" You're capable of reverse cursed technique."
You blink at Shoko. She's mentioned reverse cursed technique multiple times, but in all honesty, you still have no idea what it's all about.
" Hueh?"
Shoko shakes her head.
" Reverse cursed technique is the ability to heal yourself, and in some rare cases, others, like me, can heal other people using reverse cursed technique. It's not very common. Most sorcerers can't do that."
Satoru's glaring at you. He's not sure why he's suddenly agitated by the reveal of information. He couldn't possibly been jealous that you seem to be able to do something subconsciously he has been training his whole life for, right?
" It's starting to sound like she's joining the two of us, Satoru."
Suguru's words makes Satoru's eye twitch.
No. Just no. There's no way that he and Suguru had to at least work years before even being taken serious, before being called the strongest. He doesn't want you to join that rank within a few days.
" Tch. She just got lucky."
Suguru sighs softly, shaking his head. He should've expected the reaction.
You raise a brow, grinning at him.
" Scared that I'll be knocking you off your throne, 'strongest'?"
He scoffs, grinning back as he leaves the room.
" You wish."
2 months later
" I'm here to save you, Utahime."
You glance at the poor girl under the rubble, watching in mild interest as she struggles to free herself while arguing with Gojo. You shift the lollipop in your mouth, turning to Shoko.
" So, does he have a crush on her or...?"
" No. He just likes to bully her cause' she's weaker than him."
You hum.
She faces you sideways with a grin.
" Why, you jealous?"
You snort.
" If it was Suguru, maybe. But Gojo? Nah.- Who's that?"
Shoko blinks at you, amused, as she puts a cigarette stick in her mouth.
" Geto? I didn't know you had a crush on him. And that's Mei Mei."
You shake your head as you continue to walk.
" I'm not good with feelings. I don't do crushes.... He's interesting though."
Shoko hums, smiling as the man in question enters the scene, casually approaching the four students as his curse attacks the curse that would nearly have killed the girl named Utahime.
" Satoru, it's not nice to pick on the weak."
" What kind of idiot picks on the strong?"
" You're the one who's fanning the flame like it comes naturally, Geto."
You watch them bicker, amused as you suck on your lolly pop.
" We should check up on Utahime. It's sad they're bullying her like this."
Shoko muses, before walking a tad bit ahead of you as she approaches the group, stopping a few paces beside Gojo.
" Utahime!, are you okay?-"
" Shoko!-"
You've never seen anyone approach anyone else quite as quick as Utahime approaching Shoko, seemingly glad she's here.
" -I was worried about you. We hadn't heard from you for two whole days."
" Shokoo!"
Utahime throws herself on Shoko by the time you've approached the group.
" Shoko! Don't let yourself turn out like those two!- Oh, are you the exchange student I heard about?"
Utahime has pulled away a bit from Shoko to glance over at you, her behavior shifting to something more friendly.
You smile, your demeanor as laid back as ever as you take the lollipop out of your mouth, oblivious to the way Suguru's eyes follow the movement of your lips as you do so.
" Yes. I'm L/N Y/N, nice to meet you."
You bow your head, greeting her somewhat formally. She grins, unwrapping one arm from Shoko to wrap it around you instead. Your eyes widen, surprise evident on your features as you grow slightly uncomfortable.
" Oh thank goodness! You're not like those two! Please don't ever turn out like that either."
Shoko smiles from beside her.
" Don't worry Utahime, we won't turn into trash like them."
You smile at Utahime as you peel her arm off you, creating space as you take a step away from her, popping your lollipop back into your mouth.
Meanwhile, the Trash (Satoru) is calling out to his one and only (Suguru).
" The path Utahime is walking on is falling apart!"
Suguru is vibing, seemingly enjoying life as he waddles along the path he's walking on.
" Shut up!"
You blink at the conversation that follows. Apparently, Utahime and Mei Mei had been on this mission for two days, and Mei Mei was looking forward to getting paid extra. ( You didn't know the world of Jujutsu worked that way?) Meanwhile Suguru is casually waddling up beside you into the conversation.
" -That aside, what about the veil, you four?"
Mei Mei is smiling, Utahime looks concerned, while your classmates look sheepish.
" I don't know how to do a veil yet."
Mei Mei blinks at you.
" One of you four said they would cast the veil themselves and left your assistant supervisor behind, didn't you? And then forgot about the veil. Who did it?"
Everyone looks sheepish. You're just blinking, not sure if you should rat Satoru out. Suguru and Shoko don't hesitate, both their fingers pointed towards him, which causes you to blink again.
You're not very familiar with having friends yet, admittedly.
Satoru raises his hand.
" Sensei! Why don't we stop this hunt for the culprit?!"
" So it was you, Satoru."
He receives a good punch.
You snort.
" Is a veil even necessary? Does it even matter if the normies see us? It's not like they can see curses or cursed techniques anyway."
You and your classmates are in the basketball court of the school. You and Shoko are seated on the floor, while the other two are messing around with a basketball.
You're leaning your head on your hand, which is propped up on your folded legs. Perks of wearing pants instead of a skirt, by your own request. You're switching glances between Shoko, who looks stupid as she looks around in his glasses, and Satoru, who's speaking.
" How do I look?"
Shoko looks absolutely ridiculous, her mouth formed in an 'o' shape while her eyes are hidden by Satoru's glasses as she looks around her.
" Pretty stupid. But not ugly. Cute, in a way, I guess."
You shrug, shifting so your arms lean behind you.
" Of course it matters. The primary factor preventing an outbreak of curses is the citizens'peace of mind.-"
Shoko pouts at you.
" They're about to fight."
She informs you as she gets up, returning the glasses to Satoru and placing them on his head.
" -That's why we have to conceal the threats they can't see as far as possible. And that's not all-"
" -Yeah, I get it, I get it."
Satoru takes the ball from Suguru, cutting him off and dribbling to the basket, scoring a point.
" Looking out for the weak is a pain in the ass, honestly. Don't you think so, Y/N? For you especially, considering your cursed technique."
You shrug, unfolding your legs as you stretch them in front of you.
" It's whatever in my opinion. I don't really care."
" Survival of the weakest. That's the ideal form society should take. Help the weak and keep the strong in check. Listen to me, Satoru, Y/N. Jujutsu sorcerers exist to protect nonsorcerers."
You blink lazily. Was this really where this conversation was headed to?
" look at you, acting all righteous. I hate that stuff."
" What?"
Suguru glances sharply at Satoru, whilst the ball, which had just missed the goal, rolls towards Satoru.
" Assigning responsibilities to the strong in the name of some cause is what weak people do."
He throws the ball. You're not surprised he scores a point yet again.
" Get off your high horse and quit spouting that feel good bullshit. Bleuugh."
Just to add to his dramatics, he makes a throwing up motion.
You raise a brow, gaining interest. Were they really about to fight? You want to see that happen.
" I'm outta here."
You glance at Shoko as she sprints away.
" Why don't we take this outside, Satoru?"
Behind Suguru, his realm of curses opens up.
" You feeling lonely? Go by yourself."
Satoru's glancing at him, lowering his glasses and staring at him sensually.
Suguru glances to the side, noting your amused face.
" Fancy taking a side, Y/N? "
You grin, getting up and walking over, beginning to peel away your bandages,
" Not necessarily. I'm game for a good fight though."
Just as the three of you are staring each other down, the sliding door slides open.
Simultaneously, Satoru and Suguru both start stretching, while you turn to glance at who just came in, one of your hands still on the edge of the bandage.
Yaga doesn't seem all too surprised as he catches the three of you staring each other down for a second.
" How long are you going to keep fooling around? And where's Shoko?"
" Who knows"
" Maybe the bathroom?"
Both are blinking innocently, while you blink blankly at your teacher. He huffs at all three of you.
" Whatever. I'm going to have the two of you on a mission."
You glance at your classmates.
Both huff, leaning away from one another.
" What's with the faces?"
They answer in unision.
" Nothing."
Yaga chooses not to react further than that, now glancing at you.
" L/N, report to Watanabe sensei, he has a mission for you."
Both Satoru and Suguru glance at one another.
" Are you sending her alone?"
" It's not my choice. The higher ups have decided she can handle missions alone, seeing as she's handled First grade curses by herself already in Fukuoka."
Satoru glances at you.
" Was that huge crab the only Shikigami you can summon?"
You shake your head,
" No."
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