Chapter 45
"You okay son?" Duke asked as he helped him put the cot together.
They finished painting the nursery and now they were putting everything into place.
"I'm fine" He mumbled as he looked at the instructions.
"Are you sure?" Vinny glanced at him but he could see that his dad was a little concerned.
"Yes, I'm sure," Vinny said before taking his attention elsewhere.
Duke studied him further and decided that Oliver probably sorted out his little blip earlier.
He shouldn't worry when he stutters, it's extremely rare when it happens now and by the looks of things, he has it under control.
"Okay, good" Duke smiled and decided to change the conversation. "I can't believe your baby is due in six weeks."
For Vinny to hear that was very exciting.
"I know," He said and couldn't hold back a little smile.
"Have you thought of baby names yet?"
Vinny shook his head and started putting pieces of the cot together.
"We should probably start though" He mumbled.
"Yes, it's really not long now" Duke beamed. He was feeling so proud of his son. "Do you feel ready?"
Vinny glanced at him again.
"Yes, I can't wait" He admitted.
"You know who else can't wait, your mother" Duke chuckled.
Vinny rolled his eyes but almost every time Oliver walks into the same room as her she runs over to feel his baby bump.
"Bless her, you're so lucky you know, having a mum that's very supportive," Duke said.
"I know," Vinny said. He does appreciate all they've done for him and they know that.
"And you're very lucky to have Oliver."
Vinny stopped what he was doing.
"I know that," He said. "Oliver has done so much for me, he has no idea."
Duke showed a gentle smile.
"You really deserve him."
It was true what Vinny said. His life began when he met Oliver and that's how Duke and Madison see it too.
Vinny returned the smile before they both carried on with what they were doing.
* * * * *
1 month later.
Oliver was sitting in the swimming pool, but he was on the steps at the shallow end.
He had his head resting against the side of the pool and he was leaning back so his bump created a little island as it poked out from the top of the water.
His bump was now huge.
With less than two weeks to go, he looked like a heavily pregnant person and felt like a heavily pregnant person.
As his body continued to somewhat reject the process, he's really struggling to sleep at night, his back constantly needs a good rub from Vinny's gentle hands and he's feeling completely wiped out the majority of the time. He struggles to walk for long periods of time and even struggles with the stairs.
But there are only a few weeks left and he still feels really excited.
"You okay down there Oliver?" Panuleon asked.
Corey was lying on the sun loungers, feeling exactly the same way.
"Yeah," Oliver nodded with a smile. "It's quite nice sitting in the water, it takes the weight off the bump a little bit."
Just then, the grand doors to the Roman baths opened and Vinny walked in.
He was in his shorts and prepared for a swim but when he saw Oliver, sitting with his bump sticking out the top of the water, his heart melted in his chest.
He pulled off his wedding ring and found Oliver's on the shelf before placing it next to his.
He then not so gracefully jumped into the pool, making Oliver chuckle.
He watched as Vinny disappeared underneath the water. He could tell that he was swimming towards him but knew he wouldn't scare him, not when he's so heavily pregnant.
As Vinny swam closer to Oliver, he eyed his bump underwater. It really was big now.
When he was a few meters away, he popped his head back up. The water was shallow enough for him to casually walk along the bottom now.
"You're so beautiful" He mumbled as he reached his soulmate and leant over him to giving him a long kiss on the lips.
Panuleon smiled as he laid next to Corey on the sun lounger. He had pulled two together so they could be close.
Corey loved how cute they were together.
Vinny then moved his head down and kissed the bump.
Oliver loved that.
"You look very relaxed," Vinny said as he knelt on the step and ran a gentle hand through Oliver's hair.
"Yeah," Oliver smiled. "But I might try and swim for a little bit."
During the last few months of the pregnancy, it's natural for their appetites to go up and Oliver had gained a little weight. It wasn't noticeable to anyone other than Vinny because he knows his body like the back of his hand.
Oliver did get a little self-conscious but Vinny reassured him that it really wasn't much at all, which it wasn't.
He could easily lose it after the birth anyway.
He did his best to tell him how much he loved him and how beautiful he looked.
Corey had gained a little too but it was only normal in pregnancies and he really didn't care. It wasn't noticeable either.
"Okay, I'll help," Vinny said before pulling his soulmate carefully to his feet.
Oliver slowly stepped down the pool steps and into the deeper water.
Vinny swam backwards and remained in front of him, just in case he panicked or got too tired.
As Oliver started his gentle exercise, their parents entered with intentions of relaxing too.
Now, everything was sorted.
Both nurseries were decorated and had equipment out and ready for the arrival of the babies.
The bedside crib had been placed next to the couples beds, ready to hold a sleeping newborn.
The first-aid room was completely transformed into a room that was fit for Oliver and Corey to give birth in. It was fully prepared for a C-section although, they may not need to do that.
During Oliver's birth, Panuleon would be the one to perform the c-section, he was a doctor in heaven and has performed such procedures before.
He wouldn't be doing it for Corey as it was best for him to be by his side, giving him support.
Duke and Madison smiled at Vinny helping Oliver to swim as they sat by the edge of the pool.
John also watched, he was getting more and more excited as they days go on.
"You're doing great" Vinny smiled as they almost reached halfway.
Oliver smiled at him but concentrated on going slow. He would never do this on his own, it was just too risky.
Duke and Madison wanted to talk to Vinny about his speech.
Yes, it has been brought up a lot recently and he can't handle it but they want to know what his thoughts are about the baby having the same problem he does. They wanted to test how long he could talk before it came back. They understand that it comes sooner when he's nervous but it's just something that they can't ignore.
They've ignored the matter for so long that they almost forgot about it.
"Almost there," Vinny said as he kept looking behind him so he didn't bang into the side.
Oliver was struggling a little bit, the pool was huge.
"Vinny" He breathed and the vampire immediately took his hands and pulled him to the side.
Oliver held on and got his breath back.
Vinny watched, knowing he was fine as he moved in close and kissed his cheek.
"Keeping the little one in looks like hard work," He said as he rubbed Oliver's bump.
"Yeah, I'm very fed up of being pregnant now."
"Only a few more weeks" Vinny smiled.
Oliver nodded.
"And the baby will finally be in my arms and not in my belly" He chuckled.
Just the thought of Oliver holding their baby was enough to send warmth right through Vinny.
"I can't be bothered to swim back" Oliver sighed. He was allowed to be lazy.
Vinny chuckled. It won't be very long until Oliver's back to his hyper self.
He then turned and climbed out.
Oliver watched as he leant down and put his hands underneath his armpits and pulled him up with barely any effort.
"You're so strong" Oliver grinned while Vinny helped him sit on the edge of the pool.
Vinny sat extremely close and playfully nudged Oliver's shoulder with his.
Oliver chuckled but sat up straighter. At this stage, it was incredibly important to keep up with his posture.
Vinny watched him for a little while.
In his eyes, he was the most wonderful person he has ever met.
He then moved around and put his legs on either side of him so his soulmate was sitting in-between his legs.
Oliver leant his back against Vinny's chest, instantly feeling more comfortable.
Vinny started rubbing his bump with both his hands.
It was his favourite thing to do because he could help Oliver and feel his baby kick at the same time.
Corey was also finding himself relaxing more and running low on energy, but not with his mouth.
"Panuleon, if you could choose to be any animal, what would it be?"
Panuleon looked down to his human with an amused frown.
"That was very random" He chuckled.
Corey shrugged, it was no surprise for the angel to be asked things like this. Corey is full of weird and wonderful questions and facts.
"Hmm, probably an eagle."
Corey let out a laugh.
"You just can't let go of the wings can you?"
Panuleon grinned, realising he chose it for that reason.
"Well, what about you?" He asked while playing with his soulmates hair.
"A beaver."
Now it was Panuleon's turn to laugh and he laughed hard.
"What? They're cute" Corey chuckled.
"Just like yourself" Panuleon squeezed in.
"wow, very smooth."
Corey loved it when Panuleon tried to flirt with him. In the beginning, the angel knew very little about human life and how to interact with someone on a romantic level.
He has learnt over the years but he's nowhere near as good as Vinny and Oliver.
They flirt like it's their first language.
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