11| House Velaryon
Although they were all put to bed the next morning they found that they all could not find sleep. How could they after everything that had occurred? It would stay with them forever. Deana had chosen to sleep with her brothers, yet all they did was lie awake in silence.
The King and his family had set sail for Kings Landing early in the morning, the Queen could not bear staying on Driftmark for another moment longer. There were already rumors spreading throughout the castle that the Queen had gone mad, rumors that she undoubtedly wished to escape.
The sun had yet to fully rise when the doors to her brother's chambers opened. Their father stepped inside, rushing to the children who all sat on the bed.
"Gods. Is everyone all right?" He questioned as he looked to Daena, his eyes resting on the stitches across her collarbone. She had changed into a new nightdress as the one that she had been wearing was soaked in her own blood. But some of the stitches were still visible, and she could see her fathers rage from the would.
She had never seen her father angry, but she saw that anger now as he then looked to Lucerys and his once broken nose. It was clear that he had already spoken with their mother, that she had already told him everything that had occurred.
"Forgive me." He told them, and she could see the deep regret in his eyes, replace the anger that was once there. "I should have been there. I have failed you."
Their father should have been there, that much was true. But he was grieving his sister, a loss that Daena could never begin to understand. So as much as she would have wished that her father were there, she understood him.
Lucerys said nothing as he simply hugged their father, and Daena knew that their uncle's words haunted him.
Daena couldn't help but wonder just how much Luke understood of the insult that Aemond had called them. He was not treating their father any differently, and if her younger brother remained ignorant of the truth Daena could not help but feel relieved.
"Jacaerys I need to speak to you outside." Their father stated, his voice growing stern as if he were speaking about serious business. Even Jacaerys seemed unsettled by their father's tone, but he held his head up high regardless.
"Yes, father." He spoke as he followed him out the door.
Deana wondered what it was that their father needed to say to Jacaerys in private. Maybe she and Lucerys were to young, or maybe it was more serious. Maybe he intended to scold her brother for what had happened, though it seemed unlikely due to the fact that their father had apologized to them.
"I didn't mean it." Lucerys suddenly whispered to her, and she could have sworn that she had never heard his voice sound so small. "I did not mean to take out his eye."
Daena knew that this was true, her younger brother did not favor violence of any kind. His heart was good, and what had happened was not his fault. It was all an unfortunate accident. "I know my sweet brother."
Her younger brother hugged her and she realized that he was still afraid. That he feared what he had done would have consequences, and Daena could not help but share that same fear. The Queen had gone mad with anger, and was left unsatisfied by their lack of punishment.
Daena sat alone in her chambers as she waited for Baela and Rhaena. They had gone out with their father and had not returned, and Daena could not help but feel lonely. She considered going to see her brother, but she thought better of it.
After his conversation with their father Jacaerys had grown serious. Whatever it was that they had spoken about it seemed to have put weight on her brothers shoulders.
The day grew darker when there was a knock on the chamber door before it began too open. She was surprised to find that it was her father and not her cousins.
"I need to speak with you my girl." Her father declared as he stepped inside the chamber. She was surprised to see her father and didn't react until he was seated at the edge of her bed. She wondered if he was about to tell her whatever it was he had told Jace.
"Of course father." Daena replied as she sat on the edge of her bed beside him, there was a look in his eyes that worried her. She knew he still felt guilty for not being with them the other night, that he felt as if he had failed his children.
He reached out taking both of her small hands in his and caressing them softly.
"I should have been a better father to you and your brothers." He told her, though it seemed that he was mostly speaking to himself. There was a look in his eyes that broke her, he seemed defeated. As if he had fought a great war and lost. "I have failed you all as my children in many ways."
"That is not true." She replied immediately, because she saw her father as perfect and without a flaw. Maybe it was naive of her to believe so, but it was what she felt in her heart.
"I have many regrets. But you are my greatest accomplishment." Her father told her as he placed a kiss on her head, pulling her into a tight hug. Although Deana found her father's behavior odd she returned his tight embrace, feeling at ease in his arms. "I know you will grow into a strong and beautiful young woman. History will remember me through you."
His words confused her. How could she possibly be his greatest accomplishment when he was a known war hero? He fought in the War for the Stepstones and won. She prided herself for being Laenor Velaryon's daughter.
She did not know what history would remember her as, she hadn't done anything great or worth remembering. But her father was a war hero and would one day become king consort. He still had so much more time to accomplish greater things.
All Daena had in her future was getting married and producing her husband heirs. She had always suspected that one day she would marry Jacaerys, as was tradition in their house. So maybe one day she would become Queen and rule along side him. But the future was still so uncertain that there was no knowing if her suspicions were true.
She looked down as she felt him slip his house ring onto her finger. It was much too large to fit her now, but she looked down at the golden seahorse admiring its details. It was a beautiful ring, one that she could not wait to grow into one day.
"I hope you know that I love you and your brothers deeply." He told her as his hold on his hands tightened. There was something about his words that troubled her, though she could not explain why. His words were beautiful, yet they also seemed so terribly wrong. "Now sleep well my girl."
She watched as her father headed toward the door, but before he opened it he looked back at her with a sad smile. It almost seemed as if he was about to cry before he finally stepped outside.
Her heart filled with an unexplainable dread. Daena knew it had to be nothing serious, that her father was still grieving and that was why he was acting so odd. And although she attempted to rationalize what had happened, she was faced with yet another sleepless night.
A/N: A very father and daughter centered chapter because we all know what happens next. This was just a short filled chapter, and the chapter will just be set up for Daena's character once she grows up.
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