An Offer
Disclaimer: There will be some violence in this chapter. If you are sensitive you can skip this chapter.
It is currently 9:30 in Paris and Napoleon II is in his throne room slowly pacing back and forth. Suddenly a young man with neatly tied up blonde hair and light blue eyes enters the throne room and bows. The Emperor stops pacing and stares at the young man. Then he starts speaking in a calm and confident tone trying to hide his worry.
Napoleon II: What is it, Jacob Loup?
Jacob Loup: Well it's just that Lord Wellington is coming here today Your Imperial Majesty.
Napoleon II: Firstly I already know that I sent for him. Secondly, you don't need to call me 'Your Imperial Majesty'. Just call me Sire.
Jacob Loup: Yes sire. I am greatly concerned about Lord Wellington coming here so soon after the war.
Napoleon II: I am also concerned. Mainly because of what happened to my father and that now my people might be upset. But I feel like I need to talk with His Lordship as soon as I can.
Jacob Loup: What are you concerned about the most sire?
Napoleon II: His Lordship leaving this country alive.
Jacob Loup: Are the people really that upset with him sire?
Napoleon II: Unfortunately yes. But I've made sure that there is plenty of security.
Jacob Loup awkwardly stares at the floor of the throne room and Napoleon II notices this. He then starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
Napoleon II: Anything else that you need to tell me?
Jacob Loup: Yes sire I do have something else to tell you.
Napoleon II: Well tell me.
Jacob Loup: We still haven't found Marshal Michel Ney and General Joseph Ney sire.
Napoleon II: I see.
Jacob Loup: We don't know where they have gone, sire. But we will continue to look for them.
Napoleon II: If you do find them, please bring them both to me, and I shall deal with them.
Jacob Loup: Yes sire.
Napoleon II: You are dismissed, Jacob Loup.
Jacob Loup: Yes sire. Thank you sire.
Jacob Loup politely bows once again then he exits the throne room. Napoleon II walks over to his throne and sits down. He then takes a deep breath trying to calm himself. The guards in the room notice that he seems uneasy about something. But they don't dare to say anything.
*Napoleon II in thought*
I must not allow anything to happen to His Lordship. I will not allow him to be killed by my people.
I also can't believe that Marshal Ney and his son ran away like cowards. That man was called 'The Bravest of The Brave' by my father. He was also my father's second in command and loyal to him. He deserted the Empire with his son and they will pay for their cowardice.
I do not wish to start another war with Britain. But if anyone harms my family including my father I will do something about it. But I hope that it doesn't come to that. I want peace. That's what I want.
Meanwhile in the town of Le Havre in a small alleyway out near the docks. A man with short ginger hair and green eyes who is wearing a black cloak is gazing out at the harbor. Suddenly he hears someone jump down from the roof behind him along with a calm whisper.
???: Eugène. What are you up to?
Eugène Ney: I'm going to kill the bastard Pascal.
Pascal Gavreau: Are you mad Eugène? Listen I know that you are angry that Lord Wellington winning the war caused your father and brother to leave the country. But you can't just kill a man.
Eugène Ney: I would love to see the light in his eyes disappear as soon as I stab him in the heart.
Pascal Gavreau: You do realize that the Emperor will be coming to see him here. Before he takes him to the palace. Do you really want to murder someone in front of our Emperor?
Eugène Ney: I would love for the Emperor to witness it. He will witness his chance to make peace with Britain be crushed by me. There will be a war again and I will be able to reclaim my family's honor by spilling British blood.
Pascal Gavreau: You are mad! Completely and truly mad!
Eugène Ney: There is always a method to the madness Pascal. Now I suggest that you stay quiet.
Meanwhile, at the palace, Napoleon II is still sitting on his throne seeming much more relaxed. He then starts speaking in a calm and confident voice.
Napoleon II: Guards, please go tell someone to prepare my carriage I must be in Le Havre in a couple of hours.
Guard 1: Yes Sire we shall do it right away.
Napoleon II: Thank you. Dismissed.
Meanwhile, near the Le Havre harbor on the Victory, Wellington is gazing out across the vast ocean at the town in the distance. A few minutes later he hears some footsteps behind him and turns around. He notices Horatio Nelson standing there with a smile on his face. Nelson then starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful voice.
Horatio Nelson: You aren't too nervous are you Wellesley?
Wellington: Not really. For once in my life I'm not nervous about meeting someone important.
Horatio Nelson: I remember when you and I first met. You were just a Major General and well I didn't know who you were at first. I also didn't know that you would become such a great man. I must say that I am still sorry for our first meeting being so awkward.
Wellington: Dont apologize I should be apologizing as well I didn't introduce myself first when we first met.
Horatio Nelson: Anyways it feels great to be near France without worrying about being attacked for once.
Wellington: I agree with you.
Horatio Nelson: Although I'm still unsure about ever meeting Admiral Villeneuve. Even though there is peace.
Wellington: I'm sure that you would be able to be friends.
Meanwhile at the docks near a large French ship. A young man with dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a scar across his right cheek is wearing a French naval captain's uniform. He is gazing out across the ocean. Suddenly he hears footsteps approaching him and then he notices a familiar man standing beside him. The man starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Admiral Villeneuve: Captain Henry Vasseur always wandering off somewhere aren't you?
Henry Vasseur: I just feel that something seems off sir.
Admiral Villeneuve: What do you mean by that?
Henry Vasseur: Well the Duke of Wellington is coming here to see the Emperor. I just feel that something is going to happen.
Admiral Villeneuve: Well it does seem that people are not too pleased with the Duke. After all the previous Emperor did end up being exiled after the battle was over. But I am doubtful that something will happen.
Henry Vasseur: Sir?
Admiral Villeneuve: Yes?
Henry Vasseur: May I just keep watch around here in case something does happen?
Admiral Villeneuve: Fine Captain. You may keep watch.
Admiral Villeneuve grabs his spyglass off his belt and he begins looking out across the harbor through it. He then notices the Victory and he smiles a little bit. Admiral Villeneuve puts his spyglass back onto his belt. Henry Vasseur looks at Admiral Villeneuve with curiosity when he notices him smiling. He then starts speaking in a calm and curious voice.
Henry Vasseur: What is it, sir?
Admiral Villeneuve: I haven't seen that ship in a long time and well I thought I would never see it again in my life.
Henry Vasseur: What ship sir?
Admiral Villeneuve: The HMS Victory. Admiral Horatio Nelson's flagship. I wonder if he would like to see me.
Henry Vasseur: I'm unsure about that sir. I know that you two were rivals in the war and you would always get upset when he ruined your plans.
Admiral Villeneuve: The war is over and I feel like he and I need to peacefully settle our differences.
Henry Vasseur: That is true. The war is over and there is now peace and people are now settling their differences peacefully. Just like our Emperor and the Duke of Wellington.
Admiral Villeneuve: Exactly Captain. Now you stay here I'm going to go make sure the ship is in order. Before I go to decide to meet with Admiral Nelson.
Henry Vasseur: Yes sir.
Admiral Villeneuve calmly and promptly walks off back to his ship. Leaving Henry Vasseur gazing out across the ocean. Meanwhile, at the emperor's palace, Napoleon II walks over to the large carriage with his two guards. One of the guards opens the door and Napoleon II gets into the carriage. His two guards then get into the carriage and one of them shuts the door. The carriage then starts moving and Napoleon II starts gazing out the window feeling slightly anxious.
*Napoleon II in thought*
Why do I feel like this? Why am I so anxious?
Nothing is going to go wrong when I go to meet him. There is no need for me to be anxious about anything. But I am for some reason. I know that people are angry. But they wouldn't dare to attack the Duke in my presence.
I want this feeling to go away I don't want to be anxious in front of the Duke. I need to be seen as a strong ruler. I need to calm myself. Everything is alright.
Suddenly the scenery began to change and Napoleon II was now sitting on his bed in his bedroom. He starts gazing out the window at the gardens. Suddenly there is a loud knock on the door. Napoleon II starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.
Napoleon II: Enter.
Jacob Loup enters the room looking slightly anxious. He then takes a deep breath to compose himself. Then he starts speaking in a calm voice trying to hide his nervousness.
Jacob Loup: Your Imperial Highness.
Napoleon II: Yes what is it, Jacob Loup?
Jacob Loup: I have bad news about your father.
Napoleon II: What do you mean by bad news? What happened to him? Is he alive?
Jacob Loup: He is still alive. But he has been exiled Your Imperial Highness.
Napoleon II: Exiled!? What of the empire? What will happen to me!?
Jacob Loup: You will rule the empire Your Imperial Highness.
Napoleon II: I understand. You are dismissed.
Napoleon II comes back to reality due to being slightly startled by a sudden bump in the road. One of the two guards notices that the Emperor seems a bit shaken by something. The guard starts speaking in a calm voice.
Guard 1: Sire is everything alright?
Napoleon II: Yes everything is fine. I was just thinking about important business. Just got startled out of my thoughts.
Guard 1: We all have those moments where we get lost in our thoughts sire.
Napoleon II: Indeed.
Guard 1: I can assure you that the Duke of Wellington will be safe sire. If that's what you are worried about.
Napoleon II: I'm not worried I know that he will be safe.
Guard 1: We don't need another war on our hands.
Napoleon II: No we don't.
Napoleon II takes a deep breath and regains his composure. He then continues gazing out the window at the city losing himself in his thoughts. Meanwhile on the Victory Wellington and Horatio Nelson are sitting at a table. Wellington smiles a little bit then he starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Wellington: How is Josiah?
Horatio Nelson: He is well. He's enjoying his time with his wife. He wants to try and become an Admiral someday.
Wellington: Well I'm sure that he would make a great Admiral. He's smart just like you.
Horatio Nelson: Yes but he's reckless. Always risking his life. I told him that he needs to stop doing that if he plans to lead a fleet.
Wellington: Well yes a reckless leader isn't a good one. They can get many killed including themselves.
Horatio Nelson: Thats what I'm worried about. I don't want to lose my boy. I have already almost lost him once.
Wellington: You won't lose him.
Horatio Nelson: Your right Wellesley.
A few minutes later in the town of Le Havre Eugène Ney climbs up onto the rooftop of a nearby building with Pascal Gavreau. A couple of minutes later 6 other men wearing black robes leap over onto the same building as Eugène and Pascal. Eugène Ney starts whispering calmly.
Eugène Ney: Listen we need to get rid of the Duke. If the Emperor decides to stand in our way. Well, we will take care of him. But don't kill him just wound him make sure you hit him in a place that isn't lethal.
Pascal Gavreau: Hang on a second you said before this mission that we wouldn't harm the Emperor!
Eugène Ney: Well I have realized that he would possibly get in our way. So we might have to take care of him in a way that isn't lethal.
Pascal Gavreau: Fine I understand that.
Eugène Ney: Go to your positions men.
The 4 men jump down into the alleyway and run over to the other side of the street. 2 men leap over to two different buildings. Pascal Gavreau nods at Eugène Ney and Eugène nods back. Pascal then leaps over to the next building. Eugène Ney happily whispers to himself.
Eugène Ney: I will spill British blood for my father and my brother. Then I will reclaim my family's honor in a new war.
A couple of hours later the Victory arrives at Le Havre. Wellington and Horatio Nelson get off the ship and they both notice the large carriage approaching. Suddenly Henry Vasseur approaches them and he awkwardly stares at them both. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm voice.
Horatio Nelson: Who are you?
Henry Vasseur: I am Captain Henry Vasseur, sir.
Horatio Nelson: I see. Do you have something to tell us, Captain?
Henry Vasseur: I have something to tell you specifically sir.
Horatio Nelson: I see what do you have to tell me?
Henry Vasseur: Admiral Villeneuve will be coming to see you soon sir.
Horatio Nelson: Thank you for telling me this.
The large carriage stops a couple of meters away and Napoleon II gets out with his two guards. Wellington calmly approaches Napoleon II. Napoleon II starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful tone.
Napoleon II: Pleasure to meet you, Lord, Wellington.
Wellington: Pleasure to meet you as well Your Imperial Majesty.
Napoleon II: I am glad that we are meeting on peaceful terms.
Wellington: I feel the same way.
Napoleon II: I feel like it's time for us to go talk peace, Your Lordship.
Wellington: Indeed Your Imperial Majesty.
Wellington, Napoleon II, and the guards prepare to get in the carriage when suddenly Eugène Ney leaps down in front of them. They all stare at Eugène Ney who then takes his hood off. Wellington and Napoleon II both put their hands near their sabres while the guards put their hands near their pistols. Napoleon II starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Napoleon II: Who are you, sir?
Eugène Ney: I am Eugène Ney. Formerly a Colonel under my father until my family was disgraced!
Napoleon II: I see but why are you here?
Eugène Ney: Isn't it obvious why I am here!? I am here to kill him of course! The man that caused my family to be disgraced!
Napoleon II: I will not allow you to do that.
Suddenly two bullets are fired one of them hitting the Emperor's left shoulder. The other one hits his right knee causing him to collapse onto the ground. Eugène Ney begins sprinting down the nearby alleyway. A bullet almost hits Wellington but it hits the wall next to him. Horatio Nelson and Henry Vasseur promptly walk over and begin shooting at the men on the rooftop. The Emperor's guards try and go after Eugène Ney but Napoleon II starts speaking in a serious yet slightly irritated tone.
Napoleon II: Leave him!
Guard 1: But sire we should capture him he might know where his brother and father are.
Napoleon II: No we can find him another time.
Wellington: I think that it's best that we should get His Imperial Majesty back to his palace.
Guard 2: His Lordship is right our Emperor is wounded we can capture Eugène Ney later.
Guard 1: Fine you're right. Can you walk sire?
Suddenly 2 of the men on the rooftops run out of ammunition and try to run away. But Horatio Nelson and Henry Vasseur both shoot them in the head instantly killing them both. Admiral Villeneuve notices the commotion and he begins quickly marching over. He almost gets shot by one of the men on the rooftops. But he quickly draws his pistol and shoots the man in the head. Admiral Villeneuve starts speaking in a tone full of annoyance.
Admiral Villeneuve: Bloody rebellious bastards. You dare try and kill me. I will kill you all you hear me!
The rest of the men on the rooftops begin quickly scattering. Admiral Villeneuve notices this and puts his pistol back into his holster. He then continues speaking in a tone full of annoyance.
Admiral Villeneuve: Cowards. Absolute cowards. Too scared to face me. Coming around here trying to kill me then running off like cowards. How pathetic.
Admiral Villeneuve walks over to Horatio Nelson and Henry Vasseur who are staring at the scene in front of them. Horatio Nelson stares at Admiral Villeneuve and starts speaking in a calm voice.
Horatio Nelson: I thought we would never meet.
Admiral Villeneuve: I know what you mean. But first, what is going on here?
Horatio Nelson: It seems that those men tried to kill the Emperor.
Admiral Villeneuve: Rebels. Who was their leader?
Horatio Nelson: A man called Eugène Ney.
Admiral Villeneuve: He's been causing trouble for weeks I've heard. Ever since our new Emperor came into power. That man is angry and desperate for justice. A desperate man is a dangerous one.
Horatio Nelson: Your right about that.
Admiral Villeneuve: Let's go talk shall we?
Horatio Nelson: Yes.
Horatio Nelson, Admiral Villeneuve, and Henry Vasseur begin walking back to the ship. Napoleon II who is still on the ground takes a deep breath trying to compose himself. One of the guards starts speaking in a calm voice.
Guard 1: Sire can you walk are you alright?
Napoleon II: I'm fine. I think that I can walk.
Guard 1: Let's get you back to the palace sire.
Napoleon II carefully gets up and ignores the pain in his knee. He then forces himself to not limp and begins walking over to the carriage. Both of his guards follow him and Wellington does the same. One of the guards opens the door of the carriage and allows the Emperor and Wellington to enter. After Wellington and the Emperor have sat down in the carriage the two guards enter and one of them shuts the door. The carriage begins moving down the street. Napoleon II looks down at his hands still in shock due to being shot.
*Napoleon II in thought*
I can't show any weakness. I need to be strong.
They tried to kill him and they also tried to kill me. I have never been so close to being killed before. It's so terrifying.
I totally forgot that there was another soldier in the Ney family. He wanted to reclaim his honor by allowing Wellington's blood to be spilled. He probably would have allowed me to be killed as well.
A couple of hours later they arrived in Paris at the Emperor's palace. One of the guards opens the carriage door and they both get out. Napoleon II carefully gets out of the carriage. Then Wellington gets out of the carriage and one of the guards closes the door. Napoleon II then starts speaking in a calm voice trying to hide his pain and fear.
Napoleon II: I shall speak with you in a few minutes Your Lordship. Some things need to be taken care of. Including these injuries.
Wellington: I understand Your Imperial Majesty.
Napoleon II: Thank you. Now go relax I can tell that you possibly need it after your journey here.
Wellington: Yes you are right I probably do need some time to relax and calm my nerves.
Napoleon II: Guard please lead His Lordship to a room where he can relax.
Guard 1: Yes sire.
Napoleon II: I shall be with you soon.
Napoleon II begins walking away and the guard that is with him tries to help him walk. But Napoleon II refuses the help and continues walking while desperately trying to hide his pain. As soon as Napoleon II and the guard are inside the palace the other guard begins leading Wellington to a private room. Upon reaching the room the guard opens the large white door and allows Wellington to enter. The guard then closes the door behind Wellington. Wellington walks over to the window and looks out over the gardens. A couple of minutes later he walks over to a plush white chair with a golden pattern. He then sits down and begins looking around the room. A few minutes later the door opens up and Napoleon II enters the room with the door being closed behind him. He then walks over to the window and opens the curtains a bit more. Napoleon II then walks over to a chair in front of Wellington and sits down. He then starts speaking in a calm and confident voice.
Napoleon II: Shall we talk peace?
Wellington: Yes.
Napoleon II: I don't want war, Your Lordship. I wish for peaceful times ahead with Britain and the rest of Europe. I'm sure that you agree with me.
Wellington: I do.
Napoleon II: But I know about what happened to my father. I do hope that nothing will happen to him. I will not be afraid to do anything if something were to happen to anyone in my family.
Wellington: I can assure you that nothing will happen to your father while he is in exile.
Napoleon II: Good. And I promise you that France my empire will not be a threat to Europe.
Wellington: Thank you Your Imperial Majesty for this talk.
Napoleon II: No thank you, Your Lordship. I hope that we meet again.
Wellington: I'm sure that we will.
Wellington gets up and Napoleon II does the same. Napoleon II holds out his hand and Wellington gently shakes it. Napoleon II smiles a little bit and then he starts speaking in a calm yet slightly cheerful voice.
Napoleon II: I guess this is farewell for now Your Lordship.
Wellington: Yes Your Imperial Majesty.
Napoleon II: Unfortunately I can't join you back to Le Havre. I have duties to tend to.
Wellington: I understand that.
Wellington calmly walks over to the door and goes to open it. But he stops for a second and looks back at Napoleon II who smiles and nods at him. Wellington then opens the door and exits the room and he notices the two guards waiting for him. The guards then lead Wellington back to the carriage. A few minutes later Wellington and the guards reach the carriage. One of the guards opens the carriage and allows Wellington to get in. Both of the guards then get in and one of them shuts the carriage door. The carriage then begins moving down the street. A couple of hours later they arrive back in Le Havre near the docks. Wellington then gets out and he notices Horatio Nelson waiting for him. He then walks over to Horatio Nelson and he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Wellington: How did it go with the Admiral?
Horatio Nelson: It was surprisingly pleasant. So how did it go with the Emperor?
Wellington: It went well. He accepts that there needs to be peace.
Horatio Nelson: Well that's great. Now let's prepare to go home.
Wellington: Yes let's go home.
Horatio Nelson and Wellington both get on the Victory and prepare for the journey back to England.
To be Continued...
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