"Well I uh-" Ellie stutters.
"Are we sure were not talking about a different Michael? I mean you could do way better." He told her, rolling his eyes.
"Sam!" Ellie gasps.
"Fine, but what are we gonna do?" Sam Asked as he looked at the door.
"I don't know." She said nervously, "it's not like we've dealt with this before."
"Well I'm calling my mom." Sam told her.
Sam grabs the phone and begins to dial, Ellie was hesitant but she let Sam call. The phone rang and was answered by someone at the restaurant desk. He asked for his mom or Lucy Emmerson and they
said they'd get her.
The two began to hear banging and Ellie looked at the door tempted to see what was going on. The phone rang again and Sam picked it up, Ellie heard Lucy and sighed with relief.
"Is everything alright?"
"Hey Mom we have to have a talk about something."
"Help!" Michael shouted.
Ellie was about to get up but Sam grabbed her hand and mouthed 'no!'
"What's going on there? Sam I'm starting to get worried."
They continued to hear Michael scream for help and even Lucy could hear him.
"What's that noise? That not Michael is it? Who's screaming like that."
"Now, we should stay calm."
"Calm? Calm, about what?" Lucy asks frantically.
"Nothing. Nothing."
Ellie began to see feet floating from the window and she gasped jumping off the bed.
"Who's making that noise? Where's Ellie?"
"Ellie's right here Mom, but I can't talk about it on the phone it's about Michael."
"Don't listen to him Mom, he doesn't know what he's saying." Michael says.
Ellie looked at Michael and saw that he was holding onto a phone while trying not to fly away. Sam looked out the window and began to scream and yell.
"Sam!" Michael leaped toward the window and Ellie jumped back.
"Open up! Please!"
Sam made a cross with his fingers and yelled
"Stay back!"
"Sammy, Ellie, please help me! Open up!" Michael began to struggle holding onto the window.
"Sam maybe we should." Ellie says getting up.
"No he's a vampire!" Sam protest.
"I am not!" Michael yells at Sam.
"Oh please Michael what are you the flying nun?" Ellie says.
"I'm your brother Sammy, help me. Please Ellie, please."
Ellie went up the window, Sam tried to grab her put she got out of his grip and went to the window. She saw Michael's pleading eyes and opened the window.
Michael sighed in relief and grabbed onto Ellie holding her close to him and falling to the ground with her. Sam came over and Michael hugged him.
"We've got to stick together, Sammy, Ellie."
"What about your mom?" Ellie asked him.
"Just don't tell her anything, the both of you."
"I don't know Michael it's not like getting a D in school or something."
"Please you got to trust me please." Michael touched Ellie's check and rested his head on hers.
"Sam! Sam!" Lucy yelled.
"Go deal with your mom, I'll hide Michael in my room. We'll just say you went out to hang with your friends so she doesn't check on you. Okay?"
Michael nodded and Ellie and Sam rushed into action. Ellie basically rushed Michael into her room and made him lay on her bed. Ellie closed the door and went downstairs to see Lucy and Sam.
"Ellie did you know about this?"
"About what?"
"About Sam reading a comic book and freaking out." She looked annoyed, pissed even.
"I was in the bath and then heard screaming and yelling. I got out of the bath and saw Sam scared out of his mind. I told him to call you so he could calm down, I didn't know he was that upset." Lucy eyes softened at Ellie and then looked back at Sam.
"And where's your brother?"
"He uh went to hang out with his friends, so Ellie and I made spaghetti and played Yahtzee."
"Well I'm going upstairs and tomorrow morning your brother is gonna have a lot of explaining to do."
Ellie watched as Lucy went into her room and that was her cue to go back into her room and she went up the stairs and opened the door, seeing Michael on the edge of the bed.
"What's happening to me Ellie?" He asked terrified.
Ellie sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I don't know, but I promise we'll figure it out."
Michael gave her a small smile and leaned his head against hers and looked at her. He leaned in and so did she, they both drew closer until their lips touched, both kissing. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her in closer, they both pull away to breathe and Ellie could help but smile.
He kissed her again and then kissed her neck, causing her to quietly moan. She placed a hand on his chest and stopped him.
"We should stop, so it doesn't go any further." Ellie said.
"Um, yeah."
"But I liked the kiss." She says sheepishly.
He leaned in and kissed again and she cupped his cheek. They both leaned away again and Ellie went to go into her room when he stopped her.
"Stay with me?" He asked desperately.
Ellie nodded and laid down beside him in bed, she listened to the beat of heart as if it was a lullaby to her. He held her close and in an instance she was asleep.
It was the next morning and Ellie woke up to an empty bed. She replayed the events of last night in her mind and smiled. She got up and took a shower, brushed her teeth and went downstairs. She saw Sam and sat down at the table.
"Where's Michael?" Sam asked.
"I thought he was down here, why? He isn't?"
The two began to worry until they saw Michael walk in, Lucy's father came in with his robe and saw Michael. Michael looked exhausted and looked like a mess too.
"Look who's home."
Michael looked at the three and said nothing, he went upstairs leaning on the rail and going into his room. Ellie followed him upstairs and into his room, she shut the door and went over to him.
"Where did you go?"
"I went to visit Star to see if she could tell me anything and-" Michael paused.
"And What?" Ellie asked.
"She said she can't tell me." He says sounding scared.
Ellie made him lay down on the bed and she put a blanket over his body. She ran her fingers through his hair and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Go to sleep, it's okay."
He closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber, she got up and closed the door and went back downstairs.
Lucy came inside and looked at Sam and Ellie,
"I'm going to Max's place and then work you two are more than delighted than to join me."
Ellie and Sam both nodded and went with her into the car. Same brought the comic book "VAMPIRES EVERYWHERE." and sat in the front while Ellie sat in the middle in the back and talked to Lucy for the entire ride.
When they reached Max's home, Lucy parked the car and grabbed a bottle of wine from the back.
"What's the wine for?" Sam asked.
"It's an apology for running out on Max last night, and you should be making one too young man."
Lucy says walking to the front gate.
She looks around and tell the two kids,
"I'm going to put this on the porch so no one steals it."
"Okay!" The both of them shouted.
"So have you found out anything yet to help Michael?" Ellie asked looking at the comic book.
Sam was currently on the page HELL HOUNDS talking about guardians for vampires. Soon the two kids then heard a cry for help.
"Sam! Ellie!" Lucy shouted.
The kids looked out the window only to find Lucy being chased by a dog. The dog looked mad and ready to rip Lucy to shreds, Ellie and Sam get out of the car and get to Lucy. Lucy hopped over the gate but not before the dog but Lucy's skirt, ripping it. She fell to the floor on the other side and Ellie and Sam rush to her side.
The dog begins to bark and growl, braking the gate making the three scream.
"Get in the car! Both of you!" Lucy yelled rushing them in the car and driving out of there quickly.
"Then the dog started to chase my mom like the hounds of Hell just like in "Vampires Everywhere"." Sam explained to the brothers.
Sam and Ellie immediately went to the frog brothers or their names Edgar and Alan. After Lucy parked her car the two rushed to see if the comic book store was open, luckily the boys were there opening the shop up.
"We've been aware of some serious vampire activity in this town for a long time." Edgar says.
"Santa Carla has been the safe haven for the undead."
"As a matter of fact we believe that ghouls and werewolves hold high position in the city council." Edgar continues.
"Kill your brother, you'll feel better." Alan says to Sam.
"Listen you guys my brother is not a blood sucker." Sam protest.
"Look guys it says in the comic book that if you kill the vampire all half vampires turn back to normal. Trust me if Michael is a vampire he's only half." Ellie explains.
"Well does he know who the head vampire is?" Edgar asks them.
"No I don't think so." Sam says.
"Then you have to kill and if you don't, we will." Edgar tells them.
"This all started when my mom started to work for Max at his video store. Max never comes in til after it's dark, the dog who chased my mom was his, and listen to this "vampires require a daytime protector, a guardian, to watch them as they sleep. The hounds of Hell are often employed for this purpose.""
"No shit." Edgar says.
"Yeah but what if his mom is dating the head vampire."
"You guys can nail him, save Santa Carla. Truth, Justice, the American triumph thanks to you two."
The two brothers look at each other and give each other a nod.
"We'll check out Max." Edgar says and Sam and Ellie nod.
The two leave the comic book store and begin to figure out how they are gonna find out if he's a vampire.
It was perfect, Ellie had asked Lucy to bring him for dinner at the house so they could have a nice date. Lucy had called him and he had agreed, Sam had already called the frog brothers to come to the house and their plan was into action.
Ellie was getting ready for dinner, she was wearing a nice white blouse with long puffy sleeves with black pants. She didn't do much with her hair but just did a simple braid.
Ellie was about to go downstairs but before she did she checked up on Michael. She knocked on the door and heard a faint "come in." She went inside to see him zipping up his jacket.
"Where are you going?" Ellie asked concerned.
"I got to get answers from those guys, I'll be back I promise." Michael says.
Ellie went over and went on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Don't make your first kill, if you do we won't be able to help you. Okay? Promise me you won't kill tonight."
"I promise."
Ellie hugged him tightly and let him go, leaving his room and going downstairs to help Lucy with food. They shared a few laughs as the my cooked, Lucy telling Ellie embarrassing stories of Sam but mostly Michael.
The lasagna was done and Lucy was about to put it to the table when a man came into the kitchen.
"Oh hi I didn't here you come in."
The couple went into the dining room to talk and Ellie saw Sam and the frog brothers.
"Operation head vampire into action." Alan says.
Ellie goes into the dining room with Sam and the brothers.
"Hey Mom, Ellie and I have some guests."
"Oh honey, I didn't know you two were having guest."
"Well if we are bothering you I could-" Ellie says but Lucy cut her off.
"Oh no, there's plenty for everyone. Max this is my son Sam, my goddaughter Ellie, and the frog brothers?" She said looking at the brothers questionably.
The boys nodded and the dinner had begun, Ellie just hoped it wouldn't be too bad.
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