Black Veins
I immediately hiss out in pain as my neck burned.
I elbow him in the face, but he caught it, slamming me into the dumpster. I gasp out in pain. Tears brimmed at my face.
I'm not going to brag about how strong I am and how it didn't affect me because clearly it hurt like hell!
I may be a vampire but that doesn't make me invincible.
I accept that I have weaknesses.
However, I'm not letting this asshole take over me.
My head hung low so my hair blocked my face, my fangs were already out from the pain.
"Killing you would be slow and painful." He says emotionlessly.
He holds me up by my hair, I pretend to be passed out. I let my eyes turn black and I bit at his hand, he spins me around.
I grab him by the head, spinning back aroud and kneeing him right in his sensitive area between his legs, he grabs a fistfull of my hair, slamming the side of my face against the brick wall, he presses it hard and he drags my face against the bricks, having their rough edges slicing the side of my face.
I buck my head back, having him fling me to the ground like I was nothing. Blood spilled down my cheek and burned.
What the hell was on the walls?!
I kick him in the face. He grabs my leg, and with one slow and hard motion I heard a loud snap with my knee. I scream out in pain. I felt my knee out of place under my skin.
"Dare you to kick me now."
"Go to hell." I hiss.
"Been there done that." He says.
He lets my leg go and he has a bottle of something clear and a match.
He kept a cold stare.
Police sirens begun to run.
"We'll finish this, next time I won't be as merciful."
"When I find you, I will kill you in the most excruciating way possible." He growls before walking off.
I sit up, tears in my eyes.
He's gonna fucking pay. The police drive past the alley I was in. There was another crime scene.
I grab my knee. It's dislocated. I snap it back into place, screaming out in pain as my fangs grew longer. I force myself to stand up.
"Coward!!!" I yell out in pain.
I limp my way down the street, paranoid that the hunter will come and finish the job.
I laid on my bed, my leg healed. Being a vampire had it's advantages. I couldn't help but think about what my dad would do in this situation.
I ran inside the house, I had gotten beaten up by the older kids at school and I was covered in blood.
I swung the door open, my dad had short black hair. He was African American and his beard was never shaved right.
My mom was Mexican, she died when I was about ten years old.
"What happened Amelia?"
I start bawling like a baby, he sighs, he had tattoos over his left arm, he hugs me.
"I got beat up again!" I sobbed. He grunts angrily.
"I'll handle this Amelia...just one question."
I step away, wiping my eyes that were puffy from crying.
"Did you fight back?"
"Yeah dad! I did!"
He wipes my tears.
"That's my girl." He praises, he picks me up, putting me on the countertop and putting ice to my bruised cheek.
He turns around, his back facing me.
"I may not always be here to heal those bruises."
I raise my head.
"But have two choices."
"You can go down swinging...or you can sulk and take the ass beating." He says.
"What's better?"
"Go down fighting." I say meekly.
"Remember what I told you...because I won't always be here to remind you."
"I'll have a word with the principal because I won't let my little ankle biter get hurt like that."
I've always remembered that advice. My dad was wise, very intelligent. He had a secret he had kept from me but I guessed that I was too young to know.
It was me, dad, vs the world. He would defend me in a heartbeat if someone even looked at me the wrong way.
He was tall, muscular, he had a replaced hand due to an accident that happened when I was only a baby, he had dark green eyes.
Never drunk, never told me about the dangers of the world....until the day I became a vampire.
Then everything was revealed.
I stand up.
Stand up, you won't get anything done if you laid on your ass and sulk.
He was a tough man...I wish he was here with me now...but I have to be strong for him.
I have to avenge him...avenge us.
And what the B.A. Association has done to the little children....
They don't even turn them to vampires...they slaughter their families...hurt them to the point that they're nearly crippled, to the point that children would beg to become a vampire.
I'm not even worried about regular people turning into vampires. It was just this that had sickened me.
Call me heartless, call me weak, but I don't care. If I were to have it my way, I'd execute every last one of those monsters.
I know my boundaries. I know my limits, I know where I can be wrong.
But this was something totally different.
The door knocks, I get up and walk towards the door, peeping out the door to see Randall.
"Open this damn door!" He barks.
I sigh, I forgot to call this man. He was the only human who knew me, and he also knew what I am.
I open the door, he storms inside.
"Jesus Amelia! Have you been hibernating here?"
"I'm a bloodsucker Randy, I have to."
"Only during the day, your ass ain't slick."
I laugh. I truly care about Randall. He was the only living being I cared about in New York.
He was an old vampire hunter in the 70's, a very skilled one to be precise. He's retired now but he keeps a machete in his bedroom to never forget what he used to do for a living.
I know what you're thinking, why the hell did he let you live?
One, Randy may had been a hunter, but in some way...he knew that I had hated being what I am. After I told him that I had seeked vengeance, he decided to help me out.
As long as I didn't try anything dumb.
Two, Randy didn't find out who I truly was until after we became close friends, when I confessed he nearly cut my head off but I didn't put up a fight.
Randy isn't here for pity, he's here to seek the same vengeance.
For his son, and for the other young victims that had been tortured under the BA association.
"Now see if you had betrayed me I would've sliced your ass in half."
"Sorry Randy...I got busy." I say, trying to remain as vague as possible.
"Don't beat around the bush." He says, glaring at me.
He pulls out a dagger and a whole bunch of syringes.
"We have all day to talk." He says.
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