A Bloody Day (Part 2)
Disclaimer: There will be some violence in this chapter. You may skip this chapter if you are sensitive.
It is currently 2:30 and the battle is still raging on. Meanwhile, in the French camp, Joseph Ney who has recovered from his injuries is peacefully lying in bed staring at the top of the tent. Joseph Ney then looks over at his father who is calmly sleeping. Joseph Ney then starts speaking in a calm yet slightly worried voice.
Joseph Ney: Father?
Marshal Ney slowly opens his eyes and stares at Joseph. He notices the slightly worried look on Joseph's face. Then he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Marshal Ney: I'm fine Joseph I've had worse.
Joseph Ney: I'm not meaning that father. I want to ask you something more important.
Marshal Ney: What is it then Joseph?
Joseph Ney: If we don't win this battle where will we go, father? Will France even be safe for us anymore?
Marshal Ney: I have a feeling that the enemy would march on Paris if we lose. France wouldn't be safe Joseph.
Joseph Ney: Where would we go then, father?
Marshal Ney: We would go west, Joseph.
Joseph Ney: I'm not going back to Spain father.
Marshal Ney: Further than that Joseph. The New World.
Joseph Ney: The Americas. Where would we go there?
Marshal Ney: Louisiana. There are many French people there. I also know someone there who would help us live our new lives there.
Joseph Ney stares at his father with shock. Then he starts speaking in a slightly shocked tone.
Joseph Ney: You would want to leave Europe father!?
Marshal Ney: It would be our only choice if we lose this war, Joesph. Europe wouldn't be safe for us. We would be hunted, Joseph.
Joseph Ney: Would you really want to leave mother!? Would you really want to leave my other brothers!? Your other children!
Marshal Ney: Joseph you don't understand we wouldn't be safe! They wouldn't be safe!
Joseph Ney: I don't want to have to leave my brothers or my mother!
Marshal Ney: Joseph look I don't want our family to be separated either. But if it comes to it we will have to separate.
Joseph Ney: I don't want to leave Europe father. I will not be seen as a coward.
Marshal Ney: It will be our only choice, Joseph. I will not allow you to stay in France if we lose this war. I will not allow them to harm you in any way.
Joseph Ney: What do you mean? Why would they harm me?
Marshal Ney: They would possibly execute you, Joseph. They would put the King back in charge and you and I would most likely be executed for treason for joining our Emperor.
Joseph Ney: Will we be able to take the Englishman with us?
Marshal Ney: Fine we will take him I suppose he doesn't have a choice either.
Marshal Ney quietly sighs to himself then he smiles a little at Joseph Ney. He then starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Marshal Ney: Joseph I want you to do something for me.
Joseph Ney: What is it, father?
Marshal Ney: Once you are well enough Joseph I want you to lead my army. As you are my second in command.
Joseph Ney: Father I don't think I am ready to do that.
Marshal Ney: Joseph you are ready. You are a strong leader and you are ready to lead an army. I have been helping you prepare for this moment.
Joseph Ney: What if I fail father?
Marshal Ney: You won't fail Joseph.
Joseph Ney: I do not want to do this father I am not ready. I feel like that I need more time.
Marshal Ney: You are ready Joseph I see it in you.
Joseph Ney: I will think about it, father.
Marshal Ney: I understand that you don't feel ready for this Joseph. But I know that you are ready to do this. You have been trained well, Joseph.
Joseph Ney stares at his father and nods. He then slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep. Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Victor Nyland glances up at the sky, and he notices a few ravens flying over. He then cheerfully smiles and starts speaking in a calm and confident voice.
Victor Nyland: He is with us.
Wellington: Who are you talking about?
Victor Nyland: You wouldn't understand My Lord.
Wellington: What do you mean I wouldn't understand?
Victor Nyland: You and I don't have the same beliefs considering religion.
Wellington: I see.
Victor Nyland: People normally think that ravens mean death. But where I come from we see them as a good omen.
Wellington: Well I hope that we win this war.
Victor Nyland: I can assure you that we will win this war, My Lord.
Wellington: I'm still worried about my wife.
Victor Nyland: She will be safe. I promise you that.
Wellington: I don't want to lose her.
Victor Nyland: You will not lose her.
Wellington calmly sighs to himself and Victor Nyland walks off. Meanwhile at Hougomont Lawrence is still firing at the French trying to climb the walls. A couple of minutes later Benedict Fraser hastily walks over to Lawrence and starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
Benedict Fraser: Are you alright after what happened Captain?
Lawrence: Yes I'm fine sir. The doctor did his job well.
Benedict Fraser: It seems that the Emperor won't stop until we have slaughtered all his men.
Lawrence: Seems that way, sir.
Benedict Fraser: He will have to stop eventually.
Lawrence: Indeed.
A few minutes later Wellington grabs his spyglass and calmly looks across the battlefield. He notices the movement of the French cavalry. A couple of minutes later Lord Uxbridge calmly trots over on his horse. He then starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Lord Uxbridge: What is it, sir?
Wellington: It seems that they might be sending the cavalry. I see a lot of movement Uxbridge.
A couple of minutes later Frederick calmly trots over on his horse. He smiles a little bit then he starts speaking in a pleasant voice.
Frederick: It seems that our enemy is planning to send the cavalry.
Wellington: Indeed Your Majesty.
Frederick: I shall lead my army into battle as my father did before me.
Wellington: Are you sure that is a good idea, Your Majesty?
Frederick: I am not afraid to risk my life to protect my kingdom.
Wellington: I understand Your Majesty.
*Frederick in thought*
I am not afraid to risk my life for my kingdom.
I just hope that it doesn't come to me losing my life. I can't imagine how upset Voltaire would be.
He would be broken just like how I was when I lost Katte.
I don't wish for him to feel that pain. The same pain I felt the same pain I still feel at times.
I made a promise to Voltaire that I will not lose my life in this battle. I will keep that promise.
Meanwhile, on the French side of the battlefield, Marshal Murat is confidently sitting on his horse. He then starts speaking in a confident and commanding tone.
Joachim Murat: Men we shall bravely fight today for our Empire. We shall crush our enemies. Nothing will stand against our Empire!
The French hussars start cheering loudly. Marshal Murat then draws his sabre and raises it high in the air. The rest of the hussars draw their sabres. Marshal Murat then starts speaking in a commanding tone.
Joachim Murat: Charge!
Marshal Murat and the rest of the hussars begin charging towards the British lines. Meanwhile, on the British side of the battlefield, Frederick is calmly sitting on his horse with the Prussian lancers awaiting orders. Frederick notices the French hussars charging and he calmly draws his sabre. He then starts speaking in a confident tone.
Frederick: Soldiers I shall lead you into battle to protect my kingdom alongside my people.
The Prussian dancers begin cheering and Frederick continues speaking in a confident tone.
Frederick: Charge men charge!
Frederick and the rest of the lancers begin charging forward. A few minutes later Voltaire walks up the hill and notices the battle raging on. He then notices that Frederick is also out on the battlefield. Tears suddenly start streaming down Voltaire's eyes out of fear and worry. Voltaire goes to walk towards the battlefield but he suddenly feels someone gently grab his hand and he immediately stops. He then hears a calm and comforting voice.
Prince Henry: Voltaire. Frederick wouldn't want you on the battlefield.
Voltaire: But I don't want Frederick to get himself killed Your Highness!
Prince Henry: Frederick is a warrior just like his father was. He also pledged to his men that he would lead them into battle.
Voltaire: He won't get hurt will he Your Highness?
Prince Henry: I'm sure that he won't Voltaire. But he won't want you to be out on the battlefield. So I suggest that you stay here Voltaire.
Voltaire: I'm just worried about him.
Prince Henry: Voltaire I understand that. But Frederick will want you to stay safe.
Voltaire: I don't want to lose the one I love deeply.
Prince Henry: Again Voltaire I understand that. But Frederick probably feels the same way. I also don't want to see my brother broken again.
Voltaire: I guess it is my only choice to stay away from the battlefield isn't it?
Prince Henry: Yes Voltaire.
Prince Henry lets go of Voltaire's hand and calmly walks off. Leaving Voltaire to nervously watch over the battlefield. Meanwhile, at Hougomont Lawrence and Benedict Fraser notice the large cavalry charges that are about to clash into each other. Benedict Fraser starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Benedict Fraser: It seems that the French are trying to find a way to break through the center.
Lawrence: Well they aren't to be successful in that it seems.
Benedict Fraser: Indeed. It also seems that the Prussian King is leading his forces into battle. Very noble of him.
Lawrence: Indeed but I hope that he doesn't get himself killed.
Benedict Fraser: I'm sure that he won't get himself killed. The Prussian King seems like a great warrior.
Lawrence: Your right sir.
Suddenly the two cavalry charges violently clash into each other. Frederick then swiftly swings his sabre at Marshal Murat who quickly blocks the attack. Frederick then starts speaking in a serious tone.
Frederick: I will not allow the devastation caused by the French Empire to continue!
Joachim Murat: We shall take over Europe even if it means taking some places by force!
Frederick: You will not take my kingdom!
Frederick then tries to knock Marshal Murats sabre out of his hand. But he fails to do so. Marshal Murat then tries to stab Frederick but Frederick immediately blocks the attack. Frederick continues speaking in a serious tone.
Frederick: I will risk my own life to protect my kingdom and my people!
Joachim Murat: Kingdoms rise and fall. I feel like it's time for your kingdom and your life to come to an end!
Marshal Murat suddenly violently slashes Frederick across the chest. This causes Frederick to fall off his horse and lie on the ground in shock. Meanwhile, on the British side of the battlefield Prince Henry who is looking through his spyglass notices that Frederick is injured. Voltaire notices Prince Henry looking through his spyglass and he walks up to Prince Henry. Voltaire starts speaking in a slightly concerned voice.
Voltaire: What is going on Your Highness? What happened?
Prince Henry: Something happened to Frederick Voltaire.
Voltaire: Is he still alive Your Highness!? I will not lose the one I love!
Prince Henry: Yes he is alive Voltaire he is just injured.
Voltaire: I need to help him.
Prince Henry: Voltaire it's too dangerous for you to go out there!
Voltaire: Your Highness I need to help Frederick! He is the one I truly love and I will not lose him!
Prince Henry: Voltaire. Frederick will not want you to risk your life!
Voltaire: Your Highness I will help Frederick.
Voltaire starts running towards the battlefield. A few minutes later he notices Frederick lying on the ground. But he also notices a French soldier walking towards Frederick. Voltaire quickly and anxiously grabs his pistol and aims it at the French soldier. He then goes to shoot it but the pistol jams and doesn't fire. Then Voltaire puts his pistol away and anxiously looks around for another weapon. He then notices a musket lying on the ground beside a dead French soldier. Voltaire walks over to the musket and carefully picks it up and begins running over to Frederick. Voltaire starts anxiously yelling at the French soldier.
Voltaire: You will not hurt the King!
Alexandre Joubert: What are you going to do!? You aren't even a soldier you are just a commoner!
Voltaire: I'm not afraid to hurt you, sir!
Alexandre Joubert: I doubt that you even know how to use that!
Voltaire: You will stay away from the King! Or I will hurt you!
Alexandre Joubert: You foolish commoner you will stay out of my way or I will kill you!
Voltaire suddenly raises the musket and violently whacks Alexandre Joubert over the head with the butt of the musket. Knocking Alexandre Joubert to the ground. Voltaire then drops the musket to the ground out of shock from what he has just done. He then kneels down beside Frederick and he starts quietly crying. Voltaire starts speaking in a worried and upset tone.
Voltaire: Please be alive my love. Please I can't live without you!
Voltaire then starts sobbing onto Frederick's coat. He then notices that Frederick is still breathing. Then he starts speaking in a slightly calmer tone.
Voltaire: You are going to be alright my love. I'm here to help you.
Voltaire goes to pick up Frederick. But he then notices Prince Henry running over to Frederick. Prince Henry then starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Prince Henry: Voltaire you shouldn't have come out here you could have gotten yourself killed!
Voltaire: Your Highness I possibly just killed someone to protect Frederick! I saved his life! I saved your brother's life!
Prince Henry: I understand that Voltaire. But you just did something very reckless!
Voltaire: Your Highness Frederick needs help. He needs medical attention.
Prince Henry: You are right Voltaire. But please don't do anything reckless like that again.
Voltaire: Fine Your Highness.
Voltaire gently picks up Frederick and he begins nervously walking back to the camp. With Prince Henry protecting him. A few minutes later they reach the medical tent and enter it. They notice Doctor Reinhart cleaning his medical equipment. Prince Henry starts speaking in a slightly calmer tone.
Prince Henry: Doctor we need your help immediately the King is injured.
Voltaire: Please help him, doctor!
Doctor Reinhart stops cleaning his medical equipment and turns around. He then starts speaking in a calm yet serious tone.
Doctor Reinhart: Just put him on the bed and I will start working on him.
Voltaire gently puts Frederick down on the nearest bed. Doctor Reinhart calmly walks over and notices the tears in Voltaire's eyes. Doctor Reinhart starts speaking in a calm voice.
Doctor Reinhart: Voltaire the King will be alright. He just needs a few stitches.
Voltaire: It's not just that I'm upset about. I possibly did something that I never wanted to do in my life.
Prince Henry: Do you need some time alone Voltaire?
Voltaire: Yes Your Highness.
Voltaire exits the medical tent and he begins walking back to his tent. A few minutes later Voltaire enters his tent and gets into bed. He then pulls the blanket over himself and curls up and begins to quietly sob to himself. Voltaire then starts speaking in an upset tone.
Voltaire: I possibly just killed someone to save Frederick's life. What is wrong with me? Killing someone is something I would never do in my life. But I couldn't allow Frederick to be killed I love him deeply. I don't want to lose him.
An hour later Prince Henry enters the tent and he notices that Voltaire is sobbing a lot. Prince Henry then starts speaking in a calm and comforting voice.
Prince Henry: Voltaire it's going to be alright.
Voltaire: No it's not Your Highness I have possibly killed someone.
Prince Henry: Voltaire. I have some good news for you.
Voltaire: What is it, Your Highness?
Prince Henry: Frederick is still alive and well. The doctor did a good job. Although I don't know when he will wake up Voltaire. But he is well Voltaire.
Voltaire: Your Highness I'm sorry for lashing out at you.
Prince Henry: Voltaire I understand why you lashed out. You were just scared and stressed out because of the situation.
Voltaire: But I still shouldn't have done that I was out of line.
Prince Henry: Voltaire I forgive you for your anger.
Voltaire: Really?
Prince Henry: Yes Voltaire.
Voltaire: Thank you, Your Highness.
Prince Henry calmly exits the tent leaving Voltaire to calm down a bit. A couple of hours later Frederick slowly opens his eyes. He notices Prince Henry staring at him. Then he starts speaking in a calm voice.
Frederick: Henry did you save my life?
Prince Henry: No it wasn't me Frederick.
Frederick: Well who did Henry?
Prince Henry: Voltaire saved your life, Frederick.
Frederick: Is he alright Henry?
Prince Henry: He's not hurt at least not physically. He's hurt mentally though. He possibly killed someone while trying to save your life and he regrets it deeply.
Frederick: I see.
Prince Henry: I'm not sure if he has calmed down yet. I left him alone as he needed time to calm down.
Frederick: I shall go see him. He probably wants to know that I'm well.
Prince Henry: Alright Frederick.
Frederick: I will also need to thank him for saving my life.
Frederick carefully gets off the bed and calmly exits the medical tent. He then begins calmly walking to his tent. A few minutes later Frederick enters his tent and notices Voltaire lying in bed quietly crying to himself. Frederick then walks over to Voltaire and kneels down beside him. He then gently starts stroking Voltaire's hair. Then he starts speaking in a warm and comforting voice.
Frederick: Voltaire it's alright. I'm here now.
Voltaire: Frederick!
Voltaire suddenly passionately kisses Frederick on the lips. A couple of minutes later Frederick gently breaks the kiss and smiles at Voltaire. Frederick then starts speaking in a calm and slightly cheerful voice.
Frederick: I'm alright Voltaire. I promised you that I wouldn't get myself killed.
Voltaire: But I could have gotten myself killed trying to save your life.
Frederick: Voltaire. You acted out of fear of losing me. That was a normal reaction.
Voltaire: Frederick I killed someone!
Frederick: Voltaire. Calm down.
Voltaire: I just don't know what to do I'm upset at what I did!
Frederick: Voltaire I understand that. But you need to calm down.
Voltaire: Frederick what I did was very wrong and something that I would never do!
Frederick: Voltaire just relax. Yes, what you did was possibly wrong. But you didn't do it on purpose you reacted out of fear. Take a deep breath.
Voltaire takes a deep and calming breath. Frederick then gets into bed beside Voltaire. Voltaire smiles a little bit at Frederick. He then starts speaking in a slightly calmer voice.
Voltaire: Are you sure that you are alright?
Frederick: I'm fine Voltaire just a few bruises and the gash has been stitched up. It will heal in a few days.
Voltaire: I'm glad that you are well Frederick. I was so worried about you.
Frederick: I promise you that you will not lose me. I will always be here for you.
Voltaire: Thank you, Frederick, my love.
Frederick: I'm going to get some rest, Voltaire.
Voltaire: Alright Frederick.
Frederick slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep. Voltaire tries to go to sleep but he is still too upset and slightly anxious to sleep. A few minutes later Voltaire starts to relax and he gently grabs Frederick's hand. He then slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep. Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the Prussian lancers have killed most of the French hussars. Marshal Murat notices this and he starts yelling in a commanding tone.
Joachim Murat: Sound the recall! We need to retreat!
The French trumpeter sounds the recall and the French hussars begin hastily retreating. The Prussian lancers begin to loudly cheer. Then they begin to proudly trot back to the British and Prussian lines. A few hours later night has fallen over the battlefield the cannons have stopped firing and all has gone quiet. Wellington is now gazing out over the battlefield with a lantern in hand. A couple of minutes later Lord Uxbridge walks up to Wellington. Wellington starts speaking in a calm yet slightly somber tone.
Wellington: A dark day Uxbridge. Unfortunately, this battle isn't over yet.
Lord Uxbridge: Your right sir. But it seems that the Prussian cavalry had a victory today.
Wellington: Indeed they did. However, I'm worried about how many men we lost today.
Lord Uxbridge: Unfortunately I don't know that information yet sir.
Wellington: I understand Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Dont worry so much sir. We will win this war.
Wellington: Yes but at what cost Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: Hopefully not a high cost sir.
Wellington: Thats what I'm hoping for as well.
Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Lawrence is calmly searching the vast and destroyed field with a lantern in hand.
*Lawrence in thought*
Where is he? I doubt that he would have lived. He was bleeding a lot.
I have a feeling that the French must have taken his corpse and buried him.
Someone could have rescued him. But I doubt that anyone would have noticed him in the chaos.
He could have also made it back to the French camp and gotten medical attention. But I doubt that would have happened he was bleeding a lot and also couldn't walk properly.
I still don't see his body. Something must have happened to him.
Lawrence suddenly hears footsteps behind him and he quickly puts the lantern down. Then he hastily grabs his rifle and turns around. He then notices Benedict Fraser staring at him and lowers his rifle. Benedict Fraser starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Benedict Fraser: Did you find him?
Lawrence: No and I've been searching the battlefield for a while and no sign of the Marshal's corpse.
Benedict Fraser: I wonder what possibly happened to him.
Lawrence: The French could have possibly already come and taken his body and buried it.
Benedict Fraser: That is indeed a possibility Captain.
Lawrence: I doubt that he would have made it back to his camp. He was bleeding profusely and he couldn't walk properly.
Benedict Fraser: Yes but something must have happened to him as his body is nowhere to be found on the field.
Lawrence: He can't have made it back alone if he did survive he must have had help.
Benedict Fraser: Indeed he would have needed help Captain.
Lawrence: I just wanted to kill him as he injured Lord Wellington and possibly attempted to kill him.
Benedict Fraser: I understand that you wanted revenge, Captain.
Lawrence calmly sighs to himself and puts his rifle back on his back. He then picks up the lantern and smiles a little bit at Benedict Fraser. Benedict Fraser continues speaking in a calm yet serious voice.
Benedict Fraser: Let's head back to the farmhouse Captain.
Lawrence: Yes sir.
Benedict Fraser: We have to prepare for tomorrow.
Lawrence: Your right sir.
Benedict Fraser: I hope that this war will be over soon.
Lawrence: I'm hoping the same, sir.
Benedict Fraser and Lawrence start calmly walking back to Hougomont.
To be Continued...
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