Chapter Fourteen: Weak
"Stop! You son of a bitch! You are going to tell me what you did to me? Where is my Lycan you bastard!" I yell. Loke smirks and continues to ignore me.
I yank against the men that were restraining my arms. When he still refuses to answer my question, I kick my leg up next to me, so that it hits the blonde man in the face. He grunts and releases my arm to hold his bloody nose.
I use my free arm to punch the other in the face as well. He bends over holding his face with a hiss of pain. I grab his shoulders and slam my knee against his face again. I hear a sickening crack and notice that something broke.
I see the blonde come back and I hit him with my elbow, making him stagger back. I deliver a spinning roundhouse kick to his head and he falls to the ground unconscious. The black-haired man starts to stand up, his face bashed in horribly.
I grab him by his neck and slam him against the stone wall, filling the cave with a loud cracking noise. His lifeless body slumps to the ground, leaving a smear of red on the stone behind him. Breathing heavily, I turn back to Loke.
He is still writing at his makeshift desk, not even sparing me a glance. I make a frustrated noise and hit him in the back of the head with my palm. He growls and turns around with a pissed off look. I take a step back in surprise and watch him cautiously.
"You little bitch! Leave me the fuck alone before I lock you to the wall again," he snarls.
"What did you do to me? Where is my Lycan?" I demand, arms crossed defiantly over my chest.
"We separated her from you after injecting you with an extremely strong drug. It was strong enough to weaken your Lycan and knock you out completely. After that it wasn't too hard to get rid of her, much the same way you would get rid of a wolf if you wanted to become a human," he sneers at me and glare at him.
"I want to kill you so bad, but I want to watch you rot in my prison so much more," I tell him. The smirk on his face slowly disappears as I continue.
"I want to see you tortured until you beg for death, and I want to be the one to do the honors," I spit. The back of his hand comes up and connects with my face making me gasp.
I bite my cheek and feel the skin break near my eye. With a small wince I lift my hand up to cover my face. Blood fills my mouth and I can already feel my cheek starting to swell.
"Behave yourself and let me be, if you don't well let's just say there will be more where that came from," he growls, gesturing to my face. As he turns around, I can't help but stick my tongue out at him. He sits back down at his desk and I turn away, a tear rolling down my cheek.
I swipe it away quickly and go to walk out of the cave. I found out that there are dozens of these little caves connected by a maze of tunnels. As I walk into the tunnel, movement catches my eye. I see the blonde haired man starting to wake up and wrap my hands around his head.
In one quick jerk I snap his neck and smile in satisfaction.
Evidently, I can still kill and fight pretty well, I think with a sad sigh at the remembrance of Ira. I miss her sarcastic retorts and smart ass comments. I miss her viciousness, and her power that, now I see, I had taken for granted.
I trudge through the tunnels with a weariness that will never go away. I find myself in another cave that is filled with Loke's men who sit at tables eating and drinking. They all stare at me with mixed emotions.
"Loke said I may go to the entrance to get some fresh air," I lie easily. A few of them shrug and stand up. They walk up and escort me through the maze of tunnels with ease.
"How long have you guys been down here?" I ask in shock.
"A couple weeks maybe?" One answers, earning a jab in the ribs from another.
"What?" he hisses with scrunched eyebrows.
"Shut up! Don't talk to her, she is just using you for information," the other whispers back. I inwardly smirk at their stupidity.
"Well who is she going to tell? She is basically a human now, its not like she can escape very easily," he snorts and I tilt my head from side to side, contemplating his theory.
"Fine, whatever," he mutters and I smile to myself. As we walk to the last portion of the cave, the cold hits me like a wave. I start shivering and wrap my arms around myself.
A blanket is suddenly thrown around my shoulders, and I look back to see the same man that had spoken to me before. I mutter a thank you before looking out to the white blizzard outside the cave. The snow was swirling and ice had formed along the walls of the caves. I walk forward until I am halfway out the main cave.
I look behind me to see the men all talking, and make a dash for the blizzard. I am hit by a wave of snow at the same time someone grabs my arm. I see one of the men and yank my arm down, bringing up my knee to connect with his face. He groans in pain and falls into the snow.
I try to run, but I can't see anything in the blizzard and end up back in the cave. Arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I groan in frustration and throw my head back. The back of my skull connects with the side of the man's head and he drops me harshly.
I land awkwardly on my knee and bite my lip to stop a cry of pain. One of the men shifts into his wolf and leaps at me. I panic and try to run but he lands on my back.
I hit the stone floor with a thud and the breath leaves my lungs. I gasp for air and kick at the wolf. My booted foot hits his muzzle making him growl angrily.
Shit, now I have an angry wolf to deal with, I think mentally face palming myself. I am snapped out of my thoughts when I feel claws tear into my stomach. I scream in pain and put my hands over my bleeding stomach.
I see the red liquid flow through my fingers and press to try to stop it. My attempts are useless and the blood keeps flowing, soaking my shirt and forming a pool on the ground.
"Damn it Lance why did you do that? She can't heal anymore, you dumb ass!" The nice man from before shouts. The wolf growls and stalks off, and I sigh in relief.
I cough and feel blood well up in my mouth. I cough again, but more violently, and blood dribbles down the corner of my mouth. As I try to suck in a breath, the red liquid goes with it making me gasp for air.
The man from before slides his arms under my knees and my back. He lifts me up bridal style and I cry out when pain shoots through my knee and stomach at the same time. I look at my leg and see that it is twisted the wrong way at my knee.
My arms wrap around my burning gash, and I watch as a thin trail of blood forms as the man carries me deeper into the cave. My head starts spinning and my vision gets blurry. I feel my head sway, before I collapse into darkness.
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