Master's Payment
The walk back to his apartment was quick, his heart pounding and his imagination running wild over what the master had left as payment for his service.
He knew that his master was powerful and that the rules that governed other vampires didn't govern his master. He was grateful that he had found his master and no longer had to abide by the tiresome rules that humans had negotiated to keep themselves safe. It was all an illusion really, the powerful still did what they pleased and mortals were none the wiser.
Trigger warning - mention of non-consensual sexual activity and death.
He opened his apartment door and the smell hit him immediately. It was like honeysuckle and jasmine, sensual yet understated. As he closed the door and looked into the darkened living room, he saw her. His eyes picking out the infrared signature of her body heat in the darkened room. He could tell from her scent that she was just eighteen. The adrenaline flowing through her blood enhanced her scent; it was intoxicating. He felt himself harden and his pants became tight and uncomfortable. How he longed to play with her, to take his time, pushing her to ecstacy over and over again, driving in and out of her while he fed on her slowly, each orgasm driving her close to the brink of death. But he knew he could not wait, he was hungry and there was no time to play with his food. Maybe there would be time when the master provided the next reward. Now he could only think about feeding, he would take care of his other needs alone as he replayed the memory of her blood flowing into him, making him whole again.
As Leo walked into the gallery, he could sense a shift in the air. Typically laid back and unassuming, Joseph now seemed to radiate intense anger, making the few customers in the gallery tread cautiously. Kara worked diligently to maintain a calm atmosphere, smiling and assisting interested customers.
Leo went straight to Joseph and pulled him aside. "Reign it in old son and tell me what happened."
"We had a visitor, a vampire, he came into the gallery looking for a donor and grabbed Kara. Liam confronted him. I got here just in time to step in and prevent the attack. I don't think he will come back but I am angry with myself that he got so close." Joseph sighed.
"Do not be so hard on yourself, no one was hurt, you did your job," Leo said, putting his hand on Joseph's shoulder. "I chose you because I knew that you would protect them with all you are, and you didn't let me down."
Joseph nodded and took a deep breath and allowed the tension to leave his body. Leo looked at him and smiled. "Better?"
"Better. Thank you Leo," Joseph said smiling. "It has been a hundred years and you can still calm me when nothing else can."
Leo laughed, "You still have the temper of a new born at times. I still remember the day Maria sent me word about you and begged me to come. She was at her wits' end about what to do with you, you had been a rebellious little brat as a human and you were still one after you had been turned. She loved you dearly but realized that you needed a stronger hand than hers. "
"I was a brat back then," Joseph smiled. "You showed up, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and looked me in the eye and told me that things were going to change and if I didn't begin to see things your way my next few years were going to be very painful. I took one look at you and pissed my pants which was embarrassing to say the least. You stayed with Maria for a couple of months and then you packed me up and took me with you. You taught me how to be a man and you taught me how to be a vampire. You were tough and some of your lessons were very painful, but you treated me with respect and love and were more of a father to me than the bastard who gave me life. For that I am very grateful, Leo."
"You had been abandoned by everyone who you thought should love and care for you, I needed to show you that nothing you could do would ever change my love for you. Once you knew that, you settled down and you have grown into a fine man and I am proud to call you friend."
"You are more than a friend Leo, I consider you my father." Leo smiled and patted Joseph's cheek.
"I love you too, old son."
Joseph went back to work, Leo could see that change in him, he was his old self again. Leo went to the back office and found Liam. Liam was sitting at his desk with his eyes closed, though he looked up when Leo entered the office. He stood up and walked over to Leo and wrapped his arms around him. Leo could feel him tremble as he held him.
"I hear you had a bit of excitement," Leo said as stroked Liam's back, trying to calm him.
"It was a little scary, but Joseph was amazing. Kara was so brave, she stayed calm through the whole incident. Your lessons on responding to vampires, and recognizing the various states in which we might encounter them, helped a lot. Thank you," Liam said as he laid his head on Leo's chest as he was held in his arms.
"I'm glad my lessons helped but I will be spending more time in the gallery from now on. Things like this can not happen again. Beside, we need to firm up the last few arrangements for our holiday celebrations. Here, take a look at this." Leo said, handing Liam a gold embossed envelope.
"What is it?" Liam said taking the envelope.
"Open it."
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