03| The Hard Truth
It was widely known that the young Princess Daena could be found sitting Weirwood tree that sat at the center of the garden of the Red Keep. She tended to keep to herself and away from the eyes of court as much as she could. Many just assumed that the young princess was shy, though whenever spoken to she would always do it with a bright smile.
Daena softly hummed an Old Valryian tune as she focused on her needlework. The truth of it was that needlework bored her, but it was what was expected of her. That she was well aware that the only thing that would ever be expected of her was to marry a rich Lord and have his children, until the day that she would inherit Dragonstone.
She could hardly complain of her fate. She had a good life and some displeasures could never ruin all the good.
"Niece." A familiar voice greeted, a voice that she recognized by its sharpness and lack of any real emotion.
Looking up from her needle work she met her uncle's eyes she would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised to see that he had approached her. Daena so rarely spoke to her uncles, the only times they spoke was turning their lessons in the dragonpit, but even those conversations were just formalities.
"Uncle." She greeted in return as she set her needlework aside, and as she moved to stand Aemond offered her his hand as he helped her to her feet.
He then held both of his hands behind his back as he looked at her. Daena brushed the dirt off the silk of her dress as she waited for her uncle to speak.
"The pig." He said simply and Daena immediately remembered the quiet fury in his eyes. It was still present now but there also seemed to be some hesitation to continue speaking of it. "Did you know of it?"
Daena was momentarily stunned, unsure of why he desired to know her part in it. She knew that he had told the Queen of what had happened as her brothers had been scolded for it. Now it seemed that maybe he wanted her punished for her part in it too. "No."
"But you found it amusing?"
"It was a jest." Daena replied feeling guilty all over again for what had happened. She had laughed for a moment thinking that maybe Aemond would have found it amusing, though it had quickly become clear that it was not the case. "It was insensitive. I am sorry."
"I will claim a dragon one day." He declared firmly as if he felt it in every fiber of his being. As if he would accept no other outcome.
Although she didn't entirely understand his frustrations she did know what it was like to be bonded to a dragon, and she couldn't imagine a life without knowing that bond.
"Of course."
"Then there will be no reason for you to laugh at me." He suddenly said in perfect High Valyrian, which Daena found odd. She figured it must be his attempt to belittle her believing that she would not be able to speak it to him in return.
But unlike her brothers who struggled with the language she knew it perfectly. While they trained in sword fighting and other matters, she spent most of her day reading as there was little else for her to do.
"Why is it important to you?" She also replied in High Valyrian.
"A Targaryen without a dragon is no true Targaryen." He stated, the already harsh nature of High Valyrian sounding even harsher from his lips. "You think less of me cause of it yes?"
"No." She replied honestly, the truth being that she only pitied him because he pitied himself. He was the one who did not consider himself a s true Targaryen without a dragon, but she would never tell him that with fear that he only continue to be angry with her and her brothers.
Daena watched as Aemond walked away without another word the conversation having unsettled her. Aemond seemed like the kind of boy who would never forgive the wrongs that were done to him, that he would hold onto them like precious jewels.
A sentiment that Daena could not understand as she was a rather forgiving person not favoring holding grudges or hatred.
The view of the courtyard from the balcony allowed Daena to look down at her brothers train with their uncles and their wooden swords. Ser Criston Cole's instructions rang through the courtyard and Daena couldn't help but think that it must be fun to train at swordplay, though it was something unfit for a woman.
Stepping forward she filled the King's cup with wine once again. He smiled up at his granddaughter placing a quick kiss on her hand before turning to his Hand.
"This is the stuff, Lyonel." The King mused as he took a long sip of his wine as he watched his sons and Gar children train. "Lads that learn together, train together... knock each other down, pick each other up. They will certainly form a lifelong bond, wouldn't you agree?"
"That is the hope, Your Grace." The Hand of the King replied as he held out his cup for Daena to fill once again.
Lyonel Strong like his son was a kind man and had served her grandfather well for years. The same could not be said for his youngest son, Larys Strong, who although had never done anything wrong still unsettled Daena any time she found herself In the same room with him.
"Don't stand too upright, my Prince. You'll get knocked down." Criston Cole instructed Aegon who
"I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy." Her uncle replied carelessly believing himself invincible. The other boys stopped what they were doing to focus on what was happening with Ser Criston and the oldest among them.
"Well, you'll have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother."
Ser Criston Cole began sparing with her two uncles
"It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention... Ser Criston." Ser Harwin commented as he stepped into the training quarters on the yard, he had been previously occupied with sharpening his own blade. But Daena had noted how his attention had truly been on the boys training.
"You question my method of instruction, ser?" The other man replied not at all pleased that his lessons had been interrupted. It was true that Ser Criston tended to favor her uncles, though she always associated it with the fact that he was the Queen's sworn shield.
"Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils."
"Very well. Jacaerys... come here." Criston replied as he pulled Jacaerys towards Aegon who now seemed entertained not only by the two men's argument but also of the idea of training with Jace. "You spar with Aegon. Eldest son against eldest son."
"It's hardly a fair match." Ser Harwin objected and as the two men looked at each other Daena felt herself hold her breath.
"I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect." Ser Criston replied and his insult was not missed by some of the men in the courtyard who smiled. Daena always found it odd that Ser Criston "Blades up. Engage."
Eldest son against eldest and Daena couldn't help walk to the edge of the balcony needing see the way the match would unfold.
As they began their match Aegon began to ruthless swing his wooden sword at Jace who was able to clock each attack. Seeing her brother being placed in this position had Daena biting her lip nervously.
She momentarily met Aemond and Luke's eyes before the three of them returned their attention to the fight just as Jace had begun to take the upper hand. Daena smiled proudly as she watched her brother monetarily take the advantage until a desperate Aegon pushed the straw target at him.
Jace fell to the floor, it quickly became clear that it was not a clean fight and that their uncle
Aegon had no honor in the way that he fought.
"Foul play." Harwin Stong declared as he helped Jace to his feet.
"I'll deal with him." Criston replied as both men pulled the boys aside and began to give them silent instruction on how they should approach their opponent next.
"Close with him. Press him backward! Close with him! SUse your feet! ( yells ) ( grunts ) Don't let him get up. ( yelling ) Stay on the attack!
"Enough!" Ser Harwin declared, his voice ringing loudly through the courtyard as he got a hold of Aegon easily removing from Jacaerys and throwing him aside.
Aegon quickly stood, his face red with fury and embarrassment. "You dare put hands on me?"
"You forget yourself, Strong." Ser Criston stated calmly, the man made no attempt to hide his satisfaction. He had desired this outburst from Ser Harwin. "That is the Prince."
"This is what you teach, Cole?" The commander questioned at he began to pick up the boy's wooden swords. "Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?"
"Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother..." Ser Criston continued his taunt before he paused a wicked smile forming on his lips. Daena held onto the the edge of the balcony tightly, unsure if he would dare continue. "or a son."
Daena gasped as the entire courtyard seemed to go quiet, although implied Ser Criston's words could be taken as words of treason.
"Say it again! Say it again!" Ser Harwin dared at the Ser Criston who only chuckled in return. This only further infuriated the commander who lounged forward with incredible speed only to be held back by the other members of the Kingsgaurd.
Breakbones they had nicknamed Harwin Strong, and Daena finally understood why as he brought Criston Cole to the ground with little effort. But she hand never witnessed him to be anything but kind, and she couldn't help but close her eyes as Ser Harwin continued to beat Ser Criston with heavy punches.
"Princess you should not witness such brutality." Ser Alleras Sand stated as he stepped in front of her in an attempt to black her view of the scene.
"Say it again! Say it again!" Ser Harwin dared at the Ser Criston who only chuckled in return. This only further infuriated the commander who lounged forward with incredible speed only to be held back by the other members of the Kingsgaurd.
She allowed the young member of the Kingsgaurd to guide her back to where the King was seated. He groaned in pain from the events that had just unfolded.
"Let us head inside grandfather." She suggested as she took his arm and guided him back into the Red Keep.
The disappointment on the Kings face was heartbreaking as only moments before he was overjoyed by the camaraderie he had witnessed only for the scene to become a hateful one.
The hard truth of the matter being that Ser Harwin had been foolish for his outburst. All he had done was add more fuel to the rumors of her brothers parentage, he had all but confirmed them.
A/N: The next about 9 chapter will focus on Daena as a child. I feel that understanding her childhood is what really will set up her character as an adult. Those who have read my other stories know that I am more of a slow burn girl that will focus a lot of time developing my characters first. Right now she is very much naive and innocent, but also a very observant girl. All the characters in House of the Dragon are tragic characters and that is still the case for Daena.
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