020 ━ homecoming
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↳ 020, homecoming
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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 house the next day, she found a blue dress waiting for her on her bed. It was a metallic material that was silky under her touch and it had a swooping neckline that she was pleased about. It would be short but wasn't that the point?
There was a small note next to the dress with a pair of shoes and she held it up to read it and she couldn't help but smile.
Saved you something you could wear xx bekah
Colette tossed the note aside and held up the heels the girl had paired with the dress. They weren't Colette's style but they were certainly Rebekah's and she knew she had to trust the girl. It wasn't everyday someone bought you a dress. She'd gotten home late, she was surprised no one was home. The house had been strangely quiet but she thought nothing of it. She'd spent the day prior in the woods skipping homecoming committee to sprawl under trees instead so she expected when she returned to have at least someone waiting for her. Oh well, she thought as she took the dress to her small closet, hanging it up against the door so she could remember that homecoming was nearing, which meant she'd have to see people.
She'd have to see Naya.
It didn't shock her that Naya had been lying to Tommy, Colette honestly expected as much. Naya was greedy and that greediness turned her a horrible shade of green. She was thick with it, like it was some slimy coating that could never be removed. Naya had killed Colette knowing she'd have powers, powers she could use. Then, of course, they went and killed her parents for just an ounce of what Colette had.
None of it made that much sense to her and she was growing to hate how she'd burned her house down when there was such vital information about her upbringing there but that was neither here nor there. It didn't matter anymore, not when there was no chance of her getting it back. It all just didn't make sense to her and it was beginning to drive her a little crazy, the thought that the original witch had someone give her this gift and was now looking to take it back, if her plans didn't work.
She wanted her children dead, which was funny because didn't Klaus want his family back together? That seemed his big plan all along was to be some big, whole happy family. His mother being out to get them didn't make the scrambled dots connect in Colette's head so she deduced it all to Naya lying to her.
The girl had a lie spilling past her lips faster than any truth, no matter how big or small. Colette had gone through the same when they had been inseparable and as much as she liked to fib and trick, it wasn't worth it. Not all the time.
She stripped off her dirty clothes and turned the shower on. Looking in the mirror, it was hard not to notice how tired she looked. Her swim in the lake hadn't done wonders to her skin or hair, leaving her dirty and dull. There was dirt caked underneath her fingers and across her feet. She hadn't bothered to put her shoes back on, she hadn't wanted to get them muddy. It was strange, her switch was flipped, not entirely of course, but she still cared about the little mundane things.
Don't get your shoes dirty. Don't lash out too badly.
It was like those little thoughts would never truly leave her until the switch was completely off. She turned away from the mirror and got into the steaming shower, instantly burning her cold skin. She watched the water run down the drain by her feet turn a light brown as the lake water was rinsed from her hair.
There was a murky smell to her skin and hair that the steam in the shower only made more prominent. The lake had been good for her. The air was thick with warmth, it smelled like summer there even though the clouds grew thick and the sun disappeared behind the trees as if it too were hiding from her. It was a warming that autumn was on her frightful way and that winter would surely follow closely behind.
Colette longed for the colder nights. She needed that to feel more alive. She knew she was still breathing, her heart still ticking, but with the knowledge she and now it was hard to fathom how this was okay. She was supposed to just keep going knowing all that she did.
Her blood was born from the original mother, the original witch. The woman had helped Colette's parents and now, it seemed like she would need her to invoke whatever torment she was involved in now. Colette's only peace was knowing she wasn't here, that she was still some willowy specter haunting someone else's dreams. She didn't need a ghost in her head, not with all that she had going on.
Just as she was finishing rinsing the soap from her hair, she heard footsteps hit the floor of her bedroom. She paused just for a moment with her head still under the rushing water and frowned as the feet hit the tile in the bathroom. It should've dawned on her what was going to happen but she was too focused on the warmth of the water to be bothered, even when the shower door was thrown open with a crash.
She flinched back under the water but didn't bother covering herself up as she stared at Damon with wide eyes. He was breathing heavily and glaring at her. "Excuse me? Do you, like, need something?"
"Um, can it wait?"
He shook his head and nearly growled at her as he stepped into the shower with speed she didn't anticipate. Grabbing her by the throat, he slammed her back against the wall and she snarled at him as he hissed, "Turning it off, Colette, really? How fucking stupid can you be?" The water cascaded down on both of them but he didn't seem fazed by the water running down his face and into his eyes as he scowled at her.
She grabbed hold of his wrist and twisted hard and he winced loudly. She swept her leg out and knocked him back and out of the shower where she followed him to the floor. She pinned him down, gripping both of his wrists tightly above his head as she stared down at him. "You think I had much of a choice?" Not feeling like telling him just how in control she still really was, she played her part. He'd left her to the wolves and she ended up getting burned, badly. "You think I could've handled all that emotion for any longer?"
Water from the ends of her hair dripped across his neck and chest and it dawned on her just how open she was to him. He met her hard gaze and glanced down at her chest before looking into her eyes once again.
"You serious?" she spat, glaring at how his eyes had traveled.
His brows faltered for a moment and his lips parted dangerously perfectly. "If you'd turned it off, you wouldn't have minded my eyes finding..." He smirked slowly and she released her grip on his wrists. "How off is it because you're not the same, Rebekah told Elena as much earlier."
"Rebekah did?" asked Colette as she crawled her way off Damon to stand. It didn't surprise her much that Rebekah genuinely cared for her but to go to Elena with the information? The idea of that made her almost chuckle. She reached for a towel and Damon got up in a flash, grabbing her wrist before she could take hold of the fabric and she frowned.
"You know, I'm not opposed to you not covering up," he said with a smirk. "It's not like I haven't seen any of this before."
She smiled up at him and nearly purred before she took hold of his neck and spun him around, pinning him against the sink. She leaned forward, purposefully letting her breasts press against his chest as she cooed, "You think I care about what you want?"
"Listen, if you're mad I didn't come to your rescue that night, I'm sorry," he said and she tightened her grip on his throat, easing her nails into the soft flesh as she felt his heart beat against her palm. "I had Mason Lockwood up my ass the entire day and we discovered something–" He tapped her hand. "Can you loosen this a bit?" She did, only slightly and she felt him swallow. "We found something that you're gonna want to see."
"Like what?"
"A way to kill the originals or at least get them out of the way," he said before smiling, "forever."
"Funny how you need me for this but when I need you it's like you're not even here."
Like a fucking ghost.
Damon's arrogant smile dropped just a fraction. "Colette, I'm sorry, okay? But we need you, we got Mikael, it's all going down tonight."
She released her hold and took a step back from him. Grabbing her towel, she wrapped it tightly around herself and turned the shower off as he sat up and rubbed his neck. "Why should I help you? Why do you think Rebekah is going to just stand by and let you kill her brother?"
"Because," he said with a wince as he rolled his neck, "Klaus killed their mom and let them all believe it was Mikael."
The original witch. The original mother.
She brushed her hair from her shoulder. "What do you need me for?"
"Distract him for us?"
"Who?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.
He rolled his eyes. "You know who."
"No," she spat, "I don't. Tell me."
She knew, she knew, but she didn't want it to be true.
She shook her head, retreating towards her bedroom as he followed. "No. I can't do that."
"Cole, please," begged Damon and she liked the sound of how his voice dipped when he was pleading but it didn't change her mind. "Put on a pretty dress and let him just see you. He'll come running."
"So, you want me to just flirt my way through the night until you fucking kill him?" said Colette, feeling uneasy with the idea. She hated Klaus but did she hate him enough to see him die?
He deserved something worse.
Damon nodded. "We'll do the rest."
"And if Rebekah suddenly disagrees?"
"Elena has that covered."
Colette frowned, pulling out a pair of underwear and letting Damon see the lace she chose. When his brows furrowed and his lips parted she sighed and murmured, "You said I need to distract him, I'm just covering all my bases."
He nodded and let his eyes leave the underwear she was now slipping up her legs. "Listen, Cole, if you really don't want to do this...you don't have to."
"Oh, you're saying I can make my own decisions now?" she asked as she dropped the towel as she turned away from him to head into her closet. She picked up the dress and held it out in front of her with a sigh. "How do you know he's going to show up to the dance tonight anyway?" she asked, referring to Klaus. "Why'd he want to come there?"
Behind her, she heard her bed creak and she caught a glimpse of him sitting down on the edge of her bed, playing with the ends of her soft blanket. "Had Stefan call him and say we killed Mikael. Even had Rebekah play along with it, he's coming here to see it for himself."
"And Mikael is...?"
"Still alive?" He nodded. "Downstairs having a drink as we speak." Damon laid back against her pillows, a hand on his chest as he crossed his legs at the ankles. "Rebekah told Elena all about their little family history. Apparently, Mikael turned them into vampires as retaliation against the werewolves nearby." He picked up one of her small pillows and tossed it in the air to himself. "He killed his kids and turned them and the rest is history."
Colette frowned, holding the dress against her as she turned to face him properly. "Mikael turns them into vampires and does the same to himself, why? Doesn't he hate vampires?"
"He hates Klaus more."
"How's he even going to kill him? Isn't it, like, impossible?"
"There was a tree, white oak, that can kill them. It's what was in the daggers used to subdue Elijah, I told you about that, right?" She pretended he did and nodded, she didn't need the full story right now. "Well, Mikael's got himself a white oak stake that can kill Klaus for good."
"And you trust him not to use it on you guys too?"
Damon shrugged. "We're helping him finally kill his son after a century of hunting, safe to say we're okay."
"For now," she muttered and he threw the pillow at her. She caught it with one hand and rolled her eyes, tossing it back onto the bed. "Don't think because I'm helping you that I forgive you for being a dick."
He held up a hand and said, "Believe me, I know."
She unzipped her dress and stepped into it and pulled it up the length of her body before sliding her arms through the straps. She pulled her hair free from the back and in a split second, Damon was behind her and gripping the zipper. She could feel the warmth of his fingers touch her skin as he slowly zipped her closed. His hands went to her hair and pulled it back from where she'd put it on her shoulder, his fingers running through her strands before his hand touched her hip and turned her to face him.
"Blue looks good on you," he murmured, glancing down at her. "You should wear it more often."
If she didn't have full control of emotions, she would have blushed. She would've even twirled a strand of hair around her finger and felt butterflies spill free in her gut. But she was in control and she had swallowed them down so instead, she brushed past him and sat down on the bed to work her heels onto her feet. "How much am I going to have to throw myself at him tonight?"
Damon crossed his arms and leaned against her dresser. "Don't make it obvious that something is going on."
"Just...entertain him," he said with a shrug. "Keep him guessing, keep him wanting more."
She strapped the heel to her ankle and marveled at her foot before saying, "I thought this was going to be hard."
He scoffed. "It will be if we don't do it perfectly." He looked down at her foot as she redid the strap as she found it too loose and he rolled his eyes and stalked forward. He knelt down in front of her and took hold of her ankle, bringing it up against his knee as he redid the strap and muttered, "It's like you've never worn heels before."
"And you have?" she snapped and ignored how a butterfly escaped in her stomach at the touch of him on her leg and as he worked with the strap before going to the second. She swallowed it down and locked it inside a cage as her switch flickered.
"You...you gotta be careful, that's all," he muttered. "Klaus thinks he's won, we got to let him keep thinking that."
"And everyone is just in on this little plan?" she asked once he got the strap done. He patted her leg and held out his hand to help her stand. She took it and ignored how effortlessly he got her to her feet.
Damon nodded as she pulled her hand away from his to pull down her dress. "Katherine's going to be there."
"She's playing Elena?"
He nodded again and followed to watch her apply just a little makeup. She didn't need much, nor did she care all that much. She just needed the dress to work the room for her. "We'll probably leave in thirty, you want me to load you up with a stake?"
"That won't protect me against him," she said, shaking her head. "You just focus on getting the white ash into his chest. I'll distract him the best I can."
"Is Naya going?"
Colette shrugged.
"Elena said she saw you with her at school the other day," said Damon with a suspicious tone. "Said you were friendly."
"It's all an act, obviously."
"Aw, parrot, are you jealous?" she cooed and he rolled his eyes. She applied a thin coating of lip gloss, puckering her lips. "Honestly, though, Damon, you know if given the chance I'd rip Naya's pretty little head off." She glanced at him with a smile. "You certainly know that better than anyone."
He frowned. "I don't know whether you with your switch down makes you hotter or scarier."
"How about both?" she said, scrunching her nose to smirk at him as she passed him. Her hair was still wet but she liked the air drying effect, even though it would tend to frizz. It didn't really matter, not when she had a feeling the gym was going to be stuffy and dark.
"By the way," he said as he went to the door, "Tyler Lockwood is throwing a replacement dance at his house."
"Something went wrong at the gym."
Colette frowned. "And you seriously think he just did that out of the kindness of his heart?"
"Oh, hell no," he said, shaking his head. "Little dog went and did his master's dirty work."
"So...technically...we're about to walk into a party being held for Klaus?"
He thought it over for a second before nodding. "Yeah, pretty much."
"And you're not scared?"
"I said no."
He rolled his eyes as she grabbed her purse, slinging it over her shoulder. His hand touched the small of her back as she left the room and he flipped the lights off behind her. She felt his gaze on her and she said to him over her shoulder, "If you're going to stare at my ass, at least be a bit less obvious about it."
"I wasn't staring," he snapped. "I was admiring."
"Come on," he said, his hand going to her back as he led her down the staircase, "you need to meet the original vampire daddy."
The living room had an entirely different feel to it with the man standing by the fireplace. Elena was standing by the parlor to the front door, her arms crossed as she leaned against the door. Stefan was seated in one of the lounge chairs looking almost horribly smug, watching the original as he took slow sips from his glass of whiskey colored liquor. Colette was surprised that in the time she had come home and gotten in the shower, a whole plan had been divulged.
"So this is the little thing that has Klaus so captivated?" asked the man as he slowly turned around. He was an older man, skinny as if he hadn't been fed properly in months, and his eyes were narrowed as he looked Colette over.
"And you're the asshole we've been stressing about?" countered Colette with a sigh. She went to the bar, pouring herself a drink. "I thought you'd look...more evil?"
"Time in a coffin doesn't fare as well as one might think," he said. "I'm surprised by you, though. They made you out to be more of a...seductress. All I see is a cheerleader getting ready for the big dance."
"Looks can be deceiving," she muttered as she brought her drink to her lips. She studied the man again, narrowing her eyes. There was a small pain throbbing in the back of her head as she walked around the couches to approach him. She felt the deep gutted urge to touch him so she reached out a hand and dangerously let her fingers graze his cheek. When her skin touched his, she saw images of death and she found herself smiling softly. "Your son thinks of me as a prize, so he'll be grateful I ever show up tonight."
"Stepson," he corrected and Colette smiled again as she dropped her hand back down to her side.
"It's a pity," she whispered with a light shake of her head. "One of you will die tonight, too bad you don't know which."
As she backed away, stepping into alignment with Elena who looked almost grateful that she'd chosen to stand near her. Mikael smiled suddenly and raised his glass towards her as he spoke, "I can see the charm now."
"Are we ready to get this show on the road?" snapped Damon. "We don't have all night to chit chat about who looks best in what."
"I'll see you there," said Stefan with a smile as he got up from his chair. He was dressed in a suit which looked good on him, but everything always did. From across the room Mikael downed the rest of his drink and gave the three of them a little smile before heading for the door. It didn't seem like he was leaving quite yet because it seemed Damon would probably want to speak with him more on the possible plan but he followed Stefan out anyway.
"Why are they headed out now?" asked Colette with a frown as she walked around to sit against the armrest of the couch. "And shouldn't Rebekah be here by now?"
"Yeah," murmured Elena with a sigh, "about that..."
Colette narrowed her eyes as she watched Damon scratch the back of his head with a look that read 'I didn't do it.' Colette crossed her leg at the knee with a frown. "What did you two do?"
"We couldn't risk her being there and messing things up," said Elena. "If she backed out or told Klaus anything about the plan, then we'd be screwed."
"Is she still alive at least?"
Elena nodded. "If we take the dagger out of her, she'll be good as new."
"And that's what we're doing to Klaus tonight but worse?"
Elena nodded again with a half smile. "That reminds me, we have some backup coming soon."
Damon sighed as he got himself a glass of bourbon. "You're going to love her."
Colette, in fact, did not love her.
Katherine Pierce was an arrogant bitch with a smirk and heels to kill. She was exactly like Elena except for her attitude and the way she held herself. She had an aura around herself that made it nearly intoxicating to be around. Self-made confidence was sweeter than any drug Colette had ever tasted.
"We're stuck with her for the whole night?" asked Colette as they got out of Matt's car at Tyler's house later that evening. Elena was stuck at home while they were stuck with Katherine and her date, which Matt didn't seem too happy about being.
"Don't try to sound so heartbroken about it," murmured Katherine as she fixed her dress. It was hard to tell the difference between her and Elena, once Katherine got in the right mind place, they were nearly identical down to their very cores. "I'm not too cheery on being stuck with you either, wolf candy."
"At least he wants me more than he ever did you," spat Colette as she stalked past as Damon chuckled behind her. She didn't know why she needed to compete with her, it wasn't like Klaus would still pick her. She'd turned him down and now that she knew his true purpose and desire for her was routed to her blood, what was the point in ever going after his heart (if there even was a heart left in his barren, cold chest)?
When she entered the Lockwood mansion, the music from outside was loud enough to course through every room inside. If she touched the walls, she was certain she would be able to feel the bass vibrating there. As she walked through the house to get to the backyard where the kegs were and all the food, she wished Rebekah was with her. It would've been easier to navigate this terrible world with someone on her arm to help guide her. Instead, she was stuck with Katherine who didn't want a thing to do with her.
She would've clung to Caroline but she couldn't find her anywhere and the same went for Bonnie. Matt was too preoccupied with being Katherine's fake date and Colette didn't even want to think of latching onto Stefan so that left her one final option.
She stuck around inside to avoid finding Klaus. She wasn't quite ready to face the monster even if she was tempted to head outside and listen to the band. But there were so many people, too many actually. There were more faces here than at any high school dance she'd attended, she recognized barely half. Colette could sense there were hybrids amongst them, that Klaus had infiltrated the pack even more so than before. She could feel eyes on her as she stalked around the crowded house.
As Colette bent down to reach into one of the many coolers she'd found along the back porch and away from the wandering eye, someone reached in to grab one as well, pulling it out quickly and unscrewing the cap with a sharp twist of their hand.
"Funny," murmured Colette as she stood, clutching the neck of her beer tightly, "I didn't peg you as a beer drinker. Aren't you more tequila and blood nowadays?"
Naya smiled cooly and rolled her eyes. "No date, Cole? What a shame, you're here all by yourself."
"Not really," said Colette with a smile as she tipped the bottle back and drank as much as she could. "He's here somewhere."
Naya grinned, leaning closer to whisper, "Better not say that too loud or you'll make him jealous."
"Who?" she whispered back, playing along. She needed to act at least a little dumb to keep the plan going. Klaus couldn't know she knew what this was all truly about. "Matt? He's here with Elena, didn't you see?"
Naya scowled and Cole knew she hit a soft spot. She knew Naya still had that pathetic little crush on Matt, the same one she'd been harboring for years. He was too nice of a guy to ever fall for Naya's tricks. "No, your little dog."
Colette frowned. "Tyler?"
"God, you're such a bitch," muttered Naya as she grabbed Colette by the arm and dragged her towards the railing to look over the dancing and jumping crowd. There was a huge stage, the live band surrounded by red and white lights as they sang songs Cole didn't recognize. "Him." She pointed and Colette had to follow her finger to where the dangerous man stood talking with Tyler.
Colette didn't say anything as she took him in. He looked better than he did when she saw him last. That night in the gym didn't do him any favors, with the wild look in his eyes and the anger spilling out from his pores. He was wearing a suit, the elegant look almost making him look nearly normal amongst the crowd if not for the smirk and the darkened eyes. The energy around him was hopeful, like he was aching for this to be real.
"Why's he here?" asked Colette in a whisper as Naya smiled.
"To attend a high school homecoming," murmured Naya before scoffing and saying, "How the hell am I supposed to know?"
"Because don't you know everything?" spat Colette, pulling herself free from the girl's arm to try and head back into the house before Klaus truly spotted her. She tried to weave her way through the crowd but Naya was still following her and before she could try and just zip away, someone grabbed her arm and started pulling her back towards the stairs to lead to the backyard.
"You have a job you're supposed to be doing," snarled Katherine in her ear. She glanced sideways at Naya who stood frozen with a scowl and she played with her best Elena impression and gave the other girl a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I need Cole's help with finding Caroline!"
Naya only glared as Katherine pulled Colette along down the stairs and gave her one final nudge before disappearing back into the crowd. Colette glared somewhere behind her hoping Katherine could see and she hoped she could just slink her away into the nearby huddle of teens or whoever the hell they were but she'd been spotted.
She could feel his eyes on her. She would always be able to sense him around her, like a thick clouded mist of power, lust, and rage. It was a sweet horrible smell that coated her nose and throat like chocolate. He was looking past Tyler and he was smiling softly and she could only try to avert her eyes and begin to walk along the crowd in hopes to lose him but she was in his sights and he wouldn't let her go until he'd talked to her.
She downed the rest of the beer and passed off the bottle to someone walking by as she continued to walk. It was difficult to walk along the grass in her heels but she made do, she wasn't going to falter or even miss step in front of him.
She almost got away when he fell into step with her. His hands were clasped behind his back and he had an insightful look on his face as he looked her over. She could feel the very burn on his eyes over her skin, making her want to shiver and tear her dress free from the flames fanning in her veins.
"You look beautiful this evening, Colette," he said and she kept her eyes glued forward. She knew she needed to distract him but what better way than to continue this one sided conversation? "I honestly didn't think you'd show."
"It's homecoming," she muttered, easily succumbing to their conversation, "why wouldn't I come?"
"Because you knew I'd be here."
She shook her head with a scoff. "If I knew you'd be here, I wouldn't have shown up."
He smirked. "I doubt that."
"Oh, really?"
He nodded and held out his arm for her to take which she brushed it off with a scowl. He kept his arm up and moved to slow her down, stepping in front of her so she'd be forced to acknowledge his offer. "Come on," he murmured, his eyes reflecting in the flashing lights from the band, "just humor me for a while, will you?"
She glanced down at his offer before meeting his eyes with a soft sigh. She nodded and slipped her arm into his, allowing him to escort her across the lawn and towards the benches that overlooked the little lake.
She found that she leaned into his touch, seeking out his warmth even though she didn't get cold like that. It was very human of her and she sought out that nature as they stopped underneath string lights he no doubt commanded one of his minions to hang about the grounds.
"I heard about your parents," he whispered, his voice so soft it was like a sigh on the wind. "I'm sorry that happened, Colette."
She gave him a forced smile and a nod before looking back over the dark water. It looked black at night, it was just a reflection of the darkened sky above them. She had the urge to free herself of his side and step into the cold water.
"I'm sorry for my involvement in your pain."
She glanced up at him and found he was already looking down at her. There was no smile across his lips, no expression even resembling his usual arrogance and she hated that for a split second she enjoyed it. It only made her want to push down that switch even more but she held off. She held off because she was just as pathetic and lonely as nearly half the people here.
Looking back at the water, she could see small ripples and wondered if there were living things trying to survive like she was here now. Were there things as small as atoms and particles just fighting to keep up with the constant pain the world surrounded them in?
Klaus kept quiet beside her and she let out a slow breath before she whispered, "Why did you want me, Klaus?" Her voice was so soft it didn't even sound like hers, or rather, it was hers from a lifetime ago. "Just tell me...please."
He shifted slightly, moving his arm so he could move his hand down her forearm to tease at her palm. He wanted to hold her hand and she almost let him but she kept herself still, looking out at the vacant water so he would tell her what she wanted to hear.
"You're special," he murmured, settling on the old truth she'd heard spat at her face at every twist and turn. "You're...gifted."
"And that's why you wanted me?" she asked, feeling that dreadful emotion curling itself awake in her chest. "Why you–why you slept with me?"
"Tell me the truth, Klaus. Just tell me honestly, I can–" She shook her head softly. "I can take it."
He shook his head and reached out to touch her face, forcing her to look up at him with such gentleness it shocked her. "I'm afraid you can't, love."
He parted her lips with his thumb and her breathing hitched in her throat.
Don't let him consume you, little girl. You know what he did to you. You know what the pain felt like.
"I deserve to know why you manipulated me," she whispered as he met her gaze. "I deserve to know why you played with my feelings, made me think things that weren't true. I deserve to know why you used me."
Tell me, tell me! You're the big bad wolf, tell me how you wanted to devour me. Tell me how you wanted to ruin me from the inside out.
His thumb pressed lightly against her chin, tilting her head up. "What I felt was real."
"No," she breathed, "it wasn't."
Why does it still hurt? Why does he still affect me like he's been inside me all along?
His face lowered towards her and her breathing stuttered as he stopped just a breath away from her lips. "There are things inside of you that I wanted," he said to her, his hand itching to get lost in her hair, "and I admit, when I first met you, I wanted those things for myself." He pulled back just enough to meet her eyes once again. "But you were charming and a bit shy, and I liked how you were nervous around me."
"I was an easy target," she whispered and he shook his head.
"All my life," his hand found her hair, "I've been surrounded by chaos and loathing but looking into your eyes, I found something else waiting for me. You were kind, a bit hopeless like I once was, and you had the same anger inside of you that I do now. We're one in the same."
She shook her head. "You don't even know me."
"I know enough."
"You kill people," she whispered back, finding her switch deep inside her head flickering on its own as she felt emotion swallow up her throat. "You killed people I care about and you–you used me for your own advantage. You want my blood," his eyes narrowed, "I know you do and you know, if I had never found out the truth about you, I might've actually given it to you." She let out a shaky breath, blinking away sudden tears. "You let me fall for you in a way I never thought possible and then ripped it out from underneath me."
"There was a power I'm trying to stop from returning," he said and she trusted him just by the way he was looking into her eyes. She knew it was foolish but she felt the truth pulsing around him like something soft and cold. "Your blood could be the key."
"And now?"
"You've been made a vampire, things are different."
She reached up and took his wrist gently into hers, pulling her hand away from her face. She took a soft step back but kept her grip on his hand. She knew this was just an act she was putting on but some deep part of her wanted it to be real, even just for a second. "Becoming a vampire woke something inside of me, I'm sure you already know."
He nodded slowly. "Power knows power, Colette."
"Am I safe with you, then?"
He nodded again and moved so his hand was wrapped around hers. "You always have been."
She opened her mouth to say something but a voice she didn't recognize interrupted her. "Klaus, you have a visitor."
Klaus looked at the woman standing near them. She was cute with short hair and Colette could smell the hybrid stench on her. "Is it really that important that you had to interrupt us?"
"He said his name is Mikael."
His jaw clenched and he pulled his hand away from Colette's as he whispered, "Then we mustn't keep him waiting." He looked at Colette and offered her his arm as he said, "You should come with me."
"Why?" She frowned.
"I do not trust my father," he said with narrowed eyes, "and I certainly do not trust him enough to leave you alone." He glanced at the woman who was now walking back with them once Colette took his arm. "Tell everyone to move out back. I need to have a little chat with my dad. Tell Tony he knows what to do."
He patted Colette's arm and she almost recoiled from him. She'd forgotten what he was really like, the rage he got inside of him that roared and clawed at him until it set itself free. Even with the way he was walking, his posture rigid, his grip splintering around her arm.
When they entered the mansion, it was almost quiet now that everyone was outside. He paused before heading into the parlor where Mikael stood waiting. He took her by the face and said very slowly, "I need you to stay here." She could feel the compulsion in his voice but her mind wouldn't slip into it, even though her body screamed.
"Are you trying to compel me?" she whispered and his narrowed gaze softened. It seemed she was immune to his levels of persuasion, something he clearly wasn't prepared for.
"Stay here," he repeated, his voice no longer laced with its mind poison. "Please."
She nodded and watched him leave.
She gave herself just a moment to breathe properly. She hated that he had a way with her, that he could look at her and have her groveling for his attention. It was as if she had become clay and he was the skilled hands turning her into something she was afraid of becoming. She could be anything she wanted and she wanted to be his in some sick twisted way because power was power.
Was she just another version of Naya looking and searching for the quickest way to the top? Or was she in this because she knew he was something more than just a body?
She pressed herself against the wall to listen more carefully and she could hear Mikael's voice clear as day. "If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations."
"I don't need them," sneered Klaus and Colette crept further down the hall. "I just need to be rid of you."
"To what end, Niklaus?" asked Mikael. "So you can live forever with no one by your side?"
Colette could see them. She could see Mikael holding Katherine and she could see the way Klaus was holding himself, the rigidness so tight it cast an almost red glow around him.
"Nobody cares about you anymore, boy!" Mikael was smiling. "Who do you have besides whose loyalty you've forced?" She moved into the parlor, keeping to the back and she saw Mikael's eyes flutter over her. "Certainly not the girl whom you cherish. Forcing fear and manipulation down her throat to get your way." He leaned closer to whisper, "You have no one. No one."
Colette stepped forward because she always was a sucker for pain and loathing. Klaus was so tense she could've snapped him in two as easy as dried pasta. She reached out and ran her hand up his back to his shoulder and she felt that tension ease just enough to let her in.
"I'm calling your bluff, father," Klaus snarled and she could see the emotion fluttering about him like wasps. "Kill her."
Mikael grinned. "Come outside and face me yourself, you little coward." His grip tightened on Katherine and she made a face. "And I won't have to."
"My whole life you've underestimated me," snapped Klaus and Colette kept her hand on him, showing him that he was not facing this beast alone but also because wasn't this was she was supposed to do? Play her true card that she wanted him, too? "If you kill her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead and kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her."
"He'll really do it," Colette whispered, forcing the emotion to lace her voice.
"Kill her!" he cried as Mikael began to chuckle.
Mikael shook his head slowly. "Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and forever will be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." Mikael gave his son one final smile before Colette heard the knife slice through Katherine's back as she arched herself with a horrible wet gasp.
Colette stumbled back from Klaus and pressed her hands to her mouth and let out a horrified scream. Mikael yanked the knife free and threw Katherine's body to the ground as Colette sobbed into her hands.
Klaus took a small step back as he gasped, clearly he'd underestimated his father's will to hurt him because he was shaking with true shock as Mikael continued to laugh. From behind Colette, she felt Damon's presence and he pushed her just gently out of the way before coming up on Klaus who spun around with another gasp.
Damon had the white oak stake slammed into Klaus's side and took him by the shoulder to throw him to the ground. Colette continued to fake her horror as she screamed but Klaus's own roars overtook her own.
From the doorway, Katherine got to her feet and pulled the wolfsbane grenades from her coat pocket and grinned at Mikael who whispered in surprise, "Katherine...?"
Her smirk shone fiercely on her face as she turned to face the crowd of hybrids who tried to come up the front steps to save their master. She pulled the clips on the grenades and threw them towards the beasts before running in a flurry of black as poisoned mist clouded the air around the hybrids. Colette could hear screaming and she felt her own scream bubble up out of her throat like the actress she was as Damon, who was wrestling Klaus on the ground pulled the stake out and held it above his head, ready to slam it into his heart.
But there was a flurry of color and Damon was shoved off of Klaus by Stefan, the stake falling to the floor. Colette made a move to run to Damon's side, to push Stefan off because how dare he ruin this plan but Klaus was already getting to his feet with the stake in his hand.
Klaus took one look at his father before running at him, tackling him off the porch. Colette ran to the door, watching as Klaus pushed the stake into his father's chest as he wailed. It didn't take long for Mikael's body to burst into flames with the stake and Colette watched the fire burn and move gently with the wind as it consumed the man's body.
She had seen a body burning in her vision and as she watched Mikael burn to nothing, she knew she had been right. Klaus would walk away from tonight with nothing but a shattered heart and hope now that the monster who'd hunted him down for decades was finally gone.
"What the hell did you do?" snarled Damon as Stefan held him down. Colette spun around, glaring at Stefan and went after him. She didn't get the chance to grab him before he'd spun around and slammed her against the floor beside Damon.
She snapped her teeth at him, her fangs aching to tear into him. He'd ruined the plan, they were so close to finally being free, to finally being one step closer to a semblance of peace and he'd run it and stopped it.
"He's earned his freedom," said Klaus from behind them and Stefan slowly eased up on Colette's neck to look over his shoulder.
Stefan quickly got to his feet and Damon went to Colette's side, helping her sit up as she rubbed her sore neck. His hand was on her back, holding her gently as she glared up at the two men they'd tried so desperately to take down. Everything had gone perfectly, they'd accounted for every little thing and still, they failed.
"Thank you, my friend," whispered Klaus as Stefan stood before him. "You no longer have to do what I say. You're free."
Damon tightened his grip on Colette's arm and in an instant they were out of the Lockwood mansion and sprinting away towards the boarding house. They only stopped so Colette could breathe just for a moment, her heart stuck in her throat. She stumbled forward, her heels leaving her feet aching as she gripped a tree to steady herself.
"You okay?" asked Damon from behind her and she nodded.
"Why–" She swallowed. "Why would Stefan do that? What did he know that we didn't?"
She glanced over her shoulder, watching Damon as he ran both hands over his head. He was walking in a small circle, his breathing rough, and she watched as he sent his fist into a tree, the bark splintering with an angry crack. He hit the trunk again before pressing both hands to his face, covering his eyes as he yelled.
Colette raced forward, forcing his hands free from his face. He opened his eyes, the blue piercing in the dark as he stared at her. "We'll get through this," she whispered, holding his face in her hands. "We'll come up with something else."
"How?" he breathed. "We were prepared for every possible outcome and he still got away!"
"Then we come up with a different outcome," she said, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. He leaned into her touch and she sighed. She was just as angry as he was but they couldn't scream and cry about it because it wouldn't change what happened. They had been tricked. "This time, we'll win."
He nodded slowly, reaching to hold her wrists and pull her hands from his face. He kept his grip on her as he murmured, "Stefan acted on his own, we would've known if Klaus had contacted him, right?"
Colette nodded. "We would've seen them together, we would've known something was up before he tried anything. Just like you said, we were prepared for everything." She bowed her head, her forehead touching his shoulder just for a moment before she looked back up to meet his eyes. "Stefan wanted his freedom more than anything, we have to remember that."
"And the backstabbed got it," spat Damon with a scowl.
"Now he's free to act against him," she whispered back. "He could be planning something right now."
Damon looked away, letting go of his grip on her wrists and walking past her a few steps. He kept his eyes trained on the trees as he breathed for a moment and she thought he was going to say something to her, something else, but instead he whispered, "Let's get home."
He held out his hand for her and she nodded, stepping forward and clasping her hand in his.
They were gone in seconds.
AUTHOR'S NOTE━━this was not....good. idk not my fav chapter, might go back and change things but rn probs not. classes are starting again today so i'm hoping my update schedule will stay the same but ill let u all know if it changes from mondays!!!
let me know what you guys think gahhh
vote/comment <333
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