018 ━ ghost world
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↳ 018, ghost world
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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 the next morning, she was not alone.
She couldn't see anyone but there was a different smell in the air, like something icy cold. It smelled what freezing to death smelled like, something dead and half there. She had never smelled something like that before and as she sat up in bed, rubbing her now fully healed eye of sleep, she saw that the bathroom was foggy like someone had turned the shower on to fiery levels of heat.
Peering into the shower stall, she was surprised to find the door and tile wet. Even the sinks were damp as if someone had come in and twisted all the faucets. She was honestly surprised she didn't hear it when she was asleep and thought nothing of it as she dressed for the day. She'd gotten up late since she'd had her fair share of excitement last night.
From being stabbed in the eye to learning about Naya, she was ready just to crack open a blood bag, maybe a beer, and walk around downtown during the Night of Illumination Mayor Lockwood was throwing. She knew she would have to go anyway, she could never escape these events thanks to Caroline.
As she dressed and brushed her teeth, she could still smell the strangeness in the room. She could feel invisible eyes following her as she crossed the room to grab her tank top from the bed and then her shoes on the floor. They watched her tie the laces on her converse and she knew there were at least two sets of eyes. Two people somewhere beyond the veil she could not see.
She left her bedroom and as she jogged down the steps, she noticed the living room in disarray. She frowned, slowing her step as Stefan appeared in the doorway to the kitchen.
"Morning, roomie," he said, stirring a coffee in his hands.
She gestured to the strange chair that smelled of blood with a heavier tang than normal which she realized was from a vampire as she said, "What happened here?" She noticed a bloodied poker on the ground along with a thick coil of chains. She sniffed the air again, frowning. "Did you tie Damon up?"
He shook his head, half amused. "He did that to himself."
"Really? He just willingly chained himself up in front of the open curtains?" She noticed how some of the blood looked black as she walked closer. "He would just sit there without his daylight ring?"
He shrugged. "Either that or Mason Lockwood's ghost really was here, which is doubtful."
"Mason Lockwood?"
"Yeah, you know," he muttered, raising one hand to his head to make fake ears, "werewolf uncle of Tyler, Damon and Alaric, like, totally killed him last year." He chuckled, bringing the mug to his lips to take a long sip. She hoped it burned his tongue.
She didn't think Damon was so far off on his Mason theory, since she'd woken up feeling eyes that definitely didn't feel alive. "Where'd he go?"
He shrugged. "Probably to track down Bonnie, figure out some witchy stuff."
"And what are you going to do?"
"Drink the rest of this," he said, raising the mug in salut. "Maybe I'll go into town, see what I can find to eat." He paused from looking down at his drink before raising his head to meet her narrowed gaze. "Are you going to the town square for the Illumination bullshit later on?"
"Why, are you?"
"Thinking about it. I have to watch my investment, of course."
"Ah, of course." She walked past him and towards the front door and she felt him follow her.
"Why? Don't you want to go with me? We can find a proper meal? Maybe something less cold and more hot."
"Just go bother Elena, okay? I'm sure she'd like to hear your voice rather than me," she said, rolling her eyes as she opened the door. She dug around in her purse for her keys but Stefan still didn't leave her alone.
"You really don't like me, do you?"
She glared at the ground as her hand still searched for her keys. "Now, how did you get that impression, hmm?"
He chuckled, deeply. "Educated guess, you could say."
"Ooh, clever vampire," she drawled, finally pulling her keys free. As she moved to slam the door behind her, he reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her from the motion.
"He talked about you, you know," he said in a slow voice, his grip tightening on her as if she would pull away from him. "When you found out...you should've seen him." She heard him chuckle for a third time, this time to himself, and she had the urge to spin around and face him, to slap the ever loving hell out of him. "He was all broken up inside. When we got to Mystic Falls, he was practically bleeding with anticipation at seeing you. He knew you'd be there, at the school that night."
"How?" Her voice was breathy and she hated herself for it.
"You're a predictable high school senior."
She pursed her lips tightly, lowering her eyes to glare at the ground. She could feel the same horrible pressure building up in her stomach, not as present as the night she practically exploded but if he kept making her mad, she would surely burst.
"He's in love with you," he whispered, his lips by her ear. "He wants you, every inch of you from your head to your veins."
She flexed her hand and spun her wrist in his grip, not minding that she felt a bone clearly snap as she spun around. She slammed her forearm into his chest and pushed him back against the brick. He looked at her in awe, releasing her wrist from his painful grip and she felt the bone begin to heal and mold together and she didn't even flinch or cry at the pain.
"You're so full of shit, Stefan," she snarled, pressing her elbow deeper into the thickness of his chest.
"Yeah, but I got you riled up, didn't I?" he mused with a smirk.
"If I were Klaus," she purred, leaning closer that she could feel her own breath bounce off his perfectly smooth skin, "I would've killed you a long time ago, roomie."
She pushed off and away from him, turning and heading back out towards her car. She could feel his eyes on her as she unlocked the door and got inside but she could also sense the strange pair of eyes that had followed her all morning. They were behind her now, not in the backseat but in the driveway.
They smelled almost familiar, like the parasites trying to reach their hands and claws through the ghostly veil. She started her car and tried to ignore the eyes watching her as she drove off to continue what she got up to do.
She was going to see Naya. It was going to be dangerous but she couldn't allow Dean to come after her again, for his sake. This way, she could visit the she-demon in the hospital during the day with enough witnesses in case Naya wanted to try something and Colette was sure she would.
Colette would've if their roles were reversed. If she had been human, she wouldn't have started something like this. It would never have even crossed her mind but if she were Naya and she was now a blood sucking monster...well, she'd do just about anything to gain back her control.
The closer she got to the hospital, the more uneasy she felt. She'd been here before, obviously, but each time brought something horrific. Her father died here, alone. Her mother's empty shell of a body was kept in the morgue until police were done and she could be taken away to prepare for the funeral. Those were the last times Colette saw her parents.
She saw them in photographs but was that enough?
No, it never was.
Colette parked her car and got out, stuffing her keys into her sweatshirt pocket where she maneuvered each one on the ring in between her fingers. If Naya charged at her, she would punch and strike as many times as it took until the keys were jammed and stuck in her flesh.
She checked in with the woman at the front desk and she told her where to go and she was off, walking down the hallway that smelled of such deep decay and pain that it made her lightheaded. Everything was wrong here. From the bleach to the sickness, everything gave off a strong scent.
It was dizzying.
Colette reached Naya's room, the door shut. She stood outside and knew the girl inside was aware she was here. It would be impossible for a vampire not to notice unless they were unconscious or half-dead as Damon liked to call it when their necks were broken.
She tightened her grip on the keys and opened the door, letting it close behind her softly. She wished she had brought a stake with her, or that she had a pair of steel toed boots to smash in a face if she had too. The room itself was clean and there were a bundle of flowers by the window, all soft pinks and yellows. It smelled like perfume, as if used to mask the true scent of evil.
Colette didn't speak as she stopped walking in front of the bed, her back to the wall to save from any attack. Naya was in the bed and Colette wished she had been asleep but her eyes were open and she was smiling.
Her skin was smooth and tanned, not a single flaw from her week in 'the woods.' There was an IV next to her, still full and unused. There was a small bandage wrapped around her inner arm which told Colette she must've been on the IV recently and the one inside the room was just there for show now.
"Colette," whispered Naya and her voice sent something feral crawling down Colette's spine. "I knew you'd come." She didn't speak still, keeping her mouth closed as her betrayer continued. "I would've come and seen you but...well, they're keeping me an extra day for observation. I would've found you tonight when they released me."
Colette kept her mouth firmly shut. Naya looked perfect, her hair glossy and her lips full. She wished the girl truly had been lost in the woods, lost to succumb to her environment. She wished the ruiner had died when Colette tore her throat out and stole from her. Maybe she hadn't even stolen from her, maybe she had been born into it when she woke with new blood.
"I'm happy to see you're alive," said Naya, shifting to sit up in her bed more. "I was scared that after the wreck, you wouldn't have made it." She reached up and touched her neck gently with a small chuckle. "I underestimated you."
Colette's hand on her keys tightened to a painful grip.
"Did you get the message I left? On the mirror?"
Colette didn't move a muscle.
Naya's lip twitched. "What are you now, Cole? A mute? Can't you speak or did death cut out your tongue?"
Death never repaired your heart, now did it, Naya?
"God, you were so much more fun when you were alive," sighed Naya with a light scoff. "But I did this for us, okay? You had to die and without me, you wouldn't be where you are right now. You wouldn't have little Elena and Caroline in your back pocket and you certainly wouldn't have Damon following you around like some lost puppy." Her features turned sour and she scowled. "And Nik? Your precious, beautiful, loving Nik? I knew what he was, you pathetic bitch. I tried to save you from him but you wouldn't listen." She slammed her fist down against the bed and sat up straighter. "You never listen, you never do as you're told."
"Oh, I'm sorry," whispered Colette, letting their eyes meet, "I didn't know I was supposed to have your dick down my throat. My apologies, should I get down on my hands and knees and ask for forgiveness?"
Naya gave her a wicked smirk. "Ah, the little demon finally speaks." She turned on the bed, throwing her legs over the side and pushing the thin blanket off as she stood. She was graceful on her legs, all beautiful and toned. Death made her a sculpture. "I created you, you should have a little respect."
"I have nothing to give you."
"Hmm, I'm sure you don't."
Colette sized the girl up. Naya was strong, she would be even stronger as a vampire but did she have the slight combat skills Colette already had? She'd fought off a rabid werewolf and an original vampire already, surely she must have the upper hand.
"Tommy says you're quite the specimen, though," muttered Naya as she leaned against the end of the bed to face her. It was strange being so close to her after everything that had happened. "Already have people to protect you, you were busy when you woke. For me, it was different. I woke up alone and had to crawl my way back to the road for Tommy to find me. You left me there." She shook her head and for a moment Colette thought she saw her lip wobble. "You left me all alone, how could you?"
"We obviously had different agendas."
Naya clucked with her tongue, pursing her lips. "And then I send Dean after you and he comes back sobbing. You've turned into something awful, Colette. I thought this change would be good but clearly I'm wrong."
"You don't know anything."
"Don't I?" scoffed Naya. "I saw visions of you, Colette. This change was supposed to stop the evil but everything was wrong. My visions lied."
"Did your visions lie about Klaus?"
"Klaus?" Naya's lips turned up into a smile. "Ah, sweet Nik turned out to be the deceiver, didn't he? I knew he was a liar, I knew he'd be the death of you so I took you first." She ran her fingers over the blanket underneath her, sitting with her legs spread as if to taunt Colette that she was still in power. She was the one in charge. "We died together so we could finally live," she stood and reached out, her fingers itching to touch Colette's face, "that we could have forever together."
"Did your visions show you that?" whispered Colette with a scowl. "That we'd be trapped together for eternity?"
"You make it sound like a bad thing."
"Because it is."
"I fucking hate you."
Naya gasped, taking a step back as if wounded. "You don't mean that."
"I want you dead," Colette snarled, pulling her hand from her jacket and stepping forward fast enough to push her claws up against Naya's throat, backing her up against the bed. She pressed the keys so hard against the softness of her neck that she saw blood swell and trickle down the length of her in a slow drip. "I want to feel your heart give out like I did that night I tore your fucking throat open. I want you to choke on your own blood like I did." She grinned, feeling her fangs poke her bottom lip. "I want you to burn like me."
"But–" Naya's lips wobbled. "But I love you."
"The only person you love is yourself."
Colette stepped back and Naya relaxed forward, breathing deeply. "I did this all for you, Colette, you insolent loser." She slammed a hand to her chest as she snarled, "I did this all for you! You can't treat me this way!"
"I can do whatever I want."
"No," snapped Naya, grabbing Colette's arm, "no you can't."
Colette looked down at Naya's hand around her wrist with a laugh. "You think you can stop me? You?" She laughed again. "What do you have that I don't?" Naya growled and Colette grinned in her face. She pulled her wrist free and licked her lips. "How about you come find me when you can finally stop me, alright? I'll be waiting, but I'm guessing I'll have to wait a while."
Colette walked towards the door and from behind her she heard a small croaking noise like sobbing. It grew and grew until Colette realized it was laughter, maniacal like some machine ticking and creaking.
"You're just like your parents," Naya laughed, howling with it. "They thought they were stronger than me, too. They thought they could beat me but when I carved that pretty hole out of Stella, she realized just who she was dealing with." Colette's blood ran cold, like slush within her arms. "She tasted sweet, sweeter than any candy I've ever sucked on. You better be careful, Colette, I'd hate to see you earn a similar fate to her by overlooking the obvious."
She had her hand on the door and she turned, narrowing her eyes. She could smell the evil over the perfume, the sweet lilac poison coating her skin.
"I know what you did to them," she whispered, deadly sweet. "I know what you really are inside and I'm going to tear you open and show the world just how fucking disgusting you really are."
Naya pouted. "Your little empty threats don't scare me. As much as you push me around and taunt me, you could never kill me. Not really."
Colette pointed to her own throat with a grin. "Tell that to the chunk I tore out of you. I'm not afraid to hurt you, not anymore."
"I did this to protect you, Colette, why can't you just open your eyes and see that?!"
"Because you're a bitch and you've always been."
"I had to kill you," Naya breathed as Colette's hand dropped from the door. "I saw what your fate would do and I was saving you."
"Saving me from what?!"
"The destruction," she whispered back. "The horror at having your heart broken, a true death." Colette's brows furrowed and Naya took a slow step towards her and Colette envisioned her as a saint, golden light and halos dancing off of her skin. "Now, as a vampire, you can't die. Ever."
"Vampires can still die," Colette hissed. "We all die, nothing stops us from that."
"But you're special, don't you see that?" Naya took another step, clasping her hands together as if in prayer. "I've always known you were special, Cole. I've always seen it."
Colette rolled her eyes. "Calling me special won't get me to change my mind. You and Tommy killed me and then killed my parents, you're lucky I don't kill you now."
"Why not?"
Colette smiled. "Don't want to cause a scene. Killing you would be too loud." Her eyes narrowed with dangerous joy. "Too messy."
Naya was closer now but Colette didn't move nor did she back down. She wouldn't show her she was afraid, that her heart was beating rapidly as if she'd gone running. Naya cocked her head to the side like an animal watching prey.
"No one has told you?" Naya whispered and this time she touched her when she reached her hand out. She ran her fingers lightly down Colette's golden cheek and her fingertips felt like ice against her heat. "Not even Klaus?"
Colette narrowed her eyes. "Told me what?"
"About what makes you so special?" Naya's hand splayed across her cheek, spreading out as if trying to suck up the warmth collected there. "When I woke up after I changed," she whispered, something strange crossing her face like grief, and Colette could smell it in the air, "and I no longer had my magic, it felt like I'd died. A part of me had been stripped away but I had to swallow that down, I had to let go. I had to change, so did you, it was all part of what I'd seen."
Colette traced Naya's face with her eyes, frowning.
"My visions always showed me you, Cole," said Naya as she took a step back and Colette reluctantly followed her back to the bed as the girl sat down as if tired. She hated how Naya could always draw her in so easily. "You were the center, the core of everything. Tommy's known about me and what I can do since we were kids. He's been...my partner for a while."
"I know you two have been fucking," snapped Colette. "You're not that special, neither is Tommy."
Naya glared. "He's been a godsend, a protector for me. He's a good man, I'm sorry you just can't see it."
Colette scowled. "I'm sorry I can't see past you two fucking killing my parents."
"They were never really your parents, Colette. You had to have sensed that."
Her brows furrowed deeper and she felt a rage surge through her. It ran through her from her heart, her blood thick with such vibrant anger she saw red cornering her vision.
"Stella and Adam Copeman were not your parents by true blood."
"Your blood is different, it's why...you're so special. You had to know this! God, you really are so fucking dense. I knew you'd need me to help you walk through this like guiding a baby," snapped Naya, shaking her head. She sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed one of her long legs, her hospital gown falling away to expose the strength in her thigh. "It's why Klaus got so close to you, it's why he played you." She smiled cruelly. "It's why he slept with you."
She felt as if a gun shot had gone off in her ears, a bullet ricocheting around inside her chest and stomach. She felt as if she were being torn apart.
"He only ever wanted you for your blood, the power you give off," Naya continued as a ringing built and built in Colette's ears. "You were born from demon blood, Colette. You died when you were born and in order to bring you back, your parents made a deal."
Colette shook her head. "Shut the fuck up."
"They made a deal and you were brought back by old magic, corrupted magic. Your blood was tainted," Naya shook her head and barked out a laugh, "Come on, Cole! Haven't you ever wondered why you never got sick as a child? Why you've always been distant with other people?"
Her hands were shaking, she was breathing fire. Her lungs were burning. Her eyes were stinging. She wanted to explode.
Burn her. Kill her. Liar, liar, liar.
She swallowed the burning pain and forced herself to listen. Naya's mouth was moving and she forced the agony to reside.
"Your blood gives power to creatures like us," Naya whispered whimsically. She had a dreamy look on her face as if she was already salivating for a taste. "It hurts, though. Your blood burns us, burns humans when they're alive."
"When...when they're alive?" Colette whispered, shaking her head as if it was too full to think, to even process such bullshit.
"Your blood can bring back the dead, naturally. If they die...your blood can bring them back to life as if nothing had happened." Naya shrugged, frowning as she bounced her foot. "Except if you have vampire blood in you already, then your blood does nothing. You can reanimate life and take it with just a simple drop. Fascinating."
Colette dug her nails into her palms to stop from shaking. "Then how am I a vampire, huh? If you're so smart, so educated on demons and blood magic, then how the fuck am I standing here still dead?"
"Vampire blood came second, not first into your system."
"God, you're so full of shit."
"If I'm such a liar, then tell me how you can wield magic even though you're a vampire and I can't? Tell me how you can tell exactly what I'm feeling? How you burned the rest of your house down with your goddamn hands?" Colette was silent and Naya looked triumphant. "Tommy and I had learned about you, old files your parents had that you conveniently destroyed. You really did us a favor burning it all, erasing all traces of what we'd all done. You cleared all our names."
Colette felt as though she were vibrating, her eyesight felt fuzzy and she knew if Naya said one wrong thing she would strike and tear her throat open and then her gut. She would pull her organs out one by one until the girl couldn't handle it. She was going to bleed her dry.
"You've got powerful dark magic within you, demon blood, Colette. You're special and that's the only reason Klaus wanted you. He wanted to use your blood for power, for his hybrids, so he took your sweet innocent virginity and played you like a goddamn fool." Naya stood and went to Colette, cupping her face in her hands as the veins under Colette's eyes throbbed and ached. "But I would never do that to you. I love you too much to use you like that."
"You don't know anything," Colette whispered as she felt tears well up in her eyes. She blinked them away but it didn't stop them from falling.
"Go, then," said Naya, stepping away and going to her bed. "I'm sure the answer to your questions must be waiting for you outside." She smiled as she threw the blankets back over her legs with a little hum on her tongue. "Come to me when you realize I'm right and you know I am."
Colette stumbled away, peeling her nails out of her palms and feeling the release of blood against her skin. She pressed the already slow healing wounds against her shirt under her sweatshirt as the left. As she threw open the door, she heard Naya call out sweetly behind her.
"I love you, Colette. I'm so happy we can finally be together again. Senior year is going to be so much fun."
Colette slammed her fists into a tree outside the hospital so hard the bark splintered and the tree shook. She punched it again a good two more times before the tree fell over and she was racing away with bleeding knuckles and small splinters lodged in between her fingers.
When she was safely in her car and her breathing had slowed, she picked out the tiny wood pieces as she sobbed. Naya couldn't be right, it didn't make sense, none of it did.
But, then again, it did. Every little detail she knew made everything she'd wondered come alive. Klaus had used her in a way so dirty she could hardly think straight. Her blood was tainted, her body corrupted. The fire that had left her was not of her own doing but from an older magic used to bring her loving parents a child. Her mother didn't want her blood as she died because she knew what she was.
She knew what the blood could do to her, how badly it could hurt and kill if taken too much.
Colette started her car and drove off, needing a better place to think. Somewhere that wasn't so busy and full of questioning eyes. She needed to get as far away from Naya as possible. She was good at riling her up, better than anyone she'd ever known.
When she got where she knew she'd have a moment of peace, she parked her car and got out. She had called Damon on her way and left him a pretty distressing voicemail and she could only hope he responded. She even called Caroline and Elena and yet, no answer. She even decided to try for Bonnie and at least the girl had answered and said she was looking for a necklace and couldn't talk long. She debated ringing Stefan but knew that would be bad, as would Rebekah. So, she called Damon a second time and got no answer. If only she hadn't spent half the day in bed and hadn't wasted it away with Naya as the sun set behind the trees and the sky got darker and darker by the second.
Colette walked through the grass and stopped when she found them. There were old flowers by the graves and she could smell his scent all over them. She got down on her hands and knees and tore the old bouquets apart, flinging them all over as she shredded them with her hands. She couldn't stand him being anywhere near them or her, Tommy didn't deserve anything he got in his life. She could only regret that he didn't die more painfully, that he didn't get to suffer.
Stella and Adam's graves were located near a big tree, the only signifier Colette had to find them in the cemetery. She ran her hands over her hair and down her face, trying to ease her nervous tension but it was impossible.
Everything Naya had said felt like a lie but also the god's honest truth. It made her furious, like her insides were being torn apart like the flowers.
Demon blood, a dark magic deal, ancient blood.
It gave her the powers she had and she knew that made sense. She could smell things, feel them like they were a part of her. She had broken free from the witches magic in the bar bathroom, she'd easily taken on Rebekah, she could feel the magic and power radiating off others. She had stolen the magic straight from Naya's blood, even though the magic was probably already inside her just lying dormant until the vampire genes merged with her own but she liked the idea of stealing something precious away from Naya. It was the only joy she was given.
She felt tears well up in her eyes and she slapped herself, a quick movement across her face to stop the emotion. She didn't want to be feeling this way, she didn't like how it was crowding her up inside.
As she felt a sob reach her throat she saw movement in front of her. Her head shot up and the sight made her choke on air. Standing a few feet away was someone she thought she would never see again, at least not on this side.
She was on her feet and running forward before her brain could comprehend the fact that Stella Copeman was standing and waving at her. When she got to her, Colette slowed and let out a breathless laugh as she wiped at her cheeks to dry them.
"Mom?" she whispered on a laugh. "Is–is it really you?"
Stella reached out and touched Colette's cheek with a watery smile. "I'm here, baby. I'm here."
Colette hugged her mother, wrapping her arms tightly around her, burying her face in her hair. She took a deep breath and shuddered deeply, it smelled like her. Stella was still wearing her perfume, her hair still smelled of her shampoo, her skin still captured the scent of her lotion. She was real in her hands, solid and just like that Colette broke down in a horrible ugly sob, her legs going out underneath her.
The two women fell to the ground in their embrace as Colette cried, "How are you here? Mama, how are you–?"
"The veil is down," whispered Stella, smoothing Colette's hair from her face. "Your father–"
"Is right here," came his voice and Colette could hardly breathe as she pulled away from Stella as Adam knelt down in the grass beside them. He placed his hand on Colette's shoulder as the other wrapped around Stella and he smiled. "I'm right here."
Colette pressed her hands to her face and doubled over, covering her eyes as she open mouthed sobbed and whimpered. "I'm–I'm–" She couldn't speak but she was able to choke out the word, "Sorry."
"It's okay, my love," whispered Stella as Adam forced Colette's hands from her face. "It wasn't your fault."
Colette nodded her head as she hiccuped, "Yes–yes it was–"
"Tommy and Naya...they did this. Not you," said Adam with a fierce look on his face as he took his daughter's hand. "This was never on you."
"But–but–" Colette swallowed thickly, the tears running down her cheeks silently. "I wasn't there. I wasn't there to save you, to protect you."
"You were there at the end," said Stella with a small smile. "That's all that matters."
Adam glanced at his wife with a worrying look before glancing back at Colette. "There are things we need to talk about. There's so much you need to know."
"Yeah," Colette whispered, trying to catch her breath, "like the fact–the fact that I'm a demon!"
Adam's mouth fell into a frown and Stella's happy gleam died away. "It's not that simple," said Stella, pulling her hands back from Colette to wring them in her lap. Colette hadn't noticed but they were both wearing the clothes they had died in, just a lot more clean. There was no blood, no wounds, no bruising. They looked as if they had just gotten up and dressed for the day. "There were complications with your birth and we had a friend..." She shook her head, looking at Adam.
"We knew of a powerful witch," said Adam. "She possessed the body of a doctor and helped us. Her magic...it saved you. It was all we ever wanted."
"I'm fucking cursed," whispered Colette, shaking her head. She felt sweaty, like her body was coated in it. "I'm not okay, though. I–I–was killed and turned into another freak!"
Adam pulled Colette into him, hugging her tightly and she inhaled deeply as if trying to capture exactly what this moment felt and smelled like. She remembered the last time he'd hugged her, that strange day after they'd had breakfast. The day she died, things had been almost horrifically normal and she missed it all.
"Your blood is powerful, Colette," Adam said to her, kissing the top of her head as he pulled away to look her in the eyes. His button up shirt was a soft blue she realized. Without all the blood, she could finally tell what color he'd worn the day he died. "You can't give it away, don't let anyone take it from you."
"You can heal people," whispered Stella, reaching out and taking one of Colette's hands and gripping it tightly. Her nails were painted a deep purple, still shiny and smooth. "You can bring them back to life after death."
"Can I–"
Stella shook her head. "We're already too far gone and besides, my beautiful, beautiful daughter, this is what we want." She glanced at Adam and he smiled. "This was our time and we're sorry we couldn't have been around longer."
"But you're here now," Colette whispered as their truth weighed down on her heavily. It pushed down on her shoulders, trying to push her back into the earth where she belonged. She should've stayed dead.
Don't leave me. Don't ever let me go. I need you, please, god, I need you.
Stella smiled softly. "You have power that can protect you and there are dangerous forces coming to Mystic Falls. Use the magic inside you to protect yourself and your friends." She glanced at Adam once more as she said to Colette, "And don't be afraid to follow your heart. It'll take you exactly where you need to go."
Adam chuckled, rolling his eyes. Colette's heart surged for them and she wished this was just her trying to follow her heart but could she followed them to the other side? Could she follow them to the grave?
"There was a protection over you, granted by the witch who saved you," explained Stella, her eyes darting to Adam's for a split second and even in that tiny fragmented moment, Colette could see the love in her eyes. "With us dead, the protection shifts, so you must be careful. More careful than you've ever been."
"She can find you now," said Adam, and by 'she' Colette wasn't sure if he meant someone else or if it had been Naya all along. "With us gone...we can no longer protect you or keep you hidden. We did the only thing we thought of when you were born, when we'd lost you. We wouldn't change it for the world, but you must understand how dangerous it will be for you until she arrives."
Stella gave her pitiful smile, like she didn't trust her own emotions. "But, darling, the blood within you isn't as evil and cursed as some might tell you."
Adam nodded. "It was tainted, yes, corrupted even, but that's what gave you life. It's what has kept you here with us all along."
"So...I'm not a demon?" Colette frowned.
Adam chuckled again and shook his head but stopped to shrug. "You're not a spawn of hell, Cole, if that's what you're asking." He reached out and took hold of Stella's hand, rubbing his thumb gently over her palm. "The blood magic used was old, it was the only thing that could've brought you back to us and the witch...she tricked us."
"She didn't share us everything. She didn't tell us how she'd try and come back for you," said Stella. "There was so much she didn't tell us, like how you're so gifted now."
"But why are these...powers coming to me now?" Colette asked, she couldn't stop taking in both of their faces. It was mesmerizing.
"The vampire blood revived everything in you," whispered Stella with a soft look on her face. "When it brought you back to life, it woke everything that was dormant." She reached out and touched Colette's face so gently it felt almost like a cold mist ghosting over her. "It made you so much more special."
"But...but I'm a freak," said Colette, only reiterating her true fears over this. It made her wanted and not in the way she desired. She was a target, a walking blood bag like Elena. God, she really was like her and it disgusted Cole to no end. "I'll be hunted down for what I am, none of this is good. It...it got you killed."
"It went exactly how it always was going too," murmured Adam. "This was the life we chose, we knew exactly what we were getting into when we asked the witch to save you. What happened to us..." He looked at Stella with such a sad look it felt like it was spilling into Colette like waves of something horrible. "...I wouldn't change a thing if it meant you got to live, just like this. You might be...be a vampire, but you're still our daughter and you're still alive. You're still living."
She shook her head. The wind was picking up near them and she felt a chill run down her like someone was throwing a blanket over her. It was getting darker the longer they sat together but Colette didn't care. She just wanted as much time with them as possible but her heart was still aching. It was still racing. "But at what cost?"
"You're the key to so many things, sweetheart," said Adam with a watery smile. "What happened to us was the price."
"But there will always be more prices to pay," said Colette, feeling her throat tighten with the growing emotion. She was going to break down, she was going to fall apart. She couldn't let them go.
"It was all worth it to have you," Stella whispered with another brilliantly radiant smile. She could see so much of herself in her mother it hurt. Naya had said they weren't her parents by true blood but she didn't know how wrong she was. These two beings were more Colette than anyone could ever be. They were matched by blood and love and home. "Everything was worth it."
"I miss you so much," Colette whispered, bowing her head to hide her shame and the fact that she was nearly about to weep. "I miss you so much I can't breathe."
"We miss you too," said Adam with a softness in his hard eyes. He wiped at his mouth and she realized he looked like he was going to cry and Stella grabbed hold of his hand and there was something so gentle in the action that it made more tears spill down Colette's already soiled skin. "We will always be watching over you, sweetheart. We haven't left your side."
The eyes she felt this morning were them. She'd noticed them more than usual thanks to whatever had happened with the veil and she swallowed thickly, wondering if the veil would always be down and she hoped and prayed it would be.
"I can't do this without you both," Colette said softly, shaking her head as her voice cracked. She felt like her throat was on fire, that it was split open and raw. "I need you, I need my parents."
"You can do this," said Stella. "You've been doing this alone all your life already."
Adam nodded. "You don't need us, you never did."
"Please, just stay with me–"
A look crossed their faces and Colette reached out, taking hold of their hands as tightly as she could. She didn't care if it hurt them just as long as they stayed.
"I need you," she pleaded. "I need you, mama, daddy, please, just stay–"
"We love you," whispered Stella, her voice already growing distant as their hands felt like they were slipping from her grip. "We love you so much, Colette."
"Please–" She didn't get to finish her sentence as she blinked and they were gone, her hands falling to the grass. She was alone again as a breeze whispered past her, moving her hair and creating a chill over her skin.
She was alone, she was alone, she was alone–
She fell forward onto her hands and opened her mouth and screamed until her voice went out. She screamed and screamed, the ache coating her insides like poison as she wailed. She cried so hard she gagged, spitting and slobbering into the grass as she sobbed.
She couldn't breathe, she couldn't get any air into her lungs. She brought her hands up to her face and dug her nails into her skin, trying to stop the horrible pain.
Please come back, please come back! I need you, mom, dad. Please come back to me.
I'm going to burn without you. I'm going to hurt all over.
She felt blood spill out from her as she howled with such frightening agony she thought she would split open. It wasn't fair, none of it was. How dare this world only give her just a sliver of a taste, taunting her parents in front of her and then pulling them back and away. How dare this world give her such a haunting truth, ripping the bandaid off without any warning or sympathy.
It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair.
She pulled her phone from her pocket as she cried softly into her hand. She pressed the phone to her ear and was relieved when he answered on the third ring.
"Colette, what is it?" snapped Damon, like he was busy.
"Where–" She choked on her words. "Where have–where have you been?"
"Colette?" There was concern in his voice now. "Where are you?"
"Where have you been?!" she sobbed, clutching her stomach. She was going to be fucking sick. "I–I called you! I called and you didn't answer!"
"Tell me where you are. Let me come get you."
"Please," she cried, leaning forward to rest her head against the grass. She gripped some of the grass in her hands and tore it up as she wailed, her heart breaking and healing and breaking all over again. She would never have a moment of rest, she would never feel whole again. "Why didn't–why didn't you answer? I called...I called..."
"The truth hurts, doesn't it," came a voice behind her.
Colette whirled around, phone still pressed to her ear as she fell back onto her butt. Naya stood above her with a frown, her hands stuffed in the pockets of an expensive looking leather jacket.
"I can take that pain from you, Colette," Naya whispered as Damon roared in her ear, "Colette, do not listen to her. Colette, please, god, just wait for me to come get you–"
Colette lowered the phone from her ear. She needed release. She needed peace. She craved it.
"I can help you, baby, you know I can," whispered Naya as she bent down to cup Colette's face in her hands. She forced her to meet her eyes and Colette sucked in a deep sob. "I can help you, let me help you."
Colette's breath was stuck in her throat as Naya wiped at her tears with her thumb. She hated her but she was there, the only one to come and help. She could hear Damon shouting at her as she dropped her phone into the grass and Naya whispered to her in a voice Colette recognized from childhood.
"Want to roast marshmallows tonight?" Colette asked.
Naya grinned, her mouth sticky with her orange popsicle. "With chocolate and peanut butter, too!"
Colette leaned against her as they kicked at the pool water, flinging droplets into the air to catch the sun. The smell of the grill was going behind them, cooking hotdogs and hamburgers. It was beautiful out, the sun leaving shadows across their skin as it began to take its slow descent.
"Will you come over tomorrow?" asked Naya, taking hold of Colette's hand in hers. It was sticky.
Colette nodded. She would always come over if she asked. She couldn't imagine her life without her. They were one of the same, she could almost swear it.
"We can make lemonade," Naya added with a toothy grin. "And make our own popsicles out of it."
She continued to speak, her voice soft and giggly. Colette would do anything for her.
"I'd do anything for you," Naya whispered, stroking Colette's cheek and brushing her hair from her wet face, "let me take this pain, okay? Let me help you."
"H–how?" croaked Colette.
Naya smiled softly, tucking the hair behind Colette's ears. She leaned forward and kissed her softly on the cheek, licking her lips as she pulled away. Colette would do anything to make it stop, even the unthinkable. She knew what would come spilling from Naya's mouth and she knew she was already going to do it, even before she spoke it out into the world.
"Turn it off." She smiled, sweet and venomous. "Turn it off, Colette."
AUTHOR'S NOTE━━oop.....the return of naya AND for a little angst, cole's parents make an appearance!! ok but....a lot happened. i wanted to put my own spin on some stuff/add in some magic stuff so i hope this chapter made sense lmao more will be explained in the upcoming chapters!!!!
let me know what you guys think and what your predictions are!!!!!!
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