THEY ALL REACHED THE HOME IN 15 MINUTES Michael woke up gaining some strength but only for a few minutes before he'll give out again.
He grabbed Star, while Alan grabbed Laddie, following Michael into the house and upstairs into Ellie's room to rest.
Nanook was at the stairs barking at Michael, Star, and Laddie.
"Cool it, Nanook." Sam says.
"Your dog knows a flesh eater, when he smells one." Edgar tells him.
"Sam, take Nanook outside." Michael says.
Sam grabs Nanook by the collar and leads him outside. As the rest of them go up the stairs they are stopped by Michael's grandpa.
"Michael. You know the rules about filling up the car with gas. When you take it out without asking."
"No, grandpa."
"Well now you do." Their grandpa says smiling and going into the other room.
They all sighed and rushed into Ellie's room quickly putting Star and Laddie on the bed.
As soon as Michael placed Star down he passed out lying on the floor.
"Michael!" Ellie says getting to the ground a lifting him up against the wall. Sam rushes in after taking Nanook outside.
"We definitely, blew Plan A."
"No shit." Ellie snaps.
"Time to activate Plan B." Alan says.
"What's plan b?" Ellie asked.
"We don't have one yet, we only have 2 and a half hours before then." Edgar says.
"What's in 2 and a half hours?" Sam asks.
"The sun will be going down, they'll be looking for us." Edgar explains.
"Ellie, stay with the bloodsuckers. We'll bring supplies and ammunition." Alan says rushing out with Sam and Edgar.
Ellie nods and goes back into her room where all of them laid down. She grabbed a pillow and blanket and let Michael rest on the floor.
"Ellie...." Michael says groggily loosing consciousnesses.
"Shhh it's okay, rest." She says kissing his forehead and letting him fall back into sleep.
She looked at the window, hoping they had all the time they need to help themselves now.
Ellie heard the door open and saw the boys coming in with all the supplies they had.
"Ellie!" Sam rushes over to her and gives her a canteen.
"What is it?"
"Holy water, we need to fill the bathtub up with it." Sam says.
They go up the stairs and with only an hour left, the Frog brothers, Sam, and Ellie went into action.
Ellie and filled up the bathtub with holy water, while the frog brothers mashed up garlic. Bringing it up the stairs and putting in the holy water. After putting He garlic in there, they grabbed water guns and put it in the tub to fill the guns.
They all took their water guns out of the water and checked to see if they worked. Once they checked they got up, looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting.
"Go wake up the blood suckers, we got some more stuff downstairs."
Ellie went into the room and already saw Michael awake.
"Michael." Ellie sighed, going over and hugging him.
"They'll be coming for Laddie and I, won't they?" Star says waking up, grabbing the attention of Ellie and Michael.
"They'll be coming for all of us." Michael told her.
Star looked alarm and saw Laddie sleeping beside her, she got up and began to wake him up.
"Laddie, Laddie you got to wake up."
Michael takes Ellie downstairs, and sees all the stuff the frog brothers brought.
"We got this for you Ellie." Edgar hands her a bow and arrows.
"It's never a pretty sight, no two bloodsuckers go out the same way. Some yell and scream, some explode, and some implode. But all will try to take you out with them." Edgar tells Sam and Ellie.
"Good thing I went to summer camp last summer and did Archery."
Ellie tries out the bow and hits one of the stuffed animals in the heart. Edgar gives her a thumbs up and she goes over to retrieve it.
She then heard Nanook, whimpering and barking. Sam looks outside.
"Nanook, I left him outside!" Sam yells.
"No! Sam!" Ellie yells trying to grab him.
Michael hears the commotion and comes downstairs to see Sam run out of the house to retrieve Nanook.
Ellie, Edgar, and Alan tried to grab him but he bolted out of the house quickly. Michael moves past the three and now Ellie was screaming for Michael. Alan had to hold her back from running over to them.
They all watched as Michael and Sam untied Nanook from gate and soon everyone looked up and saw them flying.
"Hurry up you guys! They're coming!" Ellie yelled.
Sam and Michael run with Nanook back to the house, while the three vampires try to grab them. They ran as fast as they could and before the three could grab them Michael shut the door.
"Take them upstairs!" Michael yells pointing at Star, Laddie, and Ellie.
"I'm not going anywhere!" Ellie yells.
Edgar and Alan lead Star and Laddie upstairs, while Ellie, Sam, and Michael put the couch in front of the door so they couldn't get in.
But it was no use, one of them got in the house. He broke through the fireplace, flying up to the chandelier. Michael placed Ellie and Sam behind him causing him to get hit in the face. The chandelier crashes down, causing only a red light to keep them from out of darkness. Michael, Sam, and Ellie fall down, but Michael gets knocked out.
Both Sam and Ellie try to wake him up but to no avail, then Ellie gets picked up by the brunette haired vampire and shrieks. She looks at him and sees his bright yellow eyes and fangs ready to pounce. She grabbed the water pistol attached to her leg and sprayed his face. He screamed, letting Ellie fall safely on the couch and him still screaming, touching his face in pain.
While Ellie tried to recover from falling, the vampire launched at her but Sam used another bow and arrow. He shot at the vampire and the vampire falls over, Sam thinks he hit him but only to find the vampire get up again.
"You missed, sucker!" He seethed at him.
"Yeah but I won't!" Ellie says pulling her bow back and hitting the vampire in the chest. He falls back making the arrow hit the stereo.
The room fills with screams and shocks, the room lighting up like fireworks. Ellie goes over to Sam and Michael and watches as the vampire dies.
"Death by stereo." Sam says amazed.
Michael wakes up and looks at Ellie.
"Nice one."
"Let's go." Sam goes up the stairs first and when Michael and Ellie tried to follow, but David scared the two, looking at them upside down and hitting the two down the stairs. Michael held onto Ellie tightly and protected her from the fall.
"Are you okay, Ellie?" Michael asked concerned.
"I'm fine, you took more of the fall." Ellie says seeing his forehead bleeding.
"Stay behind me." Michael says.
She nods and they both look around the room and tried to David. He comes in at lightning speed and hits Michael in the face again, slashing his cheeks.
"You afraid to face me, David? Huh!" Michael taunts.
Ellie and Michael see David's shadow and Michael looks at it.
"Come on." Michael whispers.
"I tried to make you immortal." David says.
"You tried to make me a killer!" Michael yells getting hit in the face and falling over.
"Michael!" Ellie leans down and tried to comfort him.
"Maybe, I should just kill your little girlfriend. Spill her blood." David says laughing. "Give you the push you need, cause your such a fucking baby."
That was the final straw for Michael, he looked at Ellie in the eyes one more time with his brown eyes and then let it happen. His eyes turned yellow, and his fangs came out. He turned around and David stopped laughing. Michael looked at David with a murderous look.
"You are a killer." David tells him.
They both launch at each other's throat in the air, both flying around the room. Michael sees the antlers on the wall seeing it as a perfect stake. He flies over to the wall and tried to get David impaled, but sadly missed. Ellie tried shooting at David but missed.
"My turn." David says while Michael has his hand at his throat.
David uses his strength to launch Michael across the room and tried to go into his grandfather's carving room where an antler was placed on the table. Easy for Michael to be staked. Ellie saw that there was a stake on the table, left by Edgar and grabbed it.
"Stop fighting me Michael! I don't want to kill you, join us." David negotiates. "Even let your girlfriend join."
"Never." Michael growls.
"It's too late, my blood is in your veins."
Ellie sneaks up behind him and lifts the stake up,
"But so is his!" Ellie stabs David making yell out in pain.
Michael grabs David while he's distracted and throws him right onto the antler making him scream louder.
"No!" He yells holding onto the antler as he tries to get off. But it was no use, he grew weaker and weaker. Until finally his head turned over and he took his final breath.
"Michael!" Sam yells coming down the stairs with Alan, Edgar, and Star. Michael grabs Ellie and puts her in front of him.
"Don't let them see me like this." He whispers.
Sam sees David, dead on the table and the frog brothers stop in their tracks. Sam turns his head and sees Ellie in front of Michael.
"Get away Sam."
"Michael, what's wrong?" Sam asked.
"I SAID GET AWAY!" He yelled.
"What's the big deal? You destroyed the head vampire, it's all over." Edgar says confused.
"Nothing's changed."
"He's right I don't feel any different." Star tells them.
"Then there's still one more." Edgar says.
"Michael! Sam! Ellie!" Lucy yelled.
Ellie eyes widen, it was Sam and Michael's Mom.
"Hide Michael, in here you too Star. I'll take care of Mom." Sam tells Ellie.
She nods and Star goes behind Michael and hides.
Ellie watches as Sam goes back into the living room and all hell breaks loose as Lucy comes inside.
Ellie could hear Sam, Edgar, and Alan try to explain what happened but Lucy wasn't having any of it. But what confused Ellie was Max came in and looked at David. He touched David's face and looked away, Ellie held her breath and sighed when he left the room.
"I won't hear another word until I talk to Michael! And for god sake where's Ellie!" Lucy yelled.
"I'm sorry Lucy, it's all my fault. My boys got out of hand, but I told you. Boys need a mother." Max says taking off his glasses.
"Max what are you talking about?" Lucy asked confused.
"It you! Your the head vampire!" Sam exclaims.
"Sam not this again."
Star leaves the room and sees Max.
"You were the secret David was protecting." Star says.
"Who's this?" Lucy asked.
"But you passed the test?" Alan said coming over with a stake pointing it at Max.
"Never invite a vampire into your house you sill boy. It renders you powerless." Max tells him.
"Did you know that?" Sam asked Edgar.
"Of course, everyone knows that."
"Has everyone gone crazy here!? What's the matter with all of you?"
"You see it was you, Lucy. I was after."
Soon Sam, Edgar, and Alan began to protect Lucy and back away.
"You see I knew if I got Michael and Sam into the family, there was no way you could say no. I could change Ellie as well she is a nice girl."
"Where's Michael and Ellie?" Lucy asked him.
"It was gonna be perfect, like one big happy family...... your boys... and my boys."
Edgar holds his stake higher as they all backed away.
"Great the blood sucking Brady bunch!"
Mac turned around and his eyes and fangs were shown making Lucy scream.
"I still want you Lucy, I haven't changed my mind about that."
Michael moved away from Ellie and goes into the other room and faces Max.
"I didn't invite you this time, Max."
"Michael...." Lucy says in fear.
Max laughs as Michael lunges forward and grabs Michael by the neck throwing him upstairs breaking the railing.
"Michael!" Ellie shouts.
The Frog brothers and Star try to take a hit at Max but as well we're thrown back. Ellie grabbed a wooden stake and tried to aim it at his heart but he grabbed her arm and held her into a grip.
"Don't you touch my mother!" Sam yells trying to hit Max but Max grabbed Sam and placed him into a chokehold while grabbing Ellie's arm again and holding both kids.
Lucy was still in fear as Max looked at her and held out his hand.
"Don't fight Lucy. It's so much better if you don't fight." Max says.
"Mom don't!" Sam yells as both him and Ellie try to escape his grip.
"Lucy please don't." Ellie pleads.
Lucy looks at the two kids and closes her eyes as she takes Max's hand.
"I'm sorry." Lucy says as Max grabs her.
As Max is about to bite Lucy's neck they all heard honks of a car. I caught Max off guard and all of a sudden bright lights shine threw and Lucy's father crashed his car into the house. Michael woke up from it and quickly flew down and grabbed Ellie as Sam got out of Max's grip and grabbed Lucy.
The back of their grandpa's car had trees that he had cut off and were sharped on the ends. As he crashed into the house one of the trees impaled Max throwing him into the fireplace and exploding the fireplace.
Michael held onto Ellie tightly as the bright lights and flames grew until it was nothing but darkness. They were all covered in soot from the fireplace but nobody cared. Ellie looked at Michael and heard his heart beat again and saw his face turned back to normal.
"Michael?" She asked touching his face.
"I'm okay, I'm okay." He told her as he gave her a quick kiss.
The two hugged as Lucy came over and did a group hug with them and Sam.
"Oh my boys, I'm so glad your alright."
Star looked at Ellie and Michael and smiled, knowing she was back to normal too.
"Star! Star!" Laddie yelled racing downstairs.
"Laddie!" Star cries as she went over to him and hugged him.
"It's okay, it's all over."
Ellie goes over to the frog brothers and lets Lucy enjoy her moment with the boys.
"How much do you think we should charge for this?" Edgar asks Alan and Ellie.
"Nothing, beside they got more things to worry about then your payments."
Alan and Edgar high five her none the less and called Sam, Ellie, and them "The Vampire Slayers."
Michael goes over to Ellie and hugs her and saw Lucy smile at her son and godchild.
"Dad." Lucy sighed in relief.
Her father ignored her and went immediately to the fridge and grabbed himself a root beer.
"Dad? Dad are you alright?" She asked in worry.
Her father took a swig of root beer and looked at the group.
"One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach..... all the damn vampires." He said and he closed the door and went into his room not saying a word.
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