The line behind me buzzed as we stepped forward, watching the next graduate walk across the stage. We all wore blue robes with the ugly, matching hats. I placed mine upon my head as Gabrielle, a dark haired siren nervously clutched my arm.
"Don't trip," she said with a perfect smile. "Louboutin or not, your heels are crazy tall."
It was true, I towered over her in these heels and that was part of the reason I liked them. Gabrielle and I had a competitive friendship, and I was pretty sure that after graduation, we would never see each other again, let alone correspond, and I was okay with that.
I lifted my chin as we took another step towards the stage. "As if. I was born ready to walk in heels. Hell, I can even run in them."
She giggled. "I've seen that more than once."
"And I'll do it again tonight, one last time."
"That's sad," she said with a frown. "Don't say it like that."
Shrugging, I moved ahead again. I was the next to be called and promptly fixed my hair. Gabrielle gave my arm a squeeze as I started up the staircase to the stage.
"Penelope Godsworth."
I smiled out at the crowd as I glided across the stage. One foot after the other, I moved like I was on a runway. This moment was mine.
My eyes searched for my parents while I stood in front of the school head, ready to receive my diploma. As my fingers clutched the rolled paper, I looked to where the reserved seats were. There, in the full auditorium, were two empty seats. My parents hadn't shown up for my high school graduation.
Fuming, I tried to plaster a fake smile on my lips as I headed for the stairs. Behind me Gabrielle was being called, and suddenly I realized that this was it. My moment was over, and my own flesh and blood hadn't even been there to see it.
Through the rest of the ceremony I sat with crossed arms, glaring at the stage. How could they? I hadn't even seen them for Christmas, five months earlier, and now this. Gabrielle asked me what was wrong but I brushed her off. It didn't matter anymore, and she didn't really care.
My phone rang as I settled in the limo to St. Tropez.
The caller ID read Mother.
I set it to vibrate and tossed it in my pink Birkin, my last Christmas present to myself. It was expensive, but I didn't pay for it. I charged it to father's emergency card and so far no one had said anything.
"Drink?" Gabrielle handed me a champagne glass as we set off for the docks.
We began drinking and by the time we reached the boat, we were already stumbling. The night went by in a blur and when I woke up, my Louboutin's were gone and I was using my graduation robe as a blanket.
My head pounded as I located my Birkin spilled across the carpet and grabbed my phone.
43 Missed Calls.
2 Messages.
40 of the calls were my mother. Three were her second assistant, Emily. The two messages were voicemails. One was my mother, furious that I wasn't answering, but there was something else in her voice. Something I couldn't' place. The second voicemail was from Emily, pleading me to call back, and her voice wasn't normal, either.
I speed dialed my mother as I gathered my things. I was not ready to face her wrath, but something was wrong and I couldn't wait any longer to find out what.
She answered immediately, talking at me before I could even say hello. "You will ignore me for the last time, Penelope. I will no longer be toyed around by a child in such a delicate time. You are to come home immediately. I'm booking a flight for you that leaves in an hour."
I'm dumbfounded, and all I can get out is a whine about her missing my graduation. It sounds so needy that even I regret it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't come, my dear daughter," she spat, "but I've spent the last twenty hours planning a funeral."
My stomach churned, both from the hangover and news that someone had died.
"Who's?" I whispered, scared for the answer.
Mother was spiteful as she said it. "Your father's."
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