A Letter and A Mercenary
It is 5:45 am and Wellington is still peacefully sleeping. Lord Uxbridge enters the tent and he notices that Wellington is still sleeping.
Lord Uxbridge: Wake up sir...
Wellington ignores Lord Uxbridge and continues sleeping.
Lord Uxbridge: Sir Arthur wake up!
Benedict and Lennox Fraser enter the tent and awkwardly stare at Lord Uxbridge.
Lennox Fraser: Can't you wake him up?
Lord Uxbridge: No...
Benedict Fraser: I have an idea...
Lord Uxbridge: Can I trust you with this idea...Even though you two are high ranking officers you still cause mischief like children!
Lennox Fraser: It's mostly Ben...
Lord Uxbridge: I'm sure that I can wake him up myself.
Benedict Fraser: Come on Lennox I know some friends who might be able to help with this situation.
Lennox Fraser: I think I know what you are planning.
Lennox and Benedict Fraser exit the tent and Lord Uxbridge lingers inside the tent waiting for Wellington to wake up. A few minutes later bagpipes can be heard outside of the tent. Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he stares at Lord Uxbridge with slight confusion.
Wellington: Uxbridge did you order them to wake me up?
Lord Uxbridge: No...
Wellington: Well who did?
Lord Uxbridge: Colonel Fraser.
Wellington: What is the time Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: It's almost 6 o'clock sir.
Wellington: I hope no one has been causing trouble.
Lord Uxbridge: Not that I know of sir.
Wellington: I guess I should prepare myself for today.
Lord Uxbridge: I shall leave you to do that sir.
Wellington: Thank you Uxbridge. Also, tell them that they can stop now.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Lord Uxbridge exits the tent and the bagpipes stop. Wellington lies in bed and stares at the top of the tent.
*Wellington in thought*
I wonder when I'm going to get a letter from my dearest Kitty?
Why am I also having nightmares about her hurting me or killing me? She would never hurt me she loves me dearly.
I don't mind the good dreams they remind me of how much she loves me and how much I love her.
I should just get ready for today.
Wellington gets out of bed and gently grabs his dark blue coat. Gently putting on his coat and buttoning it up he then grabs his jet black boots and sits down and starts tying them up. Getting up and walking outside into the slightly frigid air Wellington looks around and notices that no trouble is being caused. Lord Uxbridge suddenly walks up to Wellington and he smiles a little bit.
Lord Uxbridge: Looking for something sir?
Wellington: Is there a stream or any freshwater source around here?
Lord Uxbridge: Yes there is a stream nearby sir.
Wellington: Good I was just planning to go fill up my canteen.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir.
Wellington: Where is this stream exactly?
Lord Uxbridge: It is through the forest in a clearing. It's quite a large stream.
Wellington: Are you sure that you didn't mistake the stream for a river?
Lord Uxbridge: No sir. It's just a big stream.
Wellington: Alright.
Lord Uxbridge: Are you sure that you don't need me to guide you to it?
Wellington: No Uxbridge I'm sure that I can find it myself.
Wellington walks off towards the forest. Walking through the forest he hears the sound of many different birds chirping. Along with the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. A few minutes later he hears the sound of rushing water and he sees the clearing. Walking into the clearing Wellington notices the large fast flowing stream.
He walks over to the edge of the stream and kneels down. Grabbing his metal canteen out of his coat pocket and carefully opening it up he places it in the stream and starts filling it up.
Wellington: God why must these be so difficult to fill.
Wellington suddenly hears something rustling in the bushes behind him. He grabs his canteen out of the water and quickly gets up and turns around. Noticing that no one is there he goes back to trying to fill his canteen.
*Wellington in thought*
I hate how difficult these things are to fill up with water.
They could have made it easier to fill with water.
Wellington suddenly hears another rustling in the bushes behind him. Grabbing his canteen out of the water again he grabs his pistol and turns around and points his pistol at the bushes. He starts speaking in a commanding tone.
Wellington: Come out that is an order! I know that someone is there!
Suddenly a rabbit comes running out of the bush and flees into the distance. Wellington cautiously walks towards the bush with his pistol still raised. He gently pulls away some of the branches with his hands and he notices that there is nothing in the bush.
*Wellington in thought*
I swear that someone or something is watching me but I don't know what or where they are.
Wellington puts his pistol back on his belt and walks back over to the stream and continues filling his canteen. A few minutes later he hears the bushes rustling again. Grabbing his canteen out of the water he closes it up and puts it back into his pocket. He then grabs his pistol off his belt but he hears an unfamiliar voice behind him.
???: Easy partner...
Wellington: Who are you and why are you watching me?
???: My name is Damian Barker. I was just wondering what you were doing out here.
*Wellington in thought*
This man is not British...He sounds like an American. But what is he doing out here?
Damian Barker: I know who you are sir...My brother fought against your army in the war of 1812. My father also fought in the war of 1812 and was killed by the Brits. My grandfather was in Washington's Army and I have heard many stories about him and how many Brits he killed.
Wellington: What do you want sir?
Damian Barker: Well all I can say is that I hope you Brits stay off our land.
Wellington turns around and stares at the man who has short jet black hair, a short beard and green eyes. He also notices that the man has a rifle strapped to his back and two pistols attached to his belt.
Damian Barker: Lower your pistol, sir.
Wellington: I don't take orders from you...
Damian Barker: Of course, you don't. But I'm just suggesting it. I'm not afraid to put a couple of bullets in you.
Wellington: What are you doing out here?
Damian Barker: Just lower your weapon you Brit.
Wellington: You do not speak to me that way.
Damian Barker grabs both of his pistols off his belt and he aims them at Wellington.
Damian Barker: Do you really want to do this the hard way Wellington...
Wellington: I do not take orders from an American...I only take orders from the King.
Damian Barker: Of course, you still take orders from your King...
Wellington: I am loyal to my country...
Damian Barker: Just lower your weapon and we shall talk peacefully...Unless you want to do this the hard way.
Wellington: You do realise that not too far from here is where my army is camped out. They would know if you killed me.
Damian Barker: Still fighting the French...
Wellington: Yes.
Damian Barker: I swear you Brits never have gotten along with the French.
Wellington: They are trying to take over all of Europe!
Damian Barker: Just like you did with our country...
Wellington quietly sighs out of slight frustration and he puts his pistol back on his belt. Damian Barker notices this and he puts his pistols back on his belt.
Wellington: Why are you here that's all I want to know. I wasn't expecting someone travelling alone to be out this far.
Damian Barker: Well, I stayed in Britain for a couple of days and I heard what you were up to. I then decided to go to Russia I have a Russian cousin Sherkov Sergei Danilovich. I'm now off to Switzerland.
Wellington: I see but why are you carrying weapons with you?
Damian Barker: For the protection and because I'm a mercenary.
Wellington: Mercenary? I thought that you were a soldier or something?
Damian Barker: The fighting in America has stopped...I thought if I became a mercenary I would be able to fight in a war somewhere else.
Wellington: I see...
Damian Barker: Oh, and one thing I noticed on the way here.
Wellington: Yes?
Damian Barker: A messenger is looking for you.
Wellington: I guess I better get back then...
Damian Barker: Well if you Brits need me just send me a message and I will see you around. Sherkov might come along as well he said that he would be in Switzerland as well. He mostly comes along for the fun of killing the French and blowing things up.
Wellington: Alright...
Damian Barker: I might see you around...Good luck fighting the French.
Damian Barker walks off back into the forest.
*Wellington in thought*
He was quite hostile for a mercenary...
Although it makes sense I guess.
I'm a British commander and he is an American and I guess it would make sense for him to be vengeful towards the British Army.
His father was killed by a British soldier...So it makes sense for him to be a bit hostile towards me.
Do I really want to bring him into this war? It's not really his to fight he is just a mercenary.
I will think about it later I need to get back and find this messenger.
Wellington walks back through the forest and a few minutes later he gets back to the camp. He suddenly hears the familiar sound of someone playing the violin. Following the sound, he eventually notices a young man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes playing the violin. The man looks up and notices Wellington.
???: I'm not just a messenger I can also play the violin. Do you want a go, sir?
Wellington: I...
*Wellington in thought*
I haven't played the violin since I was younger...
Arthur don't do it you don't want to embarrass yourself like a fool.
You probably can't play anymore so don't do it!
???: Sir?
Wellington: No...I don't want to sir.
???: I understand.
Wellington: I'm assuming that you have the letter for me?
???: Yes sir.
The messenger puts his violin down and he gets the letter out of his pocket. He holds it out to Wellington who gently grabs it. Wellington smiles a little bit and he starts speaking in a cheerful tone.
Wellington: Thank you for getting this letter to me. I have been waiting for this letter. I shall write a reply later I need to get things done.
???: Alright sir. I shall be here waiting to deliver your letters. Lord Nelson did send me to give you that letter and I'm assuming that whoever you wrote to will want a reply.
Wellington: Thank you, messenger...
???: My name is Corey Henderson sir just letting you know...
Wellington: Alright...
Corey: I will be around if you need me.
Wellington walks off and Corey begins playing his violin again. A few minutes later Wellington gets to his tent and walks inside and sits down at his desk. Lord Uxbridge suddenly enters the tent and he starts speaking in a calm tone.
Lord Uxbridge: So did you manage to find the stream, sir?
Wellington: Yes, I did.
Lord Uxbridge: What took you so long to get back to the camp then?
Wellington: I just run into someone. A mercenary.
Lord Uxbridge: What is a mercenary doing out here?
Wellington: He's going to Switzerland. He's an American mercenary.
Lord Uxbridge: Interesting...Anyway, I see that you got your letter.
Wellington: Yes. I will read it later and write a reply later. I have things to do Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: I shall leave you to it, sir.
Lord Uxbridge exits the tent. Wellington starts carefully reading over some of the papers on his desk.
A few hours later it is now 8:00 pm.
Wellington gently takes the letter out of his pocket and unfolds it on the desk. He starts reading it with a smile on his face.
June 23rd 1815
My dearest husband.
I miss you as well Arthur. I miss seeing you smile and your sky blue eyes. I also miss your kindness and joy towards me and the children. You know that even though you are a serious person Arthur you still show your kindness.
The children miss you, especially Charles. He misses playing with you and Arthur also misses you he looks up to you. Charles is also still being a handful but his behaviour is getting better.
I have also been hearing that people want you to be Prime Minister. I'm sure you have heard about that news but this is in case you didn't know.
I also hope that you return to me unharmed my love.
Your most loving and caring wife
Kitty Wellesley
Wellington gently folds the letter back up and he puts it aside. He grabs a blank piece of paper and his quill and starts writing.
June 25th 1815
My beloved Kitty
I miss your care and affection towards me every day. You bring me a lot of joy and happiness whenever I am around you. I also miss the children a lot. I miss having fun with them even though they do get up to some mischief.
I'm glad that Charles' behaviour is improving and that he hopefully isn't getting up to too much mischief. I did start to note that little Arthur is looking up to me a lot. Also, tell the boys that I will hopefully be home soon and that I will be able to spend as much time with them as I want.
I have heard about the Prime Minister situation and I'm not sure if I should try and be Prime Minister. I just want to live a peaceful life after this war with you and the boys. I don't really want to be trying to run a whole country. I don't think I would be able to handle that much stress.
I promise you that I will return to you unharmed my love.
Your dearest husband
Arthur Wellesley
Wellington gently folds up the letter and gently puts it in his pocket. Getting up out of his seat Wellington then walks outside and he notices that it is starting to get dark. The camp is lit up with many campfires. Wellington starts walking through the camp. As he walks through he smells the smell of burning wood and alcoholic drinks such as wine, brandy and gin. He also hears the sounds of the wood crackling and the chatter and singing of some soldiers.
He eventually notices Corey who is still on a wooden stool playing a quiet tune on his violin. Wellington walks over to Corey and Corey looks up at him.
Corey: Yes sir?
Wellington: I have a letter for you to deliver to England.
Corey: I see.
Wellington gently gets the letter out of his pocket and he hands it to Corey. Corey gently grabs it and puts it into his pocket.
Corey: I shall head off to deliver it tomorrow sir.
Wellington: Thank you, Corey...
Corey: Good night sir.
Wellington: Good night Corey.
Wellington starts walking back to his tent. A few minutes later he reaches his tent but before he enters he hears a voice behind him.
Lord Uxbridge: Going to sleep already?
Wellington: I just haven't been sleeping well. I'm going to sleep earlier so I get more rest.
Lord Uxbridge: Stress again?
Wellington: No...something different. Just let me go and sleep Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir...Good night sir.
Wellington: Good night Uxbridge.
Wellington enters his tent and he starts gently unbuttoning his coat and then hangs it on his seat. Sitting down on his seat he starts untying his jet black boots. Gently taking off his books and placing them under the desk he then walks over to his bed and lies down. Tucking himself in with a singular dark grey but warm blanket he lies awake in bed staring at the top of the tent.
*Wellington in thought*
Should I have told Kitty and Uxbridge about the nightmares...
No that's just weird Arthur they would think you have gone mad...
You don't want Kitty thinking that you have gone mad or something.
But it is causing me to get less sleep and it is becoming an issue. It's causing me even more stress which is causing my lack of sleep.
It's just piling up and making me feel awful.
I should just get some sleep.
Wellington slowly closes his eyes and he enters his fantasies. Wellington slowly opens his eyes and he notices that he is standing outside of the house he grew up in. He walks up to the dark wooden door and he gently opens it. He suddenly notices a man that is older than him who has the same colour hair as him but has brown eyes sitting at a wooden table.
Richard Wellesley: Arthur did she accept your proposal?
Wellington: Richard you knew!?
Richard Wellesley: You forget that you aren't the only one who has a smart mind, Arthur.
Wellington: Does William know?
Richard Wellesley: No he's been out on business...
Wellington: Does Henry know?
Suddenly a younger man with short light brown curly hair and blue eyes enters the room and stares at Wellington.
Henry Wellesley: Does Henry know what?
Wellington: Nothing!
Richard Wellesley: Arthur went to propose to a woman.
Wellington: Richard! I swear to the Lord you better not tell anyone else!
Richard Wellesley: Arthur be nice I'm your older brother.
Henry Wellesley: Tea?
Wellington: Fine...
Henry Wellesley: Jesus Christ I'm just trying to calm the situation Arthur you don't need to get angry.
Wellington awkwardly walks over to the table and he sits down awkwardly averting his gaze away. Richard notices this and he starts speaking in a calm tone.
Richard Wellesley: I won't tell anyone else about your proposal...
Wellington: Why did you tell Henry I thought you would know not to do that you have as smart of a mind as me. But no you decided to tell him.
Richard Wellesley: Well he would find out eventually especially if she has accepted your proposal...
Wellington: Your right...
Richard Wellesley: Now did she accept Arthur are you soon to be a married man.
Wellington awkwardly looks down at the table and tears start forming in his eyes. Henry Wellesley walks over with a tray of three cups of tea and he gently places it in the middle of the table. He then sits down next to Wellington.
Richard Wellesley: Are you alright Arthur?
Henry Wellesley: Arthur did she not accept?..
Wellington buries his face in his hands and he starts quietly sobbing. Henry Wellesley gently places his hand on Wellington's shoulder.
Henry Wellesley: Arthur...what happened?
Wellington: She rejected me...
Henry Wellesley: Why did she reject you?..
Richard Wellesley: I think I know why...
Henry Wellesley: Of course, you know...You're the smart one and I'm just the young one who has an interest in politics.
Richard Wellesley: Arthur lets go discuss this matter upstairs. Henry, you stay here in case William comes home.
Henry Wellesley: Fine...
Wellington gets up out of his seat and starts walking upstairs. Richard Wellesley quickly follows him. Wellington opens the light brown wooden door to his room. Entering the room which has white walls and dark wooden floors Wellington sits down on his bed. Richard Wellesley enters the room and gently shuts the door behind him.
Richard Wellesley: Why did she reject you, Arthur?
Wellington: I'm not sure...
Richard Wellesley: Don't try to lie to me Arthur it's very obvious why she rejected you.
Wellington: Well why did she reject me then!?
Richard Wellesley: You're in debt Arthur! I have helped you get into the army so mother doesn't worry about you sitting around and being idle. I'll help you one last time. But for goodness sake quit gambling!
Wellington: Thank you, Richard...
Richard Wellesley: Now when I give you this money in a few months. I want you to spend it on something important not use it for gambling. Otherwise, this woman will probably never marry you.
There is suddenly a gentle knock at the door along with a calm but serious voice.
William Wellesley: Sorry I'm late home Arthur I had a busy day in the House of Commons. Did this woman accept your proposal?
Richard Wellesley: William! Just leave us alone right now, please.
William Wellesley: Fine Richard...
Richard Wellesley: Remember what I have told you, Arthur. This will be the last time I'm helping you with your money situation.
Wellington: Yes...yes...
Richard Wellesley: I will explain to William what happened.
Wellington: Don't tell him that I'm in debt, please. I don't need him telling me off as well.
Richard Wellesley: I won't but you are going to have to sort it out. Because I can't keep helping you. You need to keep yourself afloat.
Wellington: Fine I will try...
Richard Wellesley: Good. Now I shall leave you alone to calm yourself and I will tell William to not bother you.
Wellington: Thank you, Richard.
Richard Wellesley walks over to the door and he gently opens it and exits the room gently closing the door behind him. Wellington gets up walks over his violin and gently picks it up. Walking back over to his bed he sits down and starts playing a sad and sombre tune. Suddenly he throws his violin onto the floor and he starts sobbing loudly.
Wellington: What if she doesn't accept my love once I do sort out my problem!
Wellington gets up and grabs his violin off the floor and he throws it back onto the floor causing the strings to break and the violin to snap in half.
Wellington: Music got me nowhere...I should just get rid of these violins...
Wellington suddenly wakes up and he notices that tears are starting to stream down his face. He gently wipes them away and grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket. He opens it and listens to the quiet ticking noise and he notices that the time is 1:30 am. Wellington quietly sighs out of frustration and closes his pocket watch and puts it back in his pocket.
*Wellington in thought*
I forgot that Richard helped me...If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here.
I don't know where I would be...But mother would probably still be complaining at me about not getting a job and holding my life together.
I wonder how William is doing he most definitely knows that people want me to be Prime Minister.
Henry is probably working with William. Those two helped me and annoyed me at times.
I wonder what they think of me now. I wonder if they are proud of me.
I should get some more rest it's early.
Wellington slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep.
To be Continued...
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