Chapter 5
When I finally changed into the clothes Ashton gave me, I was surprised to find the clothes too big on me. I nervously scoffed myself.
"That's wonderful." I mumble as Dean walks into the room. "What? What's wrong?" He asked, his hands in his pockets as he scanned my body for any signs of discomfort.
"These are too big." I whine, blushing at the way he looked at me like, he wanted to eat me. "Nah. They're fine. Stop complaining and let's go."
He took my hand before I could say anything to further our delay to go to the Cafeteria. I was so scared.
What if I'm attacked?
As if he read my mind, I heard Dean growl at me, but not look at me. "Calm down. Nothing's gonna happen to you with me by your side, okay?"
He seemed to have struggled to say that sentence because I heard him grind his teeth a bit in the process. I heard a strange sound. Did his stomach just growl?
When was the last time he ate. I wonder if that's why he's mad. He's hungry, because of me. Don't vampires like blood? Can he smell mine?
I am a type O positive.
As I was dragged, Dean seemed to have chuckled happily. "Yes. Bloody Sunday!" Dean nearly moaned out those cringy words.
Bloody Sunday? That doesn't sound good.
As I was curious to know what Bloody Sunday was, I soon regretted it. Crowds of vampires sat very closely to one another as they all were drinking a dark, crescent red liquid.
"Is tha-" I went to ask, but Dean beat me to the punch.
"Blood!~ Ah!~ My second sinful desire!" Dean moans as he went in line dragging me along with him.
Once he got his share of packaged blood, he literally ran to go sit down. Once we sat down I then realized we were sitting alone.
"Um. Dean? Doesn't Ashton sit with you or other vampires?" I ask him, worried.
Just as I asked that, I only saw bloodlust in his eyes. They seemed to have no mercy in them as he sunk his teeth into the blood package as a satisfying popping sound was heard from him puncturing the bag.
I felt my nerves shake. I forgot how dangerous he was. He could have ripped me apart if he wanted to.
But he didn't.
After watching Dean fill himself up with his "food" he leaned back as he threw the pouch down on the table and he puts his hands behind his back as he smiles happily.
"Now that, hit the spot." He exhaled.
"Was it good?" I ask, tilting my head slightly, staring at him.
"Nope.~" he kept that grin on his face.
He's teasing me again! He opened one eye and looked over at me and slightly chuckled.
"Type AB blood isn't my favorite.~ I would rather much taste you.~" his voice was smooth and soft, but still masculine.
It made my heart melt and my stomach flutter. What?!
I felt the heat in my cheeks rising as his smile grew wide. He was enjoying my reaction.
"H-How... What?!" I stutter as my brain failed to let me speak properly.
This is embarrassing.
So embarrassing.
"Haha. You're reaction is priceless." He closes his eyes.
Is he blushing? I went to look closer and found my face inches from his. Why can't I move away tho?
"If you wanna kiss, I don't mind sparing one." He softly said this, which made my head spin.
I gulp as my heart rate increased. No. He's teasing me. He can't be serious about this.
"Your teasing is very rude!" I blurted out as I stood up. Soon I found myself back in his room with the door slamming behind me. I went and laid on his bed as I hid my face in my crossed arms.
I was laying on my stomach for sometime now. I can't remember if I've fell asleep or not, but I heard the door open then close.
No questions. Nothing.
"Sorry I got mad..." I sigh softly as I turn my head to look at him.
That's not Dean.
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