Chapter 37
I wasn't sure what Dean was telling me. All I could see was him doing weird arm motions along with hand symbols to get my attention. I just tilted my head at him, so confused on what he was trying to do.
Getting frustrated he just points at the human.
I couldn't contain the muffled giggle as his anger made him even more adorable. He rolled his eyes and mouthed ‘Just go feed, quiet wasting time!’
I nodded, not really wanting to, but my gaze fell upon the guy who was mindlessly walking and texting on the sidewalk. Note this, it's almost 6A.M. Who in the hell goes for a morning walk anymore?
Dean scoffs silently at my revolted face. He didn't know I was thinking about something else. The guy suddenly laughs out loud, making his short, brown hair bob with the motion.
"Haha! Chris! You are da man! No way Carl is gonna believe this." The guy shook his head in a no manner and texted vigorously back a response to his friend Chris.
I felt his blood course through his veins a bit faster, sending his scent my way. It didn't smell like roses, it smelled like red wine, but it was enough to make my senses go wild.
I started to breathe harder as I crouched down, squatting a bit as I inch up behind the guy who was now standing alone near the linings. He was self absorbed in his phone long enough for me to stand up and adjust my posture.
Calm down. Remember not to lose it. Be gentle and cover his mouth.
I gulp silently than ever before and I pounce on him —covering his mouth as a muffled scream escapes him —his phone has gone flying in the air, only for Dean to catch it to prevent proof of anything bad happening to this poor guy.
My body was aching to sink my fangs into his neck. The burning in my throat got hotter, aching for something to quince it —release it from torturing me any longer than it had to.
I looked at Dean for the sign to do it. I'm scared I'll hurt him, but Dean was a bit shocked at my look. "Silvia, go ahead and feed, you don't need my permission... I've got you if you go too far." His smile warms my heart as he nods, urging me on.
With a deep and quick inhale, I open my mouth as I felt my fangs taste the dull air, ready to do my dirty work. The guy squirmed roughly under me, muffled screams escaping him as his blood flow increased. He was scared; scared of —me?
I laugh mentally at this as I couldn't resist any longer. My fangs punctures the guy's neck, his flesh popping and ripping at the contain; blood slightly gushing into my mouth slowly.
I needed the blood now.
I sucked the blood as it gladly accepted it's way down my throat, seizing the burning sensation. I couldn't help but let out a sound of relief.
It was so nice, the feeling of something bugging you for such a while, just go away —just like that! Now that's amazing!
I needed more....
More of his blood....
More.. More more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more more
more more more——
NO!!! —SHUT UP!!!– Shut up!
With all the strength in me, I flung myself off of the guy. Dean gasped at what I did; Doc and Tony ran over and carried the guy off, who was unconscious. I looked over at Dean, confused as I heard myself panting. Did I kill him?
Please tell me I didn't kill him...
"What the hell was that?" I pant, already having a headache.
He just grins like a mad man, proudness seeping out of his eyes. "That, my love. Was you overcoming your inner beast!" He winked at me.
"Oh ? Did –did I-I really?" I blush deeply, feeling embarrassed that he was here, watching me feed on that guy.
He walked up to me, his fingers tickling each side of my hips, that pleasant heat building up across from where he touched me.
"You still thirsty?~" he raises an eyebrow at me, a burning desire deep in his eyes that made me forget my surroundings.
"No. I'm not thirsty anymore~" Booping his nose, he pouts slightly before chuckling and devouring me in a lustful kiss.
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