09| Aemond's Claim
She woke by the sound of her name and someone shaking her shoulder softly. Daena had fallen asleep almost immediately tired by the events of the day and their long journey to Driftmark. As she opened her eyes she found her cousins standing at her bedside worried expressions on their faces.
It was't until a loud dragon's roar seemed to shake to walls of the stale that Daena sat up. She had never heard a dragon's roar like that before, it almost seemed to shake her bones too.
"Someone stole Vhagar." Baela told her and although the girl seemed worried there was also a quiet fury behind her eyes. "What should we do?"
"Let us wake my brother." Daena declared as reached for her night robe and followed her cousins out into the dark hallway. The Castle was deadly quite and Vahgar's roars could not longer be heard echoing through the night. The stillness of the night was unsettling as they found their way to her brother's chambers.
They were both in deep sleep, and it was almost a shame that they had to wake Jace. He looked so peaceful, so unlike the tortured Jace that he had become since learning that Ser Harwin Strong was really his father.
Baela reached Jacaerys first and began to shake him awake with urgency. "Jace. Jace, wake up. Wake up. Someone stole Vhagar."
"What?" Jace mumbled as he looked around the dimly lit room still half asleep, but he sat up just the same.
"What is happening?" Lucerys questioned as he also woke, they were hopping that they would not have to wake him but they had been unsuccessful.
"Stay in bed Luke." Daena told him not wanting him to get involved with what was happening. They didn't even know what was happening to begin with, only that it had to do with Vhagar. She would rather him avoid anything that could potentially be dangerous.
"No." Her younger brother declared as he practically stumbled out of bed. Daena knew there was no point in telling him to stay, he would eventually follow them anyway.
"We should wake mother." Jacaerys suggested knowing that if someone truly had stolen Vhagar there was not much that they could do. However, when they arrived to her chambers they were surprised to find them empty. Neither Rhaenyra or Laenor were in their chambers. And after an attempt to search for Daemon it was clear that they had no one else to turn to.
In the end the five children had no other choice but to venture off to the courtyard on their own. They had no idea what to expect but they all came to a sudden stop as Aemond Targaryen emerged from the darkness that surrounded them.
"It's him." Baela said as they looked to Aemond in shock. They did not know who they were expecting but it was certainly not him.
"It's me." Aemond replied proudly as he same to a stop only a couple of feet before them.
Baela was angry but it was Rhaena who was furious. Like Aemond she too did not have claim to a dragon, and it was expected of her to claim Vhagar as her mother once had. Now any chances she had of claiming the dragon were gone. "Vhagar is my mother's dragon."
"Your mother's dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now." Aemond replied and his lack of sympathy shocked Daena. He did not care that Baela and Rhaena had just lost their mother, instead he took advantage of their vulnerability to claim their mother's dragon. It was well known that Aemond thought less of himself because he did not have a dragon. But Daena had never thought of him as cruel before.
"She was mine to claim." Rhaena declared firmly, fury laced with every word but that only seemed to amuse Aemond. He did not see his actions as wrong, which was the worst of it all.
"Then you should've claimed her!" He yelled in return a wicked expression on his face as he looked them all in the eye "Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you."
Rhaena ran towards Aemond in an action driven by fury, but Aemond simply pushed her down into he dirt without like if she was nothing. Baela stepped forward striking Aemond across the face, only for Aamond to return her punch with equal forcing knocking her into the ground.
The boys soon followed after charging at Aemonf who seemed to enjoy the fighting as he continued to knock the younger children down as they attacked him with fury. Daena could only look upon the scene in horror, she felt weak for simply watching the scene unfold but she was not like her brothers or her cousins. She strengths did not lie with fighting and she so rarely felt the fury that was currently rushing through their veins. In that way she was not much of a dragon.
"Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!" Aemond yelled and Daena wanted to believe that it was a jest. That he did not mean it. But there was a fury in his eyes that could not be ignored, and it because clear that although an exaggeration Aemond would be capable of carrying out his threat.
Aemond held Luke by the throat, and Daena remained still unable to believe that it was all actually happening. Her uncle had gone too far, claiming Vhagar was terrible enough. But the violence could not be forgiven. "You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards."
"My father's still alive." Lucerys cried out as he struggled against their uncle's grip.
"He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?" He questioned as he looked to Jace before dropping Luke.
Suddenly Jace raised a blade towards Aemond, she had not seen Jace grab the weapon before they left his chambers. Now that it was shinning under the flames Daena felt terror begin to sink its claws into her. She could not watch as her uncle and brother struggled for control of the blade. But Aemond was the oldest among them, he was also the strongest. He twisted the blade out of Jace's hand with ease before knocking him to the ground once more.
"Really?" Aemond questioned as he looked down at Jacaerys amused, taunting her brother as her twisted the blade between his fingers. As he stood over him, and he had made it perfectly clear that he was capable of the violence that he had threatened.
"Jace!" Daena yelled as she rushed towards Aemond, she had allowed herself to be a bystander in the fight. She wasn't a fighter, but she could no longer stand by and allow them all to continue to harm each other. She would not allow Aemond to hurt her brother.
She got a hold of Aemond's arm in an attempt to hold him back, but he pushed her back into the ground with little effort on his part.
"Daena!" She heard her brothers yell in unison. Meeting Aemond's eyes she saw the horror in them as he dropped the blade to the dirt.
They all looked at her with wide eyes and it was only then the she felt the wetness running down her chest followed by a burning pain across her collarbone. With a shaky hand she placed her hand there, and when she looked down she found it coated in her own blood.
She didn't have much time to process the fact that she had been cut with the blade before she heard Lucerys cry out in anger. It all happened in one single, terrible moment as Lucerys picked up the blade lashing forward towards Aemond's face. There was blood followed by a chilling scream from their uncle who clutched his face as he fell to the ground.
"Cease this at once!" The familiar voice of Ser Westerling ordered as he rushed to them. If only he had arrived a moment sooner.
"Get away!" Aemond yelled and his cries of pain echoed around them.Blood was rushing through his fingers and although it was unclear where the blade had struck him all the blood pointed towards a terrible injury. All the blood shocked her, yet she could not look away.
"My Prince, my Prince. Let me see." The knight said softly as he gently removed Aemond's hands from his face. Daena had never seen a knight look so terrified before, but she saw the terror in Ser Westerlings eyes now. "Gods be good."
He brothers and cousins rushed to her side but Daena was still in too much of a state of shock to process what was happening.
"I wanted to protect you." Luke cried as he held onto her, and Daena could not help but feel guilty for her brother reacting the way he had. He was not to blame he was so young.
"I know my sweet brother." She whispered as she attempted to soothe him, running her hand up and down his back as he cried.
Jace wiped the blood from his lip as he took a closer look at the open would across her collarbone. Dane had to admit that she was safaris to take a closer look at her own would knowing that it was deep. She could still feel the blood running down from he wound. "Are you alright?"
"I'm alright." Daena assured her brothers but as they fussed over her injury but she continued to look at Aemond who was being carried off by Ser Westerling.
She was horrified by everything that had just happened. It should have not happened at all. The consequences she knew they would not be able to escape.
A/N: This was one of my favorite episodes in the show and I was so excited to write this moment. It's such a pivotal moment for all the characters. The last couple of chapters are going to set up some important things about Daena's character though we won't really see her develop until she's older.
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