“Care to dance?” Galahad leaned in and asked Fira soon after Gwaine had left. “Our dance during Samhain was cut short, remember?”
Fira turned to him and smiled lightly. “But of course. Lead the way, good sir.”
They stood from the table and the three other knights couldn't help but snicker as the two of them made their way to the center of the room. For a few moments they all forgot their argument. It was just the knights, Fira, and the feast.
Gwaine was having a quiet conversation with Lorie as she forced him to dance with her. The faerie woman listened intently.
“Leon, Elyan, Tor, Morholt, my brothers… none of them know who Emrys is,” Gwaine told her softly, twirling her around. “And they can't.”
Lorie frowned. “But why not?” She stepped into him as they continued on.
“Two reasons,” Gwaine replied. “One, it's illegal in Camelot to have magic. You know that.”
Lorie rolled her eyes. “Fira uses it.”
“That's different.” They stepped apart before Gwaine pulled her back in. He whispered in her ear. “Secondly, they'd feel the need to tell the King. Emrys is Merlin, Arthur’s servant. He’d be furious.”
Lorie sighed solemnly. “It isn't fair that Emrys goes on without recognition.”
He frowned at her, thinking about Merlin. “I know, but we can't do anything about it.”
Lorie glared at her lover and then at the floor. She supposed he was right. If Gwaine thought it too dangerous for the Knights to know, she would defer to his judgement.
Leon, sitting at the table and watching the two couples sighed. With a shake of his head and took a sip of wine absentmindedly. Soon enough he was interrupted by King Roland.
“Sir Leon, is it not?” The King sat opposite him.
The Knight stood and bowed before the king. Roland nodded, accepting the knight’s gesture before having the Knight sit back down.
“While the others feast and are merry, I'm afraid we should talk of other matters.” King Roland sighed. “The Menace is spreading across our land, murdering my people and slaughtering the livestock.”
“They are all over Britannia.” Leon took another sip of wine. “We came across them even in Camelot.”
King Roland nodded to him. “I fear even with all the magic my people have, it will not be enough to combat the true enemy.”
“How do we come in, Sire?” Leon put down his cup.
“You're companion, the Lady Nyx-”
Leon corrected him. “Fira, Sire.”
“Fira.” Roland nodded. “She may be the key to this. There are druids in my land, many druids. The tales they weave are on every tongue in Somerset. We know of her power.”
“Indeed, she has done much for us.” Leon looked over at the girl in question. “She has a good heart.”
“Lady Lorie came to us many days ago and told us of your impending arrival.” Roland leaned back in his chair with a sigh. “She is powerful too. A full blooded fay, they say, gifted in foresight.” He glanced behind at Lorie and Gwaine. “What of her lover, the Knight who travels with you?”
Leon considered this. What of Gwaine? He was disrespectful of authority, dangerous to any that crossed him, full of secrets evidently… but he was also like a brother to Leon. An annoying, sometimes drunk brother, but a brother nonetheless.
“He's a good man,” Leon said quickly. “A stout warrior, and a friend to all. What of him?”
Roland narrowed his eyes, trying to read through Leon’s thoughts. Eventually he nodded in satisfaction. “Very good then. I remember him a little from when he used to live in Somerset. News traveled fast about the Maiden’s Knight.”
Leon’s ears pricked up at that name. “Why do you call him that?”
“He wasn't a knight of course,” King Roland told him. “He acted like one though to any in need. One day he rescued a Lady of the court by fighting through thirty mercenaries who wanted to kidnap her.” Roland took a gulp of wine. “The townsfolk started calling him the Maiden’s Knight whenever he wasn't around. No one dared say it to his face of course.”
Leon leaned in. “Why not?”
With a laugh, the King answered him. “He hated nobility. The thought of being a Knight repulsed him according to all sources. I tried giving him a position in my ranks but he refused, saying he worked best on his own.”
Leon snorted. Now that was the Gwaine he knew. But the man had ironed out his flaws for the most part and now was among the most loyal of Arthur’s ranks.
King Roland leaned closer to Leon. “Beware the Emerald Lady.”
“Who is she?” Leon asked quietly as he put the wine goblet to his lips. “Who is this woman?”
“A powerful sorceress who is said to work with Le Fay.” Roland lowered his voice. “My sources say she works out of the Isle of Adney. But we do not know how to stop her. She has a warrior, a champion, and leader of unimaginable power.”
“Called the Green Knight,” Leon finished for him.
Roland nodded. “He's a giant of a man, if man he is. His horse, his armor, his skin, green.”
“When does he show himself?” Leon asked. “Surely we should take the fight to him.”
Fear flew into the King’s eyes. “Few have laid eyes on him.” Roland shivered. “For this we are grateful. He strikes fear into the hearts of men.”
“Nevertheless, we must find him.” Leon sighed.
Roland closed his eyes. “He will find you. He always does.”
On that ominous comment, King Roland stood from his seat and walked away. He returned to his spot beside Morcades. Leon noted that the queen was watching Gwaine and Lorie intently, sipping at her wine every so often. She looked almost annoyed when her husband sat back down next to her and wanted to engage in conversation.
Elyan and Percival joined Leon from where they'd each left him to speak to the King. Percival looked resigned, unwilling to speak for fear of something. Leon wanted to press him for more answers, but didn't have the heart at that moment.
“Starting tomorrow, we take the fight to the mercenaries,” Leon told them. “It's time to act.”
“Agreed,” Elyan said with a nod. “What's the plan.”
“I would split us into groups, but something tells me that isn't a good idea with only one magic user.” Leon sighed.
Percival nodded. “Fira would never allow it.”
“Nevertheless, if the need arises, she better be okay with it. If Lorie can fight, she can go with a second group.” Leon rubbed the back of his neck. “I need to sleep on this.”
By the time the clock struck the next hour, the feast had ended. Lorie and Gwaine had slipped out long before, unbeknownst to the others. Leon shook his head in annoyance.
“Let him have a bit of fun,” Galahad smirked as he bid his commander goodnight outside their quarters.
Leon rolled his eyes and didn't answer. Elyan and Percival had already gone to bed, but the Knight was surprised to find Fira still awake, staring off into the night.
“You should sleep,” Leon told her. “We start looking for the Green Knight tomorrow.”
Fira didn't respond right away. Her mind was wrestling with the prophecy. Finally she spoke. “Why do I feel that he will find us?”
Leon stopped. “The King seemed convinced of that.”
Fira turned to him, dragging her gaze from the window. “We need to be ready. We have to stand. Together.”
“Of course,” Leon agreed. “But it is hard to trust those who keep secrets as big as the identity of the sorcerer Emrys.”
“You trust me with it.” Fira folded her arms and leaned against the cold stone wall.
Leon nodded. “Yet evidently others have been told.”
Fira gave a short laugh. “No, Sir. They figured it out themselves.”
“Hm.” Leon shook his head. “I was not the first to trust you, Fira. Though I bet you knew that already.”
Fira gave a small half smile. “Indeed. Gwaine and Merlin were the only ones to trust me immediately.” She sighed. “I do not blame you, or Elyan, or King Arthur. None of you know many good experiences with magic.”
“And this is why you will not tell us who Emrys is, then?” Leon ran his hand through his curly hair. “I fear keeping this secret will do more harm than good.”
Fira lowered her eyes. She understood where Leon was coming from. Truth be told, she wanted to let this Knight know that it was Merlin. She agreed with him. Secrets were dangerous. But she couldn't betray Merlin, not without just cause.
“Good night, Sir Leon,” she said sadly. “Do not judge the others too hard for the secret. It is I who should reveal the identity, should the need arise. They are protecting the secret because they have been asked by me. I protect it out of duty.”
Leon breathed in deeply and nodded. “I may not have trusted you when we first found you, Fira. But I do trust you now.”
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