01| The Golden Princess
The Weirwood's leaves rustled in the wind, the last signs of winter fading away. The princess Daena Velaryon's silver hair whipped across her face, setting her book down in her lap she tucked the stay strands of hair behind her ear.
Most days she preferred solitude, away from the court and their curious eyes that always seemed to be on her. It was said that a smile from the young princess was felt like a blessing from the Old Gods. It was widely know that the young princess was a kind as she was beautiful. Many of the older members of the court saying that she took after her mother in her younger years. The Realm's Delight they called the princess Rhaenyra, and Daena wished she could live up to her mother's name.
As she looked up she quickly stood at the sight of her handmaiden, Nessandra, rushing towards her.
"The Princess Rhaenyra has begun her labors." The girl declared out of breath, and Daena didn't waste a moment as she rushed towards the steps of the Red Keep eager to be with her mother. They had know that Rhaenyra would be beginning her labors soon and although this would be her fourth child the court was still buzzing with excitement awaiting the new prince or princess.
Pushing the doors of her mother's bedchambers open Daena immedietly looked away at the sight of all the blood that between her mother's legs. It was not a pretty sight and definitely not the miracle everyone claimed it was.
"Mother." Daena whispered as she rushed to her side immediately taking her hand. When Lucery's was born seven years ago she had only been a child of three and could not remember the pain that her mother had been in during her labors.
Seeing the pained expression her mother wore now frightened her, and her cries sent a chill through her. Of course even at her young age Daena understood that carrying a child was no easy task, but she had never experienced it first hand in this way. It almost turned her away from the idea of ever having children entirely.
"And push." The midwife instructed earning a loud groan from the Princess Rhaenyra. "And again."
"I... I can't." Her mother whispered, but regardless of the words that came out of her mouth she continued to push.
"The head!" The younger midwife exclaimed with excitement as everyone rushed into position ready to receive the child. Daena held her breath as her mother continued to push and the sound of a newly born child's cry ran throughout the large bedchamber. "A boy, Princess."
"Praise the Mother!" One of the older women in the room yelled as the baby began to cry louder.
"Healthy?" Rhaenyra questioned as the midwife wrapped the child in silk before handing him to his mother.
"Kicking like a goat, Princess." The midwife replied with a chuckle as she handed the baby boy to her mother. Although Daena was overjoyed with her new sibling she had been secretly hoping that they would be a girl. As much as she loved her Jacaerys and Lucerys there was very little that they could do together. As the boys trained in sword fighting and archery she was inside the Red Keep focused on reading or her needlework. They only activity that they could ever do together was dragon riding and even then the boys preferred to follow their Uncle Aegon.
The only girl in Kings Landing that Daena could share any similarities with should have been her Aunt Helaena, but he aunt was odd with her interest in insects and her muttering of words that never seemed to make any sense. Most days Daena was alone with her thoughts, and it was something that she had long ago accepted.
Daena watched with quiet anticipation as her mother carried her newborn brother, the smile on her mother's face was contagious causing the young princess to smile too.
But their happiness was fleeting as the doors to the bedchambers opened. Nervously the Queen's handmaiden, Talya, stepped inside with uncertainty well aware that her presence was not welcome during what was meant to be such a joyous occasion. "Princess... the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately."
"Why?" She questioned and when she was met with silence in return she released a frustrated sight.I'll take him myself."
"You should remain abed, Princess..." One of the handmaidens suggested.
"Yes, I should!" The Princess Rhaenyra snapped as she gently handed Daena her little brother before turning towards her handmaiden. "Help me dress."
Daena looked at her mother with worry before turning her attention to her newly born brother. He was so small in her arms that she was terrified to even hold him. He was still covered in their mother's blood, yet even then he looked beautiful.
But one look at him said a thousand words, he greatly resembled Jace and Luke. The child had dark hair, and although his eyes were closed as he stirred restlessly Daena had no doubt that he would have her brothers' piercing dark eyes.
"Mother, maybe I could take my brother to the Queen?" She suggested softly knowing that although she didn't want her newborn child out of her sight that maybe, knowing that he was in his older sister's hand might calm her worries.
Rhaenyra's eyes soften for a moment as she looked at her only daughter, but the softness was quickly replaced with a sudden sharp pain that over came her. Bending over she clutched onto her dress. "Oh, it's coming."
"The afterbirth!" The midwife yelled as they all gathered together and once again Daena found herself looking away at the sight of more blood coming from between her mother's legs.
Her mother's cry of pain only lasted a moment before she quickly turned her attention back to her daughter and newborn son.
"He's beautiful isn't he?" Her mother question as she took her son from her young daughters arms.
As they stepped out of her mother's chambers they came to a stop at the sight of Ser Laenor Velaryon rushing to them. He was in his training gear, sweat also dripping down his face but unlike his wife he had a wide grin on his face oblivious to what was happening.
He was a handsome man, tall and undeniably charismatic. Daena was his spitting image, the only trait inherited by her mother being her violet eyes. And although she was the only one of his children that had Velaryon blood running through her veins he loved all his children just the same.
He only stopped to give his daughter a quick kiss on her head before turning his full attention on Rhaenyra who seemed moments away from collapsing, but Daena knew her mother. There was fire in her blood and she would never allow anyone the satisfaction of seeing her weak.
"A boy. I've just heard. Yes. Well done." Her father said joyfully as he looked down at the new born child in his wife's arms. Finally he seemed to realize the condition that Rhaenyra was in, with sweat still sticking onto her pale skin. "Where are you going?"
Annoyance flashed in her mother's eyes as she held onto her son a little tighter. "She wants to see him."
"Now? I'm coming with you." Laenor stated firmly, though that only seemed to annoy Rhaenyra more. Clearly her patience was already running low and her husbands obliviousness was not helping calm her sea of emotions. Daena remained quiet not wanting as she watched her mother and father speak, there was a tension between them that could not be denied.
"I should hope so."
"Let me take him."
"No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me." Rhaenyra declared as she continued walking down the hall, allowing her husband to taker her arm though it was mostly to keep up appearances. They could not give the court amy more reasons to question the newlyborn child's parentage.
"Was it terribly painful?" He muttered at the thought, rambling as if this was his first child. "I took a lance through the shoulder once."
"My deepest sympathies." Her mother replied her voice thick with sarcasm.
"I am glad I am not a woman." Laenor continued as they came to a stop at the grand staircase. It was only then that Daena noticed all the people in the court watching them closely all wanting to bear witness to the arrival of the new prince.
"Mother!" Jacaerys' voice echoed through the courtyard. As they all turned the princess's first born son slowly approached them, followed by the young Lucerys.
"Daena go to your brothers." Rhaenyra quickly instructed clearly not wanting any of her children to witness her in such a fragile state.
Nodding the young princess came to a stop as she watched her mother struggle up the stairs of the Red Keep, gripping onto her father's arm tightly. As she walked down the hall she already heard the hushed whispers of the court and mix of concern and judgment towards their future queen.
Although Daena couldn't hear their words she could guess what their whispers were about. There was no hiding the truth. The newborn prince didn't resemble her or her father. His pale skin and dark hair resembled another man, just as Jacaerys and Lucerys did. Maybe the three boys had some distinct Targaryen features but they were not enough to hide the truth.
"How's mother?" Jace questioned his eyes never straying from their mother who had just reached the top of the staircase.
"She is well, our brother is healthy." Daena assured her older brother, though she knew it was a miracle that their mother had the strength to make it up the stair case.
There was a trail of blood running up the staircase and Jace immediately stepped in his younger siblings view.
"Come, let's wait for mother and father in our bedchambers." Jace instructed as he led his two younger siblings away from all the judgmental eyes. Both siblings nodded in agreement, Luke taking his sister's hand as they headed down the hall. "Dae you have to see the dragon egg we have chosen for our brother."
Turning toward her brother Daena couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that her brothers had chosen an egg without her. "You went down to the dragon pit?"
"Ser Harwin took us." Lucery's answered joyfully as he tugged his sister's hand eager to show her the dragon egg that they had chosen for their brother's crib.
Her hurt over being left out was only momentary as her mind wandered back to her mother and the Queen. Daena couldn't help but be curious as to why her grandmother so urgently desired to see her newborn brother. Especially considering that she hand never shown any signs of caring for any of her husbands grandchildren.
Even at her young age Daena could sense the animosity between the Princess and the Queen, and her mother never spoke of it. But it was something that could be sensed by all in court.
A/N: I have absolutely no self control and when I got inspiration for this story I just couldn't stop. I did choose to age the characters up a little bit, mostly for my sanity and because it just worst better for my plot.
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