A New Bond
Disclaimer: There is some violence in this chapter. You can skip this chapter if you are sensitive.
It is currently 6:00 am and Henry Wellesley has just woken up. He notices Joseph Ney happily working at his desk. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Henry Wellesley: When did you wake up?
Joseph Ney: Around 30 minutes ago.
Henry Wellesley: Early riser I see.
Joseph Ney: I'm use to it. I like seeing the sunrise. Even though it could possibly be my last.
Henry Wellesley: I'm also still not use to being here yet.
Joseph Ney: You will get use to it. Also just don't annoy my father. Because he does have quite a temper.
A few minutes later, Marshal Ney enters the tent. Joseph Ney awkwardly stares at his father. Joseph Ney starts speaking in a calm and serious voice.
Joseph Ney: What is it, father?
Marshal Ney: I need you to go take some men to collect gunpowder from the gunpowder magazine that's close by.
Joseph Ney: Yes father.
Marshal Ney: Also take the Englishman with you. He could be useful.
Joseph Ney: Alright.
Marshal Ney: No funny business Englishman. Remember that.
Henry Wellesley: Yes sir.
Marshal Ney calmly exits the tent and Joseph Ney smiles at Henry Wellesley. Then he starts speaking in a cheerful voice.
Joseph Ney: Our first mission together.
Henry Wellesley: Why does he always think I'm up to something?
Joseph Ney: Well your an Englishman in a French camp. You have betrayed your Army and are now working for us. But my father thinks that you could possibly be a spy and betray us as well.
Henry Wellesley: I see. Also, I suggest we be careful on this mission.
Joseph Ney: Why do you say that?
Henry Wellesley: The British have these two mercenaries who blew up the last French gunpowder magazine. Which was guarded by 10 Frenchmen.
Joseph Ney: Jesus Christ...That's not good at all...
Henry Wellesley: No it's not, especially since we could possibly be in danger while doing this mission.
Joseph Ney: I also don't really want to get myself killed. Although I do see myself as a brave man like my father. But I would prefer to die in battle. Not by some crazy mercenaries.
Henry Wellesley: I also want to get some glory and no longer be sidelined and be in someone's shadow.
Joseph Ney: I will go round up some men and well you can stay here. I will come get you when I have rounded them up.
Henry Wellesley: Alright.
Joseph Ney gets up and promptly exits the tent. Meanwhile, at the British camp, Wellington is at his desk calmly reading something. Lord Uxbridge calmly enters the tent.
Then he starts speaking in a calm and serious voice.
Lord Uxbridge: Sir Lieutenant General Carringtons scouts have found something.
Wellington: What is it Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: Another French gunpowder magazine sir.
Wellington: I see.
Lord Uxbridge: Should we send the mercenaries to deal with it, sir?
Wellington: Yes Uxbridge. But also send a small group of maybe 10 of our men to go with them. Just in case there is trouble.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright, I will go find some men sir and tell the mercenaries.
Wellington: Good.
Lord Uxbridge calmly leaves the tent and a couple of minutes later Kitty Wellesley enters the tent.
Kitty starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur when are you going to have breakfast?
Wellington: Soon my dear.
Kitty quietly sighs to herself and she starts speaking in a slightly serious tone.
Kitty Wellesley: You work too hard Arthur. I'm worried that you aren't taking care of yourself.
Wellington: I know my dear. But I will have my breakfast soon Kitty. I will take a break soon.
Kitty Wellesley: I care a lot about you, Arthur.
Wellington: I also care a lot about you, my dear Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley walks behind Wellington's chair. Then she gently puts both her hands onto Wellington's shoulders.
She then gently kisses him on the cheek. Then she calmly walks over to the bed and sits on it. Wellington looks over at Kitty and smiles at her.
Meanwhile, at the French camp, Henry Wellesley is sitting on his bed patiently waiting. A couple of minutes later Joseph Ney enters the tent. Joseph starts speaking in a calm and serious voice.
Joseph Ney: I've managed to get 8 men who want to help with this mission.
Henry Wellesley: Alright so how far is the gunpowder magazine from here?
Joseph Ney: About 15 minutes. Shouldn't take too long to get there.
Henry Wellesley: Let's just hope that those mercenaries don't come and blow us up...
Joseph Ney: Yes let's hope that doesn't happen. Well, come on then.
Joseph Ney calmly exits the tent and Henry Wellesley hastily gets up and follows Joseph. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly nervous tone.
Henry Wellesley: How much gunpowder do we need to get?
Joseph Ney: Let's get at least 10 barrels.
Henry Wellesley: Yes but where are we going to put these barrels?
Joseph Ney: On a wagon. Have you never collected gunpowder before?
Henry Wellesley: No I wasn't really sent to do that kind of thing.
Joseph Ney: I see.
A few minutes later they eventually reach the gunpowder magazine. They notice two French soldiers guarding the entrance along with four French cavalrymen patrolling the area.
Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a calm and slightly confused tone.
Henry Wellesley: Were they expecting us is that why there is less security here?
Joseph Ney: I'm not sure why there is less security here. There should be at least 4 more men here.
Henry Wellesley: Odd...Very odd.
Joseph Ney: Indeed but let's go start loading the gunpowder onto the wagon and possibly get some of the cavalrymen to help us get it back to camp.
Henry Wellesley: Alright.
Joseph Ney, Henry Wellesley and the 8 French soldiers head down to the gunpowder magazine. Meanwhile, in the Prussian camp, Lawrence is sitting on a log staring at the picture of his father in his pocket watch.
Suddenly he hears footsteps approaching him. He looks up and notices Lord Uxbridge walking toward him. Lawrence starts speaking in a calm voice.
Lawrence: What is it, sir?
Lord Uxbridge: We need some men to go on a mission to help the mercenaries blow up a French gunpowder magazine Lieutenant.
Lawrence: You want me to go, sir?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes Lieutenant since you are one of the Lieutenants who has excellent accuracy with a rifle. You could be useful in protecting the mercenaries while they blow up the French gunpowder magazine.
Lawrence: I shall go on this mission, sir.
Lord Uxbridge: Excellent. Good luck with your mission.
Lawrence: Thank you, sir.
Lord Uxbridge calmly walks off back to the British camp. Lawrence then notices Frederick awkwardly staring at him with slight concern. Frederick starts speaking in a calm voice that has a hint of concern to it.
Frederick: Don't get yourself killed Lawrence...
Lawrence: I won't Your Majesty.
Frederick: Good. Also, be safe on your mission.
Lawrence: I will Your Majesty.
Lawrence gently puts his pocket watch back into his pocket. Then he calmly gets up and begins heading to the British camp.
Meanwhile, at the French gunpowder magazine, the French soldiers are carefully loading barrels of gunpowder onto the wagon.
Joseph Ney starts calmly speaking to the Major.
Joseph Ney: Where are the rest of the men that are meant to be stationed here?
???: They deserted...General.
Joseph Ney: What!? They deserted!? Why didn't you do anything!?
???: I wasn't the one in charge on the night they deserted General.
Joseph Ney: Who was in charge then...
???: Colonel Marc Baptiste.
Joseph Ney: Thank you for telling me that. I shall get this problem dealt with.
???: Yes General.
Joseph Ney calmly walks over to Henry Wellesley who is happily standing near the wagon. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly confused tone.
Henry Wellesley: What was that about General?
Joseph Ney: 4 of the men who were meant to be guarding this place deserted last night. But it wasn't on the Major's watch it was on Colonel Marc Baptiste's watch.
Henry Wellesley: I see.
Joseph Ney: God damn Colonel Marc Baptiste that stupid bastard.
Henry Wellesley: Are you going to punish him?
Joseph Ney: I'll get my father to arrange a punishment. I'm under his command so I'll report it to him.
Henry Wellesley: I see.
Joseph Ney: I don't mind serving under my father. I suppose it didn't go well between you and your brother.
Henry Wellesley: The bastard got me flogged and humiliated me in front of many.
Joseph Ney: Oh I see...
Henry Wellesley: I can't wait to kill the bastard. Besides my family probably hates me now anyway so it doesn't matter what I do now.
Joseph Ney quietly sighs to himself and he starts speaking in a slightly irritated tone.
Joseph Ney: This is taking longer than I thought it would.
Henry Wellesley: Indeed it is.
Joseph Ney: I just want this to be done so we don't have to worry about the British and their silly mercenaries coming here.
Henry Wellesley: I also don't want to have to deal with that.
Joseph Ney: I also don't want to get killed.
Henry Wellesley: I also don't want to get killed. But I also have to worry about possibly being captured and then executed for being a traitor.
Joseph Ney: I also don't want to get captured and probably interrogated by those British fools. I would rather die than tell the British what I know.
Henry Wellesley: They would perhaps interrogate me as well. But I am most likely to be executed for being a traitor if they capture me.
Joseph Ney: I want you to promise me something Englishman.
Henry Wellesley: What?
Joseph Ney: If they attempt to capture me...Just shoot me. Kill me so they will never know anything...
Henry Wellesley: I...I promise to do that.
Joseph Ney: Don't hesitate just shoot me. Got it Englishman?
Henry Wellesley: Yes General.
A few minutes later on a nearby hill. The two mercenaries Damian Barker and Sherkov Danilovich are hiding behind a nearby tree. While Lawrence and 9 other British soldiers are lying down near the top of the slope and out of sight of the French.
Damian starts speaking in a calm voice.
Damian Barker: How man French are there Sherkov?
Sherkov Danilovich: 12 French infantry and one of them is a General I also see the British traitor. There is also 4 French cavalry. We are not outnumbered by much. 16 of them and 12 of us it seems like good odds.
Damian Barker: I'm guessing that you want to kill the General?
Sherkov Danilovich: Killing a French General just gets you a lot of glory. I would prefer to kill a French Marshal to get that fancy baton they have. I've heard they are given to them by the French Emperor himself.
Damian Barker: So you are going to let him live?
Sherkov Danilovich: The other boys can kill him if they wish.
Damian Barker: Time to give the signal for us to charge then?
Sherkov Danilovich: Indeed it is.
Damian Barker comes out from behind the tree. Grabbing his rifle he aims at one of the Frenchmen loading the wagon. He then fires his rifle and ends up shooting the Frenchman in the head.
Causing the other Frenchman that was helping load the wagon to drop the barrel. Damian Barker then yells in a commanding voice.
Damian Barker: Charge men charge!
They all begin charging and shooting at the French who also start shooting back.
Joseph Ney starts speaking in an annoyed tone.
Joseph Ney: Merde. (Shit)
Henry Wellesley: Shit we should get out of here!
Joseph Ney: You really want to retreat!? I would prefer to die than be seen as a coward!
Henry Wellesley: Yes but it would probably be best if we get away with our lives!
Joseph Ney: I will not be seen as a coward!
Henry Wellesley: General we can still bring some of the gunpowder back with us. You would still be completing your mission if you retreat.
Joseph Ney: I would still be seen as a coward...
Henry Wellesley: But you still would have completed your mission, General.
Joseph Ney: Listen to me Englishman I will not be seen as a coward by my father or the rest of the Army!
Joseph Ney draws his sabre and charges into the battle. Henry Wellesley sighs out of slight frustration. He then draws his sabre and quickly sprints after Joseph.
Henry Wellesley starts yelling out to Joseph Ney.
Henry Wellesley: I'm not going to let you get yourself killed General!
Joseph Ney: I would prefer to die here rather than be seen as a coward! I will die for the Empire!
Henry Wellesley: You are the only friend I have left now General! I will not let you die!
Suddenly one of the British soldiers charges at Joseph Ney and tries to stab Joseph with his bayonet. But Joseph Ney violently thrusts his sabre into the man's chest immediately killing him.
He then quickly yanks the sabre out of the man's chest. Leaving his sabre dripping with blood. Joseph Ney starts yelling out of pure excitement.
Joseph Ney: Come get me, you bastards! I'm not afraid to kill all of you!
Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a slightly anxious tone.
Henry Wellesley: This is a bad idea! I think we should retreat!
Joseph Ney: We outnumber them! Are you scared Englishman?
Henry Wellesley: No it's just that everyone is probably going to get slaughtered if we don't retreat and just take what we have!
Joseph Ney: I don't want to be seen as a coward...
Joseph Ney quickly runs to where more fighting is happening. He ends up slaughtering two more British soldiers on the way to where the fighting is thickest.
Henry Wellesley quickly but reluctantly follows Joseph. Henry Wellesley starts yelling in a slightly anxious tone.
Henry Wellesley: We need to retreat General!
Joseph Ney: I'm not retreating like a coward!
Suddenly Joseph Ney is shot in the right shoulder which causes him to drop his sabre. He is about to be stabbed by a British soldier with a bayonet.
But Henry Wellesley violently slices the British soldier across the chest with his sabre. Then he kicks the man to the ground.
Henry Wellesley starts speaking in an anxious tone.
Henry Wellesley: General are you alright?
Joseph Ney: I'm fine it's not that bad. I've had worse.
Henry Wellesley: I think we should retreat...
Joseph Ney: No I will not retreat! Stop telling me that Englishman! I will die in this battle if I have to!
Suddenly Joseph Ney is shot in his left knee which causes him to fall onto his knees. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a tone full of anxiety and slight fear.
Henry Wellesley: Listen to me General we need to retreat! Besides, you can't fight in the condition you are in.
Joseph Ney: Fine I will take your advice even though you are an Englishman.
Henry Wellesley: Do you want me to help you?
Joseph Ney: No I'm alright.
Joseph Ney carefully gets up and Henry Wellesley helps him up even though he was told not to. Joseph reluctantly accepts Henry Wellesleys help.
Joseph Ney starts speaking in a commanding voice.
Joseph Ney: Retreat men retreat!
The French soldiers begin quickly retreating taking the wagon which has 6 barrels in it with them. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a calm voice.
Henry Wellesley: Are you going to be alright General?
Joseph Ney: I'm fine this is not the worst injury I've had. I've almost died a few times. I guess I do need to stop trying to get myself killed though.
Joseph Ney suddenly almost trips over but Henry Wellesley stops him. They both stop and stand there. Henry Wellesley starts speaking in a calm voice.
Henry Wellesley: Take it, easy General you are injured.
Joseph Ney: I'm fine. I just want to get back to the camp before the British start following us and possibly capturing us all.
Henry Wellesley: Yes, I know but still don't push yourself too much.
Joseph Ney: What's my father going to say.
Henry Wellesley: Well you did do what you were told you did get more gunpowder.
Joseph Ney: Yes but now it's probably going to be blown up by the British and their stupid mercenaries.
Henry Wellesley: Yes but you did complete your mission and got away with your life.
Joseph Ney: Let's keep walking. I'm alright now.
Henry Wellesley: Alright.
Joseph Ney continues walking with Henry Wellesley still helping him. Meanwhile back at the gunpowder magazine. The British soldiers and the mercenaries stare at the many dead French and British soldiers.
Damian Barker starts speaking in a calm yet sombre tone.
Damian Barker: I think we send someone back to get supplies to bury the dead. It's the respectful thing to do.
Sherkov Danilovich: What about the Frenchies?
Damian Barker: Bury them too. Even though they are the enemy we shall respect the dead Sherkov.
Damian Barker: One of you go get some supplies, please.
One of the 5 remaining British soldiers begins heading back to the British camp.
A few minutes later, at the French camp, Henry Wellesley and Joseph Ney enter their tent. Joseph Ney carefully walks over to his bed and lies down.
A couple of minutes later Marshal Ney enters the tent and he stares at Joseph with concern and slight worry. Due to seeing the blood staining his, uniform along with the two bullet wounds in his body. Marshal Ney starts speaking in a concerned tone.
Marshal Ney: Joseph what happened who shot you?
Joseph Ney: The British and these two mercenaries attacked us, father. They shot me!
Marshal Ney: Fine I'll go get the doctor for you...
Marshal Ney calmly exits the tent and Joseph Ney starts speaking in a calm voice.
Joseph Ney: I honestly can't wait to kill some more of those stupid British...Then we possibly won't have to deal with them attacking us anymore once we win this war. Because Europe will belong to the glorious French Empire.
Henry Wellesley: Well, I also won't be able to worry about my bastard brother of mine once I kill him. I still don't know when I should attempt to murder that stupid bastard.
Joseph Ney: You will find the moment. There is always the right moment for something...
Henry Wellesley: I want to make him beg for his life...He can try to apologise all he likes but I won't forgive him.
Meanwhile back at the French gunpowder magazine, the British are burying their dead along with the enemy's dead.
Lawrence is staring at a dead British soldier with short blonde hair and electric blue eyes. Suddenly he hears a calm voice behind him.
Damian Barker: You knew this man?
Lawrence: I did Lieutenant Jeffrey Dell that's who he was. I knew him before I went to Prussia. We were friends. I'm going to miss him he was quite a funny man and also quite kind to me. Not many people are kind to me. Except for the Prussians and the Prussian King and the King's friend. Also, some of the British soldiers are kind to me but not many.
Damian Barker: I see...Well, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.
Lawrence: He was killed by that French General. I tried to kill the bastard.
Damian Barker: Your a good shot you know that. I'm sure you will kill him next time.
Lawrence: Thank you, sir.
A few minutes later all the dead have been buried on the nearby hill. The British soldiers and the two mercenaries all pay their respects by having a moment of silence while staring at the graves of the fallen.
Once the moment passes they all aim their guns at the sky and fire one round of bullets. Damian Barker starts speaking in a calm voice.
Damian Barker: Go take care of it Sherkov.
Sherkov Danilovich: Yes Damian.
Sherkov quickly strolls down the hill with his supplies to blow up the gunpowder magazine. Damian Barker starts speaking in a calm and serious voice.
Damian Barker: I think we should go back a bit just to be safe.
Lawrence: I agree sir.
The British soldiers and Damian Barker begin hastily strolling down the hill. Meanwhile, a few minutes later at the British camp, a loud thunderous boom is heard.
Wellington stops writing something and looks up from what he was working on. Kitty starts speaking in a slightly nervous tone.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur what was that?
Wellington: Just an explosion...
Kitty Wellesley: Are the French coming to attack us, Arthur?
Wellington: No Kitty they aren't coming to attack us...I just sent some men to go blow up the French gunpowder magazine.
Kitty Wellesley: Are you sure that the French aren't coming to attack us.
Wellington: They aren't coming to attack us, my dear Kitty. But if they do I will make sure that you are safe my love. I would never let them hurt you.
Meanwhile, in the French camp, Joseph Ney is still lying on his bed. Then he sighs out of annoyance and slight anger. He then starts speaking in an irritated tone.
Joseph Ney: Curse them, stupid British bastards...I just want to go back there and kill them all!
Henry Wellesley: You should rest General...You are injured.
Joseph Ney: If I wasn't injured I would take a small army there and go kill those bastards!
Henry Wellesley: Yes but for now you should rest General.
Joseph Ney: Fine...Your right. I should rest for now.
Henry Wellesley: Will I ever be allowed to use your actual name instead of calling you by your title?
Joseph Ney: You can use my name when it's just the two of us. But you have to call me General when we are around everyone else.
Henry Wellesley: Alright, Joseph.
Joseph Ney: I'm going to have to get use to that.
Henry Wellesley: So are you going to call me by my name instead of calling me Englishman?
Joseph Ney: Fine but only when it's just the two of us. Otherwise, I will just be calling you Englishman. Got it, Henry.
Henry Wellesley: Got it.
Henry Wellesley sits down on a nearby wooden stool and awkwardly stares at the floor. Then he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Henry Wellesley: Joseph?
Joseph Ney: Yes?
Henry Wellesley: When will your father actually call me by my title or just by my name? Instead of just Englishman.
Joseph Ney: Im not sure about that. It sometimes takes him a while to trust people. It would especially take him a while to trust an Englishman.
Henry Wellesley: Oh I see.
Joseph Ney: Don't expect him to be calling you by your name or title so quickly.
Henry Wellesley: Alright.
Joseph Ney: Also he probably won't ever let you call him by his name. Unless you somehow become good friends. Just call him by his title. He will at least see that you have some respect if you do that.
Henry Wellesley: Got it.
Joseph Ney: If he also asks you to do something I suggest you just do it. He likes helpful people.
Henry Wellesley: Alright.
Joseph Ney: I can't believe what happened out there...
Henry Wellesley: I'm sure we will win the actual battle. They just got lucky.
Joseph Ney: Your right. It was just luck...
Meanwhile, at the Prussian camp, Voltaire notices Lawrence approaching him. Voltaire starts speaking in a calm voice.
Voltaire: Lawrence I heard that you were going on this mission...
Lawrence: Yes and I almost killed this French General.
Voltaire: I was worried about you. I thought you weren't going to come back.
Lawrence: I'm alright Voltaire. But we lost 5 people today. I knew one of them and I was friends with them.
Voltaire: I'm sorry about that...
Lawrence quietly sighs to himself and Voltaire gently puts his hand on Lawrence's shoulder. Voltaire starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Voltaire: Frederick was also worried about you Lawrence.
Lawrence: Why is he worried about me so much? I don't understand.
Voltaire: I don't understand either Lawrence. I wish I knew but I don't.
Lawrence: Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes...
Lawrence: You are a good friend you know that. I honestly wasn't expecting to be friends with a Frenchman before the battle.
Voltaire: Thank you, Lawrence...
Lawrence: Your welcome Voltaire.
Meanwhile, in the British camp, Wellington is still writing something. Lord Uxbridge suddenly enters the tent and Wellington stops writing and looks up at Lord Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.
Lord Uxbridge: The mission was a success, sir. But 5 men were killed, sir...
Wellington: I see...
Lord Uxbridge: I don't think the French know where we are sir.
Wellington: That's good Uxbridge...We don't want the French attacking us right now.
Lord Uxbridge: The French were collecting gunpowder from their supply. That's why our men were attacked, sir.
Wellington: Do you know why they were possibly collecting gunpowder?
Lord Uxbridge: No sir. They could possibly just have needed more for their weapons sir.
Wellington: Possibly...Now is that all you have to tell me Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: I have something else that you would probably want to know sir...
Wellington: What is that Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: According to some of the men they saw your brother with the French sir. He is alive. But he is with the French.
Wellington: I see...Thank you for telling me this news Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Lord Uxbridge calmly leaves the tent and Wellington quietly sighs to himself out of frustration. Kitty starts speaking in a slightly concerned voice.
Kitty Wellesley: Are you alright Arthur?
Wellington: I'm fine Kitty...I just can't believe that Henry has joined the French.
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...Im, sure he will return to you and forgive you...
Wellington: I don't think he will at this point Kitty...
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...
Wellington: He probably doesn't care about me anymore. What is the point of him returning to me?
Kitty Wellesley: Arthur I'm sure that deep down he still cares about you and loves you.
Wellington: I doubt that...I shall continue my work, my dear.
Kitty Wellesley: Alright Arthur.
Wellington continues writing while holding back some tears.
To be Continued...
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