04| The Princess And The Queen
Word of what had occurred in the courtyard had quickly spread throughout the Red Keep like an untamed fire. Daena knew from the way that every servant and member of court looked at her mother that they had all heard what had happened. She walked silently beside her mother, who held her head up high, as they headed towards the council room.
Ser Criston stood outside the grand doors meaning that the King and Queen were already waiting inside. Two guards opened the doors for the heir of the Iron Throne and her daughter. While her mother took her seat on the council table Daena walked to the table that held all the bottles of wine and began to fill all the council members cups as they readied themselves to begin the meeting.
There were days where the council would meet for hours, and Daena would find herself easily bored. But she could not refuse her grandfather when he asked her to be his cupbearer, it was a position that had been her mothers when she was young and it allowed Daena more to do other than needlework and reading.
Daena silently refiled the cups of all the lords and other members of the council as they discussed important matters in the kingdom. The conflicts always seemed the same but Daena always absorbed every word that was spoken. One of the advantages of being the King's cupbearer was that she always knew everything that was happening in the kingdoms and the courts.
"Uh, we should address the latest developments in the Stepstones, my lords." Lord Tyland Lannister suggested as they moved onto a new conflict.
The King sighed as he slouched farther into his chair. The Stepstones was a subject that was discussed at ever Great Council meeting, and Daena had found herself tired of it aw well. "Will we ever be shut of that blasted place?"
"And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne."
"I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason." King Viserys stated before to began to cough, many times her grandfather would find it difficult to breath if her spoke too much. His condition had made him a man of little words, and it truly broke Daena's heart to see his condition worsen with every passing day. "To trust a Martell is to be disappointed."
"And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon?" Lord Jasper questioned referring to her great-uncle Daemon who had not been heard of for some time now. He and her aunt Laena along with her two cousins Baela and Rhaella had been residing in Pentos, which was for the best considering that Prince Daemon was not favored by anyone on the council. "Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there... once."
Queen Alicent seemed displeased as she sipped her wine. "That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended.
"We have left it undefended." Her mother corrected earning concerned looks from the other members of the council. "There should've been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground."
"We cannot afford it. Our coffers are great, but not infinite." The Queen argued the tension in the room thick. Daena had long ago noticed that the Queen held resentment against her mother, most council meetings consisting of her disagreeing with everything the princess suggested. "We must consider the cost to our subjects."
"I must agree." One of the Lords stated.
"The cost of war is greater." Princess Rhaenyra snapped never being one to allow her words to be dismissed. "But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head."
"Let us be finished." The Queen declared as she stood, all the other members of the council also tasing out of respect.
Stepping forward Daena took her grandfather's arm helping him rise to his feet. It has grown difficult for him to perform common tasks, and after spending many hours a day with him Daena had learned his mannerisms well enough to know when he needed her help.
"Wait. I wish to speak." Her mother declared before the members of the council departed.
"Be seated." The King ordered, every member of the council following his demand except for his wife. The Queen remained standing as she looked across the council table to the princess with a look of defiance. Once Daena aided her grandfather to sit once again she stepped back watching as the two women looked at each other.
"I have felt the... strife... between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize." Princess Rhaenyra began, but the Queen's expression did not change even after the apology. "But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Let them rule together."
Daena's eyes went wide surprised by her mother's proposition. She wondered if she had spoken to her brother about it before she presented the proposition to the council.
The King looked up at the Queen with a pleased smile that she did not return. "A most judicious proposition."
"Additionally, my daughter Daena will inherit Dragonstone and I propose the we betroth her to Aegon. Then we will truly ally ourselves... once and for all." Her mother stated firmly and Daena felt all the blood drain from her face. She could not possibly imagine being betrothed to Aegon, there was a cruelty to him that she could not ignore. But she could not voice her displeasure at what her mother was proposing, she wouldn't not dare undermine her. "As for Aemond if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son will have his choice of them, uh... a symbol of our goodwill."
The Queen simply looked at the Princess with a blank expression before looking down at her dress. Daena had not noticed it before as her mind continued to process her possible betrothal to her uncle. But her mothers breast had bugged to leak mild which had begun to seep through the fabric of her cream colored dress.
"Rhaenyra." The Queen muttered softly, what had happened was perfectly natural. Her mothers breast were still swollen from having been in labor only two days prior, but in a room of men who would never understand that struggles of a woman it only served as a reminder. Some of the lords smirked, others seemed uncomfortable.
"Oh, Seven Hells." Her mother swore as she covered her breasts with her arms before sitting.
"My dear... a dragon's egg is a handsome gift." The King happily assured his daughter oblivious of the obvious displeasure of his Queen.
"The King and I thank you for your offer and we will consider it duly." Queen Alicent replied dryly though it was more of a formality than anything else. It seemed that although the King approved of his daughters proposition that the Queen did not feel the same.
"You must rest now, husband." Alicent ordered as she stepped in front of Daena before she could reach her grandfather. This time it was the Queen who helped King Viserys to his feet before he could object her.
"My Queen." Daena muttered as she stepped aside allowing her to guide her husband out of the council room. Instead she made her way to her mother who remained silent in her seat.
She did not understand the conflict between her mother and the Queen, but whatever had occurred had the Queen holding a heavy resentment towards the princess and all of her children.
Daena was plagued by her thoughts, she was restless and could not find sleep. The events of the courtyard worried her, she knew that they would further complicate what was already a difficult situation for them all. He brothers did to seem entirely concerned, but they we not around the other members of the court as much as she was. The did not hear all the vile words and rumors that had been spread about them. They were not aware of the truth.
A truth that she kept secret as it mattered little to her. However, it did matter when it came to the other members of court.
But her brothers were not the young princess' only worry. She also wondered what a marriage to her uncle would be like. Although it seemed like an advantageous match they shared little in common.
Her handmaiden had long ago brought her a tea that had gone cold. The measter was aware of the young princess' difficult sleeping, so every night he would send her a tea meant to help her find peaceful sleep.
As the night grew later there was a soft knock at her door. Daena froze for a moment as she had never had any visitors this late into the night, and when she opened the door she was shocked to find her mother standing in the dimly light hallway.
"My girl."Her mother whispered, there was a worried look in her eyes. Daena could only assume that her
"Mother." Daena muttered as she stepped aside to allow her in. She had not expected a visit from her mother, but something told her that she must have had trouble sleeping too.
"I do hope you are not upset with me." Her mother said and there was no need for her to elaborate on what it was she spoke of.
The betrothal.
"I am not angry mother." Daena replied softly and that was the truth. She was hurt that her mother had failed to mention the betrothal before presenting it to the council, but she was not the only one affected. When she had told Jacaerys of their mother's proposition he had surprisingly taken the news well. Claiming that it was his duty as heir to the Iron Throne. "I understand my duty."
"You are much more mature than I was at your age" Princess Rhaenyra stated as she took both of her daughters hands in her own. "I was an insolent girl who refused all the suitors that my father presented me."
Daena was surprised that her mother was speaking about her childhood, it was something that she so rarely did. But now that she had opened the door to that conversation she wished to know more.
"And are you happy?"
Princess Rhaenyra seemed slightly confused by her daughter's question, but she smiled all the same as she reached forward and ran her fingers through her daughters silver hair. "Of course I am happy. I have you and your brothers. You all have brought me so much love and joy."
Daena smiled at her mother's reply, though it wasn't the answer that she was looking for. She knew that her mother loved her and her brothers. There was not a day that passed that Rhaenyra didn't show her children love. "I mean are you happy with father?"
"Of course I love your father." Her mother replied without hesitation and Daena couldn't help but feel relieved by her answer. She was aware that her mother and father were not perfect, but they never fought and never seemed unhappy. "I am incredibly grateful for him."
"Do you believe I can be happy with my uncle?"
This time her mother was not as quick to answer. "You have grown up with Aegon. You know him well. Other girls are not as lucky when it comes to their matches."
Daena felt slight more at ease. She knew that it would still be a couple of years before they could wed as she had yet to fully mature. But she was aware that she was growing older. The men at court no longer continued to view her as just a child, even at the age of nine. She had noticed how their glances had changed, she would bleed soon and she would be expected to marry.
"Though there is no need to worry about a betrothal that will not happen." Her mother continued, her mood changing to one of anger and disappointment.
"Why is that?"
"You were there my girl. I was undermined and the Queen does not approve."
Daena remained silent for a moment wondering what the implications would be. Her mother was clearly not taking what had occurred lightly. "What now then?"
"We will discuss it with your father and brothers in the morning." She replied before placing a kiss on her head. Daena knew then that their conversation had ended and that there was nothing more to say.
Blowing out the candle at her bedside Rhaenyra offered her daughter one last warm smile before closing the door behind her. But even without the light from the candle Daena found it difficult to find sleep and she feared that it would be something that would never change.
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