015 ━ disturbing behavior
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↳ 015, disturbing behavior
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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 guest rooms in the Salvatore boarding house. She left her bags packed except for the clothes she'd gotten for her parents. Besides meeting with her family's estate lawyer and receiving their will and wishes, she scribbled down a list of what to do for the funeral. After that, she laid down in bed and simply did not get up.
She wrapped herself in the blanket from her parents bed and laid on top of the fancy stitched duvet, resting her head on scratchy pillows. She missed her room but it was not where she needed to live and grow. She had to cut off that part of her life like a dying limb because it couldn't do anything for her anymore.
So, she laid in bed. For hours upon hours. Unmoving.
Even when Elena came by to just sit with her or tell her how the planning of the Founder's Day celebration was going down at the Lockwood mansion, she didn't stir. She even spoke to her about making chili.
There was always chili there.
She left her a nice outfit to wear in case she wanted to attend, since the funeral for her parents wouldn't be until after the celebrations, of course. Wouldn't want to intrude on the town's most exploitive fun, now shall we?
But Colette just couldn't find herself to get up or even sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the faces of her parents, bloodied and desperate for help, but everytime she opened her eyes she saw images of Klaus and the mess he had made of her.
She could've loved him and that hurt worst of all.
That and the fact that because of her desire to be loved and wanted by him, she'd run off and left her parents vulnerable. Tommy had sent a dangerous message and she received it with a knife to her heart and glass underneath her bare feet.
"You need to get out of the house," said Damon from the doorway, breaking her from her thoughts. He had left earlier to visit Elena and she was surprised he was back so soon. She expected to have the house to herself. No one to bother her, no one to come barging in...
She rolled over, facing the other way to avoid looking at him.
"Colette, please," he sighed and she felt the bed dip with his presence.
She scowled as he laid back next to her on the other pillow, an arm tucked under his head.
"Come to the Lockwood's with me. You can eat all the horrible chili you want and maybe there will even be a hot dog," he cooed with a smirk. "You know, those horrible hot dogs I've seen you scarf down before."
"When the hell have you seen me eat a hot dog?"
He looked at her, brows raised with a true smile on his face now. "Is that all it took for you to actually speak to me? I'm hurt, parrot."
"Just leave me alone."
He sighed again, turning to face the ceiling as she tried her best to stare past him and at the wall. "Just come out for a little while and if you can't do that, just get out of bed and spend time in the living room with me." He sounded genuine and her heart pounded so loudly in her chest she could hear it in her ears. "Or at least take a shower, you reek."
She scowled again and made a noise that sounded like a scoff but a mix of something more feral in the back of her throat as she moved to face the other wall when he grabbed her shoulder. "Hey!" she cried, struggling against his grip and kicking with her feet to stop him as he pinned her to the mattress with one hand. She slapped at his chest as he stared down at her and she expected a look of pity but he wouldn't give her one.
"You haven't fed in days, you're starving," he said in a stern voice and she liked it. There was no sympathy or sadness or delicate tiptoeing around her. He was direct and angry. "Get up, shower, and grab some blood. We're going to the Lockwood's this afternoon and I expect you to be ready."
"Fuck you," she snarled, jerking her shoulder to get him to let up but he refused.
He narrowed his eyes. "I'll take you as is, if that's what you want." He cocked his head to the side and stared at her for a moment longer before releasing his hold and getting off the bed, bouncing her around with the movement.
She sat up on her elbows, watching him leave and she knew there was a smug look on his face. Even though she wished she could rip it off him, she found that she was more grateful for this attitude than anything else.
So, in the end, she got up and showered even though she hated every second of it and actually sat down to rest against the cold tile walls to soothe herself. The water rained down on her and she stopped the drain with her foot, letting it pool then disappear when she'd let up. She just couldn't find herself to wash her hair or body any further than this.
When she was done, she dressed in a simple shirt and jeans rather than the dress Elena had brought. She didn't feel like wearing yellow. Not bothering to brush her hair or even apply makeup, she met Damon downstairs, feeling horribly bare without the blanket that had kept her company through the waking hours of each night and day. She had given herself one glance in the mirror before she'd gone down the steps and it made her stomach recoil.
How different she had been just days before. So free, so beautiful, so powerful and charming. But now? Her exhaustion was set in her face with weary lines and purple hues under her eyes. Her hair had no shine or luster and her skin was pale. She hadn't eaten or even drunk any water, it had been too much for her. She could barely find the strength to lift her arm and reach for the glass.
She didn't deserve it, anyway.
Her parents didn't get their sleep or their fresh, cold water when they were left bleeding out on the floor of their kitchen and living room. Sacred places just for them were ruined by bloodshed and violence, and now by fire and char and burnt things.
Colette didn't deserve anything, not with the end her parents got.
The living room was warm and Colette huddled herself close to the fire. It surprised her just how cold the boarding house could get even though it was summer and the heat alone outside could fry an egg. She liked this room the most, from the shelves of books to the small cart of liquor behind the couch. She liked it especially when the curtains were drawn back and sunlight could spill into the room, lighting up the darkness and somber colors.
She couldn't imagine ever wanting to live somewhere else.
"Catch," Damon's voice said from behind her and she turned with magnificent speed, hand already raised as she caught the blood bag in the air.
She lowered her arm, looking at the package with a sigh. Even the sight of the blood made her stomach growl but how could she drink knowing what she'd done on the floor of her home. She had licked the blood from the hardwood, she had bathed in it and allowed it all to overcome her. She was disgusted with herself.
"You need to drink," murmured Damon as he leaned against one of the couches. His arms were crossed and he was giving her a long look and she could see the irritation drumming in his forearms. She sometimes forgot how strong he really was.
She opened the bag and brought the tube to her mouth so she could suck deeply. The blood swarmed in her mouth and she loved the taste but it made her see red of all shades across the floor and across her hands and face. Her drink hit her empty stomach and her body recoiled but she somehow kept it down. She could instantly feel the power returning to her that had been laying near dormant within her but god, it didn't ease her mind.
It didn't stop the tears from coming to her eyes as she pulled the bag away to wipe at her mouth as it twisted into the form of a sob. She saw the concern flash over Damon's face as he stepped forward and she held out her hand to stop him, feeling the warmth of tears flood her eyes and drop down her cheeks.
"I'm fine," she croaked, a clear lie but one she needed to say aloud. She held up the bag with a weak smile. "Thanks, for this."
He nodded, still watching her wearily but his demeanor relaxed and he said, "Wipe the blood from your mouth, don't want the Founders Council knowing I brought a vampire with me."
"Are they really a bunch of vampire killers?" Colette asked as she wiped at her mouth and licked her lips to get rid of the dribble.
He nodded as they went to the front door to leave. "Liz Forbes already knows what you are but no one else on that council needs too. Hate to have my cover blown just because you were too messy of an eater."
"Dick," she muttered, scowling all the way to his car.
She just didn't have the energy for what he was expecting from her. On a normal day, she would've played along but today and the days to come just weren't that.
Vampires felt emotions more intensely and she knew what that felt like more now than ever. It was all consuming. It took over every inch of her like an icy film. Nothing would ever be the same.
The Lockwood mansion was just as big as it was the last time she was there, except now there were dozens of cars and at least fifty people walking and roaming the mansion and the grounds. This wasn't some high school party anymore, this was real life with real adults with critical eyes and judgemental mouths. When Colette got out of the car, she felt the urge to throw up not from the blood or her even growing grief but from anxiety.
Would she even be able to get inside the mansion?
"At least look like you're excited," grunted Damon as they started to walk up the driveway.
"Hard to do that when I'm not," she grunted right back. She could feel the wandering eyes of the men and women, the doting wives and the dutiful husbands staring and watching her every move. She did not need a helicopter mom coming up to her and asking her how she was doing. She wasn't going to lie to their faces, she wasn't going to bend to their sympathy.
"You'll be happier once I get you one of those–"
"Damon, if you say hot dog, I swear to fucking god–"
"–hot dogs with chili all over it."
She scowled and elbowed him hard before muttering under her breath, "Elena's chili, not anyone else's. Especially not the Lockwood's attempt."
Even though she wasn't looking at him, she could sense his smile.
When they got to the front door, she was pleased to see Mrs. Lockwood. When she turned, she saw Colette and offered her a warm smile and opened up her arms and stepped forward to encase the girl. Colette, not having the energy to squirm her way out of the grip, returned her embrace and smiled warmly when the woman spoke.
"Oh, Colette, it's so good to see you," she murmured, pulling back and saying, "Please come in, get yourself something to eat. I'm sure Tyler's here somewhere with Matt already."
Colette nodded her thanks and took a step in as Damon pressed a hand to her back to guide her inside. She was happily reassured when her foot broke the barrier and she could glide in easily. It was like swimming through fresh air when she entered, taking a look at things like they were magic.
She had somehow survived this strange feat.
"Come on, I think I can snag you a beer outside," muttered Damon in her ear as they walked together.
"You sure you want your precious council seeing you give a minor alcohol?" she cooed back with a scowl. "Wouldn't want them getting the wrong idea–"
He snatched a beer from one of the open coolers and growled, "Just take the damn drink."
She took it and raised it to her lips, allowing herself to down a good amount before pulling it away and wiping her mouth. "Sucks no matter how many I drink, I won't get drunk."
"Want to test that theory?"
She met Damon's gaze and felt herself grin for the first true time in days. "Are you sure your little council will appreciate that?"
He grabbed another beer from a cooler and said, "There's only one way to find out."
They made their way over to the chili table and Damon picked up one of the cards, scowling down at the Fell family attempt. Colette drained her beer and tossed it into a garbage can as she opened up her second as Damon filled a small bowl with Elena's chili, handing it off to her as he spotted Alaric.
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret," he mumbled, taking a beer Alaric was handing out. "Founders parties are just an excuse for the council to gather in back rooms and plot against vampires."
"So they masquerade all this happy family time with a secret agenda on how to kill us," she muttered back, spooning some of the chili into her mouth. It tasted better than blood did at the moment, as insane as that might sound coming from a vampire of all things. "Great. While we're out here playing corn hole and eating barbecue, they're coming up with new and improved ways to stake us."
"Glamorous, isn't it?"
She drank more of her beer, hiding her scowl behind the bottle.
"Hey, uh, Damon," muttered Alaric as he walked with them. "I think you need to take a beat with Elena."
This got Colette's attention, lowering the drink as she eyed the other man. It seemed he truly was taking a liking to the parenting role.
Damon glanced back with his brows furrowed. "Excuse me?"
"Whatever it is you two have going on," said Alaric, "I think it's a bad idea."
"Now why is that any of your concern?" asked Colette, jumping to her friend's defense as Damon said, "I don't really think it's your problem, Ric."
"It is my problem," snapped Alaric. "I'm supposed to look after her, and this is me doing that."
Damon took a step forward and chills ran over Colette's arms. "What do you think I'm doing?"
Ric stood taller with a tight look in his eyes as he said back, "What I think is you need to take a beat."
The two men stared at each other before Colette spotted Liz Forbes come up behind Ric with a suspicious gleam in her eyes. "Damon? Sorry. Uh, the mayor just called the council meeting."
Colette downed the rest of her beer as Damon passed off his to her, glaring at Ric as he walked away. She watched them leave, glancing at Alaric before muttering, "You need to trust him more." When he looked at her, brows furrowed in irritation, she hastily continued with, "He's helping her, more than you think. What happened in Chicago, it broke her heart and Damon is just helping her cope and adjust."
"He's doing it for his own gain, Colette."
"Who cares if he is or isn't," she spat, drinking from Damon's beer and wishing the alcohol would just run its course and burn her from the inside out. "What matters is that she isn't crying or holding up in her room. She's here, she's talking, and actually smiling. He's helping her and I understand being wary of him, it's not like he has the best track record but he's a good man."
"Are you sure that's not just the beer talking in you?" said Ric, eyeing her drink and she met his gaze and dared him to question why she was drinking in the first place. "You don't know Damon like I do."
"I'm sure you don't know Damon as well as you think," she said back, shrugging. She downed the rest of her drink, tossing in into a nearby garbage can and as she moved to go grab another from a cooler, Ric grabbed her arm.
"And are you sure downing your problems in beer is going to fix anything?"
She pursed her lips together. "No, you're right, it won't. But want to know what will?" He raised a brow. "A stronger drink."
She pulled her arm free from his grasp, turning to face him so fast she nearly spilled her chili. "Don't," she snarled. "Don't act like you're suddenly my parent too, okay? I don't need you babying me or telling me what to do. I'm fully capable of making my own decisions."
"Just let me get you some water or maybe something else to eat–"
"You're not my dad," she snarled, feeling the prickling under her eyes and she willed it to go away. "I have a dad–" She shook her head, feeling the pulsing threaten to come back but she clenched her jaw tight. "I had a dad, I don't need another."
She turned from him in a fury of orange and stalked across the lawn to the bar Carol Lockwood had set up. She dropped an elbow on the counter and glared at the man working the small station, narrowing her eyes and snapping, "Give me your strongest drink."
"Aren't you a little–"
She forced his gaze to her own and narrowed her eyes, speaking in a clear voice for him to understand and fall into. "I said, give me your stronger drink. Now."
He nodded, dazed in his lazy eyes. He got to work making her drink and she rested against the table, looking out over the lawn of picnic tables and red umbrellas and spotted Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie Bennett. It seemed the witch finally got back into town.
When the man handed her the drink, she took one look at the light liquid before tossing it back and welcoming the burn as it moved down her throat thick like gasoline. When it hit her stomach, she sighed happily. She held the glass out and said with a grin, "Another."
Colette walked back into the mansion, slightly dazed. She has peeled herself away from one of the picnic tables where she had been sitting for hours alone, except for the occasional adult that drifted by to apologize to her about her parents and even going as far as asking about Tommy and how he was doing.
Colette, being the great actress she was, lied her pretty little head off at every turn.
Between strained conversations and longing glances towards where Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie were seated, she'd had about five of those little fruity things and about half a pound of chili and hotdogs from the grill and yet, she still felt fine. Slightly full, yes, her head strangely light, yes too, but otherwise, fine.
Yes, she was fine. As fine as the fire burning up her home. As fine and as graceful as the flames licking up family memories and treasured heirlooms.
She should burn this whole town to the ground.
She walked into the foyer, seeing Elena and Alaric leave through the front door and she frowned, spotting someone else she recognized in one of the many magnificent rooms as someone grabbed her by the arm, leading her after Elena.
"Why did I just see Bill Forbes in there?" drawled Colette, looking up at Damon who had an irritated look on his face. "Isn't he supposed to be...like...not here?"
Damon stopped, looking down at her with a frown. "God, don't tell me you're drunk right now."
"I am not," she spat and he narrowed his eyes and she shrunk under his gaze. "Okay, maybe I am. Just a little though," she held up her fingers to show him just how little, "like so not that much."
He muttered a curse under his breath before dragging her along further saying, "Just don't say anything." She barely got the chance to nod before he was racing after Elena and Alaric as he said, "Wait, wait, Huston, we have a problem."
"Where have you been?" asked Elena as they walked down the front steps. She took one glance back and her eyes widened as Damon dragged Colette down with him.
"Managing Bill Forbes," he snapped back. "Apparently he's impervious to compulsion."
Colette frowned, stumbling slightly in the drive way as Ric frowned and asked, "How?"
"I have no idea," said Damon, finally releasing his grip on Colette as they found their stride besides Elena, "but he threatened to out me."
Elena's eyes narrowed. "What did you do to him? How do you know the compulsion doesn't work?"
"That's not the most important piece of information I mentioned, Elena," Damon said.
"What does he want?" asked Alaric, pulling the conversation back to what was important.
"He wants to control the council. Says it's been compromised."
"It has!"
"He wants to put vervain in the town's water supply."
Colette nearly faltered at that.
"Maybe it's not a bad idea," said Elena and Colette head whipped to face the girl. "I mean, it'll help you keep yourself in control now that Stefan's not here to–"
"Excuse me?" breathed Colette as confusion rushed Damon's face as he said, "To what?" He spun around to face them, stopping them in their tracks as he continued. "To keep me in check? Make me behave?"
"That stuff will kill us," snapped Colette, shaking her foggy head. She hadn't had the misfortune of tasting or even feeling the horrible herb within her and she was lucky for that but from what Damon has been telling her, it didn't seem like she would want it to be the water supply ever.
Damon scowled. "I should have killed him this morning."
"He's Caroline's dad, Damon," snarled Elena with a tight glare.
"Yeah and when I kill him, she'll have one more parent than we do," he snapped back and Colette's breath faltered in her chest. He tried to step forward but Alaric put his hands out.
"Oh, come on, Damon!"
"You're repeatedly killing my buzz today, Ric," said Damon, getting in his face with such a strange primal look in his eyes. "Step aside."
Ric kept his hand out. "Yeah, it's not going to happen."
Damon pressed his lips together before glancing down at Ric's hand which was pressed to Damon's chest, as if that would stop him. As if some human man could stop the beast inside. "Your temporary funeral," murmured Damon with a shrug. He reached out and took Ric by the neck and twisted hard and Colette gasped, stepping back as her heart leapt to her throat.
"Damon, no!" cried Elena as the dead man dropped to his knees and them to the ground with a horribly dead thump.
Colette's hands went to her face and she took a step forward but couldn't find herself to comfort Ric's body as she felt the rage swimming from Damon like waves of red hot spice.
Elena spun on Damon. "What is wrong with you?!"
He glared at her before pushing past her and stalking towards the house.
"It's because of you," Colette snarled, stumbling past her to follow after him. "He's only doing this because of what you said, god, Elena. He needs to behave? To be kept in control? He's not some fucking wild animal." She ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head before throwing her arms down and jogging after Damon to stop him from doing something extra bad.
She stumbled up the front steps and pushed open the door and she could smell blood. She felt her body move like a weapon, sharp and feline as she ran towards the favorable smell, skidding to a stop inside the study.
She didn't expect so much to happen in such a short time but there Damon was, on top of a seething Caroline as Bill Forbes wiped blood from his lips.
"I'm stronger than you, little girl," snarled Damon, a thin line of blood running down his chin. It seemed he allowed himself a little snack before the fight.
Caroline grabbed the hand around her neck. "Well I'm angrier!" She twisted his arm and pushed him off of her, slamming him back against one of the closed doors before grabbing her father by the arm and whisking him away with vampire speed, moving right past a dazed Colette.
"Bummer," grunted Damon as Elena ran inside, stopping next to Colette with a gasp. "I love a good girl fight."
"You can't do this anymore, Damon!" snapped Elena. "Not in this town! Not around me."
"Not around you?" Colette turned to look at the girl, shock coursing through her like electricity. Her hands went wired, warm like they'd been too close to a warm fireplace.
"Why not?" said Damon, grunting as he stood. "It's nothing I haven't done before." He got to his feet. "Why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check?"
"Because I don't want you to be what other people think that you are," said Elena, breathing heavily. Colette could smell the desperation coming from her, the longing and even the pain.
"What?" said Damon. "A monster? Sorry to disappoint you, Elena, but last time I checked, I was still a vampire!"
She scowled. "I guess I wish you didn't have to act like one!"
"He's not Stefan," snarled Colette, stepping up to face her before Damon could get into her face. "He's not something you can change because you miss your boyfriend. Stefan's gone! Stop trying to force other people to be what you really need."
Damon glared. "Stop trying to turn me into him and maybe we wouldn't have a problem." He looked to Colette and muttered, "Let's go."
She nodded back, stepping past Elena as Damon followed her. She could feel the tension waving off him as they moved into a hallway and Colette spun on him. She took the sleeve of her sweatshirt, bringing it up to his face and wiping at the blood as he tried to swipe his hands from her.
"Stop it," she growled, licking her finger to get the rest of the blood off before someone saw. When she was done, she lowered her hand and sighed. "Are you alright?"
"What do you think?" he snapped, brushing past her and forcing her to follow with a hurried step.
"Okay, fine," she snapped back, shaking her head as her dazed feeling wore off finally. "Be pissed but don't be pissed at me."
"I'm not pissed at you," he said. "I'm pissed at everyone trying to change me. I'm not the bad guy here."
"Obviously not," she muttered before sighing, "but you did just take a bite out of Bill Forbes back there."
"Did I have a choice?"
"What was I supposed to do, Colette?" he asked, looking at her they pushed their way out the front door. It was colder out than she expected, was fall finally arriving? "Just let him go and tell the council what I am? I would be killed."
"Couldn't you have just...I don't know, talked it out first?"
She glared. "Your anger is talking for you right now and I get that, but cut the attitude with me."
His glare matched her own but he didn't speak.
"Not everyone thinks you're a monster, you know," she said in a soft voice before walking past him and crossing the lawn to where Ric's body was still lying. She crouched down and grabbed the man's ankles and looked up to meet Damon's dark eyes as he walked up. "Going to help me or what?"
He grunted something in response and reached under Alaric's body and hoisted him up.
The rest was easy.
Once they got back to the boarding house, Damon laid Alaric's body on the couch and explained what the Gilbert ring around his finger meant and how he'd wake up in no time. She nodded and decided not to question it, it hurt her head too much to think of all the other magic floating around she still didn't know about.
She retreated back to her bedroom, stripping off her sweatshirt and jeans as she headed for the shower. She turned it on and pulled her shirt over her head but froze.
When she turned back to the mirror, she felt a horrible aching pressure seep through her body. Written across the glass in a dark, dripping bloody red were words she wished she had never seen.
I'll be home soon.
She washed the mirror before Damon or anyone could see it. She smeared the letters with cold water from the sink and nearly drove her fist through the glass before tearing her underwear off and getting into the shower to stop herself.
She clamped her hands over her mouth as the water rained down on her. She had recognized the writing, she always could recognize how she drew her S's and it made her so angry she screamed into her hands as if that and the running water would muffle the sound.
Naya was coming home and there was nothing Colette could do to stop it.
AUTHOR'S NOTE━━sorry for this being a week late!! had some sad personal stuff going on and had no motivation to write or do anything. i hope you guys enjoyed this one as we really get into season 3
naya's coming home......soon
vote/comment and let me know what you think!! <3333
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