Chapter Nineteen: Alone
"Raven?" I hear Shade ask and tear my eyes away from the frozen lake.
"Hm?" I gesture with my head for her to continue. She takes a deep breath before replying.
"You probably already know... about that day," she says shyly and I slowly nod. I know exactly what day she is talking about, she's talking about the day I almost killed her.
It is night, with just a crescent moon overhead. Flames illuminated the darkness, casting ghostly shadows across the forest.
My eyes scan across the line of trees, searching for any remaining life. My ears catch rustling in the nearby house, belonging to the High Ranked Wolves.
I jump down from my tree, completely silent. The only sound in the forest was the crackling of the flames and the rustling of the wind.
I creep through the forest and smile at the door left ajar. I slip through the opening and smell the air. Fear fills my senses and I follow it through the house until I reach the living room. I see two silhouettes, one male and one female.
I sneak up behind the male, who can't be much older than a teenager, and slowly slide my dagger out of it sheath on my thigh. In less than a second, I have one arm wrapped around his neck and my dagger under his ribs. He gasps, blood filling his mouth.
The girl next to him screams and stares with fear-filled eyes. I drop the boy to the floor and watch his body convulse as blood slowly fills his lungs. The red liquid drips down his lips, and makes small streams of crimson down to his chin.
I look at the frightened face of the girl and grin. Her eyes widen at the sight of me and recognition passes across her face.
"Raven?" she whispers in disbelief, and I feel a sharp pain in my head. I clench my jaw tightly against it and focus on the girl again.
"Why are you doing this? You would never hurt me, right?" she whimpers as I stalk closer to her. I hear exactly what she is saying, but the meaning of them doesn't make any sense.
"You promised you would never hurt me," she mutters, tears streaming down her face, leaving streaks through the ash that covers her skin.
Her back hits the wall and I keep moving closer to her. I lift my blade, the shine of silver obscured by red blood.
She whimpers once more before I plunge my dagger into her neck.
"Yeah. Ira made it obvious that I was the one who gave you that scar," I mutter, standing up and staring into the forest. I almost want to get rid of the dagger I used, but keep holding onto it, promising that I will use it to kill Blake. I realize that I have shifted and guess it was from all of the emotions from my flashback.
"I just want you to know that I forgive you . . . and that you don't have to feel bad or say sorry. I know what the Hunters did to you," she says carefully. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to hold back the emotions that are threatening to show. But you don't actually know, Ira growls and I know she is right.
I never told anybody what they did to me, not even Shade. After seeing my mother and realizing that she has been alive this whole time, I started to get my memories back. The same memories that the Hunters stole from me.
I remembered my mother, Shade, my Aunt Lily. I remembered everything the Hunters did to me, everything that I did to other people. I remembered all of it, and I wish I could forget it all again.
"I think . . . that I should go," I hear Shade whisper quietly and my head snaps towards her.
"I need to get back to my mate, and this pack, well, they have you. They don't need me," she mutters and I sigh. I walk towards her and feel my shoulders sag a little.
"I promised your mate that when you came here, I'd look after you, protect you. And if that means you going back, then I'll let you go," I say slowly, and she gets down on her knees, hesitantly putting her arms around my neck.
"I'll come back to visit, I promise," she tells me and I laugh.
"Damn right you're coming to visit. So help me I'll drag your sorry ass back here," I say, trying to lighten the moment.
"I'm . . . going to go back," she says and stands up. I watch her walk away into the forest and my legs give out.
I collapse onto the snowy grass and lay my head down on my paws.
This is really going to cause a problem, I didn't just bring Shade here to protect her, I also brought her here to protect me, I think.
You just need to find somebody else that can help you control your rage, Ira tells me.
I'm surprised you're being helpful, after all it would mean you having less control, I say.
I'd like to see them try. I'm more powerful than any Lycan or wolf that will come across us, she snorts.
I roll my eyes at her and stand back up. I stalk through the forest and return back to my house. I shift in my bedroom and put on a sports bra and shorts.
I walk next door to Shade's bedroom and lean against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest. She is packing all of her things, and looks nervous under my emotionless gaze.
I watch her pack all of her clothes into a suitcase and then look at me sadly.
"Yeah?" She asks, standing up to get her M16 off the wall.
"Nothing I guess . . . " I shrug, not entirely sure how to explain my presence. She nods and sits down on her bed. She grabs her brush and pats the sheets in front of her. I smile and sit down in front of her.
She starts to hum a melody that I remember our mothers would sing if we were sick or wouldn't sleep. I smile softly at the warm memory and allow Shade to brush my hair before pulling it into a braided bun.
I hear her fiddle with something before I feel a necklace being placed around my neck.
"I'm going to miss you," she whispers, resting her forehead on my neck. I nod and play with the pendant on the necklace. I can see through the mirror that it made of a black stone with a wolf carving. Inside the wolf was Latin writing, I guessed it was made of real silver to make it difficult to steal.
The writing described the stone's significance to the Shattered pack, Shade's pack. It must be a family heirloom of some kind.
"I'm sure Camryn, Aiden, and Rosa will be wanting to go back with you . . . " I mumble, my voice trailing off. She shakes her head and I turn towards her.
"Camryn and Aiden are having a pup and they have established a living here. Aiden has the best training available to them right here. Rosa promised to train Hailey to be a doctor, and she is a wolf of her word. They won't come back with me," she tells me with a sigh. I suddenly remember my conversation with Blackthorn several days ago and worry crosses my face.
"What's wrong?"
"While you where in the coma, Blackthorn called me. After I told him things here were fine, he informed me that all the Alphas from around the globe are meeting up soon," I say and Shade's eyebrow shoots up.
"But we weren't invited . . . " she mutters and I nod.
"Because the meeting is about me. They are going to try and kill me," I sigh, making Shade's eyes widen and she shakes her head in disbelief.
"W-What?" she stammers and I growl in annoyance. She shouldn't be surprised, everybody wants to kill us, Ira snorts.
No, everybody wants you dead, I roll my eyes at her.
People were trying to kill you long before I came along, she says and I sigh, knowing she won this fight.
"Wait, I have an idea!" I say, a sly smile crossing my face.
"Now I am even more worried than before," Shade chuckles.
"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes and shove Shade off the bed.
"Maybe you go to the meeting with Blackthorn. Afterwards, you can tell me what they are planning," I say, my voice trailing off as a whisper when I suddenly hear something. I tilt my head and try to find the source of the beeping sound.
I slide off the bed and walk over to the closet.
"Dammit, that noise is everywhere..." I mutter quietly, so only Shade could hear. My eyes widen when I realize what the noise is and slowly back up until I am beside Shade's bedside table. I slide open the drawer and reach down, my hand searching the wooden box.
"What are you-" Shade asks standing up, but is cut off when I throw a knife at the wall, barely missing her head. I hear sparking and wires shorting out, the beeping sound gets really loud before shutting off completely. I internally groan when I see a small flash before the thing sparks out.
"It made a final transmission before shutting off," I state, walking over to the wall. I take the knife and slice open the black drywall until a small security camera falls onto the floor.
"How the hell did that get there?" Shade yells, taking a step back.
"I don't know, but it looks like it has been here since the house was built, but not when it was originally built, after we repaired it..." I say, picking up the camera and crushing it in my hand. Blood springs up from my palm but the wound heals in seconds.
"H-Has it been watching my every move?" Shade shrieks, her voice full of embarrassment.
"By the looks of things, yes. I'll have Jace look into it," I sigh and she nods. We have a traitor in the pack, Ira says, voicing my thoughts. That wolf is going to die a very painful death, I growl and she agrees.
"The plane leaves in three hours, get ready," I tell her, my voice completely void of any emotion, before stalking from the room.
I watch as Shade puts her bags onto the plane before walking back out. I keep my hands behind my back, a flash of pain crossing my face before I swallow all of my emotions.
"Thank you for having me, Alpha Silver. I hope our paths cross again," she says formally and I nod respectfully. She stands just a few feet from me, her stance mimicking mine.
"I do as well, Luna Shadow," I reply, using her official title. I hear footsteps approaching behind me, I smell the air quickly and realize it is Camryn and Aiden.
"What the fuck is happening?" Camryn yells, breathing heavily from the exertion. Her pup was making exercise more difficult everyday.
"I'm leaving. I'm going back to the Shattered Pack," she says, dropping her stance to support Camryn. I watch as Aiden's mouth drops open and he stares at Shade.
"Don't you dare say you are coming back with me," she scolds sharply, "you are about to start a family and a life here. Don't throw that away just because I'm leaving. Aiden, you'll finally have the training to be able to protect your pup and Camryn. Camryn, you'll be able to raise your pup somewhere safe." I see Shade's eyes dart over to mine, but I keep my face as still and cold as stone.
" won't be here..." Camryn mutters, looking down at the ground. I watch as her neck tilts ever so slightly to the side, Shade and I's power making her and Aiden's wolves want to submit.
"I'll come visit, I promise." Shade hugs Camryn carefully, but it still looks a little awkward because of Camryn's swollen belly. She hugs Aiden as well before giving me a slow nod.
"Take care of them, Rosa too, they will need it if a war with every pack in the world begins," she says once Camryn and Aiden walk away.
"The wolves are coming Raven, I might not make it out of the meeting either, not if they figure out that I'm your cousin," she says and I swallow hard at the thought of them using Shade to hurt me.
"I know," I force out.
"Good. But if I don't make it out, don't you dare come looking for me, assume I'm dead. Worry about your pack and prepare for the worst. See if Rosa would be willing to train in combat again, you'll need a fighter like her," Shade says.
"I will. Now get going before it's too late," I tell her. She holds out her hand and I take it before I am pulled into a hug.
I give her a firm nod and a sad smile before she steps back onto the jet. I watch as it takes off and vanishes into the distance.
Now, let's see who in the pack is a traitor, I think, turning back towards the forest.
Then kill him? Ira suggests hopefully, making me snarl viciously.
No, I'm going to torture the living hell out of him first.
Uh-oh....... Who do you guys think the traitor is?
I'll give you a hint, this Lycan has been mentioned in this book, comment your guesses. As soon as somebody gets it right, I will update.
Go check out SunFireStar's book 'Dare To Kill' if you want to read my stories from Shade's POV. You will be able to find out what happens while she is back at her pack, and later at the meeting. SunFireStar is an amazing writer, I love reading her stories and writing with her, go check out her stories!!
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