A Troublesome Memory
It is currently 8:45 pm in the city of Königsberg. Meanwhile on one of the Prussian navy ships. A man is gazing out at the ocean. He has long raven black hair which is neatly tied up in a ponytail. He also has ocean blue eyes and he is wearing a tidy Prussian naval uniform that has four recently polished medals on it.
Suddenly a man with short ginger hair and hazel eyes who is holding two bottles of beer calmly strolls over. He then starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.
???: Evening sir. Do you want some beer?
???: Captain Kolberg where have you been?
Garrick Kolberg: It's Commodore Rosswell Korman's birthday...He was having a party.
???: Typical Commodore Korman.
Garrick Kolberg: Do you still want the beer, sir?
???: Fine. Although I do not drink as much as Commodore Korman on my birthday.
Garrick Kolberg gently hands a bottle of beer to the man. Garrick Kolberg starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Garrick Kolberg: Shall we have a toast to something Admiral?
???: Like what Captain?
Garrick Kolberg: Perhaps the downfall of the French Empire and the victory of Prussia.
???: That sounds like a great idea Captain.
They both open their bottles of beer.
???: A toast to the downfall of the French Empire and to the victory of Prussia our glorious and almighty fatherland.
Garrick Kolberg: Cheers sir.
???: Cheers Captain.
They both begin drinking their beer. Then suddenly Captain Kolberg notices something in the distance. He immediately stops drinking his beer and starts speaking in a calm tone that has a slight hint of concern to it.
Garrick Kolberg: Sir I see something near the entrance to the harbour.
???: Well what is it, Captain?
Garrick Kolberg: It's a ship, sir.
???: Whose side are they on? Are they, French? Are they Spanish? Or are they British?
Captain Kolberg grabs his spyglass and gazes out at the harbour entrance. Once he recognises that it's an allies ship he then starts speaking in a calm tone.
Garrick Kolberg: It's a British ship, sir.
???: What are they doing out here?
Garrick Kolberg: Perhaps they are here to drop off reinforcements?
???: I doubt that there would be more than one ship.
Garrick Kolberg: That is true sir.
???: Why would they come to Königsberg?
Garrick Kolberg: I'm wondering the same thing, sir.
???: Well let's wait for them to get to the port and then we can question why they are here.
Garrick Kolberg: At least they aren't French.
???: You are right Captain we have had too many run ins with the French while patrolling the ocean.
Garrick Kolberg: Well I have heard that the British Royal Navy has been doing a great job at destroying the French fleet.
???: Indeed they have. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't much of a French fleet left.
Garrick Kolberg: What do you think will happen when the war is over sir?
???: Well, I don't know Captain. But I do hope the French Empire is bought down. Also that the tyrant Napoleon is punished for his crimes.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm hoping the same, sir. But other than that I don't know what will happen.
A few minutes later the British ship has arrived at the port. Captain Kolberg and the Prussian Admiral are calmly waiting on the docks. A couple of minutes later everyone gets off the ship except for Marcel Thompson. The Prussian Admiral calmly and politely introduces himself.
???: I'm Admiral Hans Lanterman and this is Captain Garrick Kolberg. Welcome to the city of Königsberg.
Edison Hawkins: Pleasure to meet you both I'm Commodore Edison Hawkins and I'm just here to escort two messengers safely from England to Europe and from Europe back to England.
Hans Lanterman: I see. Who is this other fellow with you?
Henry Wellesley: I am General Henry Wellesley. You might have heard of my brother.
Hans Lanterman: I see so you are the brother of Lord Wellington. I'm assuming that you are going to join him in the battle General.
Henry Wellesley: Indeed I am Admiral. So what is the nearest town that we can stay in for the night?
Hans Lanterman: I think the nearest town to Königsberg is Eylau.
Garrick Kolberg: A very bloody battle happened in Eylau. A friend told me about it.
Henry Wellesley: I have also heard about what happened in Eylau...It was a bloody day on both sides.
Hans Lanterman: I'm assuming that you will be off then General?
Henry Wellesley: Yes Admiral. These messengers will help guide me to Wellingtons camp as well as delivering messages.
Hans Lanterman: Farwell then General Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley: Farwell Admiral.
Stanley, Corey and Henry Wellesley get on their horses and begin calmly trotting through the city.
*Henry Wellesley in thought*
Why did Arthur apologise for that twat?
Arthur shouldn't have had to apologise for that stupid twat!
It's honestly absurd that Arthur did that! That stupid twat should be apologising himself!
Not Arthur! Arthur shouldn't be apologising for that twat!
Curse that bloody twat for stealing away my wife!
He doesn't realise that he has messed with the wrong man!
He thinks he is so great that he can steal my wife away from me!
He will pay for what he has done...
He will pay for ruining my life and my reputation.
He will pay for stealing my wife away from me. Because he thinks he is so great.
Oh, how the mighty shall fall.
Henry Wellesley: Are we going the right way to reach Eylau?
Corey: Yes General Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley: When will we reach Eylau?
Corey: I estimate that we should reach Eylau by sunset General Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley: Excellent...I want to leave Eylau by first light tomorrow. Is that alright with you?
Corey: It's fine General Wellesley we are use to waking up early to get urgent messages sent quickly.
Henry Wellesley: That's excellent. Now let's get to Eylau and then get some sleep. We will definitely be needing it because we have a long journey ahead of us.
Corey: I don't think it will be as long as you think General Wellesley. The reason why I chose to come to Königsberg is that well I won't have to travel as far to get to the British camp. If I was to stop in Copenhagen it would take a long time to travel to the British camp. Possibly almost 3 days at the most and that's without the time it takes to get to Copenhagen by ship.
Henry Wellesley: Estimated time to reach the British Camp from Eylau?
Corey: I would say almost 1 day...1 day and a half at most.
Henry Wellesley: I see.
Corey: Don't worry General Wellesley we will reach the British camp as quickly as possible.
A couple of hours later the sun is setting and the sky is a mixture of fiery reds, oranges and yellows along with a few scattered dark purple clouds. Entering the large town of Eylau Henry Wellesley begins speaking in a calm tone.
Henry Wellesley: We need a place to stay for the night. An inn perhaps.
Corey: I think a town like this will have somewhere to stay. I also understand if you want to sleep in a room by yourself General Wellesley. Because well you are a General and a politician and we are just messengers trying to live out our lives.
Henry Wellesley: Well, I have gotten use to sleeping alone...But that story is none of your business.
Corey: I understand if you have things that you don't wish to share. We all have our secrets, General.
Stanley: Does the General want some beer?
Henry Wellesley: I'm not really interested in going to a bar in a town like this. Could possibly be criminals or pickpockets around. You two can go if you like. But I wish not to. Not in this place at least. But let's find a place to stay first.
A few minutes later they reach a large wooden building with a stable attached. There is a large wooden sign that has letters painted in yellow which also looks slightly faded. The words say "The Eylau Inn." Suddenly a man exits the inn and cheerfully approaches them. He starts speaking in a cheerful but also polite voice.
???: I'm assuming that you three are planning to stay at the inn?
Henry Wellesley: Yes we are just planning to stay for the night we will be leaving at dawn.
???: I see. I will have my staff take care of your horses.
Henry Wellesley: Thank you.
???: It's my pleasure, sir.
Stanley, Corey and Henry Wellesley carefully get off their horses. The owner cheerfully leads them inside. The owner then goes behind this wooden counter and grabs three silver keys each etched with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 on them. The owner gently hands them each a key. He then starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
???: Remember to place them back on the counter in the morning before you leave.
Henry Wellesley: Yes. Do you accept British pounds as payment?
???: Yes we do sir.
Henry Wellesley grabs ten £2 notes out of his pocket and gently places them on the counter. The owner grabs the money and gently places them in his pocket. He then starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
???: Thank you and enjoy your night gentlemen.
Henry Wellesley: We will.
Stanley, Corey and Henry Wellesley begin calmly strolling down the hallway. Corey starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Corey: Are you sure that you gave him the right amount of money General?
Henry Wellesley: I might have given him too much. But he seems to be a very polite gentleman so he deserves it.
Corey: I see. Also, it seems very convenient that our rooms are close to each other.
Henry Wellesley: Indeed.
Henry Wellesley calmly walks up to a dark wooden door that has a silver 1 on it. Corey starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Corey: We will see you later perhaps General we are going to go to the tavern we saw at the entrance of town.
Stanley: Do you want us to bring you back any beer General?
Henry Wellesley: Fine bring me two bottles. I'll pay you back. Also, please don't get too drunk we need to be out of here by dawn.
Corey: Yes General Wellesley. We shall see you later.
Corey and Stanley calmly stroll off. Henry Wellesley unlocks the door and gently opens it. Entering the room he gently closes the door behind him. Sitting down on the nearby bed Henry Wellesley takes off his jet black boots and places them down beside the bedside table. Then he lies down and gazes at the ceiling. He then sighs out of slight annoyance.
Roughly grabbing the letter from Wellington out of his pocket. Then he unfolds it and begins reading the apology over again. After a few minutes of reading it over again, Henry Wellesley crumples the letter up out of bitterness and throws it on the floor.
*Henry Wellesley in thought*
I shall get my vengeance on that twat who ruined my whole life!
If he wants to apologise I want it to be from him, not Arthur.
Arthur has done nothing wrong so why should he have to apologise for a stupid twat.
He shouldn't have to apologise...
I still also can't believe that twat is now Arthur's second in command.
Why does Arthur think so much of him that he makes him his second in command?
Does Arthur not care about me anymore...His own family!
I looked up to him. But now I feel like I have been replaced! I use to be his second in command. But now he has replaced me with a dumb twat.
How is this twat better than me?
Why him over me!?
I will end this situation tomorrow.
Try to rest Henry you need it...
Stop thinking about that stupid twat and rest. You need to be awake at dawn tomorrow.
A couple of hours later it is now 11:00 pm and Henry Wellesley is still lying in bed awake. Suddenly he hears a gentle knock on the door along with a quiet tired and slightly drunk voice.
Corey: General Wellesley are you still awake sir? I have the beer that you asked for.
Henry Wellesley: Yes unfortunately I am still awake. Just come in and put the beer on the table. I then suggest you sleep. I wouldn't trust a drunk to lead me to the British camp.
Corey: Yes sir.
Corey gently opens the door and calmly strolls over to the bedside table. Gently placing the two bottles of beer on the table Corey then quietly leaves the room and gently closes the door.
Henry Wellesley carefully grabs one of the bottles of beer. Gently opening the bottle he then takes a large sip of beer. Then he places the bottle back on the table.
*Henry Wellesley in thought*
This is actually some decent beer.
Although I don't want to get drunk right now. I need to sleep.
I also don't feel like drinking my problems away like many people.
Just rest Henry you need it.
It's late...
Henry Wellesley slowly closes his eyes and enters his fantasies. Opening his eyes he notices that he is sitting on a comfortable red and gold couch. He also notices that Richard Wellesley is standing in the doorway looking slightly concerned. Richard Wellesley starts speaking in a calm but slightly concerned tone.
Richard Wellesley: Henry are you alright? You have been quiet all morning even though Arthur is coming to visit us before he goes to Spain.
Henry Wellesley: I'm fine Richard...
Richard Wellesley: You don't seem fine. You are normally excited when Arthur comes to visit. You normally are waiting by the door to hug him and basically almost knock him over. Honestly, you amuse me, Henry.
Henry Wellesley: I'm bored of waiting honestly how long does it take to get here from London?
Richard Wellesley: I don't think that you are just bored. There is something else going on isn't there?
Henry Wellesley awkwardly looks at the ground and quietly sighs to himself. He then starts speaking in a calm voice which has a small hint of sadness to it.
Henry Wellesley: There is nothing else going on.
Richard Wellesley: Is politics stressing you out Henry?
Henry Wellesley: Richard if I was stressed I would be complaining and possibly yelling about things. Honestly Richard there is nothing else going on I'm just bored of waiting for Arthur to get here. Did he decide to take the slowest carriage in London!?
William Wellesley suddenly enters the room and stands beside Richard. He then starts speaking in a calm voice.
William Wellesley: Aren't all carriages slow.
Henry Wellesley: Yes. But it feels like Arthur decided to take the slowest carriage in all of London to get here.
William Wellesley: Well, it does take a while to get here. Besides, I'm sure that he won't be long now. Also are you alright Henry you were quieter than usual at breakfast this morning.
Henry Wellesley: I'm fine William just leave me alone!
Henry Wellesley starts tearing up and he puts his head in his hands. Richard Wellesley starts speaking in a concerned tone.
Richard Wellesley: Why are you crying, Henry?
Henry Wellesley: It's none of your business Richard!
Richard Wellesley: You were crying last night and you were also yelling about something...What's wrong Henry?
Henry Wellesley: Why do you even care, Richard!?
Richard Wellesley: You are my dear brother Henry and I care about you.
Suddenly Wellington calmly walks into the room and stands in the doorway. He then starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Wellington: Sorry I'm late.
Richard Wellesley: Welcome Arthur. I see that you are a General now. I honestly don't know what to say.
Wellington: Yes indeed I am.
William Wellesley: I bet that soon he will be commanding the whole British Army.
Wellington: I doubt it.
Richard Wellesley: Oh don't doubt yourself, Arthur. You are a great man.
Wellington: Is Henry alright?
Richard Wellesley: He's quite upset about something.
Wellington: Henry do you want to...give me a hug?
Henry Wellesley quietly sobs and Wellington calmly walks over and sits down beside him. He then gently puts his hand on Henry Wellesley's shoulder. He then starts speaking in a calm yet soothing voice.
Wellington: What's wrong Henry?
Henry Wellesley: I just want to talk with you, Arthur.
Wellington: He only wants to talk with me. May you two leave the room for a bit?
Richard Wellesley: Yes Arthur.
William Wellesley: Fine...
Richard Wellesley and William Wellesley calmly exit the room. Suddenly Henry Wellesley hugs Wellington. Wellington awkwardly looks at Henry Wellesley. He then starts speaking in a calm voice.
Wellington: What's wrong Henry? What is upsetting you?
Henry Wellesley: Just something happened with my wife...
Wellington: She's not what I think you are trying to tell me is she?
Henry Wellesley: Shes not dead Arthur. Jesus Christ, I would probably be in my room crying for the whole day if that happened.
Wellington: Well what happened with her then?
Henry Wellesley: She ran off with another man! She left me for someone who she thinks is greater than me!
Henry Wellesley starts sobbing even more and Wellington starts speaking in a slightly confused tone.
Wellington: She left you for another man? Why would she do that? And who did she leave you for?
Henry Wellesley: I don't know why she would leave me I did nothing wrong. We were happy we had children! We were a happy family!
Wellington: I understand that Henry...But do you know who she left you for?
Henry Wellesley: She left me for a Lord.
Wellington: Be specific Henry...
Henry Wellesley: She left me for Lord Uxbridge. I'm sure you know him quite well it seems you two know each other quite well.
Wellington: I do know him. But I didn't realise that he was having an affair with your wife Henry.
Henry Wellesley: I don't know what to do...I feel like I have lost everything.
Wellington: I'm here for you Henry...Richard is here for you and even William is here for you even though you and William don't get along.
Henry Wellesley: I couldn't sleep last night...I just spent hours crying like a child.
Wellington: Henry you need to take care of yourself...
Henry Wellesley: I want to sleep...
Wellington: Sleep then. I'll stay here.
Henry Wellesley abruptly wakes up to some gentle knocking on the door. He then starts speaking in a calm and slightly tired voice.
Henry Wellesley: Who is it?
Corey: It's me, General Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley: What time is it?
Corey: It's 4 o'clock, General Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley: Thank you I will be out soon just go get the horses ready.
Corey: Yes General.
Henry Wellesley slowly sits up in bed and he gently gets his golden pocket watch out of his pocket. Opening the pocket watch he notices that the time is 4:05 am. Closing his pocket watch and gently putting it back in his pocket Henry Wellesley then groggily gets out of bed.
Then he carefully puts on his boots. He also picks up the crumpled up letter and roughly puts it in his pocket. Grabbing his opened bottle of beer he decides to open it and have another large sip. Exiting the room with the two bottles of beer he notices Corey calmly waiting for him. Corey starts speaking in a calm and slightly tired voice.
Corey: Do you want me to carry those for you, General Wellesley?
Henry Wellesley: Yes thank you. Just put them in my horse's saddlebag.
Henry Wellesley gently hands the two bottles of beer to Corey. Corey then quietly walks off down the hallway. While Henry Wellesley gently grabs the key out of his pocket and locks the room he was staying in.
Then Henry Wellesley calmly and quietly strolls down the short hallway to the counter. Gently placing the silver key down on the wooden counter with the other keys Henry Wellesley then quickly and quietly exits the building.
Upon exiting the building he notices that the sky is still dark. But it's light enough that he can see where things are. Calmly strolling to the stables Henry Wellesley notices that Corey and Stanley are waiting with the horses which are no longer in the stables.
Henry Wellesley carefully gets on his horse and he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Henry Wellesley: Lead us to my brother's camp Corey.
Corey: Yes General Wellesley.
Corey and Stanley both carefully get on their horses. Corey quickly begins leading the way and the other two hastily follow after him. Corey begins speaking in a calm tone.
Corey: We take a break at noon is that alright with you General Wellesley?
Henry Wellesley: That's fine with me.
Stanley: How far would we have travelled by then Corey?
Corey: I estimate we would be at least halfway to the British camp or more perhaps.
Henry Wellesley: That's good.
Corey: You seem quite tired General are you alright?
Henry Wellesley: I just didn't sleep well.
Corey: Honestly, I didn't either although I was slightly drunk and I still am a little bit. But don't worry General I'm sober enough to know where I'm going.
Stanley: Same with me and also those beds were not the most comfortable to sleep on.
Corey: Indeed they were quite uncomfortable. So I understand why no one slept well last night.
Henry Wellesley: For me, it wasn't just the bed...It was something I prefer to not talk about.
Corey: We understand that you want to keep things to yourself General.
Stanley: Exactly we respect your privacy, General.
A few hours later it is now noon and the three men have arrived at a large clearing in the middle of a forest. Corey gently grabs his pocket watch out of his pocket. Gently opening the pocket watch he notices that the time is 12:00 pm. Corey starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Corey: Let's take a break here shall we?
Henry Wellesley: Yes.
Stanley: I think this is a great spot, Corey.
Corey: Thank you, Stanley.
Henry Wellesley suddenly gets off his horse and Corey starts speaking in a slightly confused yet calm voice.
Corey: Where are you going, General?
Henry Wellesley: I need somewhere to go think about something alone.
Corey: I see...
Henry Wellesley: Look after my horse if you please.
Corey: Yes General.
Henry Wellesley begins peacefully strolling through the forest. He hears many different bird calls in the trees along with the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze and the dead leaves and twigs crunching and snapping beneath his boots. A few minutes later he hears the sound of rushing water so he goes and investigates.
A couple of minutes later he reaches a large creek and he decides to sit on a nearby log. Gazing out at the peaceful scenery Henry Wellesley then sighs out of slight frustration.
*Henry Wellesley in thought*
Back then Arthur cared about me...
But it feels like he is starting to care about me less...
He literally replaced me with that stupid twat as his second in command.
Did Arthur forget that the man he made as his second in command ruined my life?
I remember telling him about it and he cared about me and made sure I was alright.
I cared about him when his dearest Kitty rejected his proposal and he was upset like me.
But now he is friends with a twat who ruined my life and it seems that he doesn't care that my life has been ruined!
I thought that brothers were meant to care about each other. That they were meant to be there for one another when it's needed.
I should be heading back to Corey and Stanley they will be wondering what's taking me so long.
Henry Wellesley gets up and begins quickly and calmly strolling through the forest. A few minutes later he reaches the clearing and strolls back over to Corey and Stanley who are taking care of the horses.
The three men carefully get back on their horses. Corey starts speaking in a calm yet slightly concerned tone.
Corey: Are you, alright General?
Henry Wellesley: I'm fine I just needed to clear my mind.
Corey: I see...
Henry Wellesley: Let's continue. Lead the way, Corey.
Corey: Yes General.
The three men begin quickly trotting off with Corey leading the way.
To be Continued...
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