A Score to Settle
It is currently 9:00 am at Lord Morningtons castle. Henry Wellesley is sitting at his desk in his room glaring at the letter from Wellington. He suddenly violently slams his fist on his desk. Then he starts speaking in a slightly enraged tone.
Henry Wellesley: That bloody twat! He stole my wife away from me! That bastard will pay for what he did!
Henry Wellesley suddenly hears a slightly concerned voice behind his door.
Richard Wellesley: Why are you yelling Henry?
Henry Wellesley: Don't you remember that whole situation with my wife!? And how that bloody twat Lord Uxbridge basically stole the love of my life away from me!
Richard Wellesley: I remember it very well...I remember you crying.
Henry Wellesley: Shut up I wasn't crying!
Richard Wellesley: Say that to Arthur who you sent letters to about your sadness. Along with hugging him which I did find slightly amusing. Because well you have always hugged him even though I can tell Arthur prefers not to be hugged for that long.
Henry Wellesley: That was not amusing I was crying as well might I add.
Richard Wellesley: Now you admit that you were crying.
Henry Wellesley: Richard, please leave me alone. Also, I was just not showing that I was crying.
Richard Wellesley: Why are you acting like William...
Henry Wellesley: I am not! I just need have a score to settle with this twat! Also possibly visit Arthur. See how he is doing. But mostly to deal with this twat!
Richard Wellesley: Henry are you planning to go to battle again?
Henry Wellesley: Yes...But I need to settle this score with the man who stole my wife!
Henry Wellesley gets up from his desk and walks over to his wardrobe and violently swings it open. Grabbing his uniform and throwing it on his bed he then slams it shut. Hastily taking off his dark smoky grey coat and throwing it on the floor he then grabs his scarlet red coat. Putting on the coat and carefully doing up his shiny golden buttons he then begins untying the laces on his jet black boots.
Taking off his boots he puts them down beside him. Henry then takes off his jet black pants and throws them on the floor on top of his coat. Grabbing his white pants he promptly puts them on. Henry then grabs his boots and sits down on the bed. Putting on his boots and quickly tying up the laces Henry then marches over to the door.
Opening the door Richard Wellesley stares at Henry Wellesley with slight concern. As he notices the fire burning in his eyes. Richard Wellesley starts speaking with a calm and slightly concerned voice.
Richard Wellesley: Henry please it's been many years since your wife left you to be with Lord Uxbridge.
Henry Wellesley: I loved her Richard! She left me for someone who was at the time according to her a greater military commander! I doubt that twat would beat me in a duel using a sword.
Richard Wellesley: Henry you are not going to duel him! You are technically under Arthur's command as he is pretty much in charge of the Army. You know he hates duelling and he will give you a severe punishment for that even though he is your brother!
Henry Wellesley: My life was ruined because of that twat! I lost my wife! The only person who I loved more than you, William and Arthur. I can't find anyone else because I'm too busy!
Richard Wellesley: You are not going to fight in this war because you want vengeance!
Henry Wellesley suddenly storms past Richard Wellesley and begins promptly marching down the hallway. Richard Wellesley quietly sighs out of slight annoyance and he begins quickly walking after Henry. Richard Wellesley starts speaking in an irritated voice.
Richard Wellesley: Henry we do not need any more trouble with the whole situation with your wife! It caused an absolute scandal!
Henry Wellesley: I have a score to settle and you will not stop me! This is my personal business!
Richard Wellesley: Henry, please do not return to the battlefield. Because you want revenge for something that happened many years ago. Please Henry it's been dealt with you divorced your wife it's done!
Henry Wellesley: You don't understand how I feel! You have a wife! You have someone to love! You have someone faithful! I don't and even bloody William has a wife! Arthur has his dearest Kitty and I have no one I'm just a lonely man with no wife...
Richard Wellesley: Henry I know that I don't understand how you feel. But please I care about you and I don't want to lose you.
Henry Wellesley stops and turns around and starts yelling in an enraged tone.
Henry Wellesley: That man ruined my life! My reputation! Just everything all because my wife wanted his heart! I am not afraid to destroy the same things for him!
Richard Wellesley: Henry you don't need to do this!
Henry Wellesley: Yes, I do need to do this!
Henry Wellesley begins quickly marching off again with Richard Wellesley in tow. William Wellesley suddenly comes up the stairs and he stops Henry from going downstairs. William Wellesley starts speaking in a serious tone.
William Wellesley: Where in the bloody hell are you going?
Henry Wellesley: To war. I also have some private business to deal with.
William Wellesley: What kind of business.
Henry Wellesley: I have a score to settle with a particular bastard.
William Wellesley: Who is this bastard?
Richard Wellesley: Lord Uxbridge!
Henry Wellesley: He wasn't asking you!
William Wellesley: Why him?
Henry Wellesley: Jesus Christ don't you remember that he stole my wife from me!?
William Wellesley: I do...But you don't need to cause another scandal over that!
Henry Wellesley: I need to make that bastard pay for what he did! Now move out of my way.
Henry Wellesley marches past William Wellesley and Richard Wellesley hastily follows him. Once he gets to the bottom of the stairs Henry begins marching down another hallway. A couple of minutes later he reaches a dark brown door.
Opening the door and entering the room which has three sabres hanging on the wall in their sheaths. Henry grabs the black sheath which has red and gold stripes. Attaching it to his belt Henry then grabs his pistol from a nearby table and puts it in its holster. Promptly marching out of the room he violently slams the door behind him.
Continuing to walk down the hallway towards the courtyard of the castle Henry suddenly hears a slightly irritated voice behind him.
Richard Wellesley: Henry stop this is absolute madness!
Henry Wellesley: It is not madness and stop following me around!
Richard Wellesley: We do not need another scandal!
Henry Wellesley: He is the one who caused this whole mess and ruined my life!
Richard Wellesley: Henry it's been sorted out you have divorced your wife!
Henry Wellesley stops and turns around and starts yelling and crying out of pure rage and hatred.
Henry Wellesley: I just wanted to live a good life with my wife!
Richard Wellesley: I understand that Henry and that's what everyone wants out of that relationship.
Henry Wellesley: Was I not good enough for her!? She left me to be with a so called greater man! She literally gave me children and we were happy!
Richard Wellesley: Henry you are a great man like look at you. You are a General and a politician. You are doing bloody well.
Henry Wellesley: Yes but I honestly feel lonely I miss the love my wife gave me!
Richard Wellesley: I understand that you are lonely...
Henry Wellesley: I can't find a new wife because I don't think anyone would love me the same way as she did! I'm also too busy.
Richard Wellesley: Not everyone loves someone, in the same way, Henry.
Henry Wellesley: I just want vengeance! I also just want to see Arthur.
Richard Wellesley: Henry you don't need to be so vengeful...
Henry Wellesley: You don't understand my loneliness! You are all happy with your beautiful wives and children! Whereas I have no beautiful woman to love! This is all due to one man! One bloody twat! I honestly can't go to battle without having to deal with him. I would prefer to see him dead!
Richard Wellesley: Henry you shall not murder him! Arthur would punish you even though you are his brother!
Henry Wellesley sighs out of annoyance and stops yelling and starts speaking in a tone full of bitterness.
Henry Wellesley: I don't want to see that man in my life again...Also just leave me alone Richard. This is my business, not yours. I shall be going.
Henry Wellesley calmly marches off still feeling slightly bitter. He suddenly notices that Richard is following him again. Henry stops and quietly sighs to himself and he starts speaking in a slightly calm tone.
Henry Wellesley: Why are you still following me, Richard?
Richard Wellesley: How on earth are you going to get to where Arthur is? Did you bloody think about that while you were ranting on about it?
Henry Wellesley: Well I know how to get to the harbour. I might go with the messengers. I heard that they are being escorted there after the whole incident at the harbour. Besides they will know how to lead me to where Arthur is.
Richard Wellesley: Fine...Also at least take this present that I have for Arthur. Also, Henry don't drink it and make sure no one else does. I just need to go grab it. It will only take a minute.
Henry Wellesley: Alright then.
Richard Wellesley quickly strolls off. While Henry Wellesley stares out the window at the calm scenery trying to calm himself.
*Henry Wellesley in thought*
Bloody twat...
Stealing away the one I loved!
I need vengeance. That's all I want.
My life has been destroyed...
My reputation was ruined...
How dare he accept her hand!
She was my wife!
She ran off with that twat!
I shall do something about this...
A few minutes later Henry Wellesley hears some footsteps echoing down the hallway. Henry Wellesley looks down the hallway and notices Richard calmly walking towards him with a bottle of Vodka. Richard Wellesley gently hands the bottle of Vodka to Henry. Richard Wellesley starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Richard Wellesley: Now don't drink it. This is a present for Arthur.
Henry Wellesley: I won't Richard...
Richard Wellesley: Now please don't get yourself killed you bastard.
Henry Wellesley: I won't. It seems me and Arthur have the same luck. We always manage to get out alive.
Richard Wellesley: You and Arthur risk your lives too much and I hate it when you come back injured.
Henry Wellesley: Well we bloody don't want to be speaking French. Or possibly be dead. I would prefer to win this bloody war than our country be taken over by the French.
Richard Wellesley: After this war is over promise me that you and Arthur will not go back to war.
Henry Wellesley: I doubt that there will be another war after this one.
Richard Wellesley: Well probably not after we give the French one last thrashing.
Henry Wellesley: Well let's hope we defeat those bloody French.
Richard Wellesley: Yes. Well, I suggest you get going now, General Wellesley. Also, don't you dare start another scandal with Lord Uxbridge we don't want any more trouble, please.
Henry Wellesley: Fine...even though I hate that bloody twat.
Richard Wellesley: I know that you hate him but we don't need any more trouble.
Henry Wellesley: Fine...
Richard Wellesley: Also promise me that you and Arthur will return home alive.
Henry Wellesley: We will Richard...
Henry Wellesley calmly sighs to himself and he smiles a little bit. He then starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful tone.
Henry Wellesley: I shall be going now. I'm not sure when I will be back. But I promise that I will return home alive.
Richard Wellesley: You also better not annoy Arthur. It seems he does have a bit of a temper.
Henry Wellesley: He's always had a temper. Grumpy old Arthur always complaining about things.
Richard Wellesley: That's true. Although he is sometimes a bit cheeky. But he doesn't show that side of him often he prefers to be serious. Well, I guess he would make a good Prime Minister. But he would have to work on his temper.
Henry Wellesley quietly laughs to himself then he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Henry Wellesley: Well yes he will have to work on his temper.
Richard Wellesley: Well then...I guess this is fair well brother.
Henry Wellesley: Yes, I guess it is then.
Richard Wellesley suddenly hugs Henry Wellesley and he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Richard Wellesley: You better come back, Henry.
Henry Wellesley: I will.
Richard Wellesley: Now get out there and beat those French bastards.
Henry Wellesley: Yes.
Henry Wellesley starts walking away but then he stops and turns around. Then he smiles and salutes Richard and Richard salutes him back. Henry Wellesley begins calmly strolling down the hallway again. Eventually, he reaches a large dark brown door.
Gently opening the door Henry Wellesley walks out into the courtyard and one of the two guards standing beside the door closes it. Henry Wellesley eventually makes it to a large fenced in paddock where three horses are peacefully walking around.
Henry Wellesley carefully climbs over the wooden fence. Then he begins calmly strolling over the stables. Entering the stables Henry Wellesley grabs a saddle along with the reins. Exiting the stables Henry Wellesley whistles and a white horse calmly strolls over.
Gently putting the saddle and the reins on his horse he then walks over to the gate. Unlocking the gate he then opens it. Henry Wellesley then starts speaking in a calm and cheerful voice.
Henry Wellesley: Come here, girl.
The horse calmly trots over to Henry Wellesley. He then gently closes the gate and locks it. Carefully getting on his horse the horse begins calmly trotting out of the castle grounds. Henry Wellesley is now on his way to London.
Meanwhile in London at the harbour, Horatio Nelson is looking out at it. Suddenly he hears some footsteps approaching him along with a calm and pleasant voice.
Josiah Nelson: Morning father.
Horatio Nelson: Shouldn't you be resting.
Josiah Nelson: Says you. You always went back to your duties as soon as possible. Even though mother told you to rest.
Horatio Nelson: Yes but you almost got yourself killed.
Josiah Nelson: So have you.
Horatio Nelson: Josiah don't annoy me it's early in the morning.
Josiah Nelson: It's not that early...
Horatio Nelson quietly sighs to himself and he gently puts his hand on Josiah's shoulder. He then starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.
Horatio Nelson: Your mother worries about you.
Josiah Nelson: You told her what happened?
Horatio Nelson: Yes...You know that she cares about you as much as I do.
Josiah Nelson: I know...
Horatio Nelson: She knows how much you are like me. She knows how brave you are. But she does sometimes worry about you. Because you put your life in danger a lot.
Josiah Nelson: I don't mean to put my life in danger. It's just that it's hard to avoid being in danger while in a battle.
Horatio Nelson: I understand that. But it seems that sometimes you put your life at risk on purpose to get the glory.
Josiah Nelson: I bet you did that too.
Horatio Nelson: Perhaps when I was younger but not now. I have learned that the ones who try to get all the glory get themselves killed.
Josiah Nelson: Well, I won't get myself killed father...
Suddenly they hear some footsteps approaching them along with a calm and cheerful voice.
Marcel Thompson: Good morning.
Horatio Nelson: Good morning Captain.
Josiah Nelson: Morning.
Marcel Thompson: You alright Josiah? Also shouldn't you be resting?
Horatio Nelson: I tried to tell him that but he didn't listen. It seems somebody is being stubborn today.
Josiah Nelson: Well you did say I'm like you father.
Horatio Nelson: I'm not that stubborn.
Josiah Nelson: Are you sure about that?
Horatio Nelson: Quit pestering me.
Horatio Nelson sighs out of slight annoyance. Josiah Nelson starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.
Josiah Nelson: So why are you here Marcel?
Marcel Thompson: Waiting...
Josiah Nelson: Waiting for what exactly?
Marcel Thompson: A friend to escort the messengers safely to Königsberg. I'm just going along to help.
Josiah Nelson: May I come with you?
Marcel Thompson: I think you should stay in England. You do need to rest Josiah.
Horatio Nelson: I have to agree with Captain Thompson. Besides, I don't think Lillie needs to be worrying about you any more than she already is Josiah.
Josiah Nelson: Fine...So where is this friend of yours?
Marcel Thompson: It seems that he is probably late...Although he did say he was spending some time in Ireland. Who knows what the weather is like out there.
Marcel Thompson quietly sighs to himself out of slight impatience. Grabbing his spyglass he looks out at the entrance to the harbour and he notices nothing except the vast ocean. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm voice.
Horatio Nelson: Patience Captain. Your friend will come. Besides lateness is a normal thing you have to deal with sometimes.
Josiah Nelson looks up at the darkening sky. Josiah Nelson starts speaking in a calm voice.
Josiah Nelson: I have a feeling that some rain is coming.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed...But I think at this point we are use to being rained on.
Marcel Thompson: Well, I hope that the sea isn't too rough out there.
Josiah Nelson: Afraid of a storm Captain.
Marcel Thompson: Well, I would prefer to make it to the destination safely.
Josiah Nelson: Well you also better come back safely. I would go with you if I could. But I guess it's best I don't. Because I don't want Lillie to worry.
Horatio Nelson: Also, knowing you. You would probably want to pick a fight with the French.
Josiah Nelson: True...
A few minutes later they notice a ship coming into port. Marcel Thompson sighs out of relief. A couple of minutes later a man walks off the ship he has short dark blonde hair that goes down to his shoulders. Along with some ocean blue eyes. He is also wearing a very tidy naval uniform which has a couple of recently polished medals on it. Calmly walking up to the group he starts speaking in a calm and polite voice.
???: Pleasure to meet you.
Horatio Nelson: Who are you, sir?
???: I'm Commodore Edison Hawkins.
Horatio Nelson: I see.
Marcel Thompson: Edison this is Captain Josiah Nelson the man who married my dear sister Lillie.
Edison Hawkins: Pleasure to meet you, Captain.
Josiah Nelson: Pleasure to meet you too sir.
Marcel Thompson: And this is Admiral Horatio Nelson. I'm sure that you have heard of him.
Edison Hawkins: Pleasure to meet you, Admiral.
Horatio Nelson: Same with you Commodore Hawkins.
Edison Hawkins: So where are these messengers that you have asked me to escort to Köingsberg?
Marcel Thompson: Probably late...But that's understandable they are busy men.
Edison Hawkins: I heard what happened in the harbour here. Those bloody French thought that they can attack London with only three ships. Honestly whoever sent them here must have had a very absurd plan.
Horatio Nelson: I know who sent them here Commodore Hawkins and his plan was not to invade London and it most definitely was not absurd. It just didn't go to plan.
Edison Hawkins stares at Horatio Nelson with slight confusion. He then starts speaking in a calm voice that has a slight hint of concern to it.
Edison Hawkins: Who sent them sir and why?
Horatio Nelson: Admiral Villeneuve sent them to capture one of the messengers. So he could find out the location of Wellingtons Army and send his 30 thousand men to possibly ambush them or to join the rest of the French Army. I'm sending Wellington an important letter about this news because it could still be a possible threat.
Edison Hawkins: Of course, Villeneuve would be trying to cause trouble as usual.
Horatio Nelson: Well he's probably not too pleased at the moment. Because his plan has been foiled.
Edison Hawkins: Probably not sir.
A few minutes later Corey and Stanley trot over on their two grey horses. Marcel starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.
Marcel Thompson: Good morning gentlemen.
Corey: Apologies for our lateness we were busy.
Marcel Thompson: I understand. Now here is my friend Commodore Edison Hawkins who will be escorting you to Königsberg.
Corey: Nice to meet you sir I'm Corey Henderson and this is my friend Stanley Palmer.
Edison Hawkins: Pleasure to meet you both.
Stanley: Is there a space on your ship for our horse's sir?
Edison Hawkins: Yes. I will help you get your horses to a space where they can be comfortable. Come with me.
Stanley and Corey carefully get off their horses and begin leading them onto the ship. While Edison gets onto the ship and begins showing Corey and Stanley where to take their horses. Suddenly Henry Wellesley trots over to the group. He starts speaking in a calm and serious tone.
Henry Wellesley: Good morning.
Horatio Nelson: Good morning Henry Wellesley. Why are you here?
Henry Wellesley: I'm here to go see my brother Arthur. I also have some business to deal with.
Horatio Nelson: I see.
Henry Wellesley: I wouldn't mind going with the messengers. Besides they will be able to lead me to Arthur.
Horatio Nelson: I'm assuming you are also planning to join in with the battle.
Henry Wellesley: Well, I'm a General so, of course, I'm going to join in with the battle.
Edison Hawkins suddenly walks over and he starts speaking in a calm and slightly confused tone.
Edison Hawkins: Who are you, sir?
Henry Wellesley: I am General Henry Wellesley. I must come with you to see my brother. I also have some private business to deal with.
Edison Hawkins: I see...Well come on then I will find a place for your horse.
Henry Wellesley carefully gets off his horse and begins leading it onto the ship. Edison Hawkins gets back on the ship and helps Henry Wellesley to find a place for his horse. Marcel Thompson begins speaking in a calm and pleasant tone.
Marcel Thompson: Well I guess it is almost time for me to head off.
Josiah Nelson: You better come back for your sister's sake.
Marcel Thompson: I will because unlike you I don't risk my life all the time.
Horatio Nelson: Safe travels Captain Thompson.
Marcel Thompson: Thank you, sir.
Edison Hawkins is now standing on the port side of the ship. He starts speaking in a calm and polite voice.
Edison Hawkins: Come on Captain it's time to go.
Marcel Thompson: Yes sir.
Marcel Thompson calmly gets on the ship. He notices that Corey is sitting at one of the tables peacefully playing his violin while Stanley is listening to him. He also notices that Henry Wellesley is just calmly staring out at the ocean. Marcel Thompson calmly approaches Henry Wellesley. Henry Wellesley notices this and he begins speaking in a calm and peaceful tone.
Henry Wellesley: Where are we going, Captain?
Marcel Thompson: Köingsberg General Wellesley.
Henry Wellesley: I've always wondered what it's like in Prussia. I have heard that the Prussian King has an incredible palace in Potsdam. Maybe once this war is over I will visit Potsdam. I have also heard that they make some great beer in Prussia. Maybe I will buy some and give it to my brother Arthur.
Marcel Thompson: I'm sure that you will get to visit Potsdam sir. Also, I have indeed heard about how great the beer in Prussia is. But for now, I better go help out, Commodore Hawkins.
Marcel Thompson calmly walks off leaving Henry Wellesley to peacefully stare out at the ocean and listen to the calming music that Corey is playing.
To be Continued...
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