shirt on...
I possibly could have been killed by that wolf...
Now this random soldier who hasn't even told me his name just decided to boss me around like I'm under his command.
He also left me out here to walk back by myself!
Jesus Christ, what could make this day worse?
A few minutes later Voltaire gets back to the camp and he sits down on a nearby log. Putting his head in his hands he quietly sighs out of slight frustration. A couple of minutes later he hears the sound of a horse trotting towards him. Looking up he notices Prince Frederick glaring at him. Voltaire starts speaking in a frustrated tone.
Voltaire: Your Highness leave me alone, please!
Prince Frederick: Fine. But don't try and give me orders. I am the one who gives orders not you Voltaire.
Voltaire: I am not trying to order you around. I just want you to leave me alone.
Prince Frederick: You seem afraid of something...Are you afraid of me? That's honestly pathetic.
Voltaire: I am not afraid of you Your Highness!
Prince Frederick: Well why couldn't you kill me then.
Voltaire: I'm not the kind of person to kill someone! Just because I can't kill doesn't mean that I'm scared!
Prince Frederick: You seem scared to me...
Voltaire: Just leave me alone! I do not wish to speak to you, Your Highness!
Voltaire suddenly notices a man who he doesn't recognise walking over. The man starts speaking in a serious but calm tone.
Oli: Alright what is going on here?
Voltaire: He won't leave me alone sir. I do not wish to speak to him, sir.
Oli: Your Highness why are you speaking to him like that has this man upset you?
Prince Frederick: Just a problem from the past that he caused General. It's nothing that you need to worry about.
Oli: I see.
Prince Frederick: I shall be going now.
Oli: Yes Your Highness.
Prince Frederick quickly trots off on his horse. Oli sits down next to Voltaire. Voltaire starts speaking in a calmer tone.
Voltaire: Thank you, sir...
Oli: Are you alright?
Voltaire: No...I've honestly had an awful day...
Oli: We all have days like that...
Voltaire: That's true...
Oli: It seems that you and the Prince don't get along well...What did you do exactly?
Voltaire: I would prefer not to speak about it, sir...
Oli: I understand...
Lukas Buchman suddenly walks over and he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Lukas Buchman: I saw what was going on and I'm wondering if everything is alright.
Oli: Yes everything is fine my son. I decided to intervene in case it did get a bit nasty.
Lukas Buchman: I highly doubt that the Prince would want to cause a scene.
Oli: True but it seems that the Prince has been causing trouble lately according to the King.
Lukas Buchman: Indeed he has...But anyway are you alright Voltaire?
Voltaire: I'm fine...Just slightly scared...But that was nothing to do with the Prince that was something else.
Oli: He won't hurt you.
Voltaire: I know but it seems that he does like threatening me...
Oli: I'm sure that hopefully whatever happened between you and the Prince will get resolved.
Voltaire: Hopefully...
Oli: By the looks of what happened to you I suggest you go get some rest. Besides my son and I need to go and attend to our duties.
Voltaire: Yes sir...
Oli gets up off the log and he and Lukas Buchman walk off together. Voltaire carefully gets up and starts walking back to his tent. A few minutes later Voltaire enters the tent and he notices that Frederick still isn't back. Voltaire carefully walks over to his bed and sits down gently putting his crutches aside. Carefully lying down and making himself comfortable Voltaire gently closes his eyes and enters his fantasies.
Voltaire slowly opens his eyes and he notices that he is in Frederick's palace. He immediately recognises the hallway that he is standing in as it's the hallway that leads to Frederick's room. Looking down he notices some crimson red liquid droplets shining in the moonlight that is shining through the window. Cautiously walking down the hallway Voltaire feels his heart pounding hard in his chest.
Voltaire suddenly notices someone lying on the floor at the end of the hallway. He also notices a sabre shining in the moonlight. Quickly running over Voltaire kneels down next to the body. Recognising the person Voltaire starts quietly sobbing.
Voltaire: Frederick...Why did it have to be you!? I love you! Why did you have to leave me!?
Voltaire suddenly hears the sound of a sword scraping across the floor along with some manic laughter. Voltaire immediately gets up and turns around and stares at Prince Frederick.
Prince Frederick: You loved him, of course, you did because he cared about you more than me!
Voltaire: You bastard! Why would you murder him!?
Prince Frederick: He never cared about me. Unlike my true father who adored me! All he cared about was you! Because without you he would be alone!
Voltaire: You just wanted his title you have lost your mind!
Prince Frederick: Perhaps...
Prince Frederick starts slowly approaching Voltaire who is frozen in fear. Prince Frederick suddenly violently shoves Voltaire up against the wall. Putting his sword away Prince Frederick grabs his dagger off his belt and points it towards Voltaire's throat. Voltaire starts trying to get away but Prince Frederick holds him still.
Prince Frederick: Stop trying to run...
Voltaire: Leave me alone!
Prince Frederick: No you tried to kill me so I have to get rid of you.
Voltaire: No please forgive me!
Prince Frederick: No!
Prince Frederick suddenly roughly pulls up Voltaire's left sleeve. Voltaire stares at Prince Frederick with concern and fear. Prince Frederick smiles at him out of insanity. Voltaire starts speaking in a terrified voice.
Voltaire: What are you doing!?
Prince Frederick: I just want to do something before I kill you...
Voltaire's eyes start filling with tears and some start slowly streaming down his face.
Prince Frederick: Look I'm truly sorry that I killed the one that you love...But it had to happen...
Voltaire: You are insane...
Prince Frederick: I know my dear...
Voltaire: You disgust me.
Prince Frederick: I don't really care besides you will be dead. Now don't move so much alright...
Prince Frederick suddenly puts the tip of his dagger on Voltaire's arm. Slowly pressing it into Voltaire's skin causing it to bleed. Voltaire stares at what Prince Frederick is doing out of shock and terror. He suddenly notices that Prince Frederick has written the letters "KFW II" on his arm.
Prince Frederick: I'm indeed King now...since your lover is now dead. Now time to get rid of you.
Voltaire: No! Please have mercy on me!
Prince Frederick: After what you have done no...
Voltaire: Please!
Prince Frederick: No! Now good night...
Prince Frederick slits Voltaire's throat. Voltaire immediately wakes up and he feels his heart pounding hard in his chest along with someone gently stroking his hair. He suddenly hears a warm and soothing voice next to him.
Frederick: Mon ami (my friend) it's alright...
Voltaire: Frederick...
Frederick: Yes?
Voltaire: Can you hold me you make me feel safe...
Frederick: Alright...
Frederick gently hugs Voltaire allowing Voltaire to feel his warmth.
Frederick: Deep breaths you need to relax...I'm here no one will hurt you.
Voltaire: I'm trying to calm down...But I'm scared.
Frederick: Scared of what?
Voltaire: The Prince killing you because of what I did...
Frederick: He wouldn't do that...He doesn't hate me that much Voltaire.
Voltaire: I'm still scared of losing you, Frederick...
Voltaire suddenly starts crying on Frederick's shoulder. Frederick starts gently rubbing Voltaire's back to help try and soothe him.
Frederick: Voltaire...Don't cry you won't lose me.
A couple of minutes later Voltaire starts calming down.
Frederick: It's sometimes good to let your emotions out. But Voltaire don't worry too much alright.
Voltaire: Alright Frederick...
Frederick: I need to do some work now alright. But you can still talk to me if you need to. You don't need to sit there in silence.
Voltaire: Alright.
Frederick carefully gets up and walks over to his desk and sits down. He then starts writing something. A few hours later it is now 11:00 pm and Frederick gently puts his quill down. Looking over to Voltaire's bed he notices that Voltaire is peacefully sleeping.
*Frederick in thought*
I was wondering why it became so quiet.
I hope that he sleeps better tonight than what happened in the afternoon...
I didn't realise how much that situation that happened between him, Fred and I traumatised him.
Also, the situation where Fred badly hurt him that most definitely traumatised him...
I feel bad that he has had to go through so much trauma. Voltaire is just an innocent man who is my dearest friend.
My only friend...
I should get ready to sleep. I'm feeling tired myself.
Frederick gets out of his seat and takes off his coat and gently hangs it on the back of the seat. Sitting back down in the seat Frederick then gently takes off his jet black boots and puts them under the desk. Quietly walking over to the bed so he doesn't disturb Voltaire Frederick then gets into bed. Looking over at Voltaire he notices Voltaire's arm hanging out of the blanket. Gently grabbing Voltaire's hand he notices a small smile appear on Voltaire's face.
*Frederick in thought*
It must be a thing he does for comfort...
Although I also don't mind someone holding my hand either...
I guess it is a comforting feeling...
I guess I can do this since it makes him happy and it is comforting for him.
Frederick slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep.
To be Continued...
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