The Women
In the morning, Fira was woken by a knock on her door. She sat up in bed, wondering who it was. By the light streaming in, it couldn't have been too late in the morning yet.
“Come in,” she said with a yawn.
To Fira’s surprise it was Leon. She situated herself more upright and cast him a questioning look.
“Breakfast is ready.” He nodded at her. “Also, found this for you.” Leon tossed a shirt of chainmail at Fira’s bed. “Please, wear it.”
She sighed. “Leon, I can protect myself.”
“Humor me.” He shook his head. “Morgana used to wear one like it. It'll at least protect the vital organs.”
“Oh very well,” Fira agreed with a small smile. “Quit worrying, would you. Nothing is going to go wrong.”
Leon rolled his eyes. “When has anything ever gone as planned?”
“Point taken.” Fira rolled out of bed in her night gown. “If you'd leave someone to show me to breakfast, I'd be grateful.”
“Of course.” Leon left her to change.
Fira pulled on an undershirt before slipping on the chainmail. A large, dark green belt held it against her waist. For pants she chose her black leggings and attached her druid dagger and small sword to the belt. She pulled her black boots on last, and let her brown hair fall about her chest loosely.
With a confident stride, she left her bedroom and walked out into the hallway. There she found, to her immense surprise, Gwaine and Lorie.
“You two didn't have to wait,” Fira objected.
“This guy was late getting up anyways,” Lorie assured her.
Gwaine flashed a rogue smile and leaned into her. “You know you like it that way.”
Lorie pushed his face away with her infectious laugh. “Not now.”
“Come on, I'm starving.” Fira laughed along with Lorie.
Gwaine’s entire body seemed to perk up at the mention of food. “Me too!”
“Gwaine, you're always starving,” Fira replied as they walked through the corridors down to where they’d talked with Morcades the night before.
He pouted. “I am not!”
Lorie patted him on the chest as they walked, chuckling to herself. “Yes, my love. You are.”
“Ganging up on me is not cool.” He turned and walked backwards, facing the two ladies. “Just because I'm a handsome, noble knight who must expend energy to put up with you two damsels in distress, and therefore needs food, doesn't mean I'm-”
“Gwaine.” Fira rolled her eyes. “Really? Damsels in distress?”
“You do realize we could both kill you with a flicker of gold,” Lorie added.
He flashed a famous rogue smile. “I'm much too quick for that!”
He wasn't sure which of them, the druid girl or the faerie princess, used magic first, but before he knew it he found himself pushed to the ground.
Scrambling to his feet, Gwaine dropped his smile. He turned and ran down the hall, ducking inside the room they were heading towards.
Elyan yelped as he crashed into him. “What is wrong with you, Gwaine!”
Gwaine straightened up before backing away and hiding behind Percival. “They're trying to kill me.”
“Who?” Leon looked at him in confusion as he sipped at his drink, utterly unconcerned.
“The women.”
At that moment, Lorie flung the door open with golden eyes. She stalked inside followed closely by Fira. Leon was just glad she wore the chainmail shirt, but Gwaine looked, if he didn't know better, terrified.
“Sir Gwaine, slain by a faerie princess.” Lorie smiled, her lilting voice carrying across the room with power, though her tone was light. “How does that sound?”
“At least we’d have some fun before hand.” Gwaine winked at her and ducked as a knife flew at his head. A napkin flew and encircled his hands. “Oh come now, Lorie. We usually wait till after bedtime to start playing this game.”
Everyone froze before Fira started dying of laughter. She ended up falling to her knees in convulsions at the completely unphased look on Lorie’s face compared to the others’ more shocked expressions.
Lorie quickly countered him. “Usually you're more compliant than this. Often on your knees.”
“Okay, okay,” Gwaine chuckled as he looked at Fira who now was on her back laughing in the doorway. “I fear we might kill the sorceress we’re all so fond of if we don't stop.”
Lorie looked behind her at Fira and shook her head in amusement. Percival had gotten up from the table, and was now staring down at the girl.
“You alright down there?” He cocked his head.
“Yeah I'm good.” She waved him away. “Just leave me here. I'm fine.”
Percival rolled his eyes with a laugh and reached down to help her up. She took his hand gratefully and he hoisted her to her feet.
“Eat.” Leon smiled at them and shook his head. “We need to start soon.”
Truthfully he had enjoyed the exchange if only for the sole reason being that it signaled the old Gwaine was back. The Gwaine who laughed and joked and didn't drink to drown his anger, the Gwaine who was their brother, had returned. Leon made a mental note to thank the Lady Lorie for that later.
The company dug into the meal. In truth, they were all quite hungry even after the massive feast the night before. As they ate, Leon explained the plan. Gareth and Gaheris, who were nowhere to be seen, would not be joining them as Morcades requested a day with her two younger sons. Tor and Morholt would meet up with them at the city gates.
“They spent last night gathering intel on the mercenaries while we feasted.” Leon continued to detail the plan. “They will have chosen a spot by now for us to begin. From there, we cover as much ground as possible. We need to find the Green Knight.”
“There is another feast in two days, good sir,” Lorie reminded them. “It is one that should not be missed, for it would insult the royals.”
“The Winter Solstice,” Leon rubbed his forehead as remember that. “We will be here.”
“Can't keep the crown prince from his people too long,” Elyan joked.
Gwaine’s demeanor instantly changed to one of anger. “No.”
Lorie sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. She pecked him on the cheek. “Don't forget, Sir Gwaine, that once you give me that ring, you're a prince of the Otherworld too. Don't hate us royals so much.”
Gwaine rolled his eyes but took Lorie’s hand. He said nothing in response but looked at her in admiration.
“If everyone is finished?” Leon looked around at the lack of food. “It's time we got going.”
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