004 ━ summer, week 2
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↳ 004, summer, week 2
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𝐍𝐀𝐘𝐀'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊. Every chance she got, she'd ask the girl what she meant or if she remembered what she had told her with that far away look in her eyes in the Lockwood backyard. Naya would smile, her brows would furrow, and she'd finally laugh and say, "Quit fucking around with me. You know I was drunk, don't take things so seriously, god."
But how could she not? How could she forget the way her friend's face fell into neutrality and her eyes got big and empty when she began to speak about how everything was coming to an end?
Everything ends in blood, Colette. It's all going to end with fire and blood and gore.
Fire, blood, and gore. Fire, blood, and gore. Fire, blood, and–
It was Tuesday morning when Colette woke to a text message, jolting her from her dreams of someone screaming inside a blurry car. Everything had been blurry up until the phone started vibrating underneath her pillow and she could've sworn she had seen her own face staring back at her through the car window when her eyes opened and it was morning.
Sunlight trickled in from the poorly closed curtains, casting small rays of light across the bed and wooden floorboards. She slid her hand underneath her pillow, blinking away the light as she pulled her phone free. She had to squint to read it properly and her stomach twisted.
Any chance you'll be at the bar tonight?
She felt her breath hitch and she sat up instantly, her heart beating wildly. She felt a blush spread across her cheeks and knew she was overreacting but couldn't help the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach and chest.
Depends on which one, she texted back, fighting back her eager smile. She wanted to squeal, to throw her hands and legs against the bed and flail about.
She saw the three bubbles pop up and she waited a little too intently. She tried to busy herself with getting out of bed and even making her bed, which she rarely ever did, but her eyes kept glancing back to her phone and her mouth would curl into a silly grin.
She had thought of Nik briefly over the weekend, having been distracted by the constant roar of Naya and the nagging thoughts of her friend's cryptic words. But once Monday came, she hardly had a second of peace without her mind wandering back to him. She laid awake last night, staring at her ceiling and picturing his face.
He was older but that didn't bother her. He couldn't have been that much older.
She pictured his curls at the top of his hair and the little grin he'd given her, like a lion playing with its food. She was okay with being the prey if it meant she could have his hands on her again. To feel his scruff against her neck and the insides of her thighs would be a gift fit for a god, to have him feast upon her like forbidden fruit gave her an exotic exciting feeling that crept down her spine like the slow trails of fingers against hot skin.
He had an accent, too, which made it all even better.
Her phone buzzed and she jumped across her bed to snatch it up from the counter and smiled.
Tin fox.
It was the one they had gone to the night they had danced. She contemplated for a moment because it wasn't like she could go and then drive home, she'd expect herself to get drunk. No, she had to be drunk. She didn't know if she would be able to speak to him sober and not be nervous, even now her stomach was tossing and turning with the thought of seeing him without the effortless buzz of tequila.
She pulled up Naya's contact, hovering over the keyboard. If she invited her, it would turn into Naya night but the past few days had been good between the two. It wouldn't hurt, would it?
Tin fox tonight? Mystery man's gonna be there.
Naya instantly texted back. I'll text Tommy & them.
Colette went back to Nik and quickly typed, see you there, then deleted it quickly and retyped, I think I can make that work.
She didn't need to be too eager, she didn't want to seem like she had been waiting by her bedside watching her phone every second to see if he'd text, even though that's what she had been doing. She played it cool, calm and collected.
She ignored the painful way her heart threatened to burst when he texted back, can't wait to see you. She bit her lip and flung herself back against her bed, laughing softly and thumping her arms and legs against the bed in a joyful little dance.
Colette dressed in sweatpants and a tank to go on a quick errands run which meant alcohol and to pick up burgers from the Grill. She promised to meet Naya right after but the other girl decided against it and decided to meet and eat in the bar for once.
Naya was already seated at one of the tables and Colette walked quicker, pulling out a chair across from her and sitting down. She had already ordered for them and waiting for her at the table was a Coke and a basket of fries.
"You're late," said Naya as Colette reached for a fry, dipping it into the ketchup Naya had squirted out onto a plate for them. "Little distracted this morning?"
Colette rolled her eyes, stuffing a few more fries into her hungry mouth.
"What is the plan for tonight exactly? We go to this bar and watch you make goo-goo eyes at the hot brit?"
"Actually, yeah." Colette grinned, shaking her head and adding, "Honestly haven't thought it through. He might not even show."
"And if he does? Are you going to make a move or am I going to have to force you?"
"I'm not looking to go fast," Colette said, her words a lie. She meant to have her way with him if the odds were in her favor tonight. If she could persuade him to his car, or maybe even back to Mystic Falls, then she would finally be able to breathe properly.
"Sure you aren't," muttered Naya in between bites of fries. She looked effortlessly stunning, long hair smooth and shiny, her skin a slightly darker tan then her normal shade due to being out in the sun. She was sporting a tank-top much like the ones Colette and even Elena wore, showing off toned arms and perfect cleavage. "You got farther than me with him, he looked...smitten."
Colette laughed. "Smitten?"
Naya rolled her eyes but Colette could see the way her mouth was forced not to curl up in a grin. "You know, he looked charmed, captivated, completely beguiled."
"I don't think that–"
"Don't try that with me," sighed Naya. "The whole 'he's not that into me act and vice versa.' I saw the way you looked at him the first night, the night I approached him." The waitress came by and placed their plates in front of them and they both offered the woman a kind 'thank you' before Naya continued with, "He acted like he wanted me, I mean, who wouldn't, you know?" She reached for the ketchup and salt. "Any sane guy would, obviously."
"What about Damon?" Colette bit into her burger as Naya glanced up with a glare.
"That's different."
"Yeah, how so?" she asked in between chews.
"Honestly, Cole, if you wanted to bring him up this entire time you should've just said so."
"I'm just curious!" Colette babbled.
"Obviously Damon isn't sane enough."
"Oh, really?"
"Obviously!" Naya seethed the word for the third time.
Naya cut her burger in half, checking to see if it was done enough before picking up half with a tight glare in her eyes. Colette pursed her lips to stop from commenting, knowing she was speaking up more about what should've been no-go topics for the pair. But she couldn't help herself.
Damon Salvatore had turned Naya Pérez down. Publicly. While Naya was drunk. To make matters worse, Naya had slapped him across the face in front of the whole crowd at the Lockwood party.
"He's hung up on Elena," Naya snapped, taking a snarling bite from her food like a wild animal. But weren't they all wild animals now? Searching and hunting for the next kill? The next love? "And Nik didn't want me either."
"Matt's single," murmured Colette with a curious look up to see if her friend would react. She bit back a smile as Naya's eyebrows raised just enough to indicate she was interesting, and oh, how she was interested.
Naya made a noise of understanding and went back to eating. Colette finished her meal quickly, as she always did. Something about a good burger and fries truly turned on something feral inside her. As she waited for Naya to finish, she looked around the Grill.
Tommy would come in later with his pack to pick up dinner. Colette hadn't gotten the chance to ask the boy about how close he and Naya seemed at the bar last week. In the moment it didn't settle well with her. But now? It didn't seem right, the way her friend had gotten so close with her brother. The lingering looks she had ignored when she was drunk.
Colette shook her head to herself, there was nothing there. She was imagining it. Just paranoid, as usual.
She spotted Tyler at the pool table as she let her eyes float over the Grill. The boy was wearing a tight white shirt and Colette could appreciate the view of his muscular arms, even though she didn't have a taste for him. If Tyler was nicer and not completely taken by Caroline Forbes (as if no one would've noticed, come on!), then maybe she would like him more. She couldn't tell who he was with but he was laughing and she got this awkward feeling crawling up his skin when she finally noticed who it was.
And it seemed that Naya had noticed, too.
Matt said something to Tyler, both of them red in face with laughter. Colette wondered what in the world Matt could possibly say to get that reaction as she bit into her burger. Naya had a distant look on her face, her food going untouched as Cole dunked another fry into her ketchup. Her friend's eyes were vacant and wide, like she'd just seen something terrifying. She heard the chair across from her scratch across the floor and she nearly choked as she watched Naya stalk across the restaurant and towards the pool table like she'd sat on something sharp.
The food in her mouth nearly fell out as her mouth dropped open. She couldn't get the words out soon enough, "Naya–stop!"
She turned around to glare, mouthing, "Stay in your fucking seat."
Colette sank into her chair but that didn't stop her from straining her ears to hear bits and pieces of their conversation. It was faint but with the laughter dying down and the raunchous couple seated to her left were finally leaving, she could hear better than she had moments before.
"Matt! Hi," said Naya, her hands stuffed into her back pockets.
"Naya," said Tyler, nodding to her with a smirk.
Matt, who was on the other side of the pool table, gave her a small smile. "Naya, hey." His brows furrowed and Colette had to lean back in her seat to catch the slight look of puzzlement that crossed his features. He looked around, running a hand down his pool cue. "Are you here with Colette?"
Wrong thing to say, Matty boy.
Annoyance crossed over Naya's face in a flash. "Yeah, but listen..."
"Damn, I still owe her for last weekend," said Matt with a soft laugh as Tyler shook his head at the boy. "Spilled that whole drink over her and didn't even get her that new shirt I promised her."
"I'm sure she doesn't care," muttered Naya, which Colette barely caught before the girl continued with, "I actually came over here to invite you guys to a party I'm throwing."
"A party?" perked up Tyler. "When and where?"
"My house," said Naya with a triumphant smile. She had both boys in her hooks. "Tonight."
This time, Colette really did choke on her burger. She hacked into her napkin, reaching for her drink to wash away the slight burn in the back of her throat.
"Invite your whole group, it's going to be huge."
Colette felt anger vibrate underneath her skin like a furnace. She wanted to spit, she wanted to scream, she wanted to shake Naya back and forth and demand why, why, why?! Cole knew what it was all about, she knew exactly.
It was to get back at her for stealing Nik away. For practically stealing Matt. For every little comment she had ever made, Naya was out for her usual revenge.
Or, maybe, the girl was just driven by her desire to be in control. She wanted to prove a point, that she was better, that she could have it all. Well, Naya, game on.
Game fucking on.
Colette pulled her phone from her pocket and sent the text before she could chicken out.
Party tonight, show up and I'll make it worth your while.
She sent the address even as her heart began to thump violently with the implications of what she was promising. But those horrific feelings died away the second her phone buzzed and she received his message.
See you there.
She was going to show Naya just how in control she really was. When Naya returned to the table with a cheerful little smile, Colette swallowed her rage and forced a smile.
After everything we just discussed, you bitch–
Didn't I just tell you how excited I was to see Nik, to go to the bar–
You bitch, you bitch, you goddamn sick bitch!
"So, a party tonight, huh?"
The party was already a disaster. Naya barely had any time to get a keg and when she did, she only got one instead of the three she requested. Dean brought over a group of sorority girls from Whitmore, who ended up stripping and getting into the pool. Someone had thrown up in the bushes out front and some asshole had come by and started TP-ing the house, toilet paper stuck in branches and flapping with the gentle breeze like hanging ghosts.
And Colette was stuck sober, taking care of the house. It was always like that when Naya threw a party. She would get wasted, near blacking out, and Cole would be stuck making sure no one broke Naya's mother's nice china or the windows, which happened last summer thanks to Isaiah.
And to make matters worse, Nik still hadn't shown up. But what could she expect? He was supposed to go to the Tin Fox and Cole had sprung the whole idea of a high school party on him as if he wasn't an adult with plans already.
And, to add to that, Stella had been coming after her all week about what she and Naya were going to be doing for their birthdays next week. Naya's was on the coming Monday and Cole's on that Saturday. She didn't know why but the stress of trying to decide on a birthday party with Naya made her want to break out in hives and disappear for a while.
Let's just say, this Tuesday was going from great to horrible and it only took one lousy party to do so.
Colette shook off her annoyances and began her rounds, which she took every thirty minutes to check on people and to make sure things were still in place like the furniture and the paintings on the walls.
Naya's house was big but it wasn't big enough for the amount of people crammed inside. Colette barely had time to speak to anyone besides Naya who would come up to her and command her to look for someone or to grab her an extra drink while she searched for either Matt or Damon, who still hadn't shown up to her chagrin.
She didn't think Damon was even going to show considering how hard Naya had slapped him. She had honestly hoped he would show up, just for the drama of it all. It would've been more entertaining than watching Jeremy Gilbert and two girls she had never seen before pass around a joint like it was candy.
Even Caroline and Elena were somewhere lost in the mess, drinking casually from beers and just enjoying the atmosphere. Cole was surprised Naya had even allowed them in, especially Elena.
At least Matt had shown, giving Naya a terrible excuse to wade around him like he was something valuable and untouchable. Matt was nice but Colette didn't see the attraction, not like she had with Damon or even Nik.
God damn you, Nik.
She didn't text him wondering where he was like she wanted and she didn't text him in general. She didn't want to seem needy, even though she'd put on extra makeup and worn the tank top that exposed a little more cleavage than normal as if to draw him near her like a fish on a hook.
Rounding the corner and into the kitchen, someone grabbed her arm and she already dreaded who it would be. "Can you run out and grab another case of beer?"
"Sure, of course, Naya," said Colette in her deadpan as she tossed back the water in her cup.
"Wow, what's with the fucking attitude, Cole?"
"Attitude?" she scoffed, shaking her head. "There's no attitude here, just happy to do your bidding as always, my captain."
Naya grabbed her arm again, tighter this time. "Are you seriously mad you couldn't go to that dirty bar with that total ancient perv? I'm doing you a favor here, you should be a little more grateful."
"Whatever you say."
Naya rolled her eyes and sneered, "God, how about you take a moment to cool off before you come back with my beer, yeah? Maybe grab a bag of ice too while you're at it, that should help cool you the fuck down."
Colette glared but held her tongue.
"Oh, oh is sweet, naive, little Colette going to say something?" Naya pouted, reaching out and brushing a long strand of Cole's hair out of her face. "Is she finally going to prove to me and to everyone that she has a backbone?"
"Fuck you, Naya," she growled out between gritted teeth. She never talked back like this, she never attacked or started an argument as fiercely as the one that was now building up between the two. Sure, they had their fights and their petty disagreements but Cole never stood up for herself. It was easy not to, but no longer would she be the dirty doormat beneath Naya's feet.
At least not tonight.
"Is that all you got?" slurred Naya with a pretty smile. She patted her on the shoulders. "How about you go get those beers now, okay? I'm sure darling Nik will answer one of your desperate texts on your way out."
Naya turned to leave and Colette opened her mouth before she could stop herself and snapped, "What's your fucking problem with me today, Naya?"
Naya froze, one hand resting on the island in the kitchen and the other by her side where she held her beer.
"You agreed to go to the bar with my tonight and suddenly find the need to throw this stupid party?" She waved her hand around the room with a hollow laugh. "What was the point to all this? Damon didn't even fucking show up, Ny! And Matt is too busy smoking up with Tyler's old buddies to give a damn about what you're doing!"
Naya turned to face her with a scowl. "You're just upset because I messed up your little plans with Nik, boohoo."
"Damn right I am!"
"He doesn't want you, you know that."
Colette rolled her eyes.
"How could anyone want you when you're this boring, little wannabe who follows me around like a lovesick puppy everyday? You're nothing without me, you got Nik because of me." She laughed, a deep rumble from her throat. "You should thank me for doing this, Nik would never have shown. He's playing you for some pussy, that's all. You're just another bitch for him to use, just like me."
"You don't know that–"
"Don't I?" Naya's eyes got dark and she scowled again, shaking her head. "You've got to just trust me when I say I'm doing you a good thing by throwing this party. It's better than whatever you were going to do with him, that's for sure. Now," she flashed Colette a great, dazzling smile as she said, "how about you run along and get those beers before Tyler starts getting pissed, yeah?"
She didn't wait for Colette to respond before zipping out of the kitchen. Colette scoffed, shaking her head because what did Naya really know? In Cole's mind, she did it just to spite her and that was all. She'd get an earful tomorrow morning, or even tonight before bed, but it didn't stop the satisfaction swirling around in her gut from how, just for a moment, a look of surprise dashed through Naya's eyes at Cole's defiance.
She didn't linger any longer in the kitchen before going upstairs to grab her purse and keys. She was in her car five minutes later and speeding down the road to the liquor store in town.
Getting inside, she went hunting down the aisles to the coolers in the back. She knew the specific brand of beer Naya liked best and decided to go with the off brand she usually complained about instead as a subtle screw you.
Lifting the case she started making her way towards the cash register when she stopped. Someone was in the aisle looking through wines and Colette felt the happy pang of revenge stab in her gut as she sauntered down the aisle.
"Surprised to see you here," murmured Colette, glancing down at the wine in his hands. The ring on his finger glittered under the bright fluorescent lights and she thought of Nik and his rings and swallowed her sorrow. "Aren't you usually attached to the hip with Elena or Mr. Saltzman?"
Damon Salvatore smirked, resting the wine by his side as he looked her over. He wore his usual all black attire and Colette would be lying if she said she didn't love it. She had, of course, been infatuated by him long before handsome, stranger Nik came around.
"And aren't you usually stuck with Naya Pérez?"
She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Not all the time."
"Let me guess..." His eyes landed on the case of beer. "Doing a late beer run for her?"
She hefted the case up to adjust her grip as she grunted, "Why didn't you show up to her party? She's been dying for a rematch."
"Date night," he said, waving the bottle.
Colette had almost forgotten. Damon was dating the local newscaster, Andie Star. But that didn't stop him from flirting with Elena or even Naya. "Still going strong?"
"You know what they say," he said in a smooth voice, "sleep together, stay together."
"Wow, such the romantic."
Damon smirked again with a chuckle. "I like you like this."
"Like what?" asked Colette, brows furrowing as she adjusted the case for a second time.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"You're also a lot more tolerable without the cheerleader from hell commanding your every move."
"Thanks," she deadpanned, wondering how Elena could endure all that time with him. She almost wished she could know the secrets of the trade of dealing with Damon Salvatore and all his wit and sarcasm.
"Tell Naya I'm sorry about the party," said Damon as he reached out to grab a second bottle of wine from the shelf. "Heard it was going to be one killer time."
"I'll make sure she hears all about how sorry you are," said Colette with a sweet smile. Not. "Tell Elena I say hi."
She didn't wait for his response as she passed him on the way to the register. She hoisted the case on the counter and grabbed a handful of the miniature flavored vodkas and tossed them up with the beer.
If Naya could drink tonight then so could she.
Loading up her car with her newfound goodies, she got back onto the road and did something she never thought she would do but the energy inside her was bouncing around like an aggravated bull ready to plow her down.
She unscrewed one of the vodkas and as she flew through a green light, downed the contents in one gulp. Funnily enough, the flavor was green apple and it tasted delicious if you minded the acidic burn and tang it left in your mouth.
Naya's house wasn't far away so as she pulled back onto her street and slowed in front of her home, she unscrewed a second bottle and downed it like a maniac waiting for a fight. She wouldn't stand to be Naya's servant or supervisor for the rest of this party, not when her night had been beautifully ruined by the serpentess herself.
As Colette came strolling back inside, Naya found her in an instant and snapped, "Took you long enough."
Cole smiled, licking her lips before saying, "Sorry, ran into Damon."
She started to walk off but Naya grabbed her by the arm in a vice-like grip and snarled, "You what?"
I've got you now. You're mine.
Colette grinned. "Did you not hear me? I saw Damon."
"Why the hell was he at the store?"
"Date night."
"Date night?"
"You know, with his girlfriend."
Naya scoffed. "Elena's here so cut the bullshit."
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you forget?" Colette smiled coldly. "He's dating Andie Star. You know her, right? Sexy, gorgeous, and an actual adult Andie Star from the news."
"God, when'd you become such a bitch?"
"I'm only what you made me, Naya."
"If you're acting out because of Nik, then I'm sorry, okay?" Naya snapped, scowling. "I'm super, duper sorry."
Colette rolled her eyes and tried to pull free from her grip. Her head was lighter than before and she knew the alcohol was settling in nicely like a relative coming to visit for the holidays. She couldn't stop her little smile as she said, "No you're not."
"I'm just trying to protect you–"
"You're doing a shit job of it."
"You don't understand!"
"Try me!"
Naya threw her hands up in the air. "I couldn't let you just go out there and d–" She stopped herself from continuing and it amused Colette to another level.
She giggled. Actually giggled with glee as it dawned on her, truly. "You're just jealous Nik liked me more than you so you're acting out. It's okay, Ny, not everyone has to love you."
"At least people do love me," snapped Naya with more fire in her voice than before. What had become of them? Fighting in the middle of a party with music drumming in their chests and weed wafting through the air like they were standing in a festival. "They want me and they pity you. He felt sorry for you, Cole. That's the only reason he came onto you that night. He felt sorry for how pathetic you were sitting alone that night when I came up to him. He felt sorry because you're another fucking loser in this stupid, goddamn town."
You're nothing without me. You're just another bottom-feeder. You eat up the crumbs she leaves for you because that's all you are now. Starving for love. Hungry for attention.
Colette couldn't breathe. She sucked in a breath through her nose and barked out the only two words she could think of. "Fuck you."
Naya laughed. "Nice comeback, asshole." She shifted on her feet before saying, "Come over for breakfast tomorrow?"
"Sure," sighed Colette. Even if they had a fight, there was no escaping what they had. Whatever twisted friendship that clung to themselves and each other was a bond that not even a fight or argument could break, no matter how many devastating things were said.
Before Colette could turn and leave, because yes, god, she was going to leave, Naya grabbed her arm for the third time that night. She was gentle this time around. "I'm sorry, okay? I really mean it this time. I know how excited you were about tonight with Nik and I fucked it up."
"It's fine," gritted Colette.
"No, it's not," she whispered back. "But you need to trust me when I say it's better this way. You're safer here, you're safer with me."
Colette nodded and Naya let go, giving her a sad smile before backing up and reaching down for the case of beer. Colette watched her disappear back into the party before she turned and left.
She got home late, the lights out in her house. She lingered around in the kitchen to eat the leftovers Adam and Stella had left for her in the fridge. It seemed that even Tommy had made an appearance at dinner before heading to Naya's, which Cole saw all over their shared group text with Tommy's friend group.
She received at least a dozen different pictures of Dean and Isiah playing beer pong and Tommy playing flip cup against Tyler of all people. There were even a few pictures of Naya and Tommy in the background of whatever drunken shenanigans Isiah and Ryan were doing together. The pair looked cozy in every shot and she ignored the way it made her feel, watching her brother and her best friend be wrapped up in each other's arms as if they had been that way their entire lives.
They're just friends. This is just how Naya is, she reminded herself before turning her phone off.
She went back to mindlessly eating the salad and the cold pasta when a soft knock at her front door woke her from her hungry trance. She frowned.
It was nearing two o'clock in the morning. Surely it wasn't Naya, her party was still going strong.
She crept towards the door, keeping herself out of sight from the windows to peek through the peephole with extreme caution. She lost her breath and her heart skipped a beat. She ignored all fear and worry before opening the door and saying, "Oh my god, hey."
Nik smiled at her from where he stood politely out on the porch. "I didn't think you'd be awake."
Colette looked around, smile faltering only slightly as she said, "How'd you know where I live?"
He smiled with a soft chuckle and her legs felt like jelly. "Went to the party and Naya, charming as ever, told me you'd gone home. She gave me your address in hopes I could apologize to you in person."
"Oh? Sorry for standing me up?"
"Horribly so."
She leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms. "What made you so late then?"
"Had some issues with the associates my friend and I were supposed to meet," he explained in his beautiful accent. It made her heart flutter and warmth rush all over her like something about to burst. "Unfortunately, I had to track them down and it took longer than I expected."
"I should thank you," she murmured, "for still showing up."
"I wouldn't allow myself to miss out on seeing you," he purred and she wanted to lose herself in him and his words the way she wanted him to bury himself in her, soul and all. "Even if it's just to apologize and go home."
"You can stay," she blurted out, feeling her cheeks redden. She couldn't stop herself, much less control the way her brain and heart were practically screaming at her to invite him in even though her gut crawled with natural worry. How well did she even know him? Was it enough to let him inside her home while her parents slept?
"I don't want to burden you–"
"You're no burden," she whispered, shaking her head.
"Then may I...?"
Her heart was pounding and she felt the warmth return once more, flooding down her arms and into her gut. He wanted her. Naya was wrong, she didn't know a goddamn thing about what Nik wanted and what he didn't. Clearly, she had doubted him and even made Cole begin to do so as well. She should never have listened. She smiled, feeling lightheaded with anticipation and a strange understanding that he wouldn't hurt her. She stepped aside and spoke to him in a breathy whisper, excitement coursing through her like desire.
"Nik, will you please come in?"
AUTHOR'S NOTE━━HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS ONE!!! eeehehe i cant wait for yall to read what happens next, any guesses????
naya was a little.....evil this chap BUT FOR GOOD REASONS (or not lollll)
vote/comment or you'll never know what happens between nik and colette
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