Chapter 28
✨*Tony's Point Of View*✨
I heard them.
They were here. We're surrounded. "Silvi-" my eyes widen to find her bleeding out and unconscious. Damn it. Whoever this Nick guy is, we need him now.
The growls from the Sulkers made the matter worse. "Silvia, wake up. Come on now. Please." I wanted to pick her up, but I didn't have that much control over myself.
Her scent was choking me, tempting me. No, not now. I can't do that to her, she's been nice to me, well she did lie once, but she was scared. I'd be, too, if I was still human.
"Graaaahhh...!" The grinding sounds from these foul creatures was getting louder as I saw them everywhere.
"Dean, hurry the hell up!" I mumble as I stood over Silvia to protect her.
Speak of the devil! There he is! Wait, what?
"Run!" He shouted, waving his arm out as if Silvia and I were about to be run over. Dean growled and glared at me as I just looked back at him, confused.
"RUN, YOU DUMBASS!!" He shouted louder as the gates suddenly start to automatically open. "Grab Silvia!" He adds just before being caught up in on of those creature's claws.
It was hard to watch, but it happened so quickly for me to look away. The claws suck into Dean's body almost like he was butter. "Dean!!!" I shout, startled.
This is just chaos! How am I supposed to help Silvia whose bleeding out and Dean who is about to be ripped to shreds! Why does this planet hate me, so?
I hesitated very badly, but only one choice could be made. "I'm sorry. I'll be back." I mumble towards Silvia, but I knew she didn't hear me. Maybe the Sulkers would think she's dead and leave her be.
Without realizing my feet were moving before my brain had gave the order, I was prying the claws out of Dean's body.
Blood was gushing out of him. Shit, shit, shit!
I really don't remember how I escaped that thing with Dean, but I'm thankful I did it.
The gate was now wide open and Silvia was left untouched. Thank goodness. Running faster with this fat-ass in my arms, I managed to scoop Silvia up and carry them both and get inside the tunnel.
Screeches came from behind me; each one made me jump a little as the chill tickled the back of my neck.
The next sound scared me shitless.
The gates closed very violently behind me, so startled I dropped both Dean and Silvia.
Crap! I'm so clumsy!
I growled at myself as I went over to check on Silvia. Pressing a finger to her throat to feel her pulse, I felt nothing.
My jet black colored eyes scanned her face, my heart dropping. "Silvia... No! Wake up!" I shook her.
Dean was badly injured beside me, but it's like all the pain left him when he heard what I shouted.
He pushed me off of her and held her in his arms. "Silvia?..." He whispers softly.
"Sweetie, wake up. It's over, the creatures are gone..." He begged.
No answer.
He looked so broken. "Silvia please, wake up!... You can't just leave me like this!! After all we've been through?! No! I won't let you die!" He's gone hysterical, sobbing into her chest. He was clutching onto her as she was so limp.
My heart ached. No. She's not dead. She can't leave.
"Reamer! Hurry to the operating room! Now!" A male's voice fills the brutal atmosphere as a tall black haired man with a white lab coat comes running our way, helping Dean up.
"Tony, come help!" The man ushers.
How did he know my name?
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